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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Right -- someone who doesn't see color, she'll mock. Someone whose glam squad was paid for on the backs of widows and orphans, she'll treat with kid gloves. I mean, I'm guessing.
  2. Or maybe we aren't seeing Crystal the way you do.
  3. Yeah, probably. I see Sutton as shell-shocked about the "see no color" mocking. I think she wants that ah ha moment and also wants to be her friend too. (Also, I do not blame Crystal for being upset about being walked in on naked. I would also feel incredibly embarrassed if that happened to me. Don't walk in if someone hasn't said, "Come on in.")
  4. I agree with everything you said. And yes, it was silly. I remember rolling my eyes when that became a thing but attitudes of what is racist and what isn't have changed a lot over the past few years. And I think everyone is on edge about saying the wrong thing that could be misconstrued. With this being on national TV, it would make it even more dicey.
  5. Funny, I don't really see Sutton as attacking Crystal though. Getting off the Sutton/Crystal saga for a moment, I loved Erika's "you never really know everything about a person..." TH. I'm sure she's hoping we all say, "See, she couldn't possibly know everything about her criminal husband Tom!"
  6. Do the previews show Crystal battling it out with anyone else? Or did she just recognize Sutton to be the weak link?
  7. I know that Sutton was 100% wrong in the conversation on race and trying to shut whatever Crystal was saying down. That said, Crystal lost me though in the mocking "Oh you're one of those who don't see color..." Sutton and I were raised in an era where that was the RIGHT thing to say. Sutton likely didn't know how she was supposed to respond to the question. She chose to respond the way she likely thought was the correct way and was roasted, made fun of for it. I know better, but not everyone does. Sutton should certainly not be equating her experiences with Southern racist stereotypes; a rich white woman having to deal with a misconception? Who really cares. That said, I also get the impression that Crystal equates Asian racism she's experienced as though she's had the black experience. Maybe she's just more sympathetic because she understands racism. I don't know -- there's just something about Crystal that has rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not a fan of Sutton's; I think she's very socially awkward and likely has issues with anxiety. I didn't think so her first year or pre-Crystal, but this year it's pretty clear she should not be on this show at all.
  8. Having mental health issues and anxiety doesn't mean you act like a "crazy person" 100% of the time. And whether she believes Sutton to have mental health issues or not, calling someone a crazy person isn't cool. You know, her crazy comments are as antiquated as saying "I don't see color." Call her out on the behavior or actions. Don't call someone crazy especially when someone's using a dermal roller to help keep calm. These are the actions of someone suffering anxiety, and suffering anxiety doesn't mean you suffer it 24/7 during the day.
  9. I do not like Crystal one bit. Sutton appears to have mental health issues, anxiety issues. Not saying she shouldn't be held accountable, but calling someone who clearly is having anxiety a crazy person isn't helpful either. I understand that Sutton is exhausting to be around, but she wasn't exhausting to be around until Crystal.
  10. I know people in the media that are selling cars now. Very few are able to maintain long careers in the media, especially when you're a woman and start aging out. It's a really, really tough biz. Same with lawyers. I know a lot of broke lawyers. And most of the HWs are in it for either fame or promoting what they are doing. Eboni has her own late night show on Sean Combs station Revolt with a couple of others. And isn't she doing a podcast as well? I'll be honest: I had no idea who she was before this show. I'm guessing I'm not the only one. So she's probably getting paid well enough and it's raising her profile. Seems like a very smart career move for her unless she starts doing the Leah/Sonja vulgar drunk act.
  11. I think ever since the Gray Gardens comparison hit (which was more about her townhouse than her personality) that she decided to pretend that she's an eccentric. Complete act IMO.
  12. I think Heather's problem is she's making it sound like she's experienced what they've experienced because she worked with wealthy, black celebrities and has seen her intern have difficulty hailing a cab. That she has some sort of understanding b/c she knows famous black people and an intern. In essence, Eboni was seeing right through Heather propping herself up against the other white women of the group as though she was the most woke because she's experienced what they haven't b/c she's worked with black celebrities. I mean, Heather was doing just fine before the name dropping. And I like Heather. I do believe she's generally a good person. I understand that it's very dicey and you can say something you think makes you an ally and then you turn around and show your white privileged ass too.
  13. Correction: Designer for Diddy, stylist for Beyonce. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean she's experienced the core of black America. I'll sit with Eboni side-eying her comments. If she had spent as much time in the core of black America, she might've realized using the words "articulate" isn't the compliment she thinks it is.
  14. Being a stylist to wealthy, revered black celebrities does not mean she has ever been in the core of black America. The closest she appears to have been is watching an intern have troubles hailing a cab. I don't think she dropped the last nugget of gold until Eboni side-eyed her. Frankly, I think she just wanted to name drop Diddy and Beyonce as if this gives her some clout and will impress Eboni.
  15. I laughed so hard at the bolded! And completely agree. I was enjoying Heather's wokefest because I knew she would eventually say something that was really, really dumb. And sure enough, she did. Until Sonja said "our black people" I think she handled the issues of race and how we need to listen the best.
  16. Yes, I believe she found Heather's podcast annoying. So when you find someone's personality annoying on a podcast, you'll likely find them even more annoying if you're forced to stay with them for an extended period of time. I'm only saying that she was looking for anything to blow up on Heather about and chose to use what Eboni told her as the catalyst to go off on her.
  17. I've posted here before that I'm not a Leah hater, but she was exhausting. I do think that Heather being back feels so inorganic and forced that she's irritating me this time around. I loved her first run with RHONY. She clearly thinks being around Diddy and Beyonce qualifies her as understanding the black experience. And then she makes her misstep with "articulate" after coaching the gang on how to talk to black people. So I wondered if Leah was around that all day long whether she just was so irritated by Heather that she used any old excuse to go after her. Because the voting thing makes zero sense since Leah freely offered up her not voting. The best I can do is figure that Leah is feeling the way Ramona did when Heather first came around -- highly annoyed by her all knowingness.
  18. Yes! She was doing great at first and then when she came out with that it reminded me of all the times the RHOs talk about their "gays" and treat homosexuals as though they are cute little accessories.
  19. I cannot stand Fernanda's voice! Like nails on a chalkboard!
  20. Different types of anxiety yes. I'm a very outgoing person and people describe me as happy. And I am for the most part. But I get bad anxiety at times where I want to go running in the street middle of the night (Oops, don't mean that as in running in traffic -- just a fight or flight sensation). I would more closely identify with Kyle in being able to mask it, to look like a person that hasn't a care in the world, and yet it hits you when you don't expect it!
  21. Probably to promote the company Real Coco which she cofounded with 3 others. My guess is it is a fledgling business in a sea of coconut water beverages and products. Is she elegant? I just hear that Valley Girl voice and it annoys me so much!
  22. Right. I don't think Paris Hilton should be treated as a pariah forever if she's truly grown up and took responsibility for her youth. But her youth was fueled with the actions of a spoiled rich girl -- drunk driving, racist comments (not just the N-word -- Crystal she made Asian slurs too). Tina Fey said she was the most horrendous person while she guest hosted SNL. Her brother Conrad is a spoiled little shit too with his own arrest record. Nicky seems the most grounded of all. So Kathy may be kooky and fun on this show, but she raised some shits (in their youth).
  23. I thought it was funny when Kyle wanted everyone to know she looks just like her niece. I suppose they do because of their plastic surgeries.
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