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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Ha, I thought the same thing. I think she's like a lot of people -- do anything for reality TV show fame including fucking a frog.
  2. What did Madison do for a living before hooking up with Kevin?
  3. Right -- it was set up to give us that weird pause that Kev would have that is similar to the Jerry Maguire scene where Renee Z. watches the wedding video and sees how uncomfortable Maguire is. Maybe next week they'll recreate the Will married Leo on Will & Grace where they realize they don't know each other well - *** BOBBI: Where are you kids going on your honeymoon? GRACE: We haven't really talked about it yet. ELEANOR: You should take her to your cabin. GRACE: You have a cabin? LEO: Yeah, I go there to fish. GRACE: You fish? LEO: Mm-hmm. I learned in Africa. GRACE: You were in Africa? LEO: Yeah, when I was with Doctors Without Borders. GRACE: You were with Doctors Without Borders? ROSARIO: Have you two met? ELLEN: So, Grace, are you going to keep your last name? GRACE: Um, I haven't really thought about it. BOBBI: How many grandkids can I count on? LEO: I don't know... Five. GRACE: Two. LEO: Four. GRACE: Three. Oh. We haven't talked about it yet. LEO: Yeah. ELLEN: Yikes, that's the first thing I'd talk about. JOE: Well, didn't you cover any of this in your premarital counseling? GRACE: We didn't have any premarital counseling. LARRY: Well, that's one way to go. WILL: Hey, hey. Let's give the newlyweds a break here. I'm sure they know all the important stuff. Like favorite song. Favorite movie. Birthdays? No? Ppf. Doesn't matter. [WILL TURNS AWAY, MOUTHING "WOW" TO KAREN AND ELLEN.] ELEANOR: Don't worry, Grace. Marvin will fill you in on all that stuff. GRACE: That's right, Eleanor. Who's Marvin? LEO: That'd be me. GRACE: Your name is Marvin? LEO: Yeah, yeah. People always call me "Leo"... 'cause my name's Marvin. JACK: [LAUGHS WITH A MOUTHFUL OF CAKE] You just married a guy, and you don't even know his name? Silly.
  4. Right -- that was the thought I had. My company is on the other coast. I work from home and have for 20 years. But of course, that wouldn't set up any marital strife!
  5. I totally thought Rebecca was going to walk into the wrong house! I've never really cared for the Sophie storyline so I'm hoping he stays with Madison. I think he will and this angst will have been a waste. of an episode.
  6. I think Molly is pretty. Why does she like ugly men? Luis wasn't good looking. Neither is Kelly. I refuse to believe she couldn't find equally ugly men to date in her home state.
  7. Edit: Nevermind -- just saw the previews where now Kevin is so confused. JFC. "You could be craving pizza all day and then I say I want sushi and suddenly you crave sushi...it's a lovely thing." Um, what? Weird analogy. I've changed my mind about what I wanted to eat b/c something sounded better. This doesn't seem like it could be extrapolated into a character trait. And what exactly is this character trait? He didn't want Madison...and now it's all he wants? He morphs into everyone a la Brad Pitt when he morphed into whomever he dated? This comment to me sounds like it will be a turning point to him -- as if it woke him up to his character. So what does that mean?
  8. I think I'm the only one that likes Leah, warts and all. Love Lu's place. I wish she'd cut her hair though! I think she needs to go back to the short layered hair cut that showed off her high cheekbones. Not sure what the fuck is going on with Sonja's face but she looks so overfilled. She was, what I would call, a handsome woman before. And I miss the Sonja that wasn't trying to be Grey Gardens -- she was funny, didn't come off as stupid, and had a certain charm even when a little vulgar. Now she's just straight vulgar w/o the charm or humor. Kinda like Bethenney during her comeback tour. Eboni has the perfect voice for broadcasting. Ramona, I will always love her. Thought she looked great coming into Lu's. I'm enjoying their friendship.
  9. (I don't think very much about this show is real! Jules and her man the exception)
  10. Jules is so elegant, so beautiful. Her apartment was exactly what'd I'd imagine from such a lovely woman. I love the coupling. Jessika's face bugs me. The lips are awful, but there's something off about her eyes. At first I thought she was the better looking of the couple, but Mick is becoming more and more attractive. The ridiculous part of the show is how Ines, Jessika act as though the only way they can sneak off with the other partners is if they are on this show. As though they could *never* be in touch off-camera. And then there are the Susie's who make such a big deal about hating their partners but ooooh, I'm going to stay! As if we are to believe it isn't for camera time. And those false eyelashes are awful.
  11. I would not call Danielle submissive at all. She didn't want to stay home and I don't think she wanted kids. It wasn't til she had them she decided she wanted to be home, so that was her choice.
  12. I do think that this is just the formula that each participant must repeat -- they take a couple of elements of a personality and then make it seem like it's they have no other personality traits. Virginia: Big drinker! Passes out on couches. Has friends that are...gasp...the other sex! Loves cats so much they sleep with her! Erik: Well-to-do rigid traditionalist who drinks but doesn't want his wife drinking with other men friends! Doesn't even really think men should be friends with wives. And he has an ex and therefore knows all about marriage! Allergic to cats so he doesn't want to sleep with them! So allergic there are pics of him and his ex with cats sitting on his face pretty much! Jacob: Loves the 80s! All he wants to talk about! Last chance at love at the ripe old age of 38! Haley: Finds 80s weird! Doesn't want to talk about the 80s! Finds fault in everyone she dates before giving them a chance! But demands to be communicated with by the person she finds fault with and is surprised when that doesn't happen. Brianna: Bossy, bossy, bossy. So bossy her friends conveniently use the words "bossy" during the wedding ceremony. Loves to spend money, even on extensions that people want to cut off. Gets up way early. Vinny: Hates bossy so much he specifically asked not to have bossy as a mate. Doesn't like bossy but acts bossy to the point of cutting someone's extensions he doesn't like. Hates spending money, even other people's money but makes other people spend money on replacement extensions. Doesn't get up early at all! Clare: Doesn't need an emotional connection about sex but she needs an emotional connection with Ryan and sex from him! Loves to eat and has no goals! Ryan: Never said I love you! Not even while being blown every night. Also, works out excessively and doesn't eat donuts for a meal. Has goals. Lots of them even though we don't really know what they are.
  13. Same here. Other than being on her honeymoon, she doesn't seem drunk all the time to me. If she's single and hanging out with friends, maybe it's better she's crashing on the couch instead of driving home buzzed. It could actually be a responsible thing she's doing with that.
  14. I'm with you all on Vinny. Damn, he has some major issues. Cutting the hair was a bridge too fair and shows his complete disdain for her. I hope she dumps his ass.
  15. I thought Clara was refreshingly honest. Nice thing about being a flight attendant is seeing the world. If I were young and had to do it all over again, I'd be a flight attendant. And yes, what exactly does Ryan do other than workout constantly? I liked it!
  16. I really think those type of tag lines are done for the show: "Last chance for love..." "I've never said the words I love you" (we've seen that twice in the recent past)
  17. And another question that should be on the questionaire: Are you an adventure seeker? If you are, is that a requirement in a partner? I don't fault Vinny at all for any of his anxieties related to something that could be dangerous. But he shouldn't be paired with someone who may want to go skyjumping and wants a partner that will. I do think a big part of Vinny's issues are being afraid to look stupid (like dancing, popping of corks). This could very well be the reason he didn't want to get on the horse too. Seems the lack of a college degree that doomed his last relationship set up feelings of inadequacy. And that's a shame. College isn't for everyone so he should just be comfortable knowing he's making a living and has an entrepreneurial spirit.
  18. I would not get on one! I can't even get on the back of a golf cart. On questionnaires, they can't call themselves "experts" if very basic, fundamental things aren't being asked or they ignore the very basic things like children, religion (well, mainly if not being religious is a deal breaker), pets. Of course, I believe every contestant that goes on this show is on for fame first, relationship next. And if they've watched the show before, they would have to realize compatibility isn't what they are going for. So I feel less sorry since it's a crapshoot anyway, but it annoys me to no end that they purposefully ignore the pet situation and other very important things.
  19. It was a looooong car ride. I would have had extreme anxiety being in a long car ride if I were either one so I could understand why they drove separately.
  20. And she should. Smartest decision she could ever make.
  21. Funny, I love them! I like seeing the couples interact!
  22. This is brilliant analysis! Thank you for this. I agree with every word.
  23. It's still so ridiculous that a year later, they are having this talk. How do you go 1 year w/o having a conversation about some really horrible things both siblings said. It would've only made sense to me if they stopped talking altogether for a year.
  24. I loved him! He needs his own separate reality show!
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