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Everything posted by Unclejosh

  1. Also interesting is that Jenna was kicked out for not completing some sort of challenge not elimination. Wonder if it is food related? Considering the amount of money these Vets get in some cases, sometimes just going is good enough. I have heard rumors going back years that people like Johnny, Wes, CT, Nany, etc get paid way more than everyone else just for appearing because they have big fan bases or are known to cause drama which is specifically encourage by the producers. A lot of the behavior that many of us hate and rant about is stuff they are doing based on producer direction or suggestion. I know Kenny or Even recently said that Johnny gets more than 60K just for showing up. Nany has said she got a years salary for going in previous years. It isn't like the old days that is for sure. Probably one of the reasons the Win Money has gone down from prior years, because they have to pay so much just to get certain people back on the show. I mean you have to think CT gets at least what Johnny does if not more considering he has a higher Q rating and causes a bigger ratings bump when he is on. I know at one point he got more than Wes and Johnny but that was before Johnny won a few more titles. So right there you have $120K just for 2 people in cast salary. Figure Darrell and Laurel got a big chunk to come back and since Cara Maria and Camila have done so many they must be getting decent money too by now and you have just with the returning champions alone cast salary probably over or close to the total win prize. Much easier to offer 500K in prize money when you are paying the cast $1,500 a week like they used to. Dunbar specifically came back on his last challenge with the complete intention of leaving the first week because as a vet he got paid a big amount of money. Who wouldnt take a trip for a week in some foreign locale and earn tens of thousands of dollars without having to really compete or be driven crazy by living in that house for 6 weeks? Brad will come back now that he is not with Tori anymore I think. Same with Derrick. Funny how as soon as both got separated/divorced they are trying to get back on the challenge.
  2. It is Smashley from Explosion. Discounting how anyone may feel about Chris Tambuerllo personally, has there ever been a better character arc then CT from the Real World to the current challenge? From the first appearance of the cocky Boston Bad boy causing trouble to his amazing athletic prowess right from the start of his appearing on the challenge, to the fairy tale romance, break-up, romance, with Diem, all the fights, getting kicked off multiple shows and almost trying to murder a castmate only to come back in the best challenge moment of all time cementing his status as the most intimidating physical competitor ever on the show, to the kinder gentler wiser veteran begging for forgiviness from the guy he almost tried to kill years before (I mean he forgave Adam for throwing the last challenge in Rivals 1 which cost him going to the finals which they would have won), his caring of Diem when she got sick and being heartbroken when she passed, only to finally "grow up" and is now a father, comes back on the show after a long absence when it was possible he would not come back, only to win it all? I know the above is a big run on sentence, but I cannot think of another reality show character that has reached such highs and lows hitting all emotions and finally achieving redemption after being in such a bad place and finally finding apparent peace and happiness as a father. To win it all now is so much more impressive to me than Bananas 6 wins. Amazing.
  3. I like ET but that may just be her beauty overriding any flaws she may have acting wise. Similar to how some people think Jared Padelecki can act if you read any Supernatural boards. Love the show but he is the worst actor on the cast. Sorry off topic. She does have a default facial expession than I can see people finding annoying. I had the same issue with Victoria Justice on that Eye Candy show. It is like she stares with her mouth open during reaction shots or when not actively speaking. Eliza did to that a few times last night but the pretty just overwhelms it for me anyway. But Clarke is my favorite character on the show regardless of her looks. I am not a fan of Bellamy or the actor at all, I think his acting is so much worse. He couldn't act out the grief when he thought Octavia was dead last week, I actually laughed out loud at the scene he was so unbelievably bad, and this week his so called "relief" she was alive was not nearly as palpable as it should have been.
  4. Maybe her vajajay isn't quite 24K and has some green on it? Although based on her SG pics it looks good.
  5. Well rumor is that Jenna has hooked up with Zach numerous times since the Challenge but both consider themselves single. He must be doing something right as hard as it is to believe.
  6. I want to like Cory because he seems like an ok dude overall and is a good competitor, but the things he says about these women AFTER he bangs them makes it hard. He is all lovely-dovey and nice to them and right after he gets what he wants he finds some minor thing to blow up over and bad mouths them and makes it sound like they are crazy for thinking he actually liked them when he CLEARLY was putting that out there. Really immature and prickish. I hope it is just youth and he grows out of it but probably won't. Based on the way Kailah reacted and her subsequent comments on social media, I think she REALLY liked him in more than just a "challenge bang" type of way but she could just be playing it up.
  7. She said on Twitter that the jar was hers alone and she kept it in her drawer. Nobody else touched it. Her accent is almost rage inducing. I don't mind Ashley's nearly as much. Even Laurel's is more annoying to me.
  8. That was Cory and why she was his rival on Rivals 3. I would be dead if that happened!
  9. I also get the impression that he is way too poor to date her based on her social media and her brief Real World appearance. Zach seem like the type to glom onto a chick and move in with her rather than provide anything of his own. But never know...
  10. She seems like she would bang him maybe but I think she is too savvy to date him.
  11. Thanks for the clarification. Had no idea there were 2 Ashlee/Ashleys. He dated both so easy to confuse.
  12. I guess. I didn't know they were different people. I never watch any of those seasons and just assumed it was the same person. I am pretty sure that Ashlee said he cheated on her though as did Jonna if I am not mistaken. it is also stupid that the underdogs don't have to face a champ in the eliminations. I know Cara Maria was all pissed off about it on twitter. So basically the underdogs only face each other as do the champs. Stupid. What kind of invasion is that?
  13. I am from Massachusetts but do not have much of an accent unless I am tired or drunk and even then it is mild. Not like Good Will Hunting or anything. More like how Matt Damon actually speaks. Nor will I ever been in front of a camera doing foolish things as I don't even like my picture being taken. I have always said if I ever were to be an actor they would have a tough time using old pictures in scenes like they do since there are not many of them at all. What I do with the spoon is between me and the spoon. :-) Just kidding I certainly don't make love to it like Nicole. I get your issue and agree. Cheers!
  14. Dude must be packing serious meat and know how to use it well to get all the extremely attractive women to put up with it. Ashley and Jonna seem to be reasonably intelligent while Jenna bless her sweet dim self should know better but based on her history has a type. She likes guys who treat women like receptacles and with no respect. I mean Jay and Zach despite the physical differences basically act the same way toward women.
  15. Darrell has an impressive win ratio, but he hasn't done anything memorable or impressive to earn those wins that I can recall. He was just a very good steady competitor who was liked enough to not be thrown in much and had the ability to come back if he did but it was never anything impressive. In a pure physical competition I would put him below CT but ahead of Zach and Bananas. As far as the overall game goes, Bananas plays the game better than Darrell despite having a worse ratio. Darrell has been able to skate by due to his likability and has enough athletic rep to not want most people to challenge him. As opposed to CT where people are legit afraid to be in a physical challenge with him. I would be more afraid to fight Darrell for sure though. Dude was in the Golden Gloves and can throw hands. I would fight CT first to be honest. CT has the insane strength and can flip the crazy switch but he doesn't have heavy hands from what I have seen although I have heard stories where he has knocked people out. If Darrell had gotten the shot at Adam that CT landed, Adam would still be sleeping. I believe Zach knocked out Big Easy in a bar with one punch as well. Hell even Bananas messed up some dude in Prague I think and he is a big wussy who was afraid of Wes. By the way I had to literally LOL at Zach saying he is known as the most dominating physical player ever in the Challenge. Please! Biggest whiner and quitter with no heart maybe. The guy lost a hammer hitting contest to a guy with 1 hand who weighed at least 50 lbs less. Come the F on! Big muscles don't mean shit if you ain't got the drive and heart to make full use of them. Aside from a VERY brief head to head type of competition, where he might be impressive, he is way overrated. I would take Derrick K over Zach any day if i were drafting competitors.
  16. Not sure how long, but I believe he moved to Boston specifically to live with her before cheating on her with multiple people and she dumped him I think. Raises hand. I have eaten peanut butter directly out of the jar with a spoon before. I like to think I am adult. I don't run around with it though.
  17. Depends on the other competitors athletic ability. CJ beat Zach in Hall Brawl I believe despite being much smaller. Zach doesn't have the heart to go along with his physical abilities. Pretty sure Abram was able to outwrestle Zach on another physical wrestling challenge. He really is not that impressive if you look closely at his performances overall.
  18. No one can ever forget that moment. It is the single greatest challenge moment in history. And despite JB constantly crying about it and even begging people to stop talking about it on his Hall of Fame special, it will never go away. It is the simultaneously the most humiliating and impressive athletic victory ever to occur in all 30 or so of these challenges. Note to JB: Just because CT's teammate deliberately threw the final challenge to let you get to the finals in Rivals 1 and you had more endurance than a heavier older smoker in another final and somehow did a puzzle quicker to also advance to a final will never erase the fact that CT picked you up like a baby and despite kicking your tiny legs and crying all the way deposited your arrogant ass onto a metal 55 gallon drum and you could literally do nothing about it. Nobody has ever been "cucked" (to use a popular buzzword these days) to that degree on the challenge and likely never will be again.
  19. Agreed. I know Darrell was the all time winning champion until JB passed him and I know he is good, but I honestly cannot recall any specific impressive thing he has done other than knock Brad unconscious. He always seemed to be a very good competitor who flew under the radar a lot and was athletic enough to win finals but I am struggling to think of any specific elimination or challenge where he blew me away. I think Landon, CT, Alton are the best physical competitors in Challenge history. Special Mention to Derrick who despite his size was pretty impressive in many physical challenges/eliminations. Honestly Zach is the guy I would fear the least out of all the champs returning if I were any sort of competitor in this challenge.
  20. It is because while Johnny is the GOAT at the challenge and I don't think it is even debatable as much as I hate him, no one fears him physically or has seen Johnny perform some of the most impressive physical feats on the whole challenge. Pretty much no one including Johnny want to go up against CT in a physical competition. Even Zach who is a physical specimen himself and is bigger than CT is amazed at CT's athleticism and strength. If you go back and watch all the old shows, people who competed with him including some of the best to play the game and win the most were in awe of CT's strength and physical ability. Remember on Rivals 1 when he just picked up that 400 lb statue that it took Kenny, Evan, and Johnny to move like it was nothing? Add in his badass rep and his known penchant for fighting in his younger years (and some of these guys may know of him from the appearance club scene back in the day when he did get into fights and knock people out IRL) and you have a guy that other guys either fear or are in awe of. As the old saying goes, all the guys want to be him, all the girls want to F him. Johnny is like Tom Brady in that he may not have the most physical gifts although he is no slouch but will beat you with drive, intelligence, and plays like a chessmaster, CT is more like Aaron Rodgers who can do things with a football that almost nobody else can physically but often times makes dumb decisions and ends up on the losing side despite being physically superior to the opposition. For the record, I can't stand JB so comparing him to Tom Brady makes me ill but the comparison is apt.
  21. I saw it on twitter but assume MTV posted it originally
  22. I know it doesnt make sense IRL but that is how the premise of the show is able to go on.
  23. I liked the video of TJ seeing the elimination and deciding he had to do it and did a handstand and pushed off while in the handstand. No one can say TJ isnt willing to do what the cast does.
  24. Anika doesn't appear have the charisma, presence, wit, or charm to be the next Rikki Lake never mind Oprah.
  25. I think they said only a percentage of the assets were frozen and they still have multi millions available to them. I don't want to debate the real wold merits of spanking but if any kids in a fictional world ever deserved spankings it is those 3.
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