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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Exactly. I mean, they were babies in the womb for 9 months. That HAS to have left some sort of emotional scar on both Kevin and Kate. I also thought the same thing about Deja. I really would love for them to do a spinoff show where Deja struggles with her adoption when she's Randall's age.
  2. So how many months has it been since the argument occurred? Why does Kevin wait until he has newborn twins to go visit Philly and has it out? And goddamn that was a LONG LONG episode to get to some sort of resolution. I love Sterling; he's an amazing actor. I just wish they didn't make Randall become so insufferable now.
  3. Agree with all! (And I giggled at rodeo clown).
  4. But there were far more qualified people with degrees in music that applied, apparently. Kate just *had* something that the employer just loved. (I understand in real life that can happen; but we've just seen this act before on this show).
  5. Very good points, but I just don't believe that two brothers can say such horrible things to each other but still somehow talk to each other for months on end w/o at least apologizing to each other for the words that were said. I can buy that people don't really dig down deep and will delay talking about the feelings behind the words, but I have a hard time believing that they could maintain a relationship for that long w/o an apology.
  6. One of the most unrealistic things to me is: Why haven't Kevin and Randall actually talked about their fight? They're obviously talking. So why are they not addressing the fight they had? What is the purpose of delaying it except for the writers setting up another untimely showdown?
  7. So Kate had no real experience to be in the position she is in and whatever degree she magically got isn't music related. Is her only qualification that she has a blind son and can hold a tune? This is slightly more realistic than the adoption story, but still.
  8. They casted some really unlikeable women. Cyrill is fucking irritating -- I can't imagine listening to that voice day in day out. And a terrible actress. Jess and her blow up doll lips has a punchable face; while watching in bed, I thought for sure Ines had come back -- their voices are matches. The woman -- whose name I can't remember -- has a right to be upset at being recorded but my God, the high drama. Also, her face annoys me. Overilled, looks like silly putty. And the new nurse...25 my ass. They casted some unlikeable men too, but most of the women on this season are standouts in terms of obnoxiousness.
  9. That's what is so funny to me. Both are still in their 30s, attractive men with good careers and yet they will never ever find anyone else except for the person the experts purposefully mismatched them with? I'm 53. I guess I should just curl up and fucking die since no man is ever going to want me since my last chance at love evidently was in my 30s..
  10. Maybe she just doesn't want kids and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't fault anyone who doesn't want kids. I also think society puts undue pressure on women to have children because the "end result of having a baby is worth it." It isn't worth it for everyone . If her family was fucked up, that's certainly a good reason. If she doesn't want to have a kid b/c she'd have to stop drinking, also a good reason. . Or maybe she's seen how controlling and condescending he is and decided kids is not what she wants with him. This show should not be putting together couples where having children is so important they want family NOW and the other person it's a question mark for when or if.
  11. Interesting! I hate to be the person that says "lack of sex = gay" and that a man who looks a little fem = gay, but I'm wondering with his parents being so religious and his friends that looked well, gay, whether Ryan did this as a way of being like, "Got married, it didn't work mom and dad even though the experts picked the perfect match so therefore I'm a bachelor for the rest of my life" and then be a divorcee on the down low.
  12. So either the producers are manipulating each into finding *something* to create conflict, but... If so called experts are setting people up, the first set of questions should be: Do you want kids? What is your timeline if yes? Are you religious? Do you plan to raise your children in the church? If not religious, do you mind if your spouse wants to raise your children in the church? Do you have pets? If not, do you mind other pets? If you have pets, and your partner also has pets, is that okay with you to have more? Are you conservative with money? If not, will it bother you if your partner isn't as conservative? If you are a spender, will you try to become more fiscally responsible if your partner is? Do you like to travel? If not, will you support your partner in their travel pursuits? Are you are an introvert socially, will you support an extrovert partner? If you are an extrovert, will you compromise with your partner if they are not? If they don't have these on the set of questions, they cannot be called experts. If they chose to ignore at least the top 3 -- kids, religion, pets -- ,they are purposefully choosing people to create drama and setting up the couples to divorce. And that sucks b/c these are actual legal marriages so seemingly at best the kids, religion, pets should be compatible. I don't understand the need to purposefully set up people that have opposing views on those topics of kids, religion, pets. You can be PERFECT on paper and still not be compatible personality-wise so there'd still be drama.
  13. Stephanie is one of those people that gets off on whipping around her big money to make people do things. Then when the person receiving the money from her doesn't want her or steps out of line, she throws out the "you're just using me for money" or "where would you be without my money" comments.
  14. For me I was like: 1. I can't believe Mike married that psychotic emotionally abusive woman! If you want that, you could easily get that in Sequim! No need to bring someone from Ukraine. 2. I just don't give a shit about yet ANOTHER couple that never meets up. And I especially don't give a shit about Andrew and his gross family. I don't even give a shit about Amira and her irritating mopey voice! But panic attacks are horrible, so I feel for her there. 3. Agreed! I was distracted during the episode and looked up and was like, WTF she's in labor now?!
  15. Thanks Mrs. Hanson! I def couldn't do it. When she was in elementary school and I volunteered, I was ready to get the hell out almost as soon as I got there. Teachers are a blessing! Thank YOU for all you do.
  16. I watched that and thought he's an actor. A terrible one.
  17. Totally get your issues with "homeschooling." I took my kid out of high school (she was having major bullying issues) a couple of years ago but there was no way IN HELL I would have homeschooled b/c that means I would have to be the teacher and I'm too dumb, too lazy so she did an online school with a specific curriculum. On her daughter's hair though...I think it's very possible she wanted her hair cut, so I'll cut her slack on that!
  18. Well Mohammit does keep her employed by TLC! Robbie was very aggressive indeed; I would think her vocal fry would do that to a person!
  19. She has picked up some weight. I want to be sympathetic towards that but the way she was with Mike, I can't.
  20. So, Colt's red head ex's husband...he seems, well dumb.
  21. @Baltimore Betty I'm so sorry to read about your dad's passing. Hugs to you.
  22. I know Andrew is disgusting, but Amira's voice and sing song talk annoys the shit out of me!
  23. So no RSVP? Who decides to stay at new parents house b/c of a baptism invite? I mean, Uncle Nicky has PTSD but isn't an idiot? (Edit: Sorry I need to suspend disbelief! )
  24. So during a pandemic, Uncle decides to hop a plane across country and visit, without asking, a couple that just had twins? What? Even he has the "big gesture" issue?
  25. I did a rewatch and it struck me how much Ryan's friends looked like they may be gay. I wondered if they are also religious and on the down low.
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