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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Lu's "Well, even..." line was one of the reasons I will always love Luanne! That was absolutely hilarious!
  2. LOL, but it did make me think yeah, you're right! I was sitting here laughing at how much time I've spent on this damn board today arguing about this! So stupid. Yet fun.
  3. Oh man, I forgot about that. I felt sorry for Teddi. And I didn't like Sutton. (I still don't like her I just also don't like Crystal)
  4. But Sutton's response clearly indicates she didn't think Crystal was referring to the gift. Is it possible Crystal clarifies what she meant by that and we see that next episode? Sure, but at least in the moment, Sutton wasn't reacting to " you're just jealous that we all went in on a gift together" comment. She reacted to a comment that suggested Sutton was jealous of Crystal and her fabulousness.
  5. Because someone telling you that "you're just jealous" usually means "because I'm so fabulous."
  6. If that's what she meant, wouldn't "you're just mad because we went in on a gift and you brought nothing" be more of an apt description? I mean, just a "you're just jealous" makes it sound like the obvious ''of me because I'm so fabulous..."
  7. Ha, I would not use a roller on my face in front of someone I'm arguing with either! As I get older, the more anxious I get. CBD oil is a lifesaver for me! Takes about 20 minutes to kick in, but it works well. (if anyone is interested great CBD oil at https://fernvalleyfarms.com/ and also https://allianthemp.com/ both are fantastic)
  8. Right. The human response is to ask if that person is okay. That may appear to be coddling, or placating. I'm sure if Crystal had walked away and seemed emotional, they would've also rallied to her. That said, I'm with the others that think Sutton needs to drop it since Crystal' did clear up her intentions relaying the story. I'm sure if Violate-gate comes up again, the women will not be as supportive of Sutton and instead they will be like, "get over it already." Sutton seems like a different person than last season to me. It does make me wonder if she's got some mental health issues combined with hormonal issues that's making it hard for her to control her emotions at this moment. This is not me excusing her, I'm just saying that she may be having hormonal issues in addition to anxiety. When I was menopausal, I went from happy go lucky to irrational within seconds. It was so odd to me since I had never been that type of person before!
  9. I enjoyed it because it's only going to make Erika even more bummed about what her life has become (even though the place, in my mind is beautiful). Also, I was about to say on this thread: Sutton, you need to smoke some weed. Then I remembered how often I've been paranoid and anxious on weed (well, if I get too stoned, otherwise it's wonderful).
  10. The dermal roller on her face tells me she might be seeing a therapist -- my daughter therapist told her when she feels anxious to put something cold on her skin. She's definitely coming off as anxious and paranoid, so I hope she gets some help.
  11. I'm going to guess that the women are privy to more than we are and they are seeing things we aren't that make them "flank" to Sutton.
  12. Probably because Crystal's description of the original event prompted the women to all think that Sutton is a perv. Once they found out she's not a perv, hilarity ensues! :)
  13. Have you ever seen a grown woman call another grown woman jealous of her? I haven't! The whole thing was straight out of high school!
  14. Garcelle (a person of color) also challenged Crystal (a person of color) on how she described the incident with Sutton (a white woman).
  15. Just saying when other people's perceptions all run together, it's likely the way Crystal originally described what happened to them. If someone told me they got walked in on accidentally while naked and felt violated, I would think that they were embarrassed. If someone said the person who walked in on them naked was creepy, I would think it's no accident that she walked in on them naked or they lingered way too long in a creepy way. As you noted, she already clarified it and Sutton should move on. Sutton is an irritant and she's clearly got issues. But I still don't like Crystal either and her "you're just jealous" bullshit.
  16. But the cast thought she was inferring something sexually perverse. And that's what Sutton is reacting to. The juxtaposition of those words suggest something worse than walking in on someone.
  17. I'm always amazed at how women will wear the ugliest clothing just because it's a designer brand like Gucci, Versace, etc.
  18. It's that Crystal used the words "violated" and "creepy" multiple times and that gave it a sexual connotation that even the others commented on. That said, I think the real issue was that Sutton knows Crystal hates her and crumbles under the pressure of that and the smug face that Crystal gives. I don't like Sutton, but I don't really like Crystal either. Anyone who throws out "you're just jealous" tells me all I need to know about them.
  19. Agree I love Garcelle. She's entertaining on this show without being obnoxious. I love her laugh and her talking heads. I would love to drink with her and be besties. Filler migration.
  20. LOL, I love how "charming" and "cute" get thrown out to describe Erika's come down place which frankly is a whole lot nicer to me that that monstrosity she just left. And this place has a beautiful pool too? And we are supposed to feel bad for her plight of moving from old, dated huge place to this? On Crystal, any woman whose retort in an argument is "you're just jealous" to me is the bigger asshole. It's about as high school as you can get and I don't see Crystal as being someone to be jealous of, particularly since Sutton seems to be doing well in life in terms of wealth. Sutton's response was high school too, but again, bigger asshole is the woman who thinks she's something to be jealous of. What is to be jealous of exactly? I don't think Crystal is that great looking. Like Erika, it appears that Crystal had to fuck that ugly much older guy to get where she is in life. Sutton at least knew her ex husband since she was 13 and he isn't a billion years older than her so I'm inclined to believe this was someone she actually loved not someone she whose wealth was the reason she married. (I don't believe for one second that Crystal nor Erika would've married their older men if it weren't for the affluent lifestyle they wanted. Crystal better hope their wealth isn't built on a stack of cards as well or she could easily be in Erika's "charming" digs too. I don' t think the Coconut Water business they got into is going to bring her massive wealth).
  21. What's funny to me is I see very little difference in her now than when she first started. She spent a lot of money to look virtually the same. And bland. I don't even think her body is that great.
  22. Totally agree! I'm so tired of divisive politics too. Sonja is the classic example of someone that tells you what they think you want to hear and then says the opposite of what she just said to someone else. I'm really tired of her trashing Ramona, who is supposedly her good friend.
  23. Eboni has got to be a one and done. She's so irritating that I can't even appreciate her incredible boobs. It's to the point that I can't even stand what I said was her perfect broadcaster voice.
  24. I watched the second season she was on first and I didn't like her the second time either! I just get a really inauthentic vibe from her. She did tone her look way down though which was a major improvement!
  25. While I felt bad about the fat shaming of Liz, what in the fuck was this look?
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