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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. I agree. I feel like Brett as the kind of girl that pretends she won't put up with anything and then begs the man she just said she wouldn't put up with to stay. I think her desperation and insecurity are written on her face and insecurity isn't sexy. And who knows what she did on that flight to the honeymoon that threw him for a loop. I am picturing massive tears over nothing. She may not be his type, but a lot of men would find her boobs their type. I think it's the personality that's made her not his type. EDIT: Not to mention, If I were her, I would've held off from saying that "you're a great girl, but..." happens to her all too often. She's sending the message that there's something wrong with her and he is just one of many.
  2. Ryan is trying to be as kind as he can. I think it's less about the physical attraction though and more about how she annoys him. She's not on the screen that much and I find her annoying -- I think she's the type that always wants to talk about feelings to the point she gets the "You're a great girl, but..." It's easier to say "not my type" than "her personality grates." You can become physically attracted to someone after you get to know them, but if the personality is irritating to you, you're not likely to grow with that person. On Zack, if I had COVID-19 and my new bride was pissed b/c I quarantined, then lost her fucking mind when I texted about where I went, I'd be one and done too. He may be emotionally stunted, but her nickname is Hurricane and she's shown that if she is earned her nickname, is still living up to it and therefore, she is not learning. He should be out.
  3. Marylander here too. YES to all that -- add in the left lane hoggers. Also, add in shaking first at West Virginia drivers. Terrible!
  4. Why is Wendy dressed like she's a member of the Bloods in the video shoot?
  5. There's a huge difference between "times of difficulty" and someone "at their lowest" because they were busted ruining the financial lives of multiple victims, all so they could live a deceitful, greedy life. A really good person would not be associated with someone who is a really, really shitty person whose "lowest" point is of their own greedy actions.
  6. I understand not turning a back on a close family member (depending on the severity of the crime), but a friend ripping off the elderly to live a lavish lifestyle? I would have no problem turning my back to that person.
  7. Kyle looked horrendous also in the discussion with Erika scene. I think when these women get there faces filled up, they really need a full face of makeup to make it look good. Its like their eyes are more sunken in b/c of the fillers and their faces look too waxy. They are lucky that Bravo's lighting/filtering is generally good. I watched Bethenny Frankel's HBO reality show and she looked absolutely horrible in the THs. And probably gives you an idea of what she really looks like if you were to see her in person.
  8. LOL! I mean I hate to trod on stereotypes, but while I suppose he could be bi, it seems unlikely. To me, her comments sounded like a mom who doesn't want to believe that her son is gay. She'll say she supports LBGTQ openly, but she's hoping that her son isn't.
  9. Exactly! I just feel badly that I'm enjoying it so much b/c the Erika storyline was built off the backs of widows and orphans.
  10. Well, if you do a search on Brooks Marks, the world/internet thinks he's "the first openly gay son of a Real Housewive..." and she's responded to posts where the commenter says Brooks is gay w/o disputing it. So it struck me as very odd that her TH seems to think his sexuality is in question and that she hasn't really accepted that her son is gay. That she's leaving wiggle room b/c SHE doesn't want him to be. Otherwise, why wouldn't you just say "she liked posts that were clearly homophobic." Why the need to question mark is sexuality? Anyway, I've read that she is a supporter of LBGQT, so perhaps I am viewing this from the lens of not-Mormon but living in Utah, a state that most would not necessarily consider gay friendly.
  11. Bravo would probably like nothing more than an Erika going to and getting out of jail. I mean, this is a boon to RHOBH. i can't imagine how boring this season would've been if the only real drama was nakedgate.
  12. YES! That's what I don't like about him. I thought he was actually sick when he was in Mad Men.
  13. I saw a mom who spent more time trying to convince people that he's not gay than having any concern about homophobic tweets ("He has never discussed his sexuality with me...) She seemed more concerned about people thinking he was gay than actual gay bashing otherwise.
  14. So what I get out of Meredith's THs, she's praying away the gay and trying to convince herself that Brooke's not gay or that he's just "experimenting." . THAT's what she's upset about.
  15. As a late in life stoner, I'm going with he's doing something more than weed or he's just plain ass weird!
  16. Is Dorit pretending to have designed those dresses? I would hope that a real designer would not need queue cards to help her remember details about them.
  17. When I first started watching the first season with Kelly, I could not stand her. I felt horrible for Bethenny. But after the rewatch, I fell hard for her. She brought so much unintended humor to the show. The time Alex McCord came racing into the room to confront Luann and Kelly was telling her she was inauthentic was absolutely hilarious.
  18. I'm still of the mindset that Sonja's Grey Gardens act is just that -- an act. She's always been a little eccentric, but I think she caught onto the fan reaction of Grey Gardens and thought she'd amp that up and continue to be a RH. I just find her disingenuous, especially the yelling.
  19. I wonder if the reason that most of the cast stayed quiet during Sutton's being threatened is b/c they are afraid being vociferous will only bring attention to their husband's shady dealings. For example, Mauricio and the real estate fraud he's had to settle.
  20. I'm not the only one that saw Kyle's hair don't and could only see this, right?
  21. If she's defending a woman who profited off widows and orphans because Sutton is awkward, that's really petty.
  22. You realize these are filmed far in advance and therefore she would have no idea what fan reaction would be?
  23. Well, I feel justified now in my initial dislike of Crystal. Sutton is the fucking devil in Crystal's mind, but someone who (at best) was the recipient of a glamorous lifestyle on the backs of widows and orphans and has exhibited zero sympathy towards them, is totally okay in her book.
  24. My 19 year old daughter had her lashes done and they looked so much more natural. To me, Myrla's look no different than gluing on cheap lashes from Walmart. Daughter didn't continue to have them done b/c they fall out, require a lot of maintenance. It's easier to just use regular falsies. I think Myrla also has a lot of dermal fillers which are giving her that shiny look. She's a beautiful girl, but I find the lashes don't enhance her natural beauty -- they detract.
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