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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Yikes, it's really really hard to imagine Rick staying in this marriage. Kelly just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
  2. Yeah, good point on the last one. And then there's the Madison STD-shaming of Danni which truly was awful.
  3. Nah, IMO, it's slut shaming. Craig started the commentary with "flying around the country sleeping with men, married men." When is the last time he slut shamed Shep -- who admitted on the reunion that he cheated on that nice GF of his? Never. None of the men on this show have EVER been slut shamed by Craig, Austen, etc. Before Madison, it was Kathryn. If Madison was flirting with Cutler on IG posts, he was the one that next-leveled it. It was Craig that brought that up in the reunion. Madison shouldn't have shown Andy the receipts, but Craig and Austen were the ones that were on a mission to out Madison's single life. Then there was Danni naming A-Rod as the MLB player -- who apparently saw A-Rod facetiming Madison. Seems like Madison's biggest mistake was telling a castmate -- you know, like we'd all do if someone famous slid into our DMs. Then the friends brought it public. Then curiously, neither slut shamed the famous men that slide into Madison's DMs -- especially not the engaged Arod! Lastly, Craig sure was proud of outing Kristen C. "slid into my DMs and I told her I had a GF..." Both her and Austen sure enjoyed name dropping her. Of course, none of them would get slut shamed if they flew to wherever she lives for a booty call. I'm not a fan of Madison, but no question in my mind these boys did what they always do: slut shame a woman doing the same thing their friend Shep does. Actually, wait, Shep is worse but he gets the incorrigible bachelor treatment.
  4. But Kathryn Sr. (Kelly Dodd) is on the verge of being fired by RHOC. And as nasty as she is, she hasn't actually harrassed through emails a woman of color. So why is Kathyrn getting the break she is? Why is there never any talk about her being fired?
  5. How long do they film the show though? A couple of months? I mean, it sucks but in the long run him appearing on this show could raise his profile and help his bottom line $ wise. The kids come down and visit during the time. I've worked with people that go on jobs away from home for months on end; they do it b/c the income is to good to pass up.
  6. Before Madison, they slut shamed Kathyrn. It's an old boys club where Shep --- who admitted to cheating on his GF - is only viewed as a bachelor being a bachelor, boys will be boys. Also, it appears it was Cutler that slid into Madison's DMs, not Madison chasing him. Meanwhile, Craig and Austen sure seemed to love Kristen C's name dropping. Madison is shrill and obnoxious, yes. But she's single and if she wants to starfuck, why not? No one would give any of the guys shit if celebs started sliding into the boy's DMs.
  7. Am I the only one that thinks Danni and Shep look like each other? Amen. I thought Madison handled everything thrown at her really well. Stole the show even.
  8. It's actually refreshing that two grown women -- Meredith and Heather -- shut down the wannabe reality TV villain. Well done.
  9. Rick's Westhampton home really screams "Bachelor has lived here for many years." Those short curtains!
  10. I'm with you. I was never a big fan of RHO's version of Posh Spice. I liked her husband at first and then realized he's more of a fame whore than any of the RHOs.
  11. Pretty sure her very first episode, I posted that I thought she was gay. I don't know why but I just had a vibe!
  12. I learned if you get a little stoned, Chris talking with the bridesmaids is absolutely hilarious! (Also, 90 Day Fiance fans, when you do a rewatch stoned, Natalie makes you paranoid!)
  13. So on point, Deeply Shallow. That's exactly what I was thinking, particularly with the timing and the trod-ding out of her abused husband for the photo op.
  14. Oh shit, didn't realize she got the vaccine. Yes, that's infuriating! I like having her as the show's villain b/c I don't feel like she's playing the part of the villain. She's truly vile and stupid. But that clip from TMZ was really beyond the pale.
  15. What's funny is she doesn't realize her own libido is likely to change as she ages. In perimenopause, my sex drive was in overdrive. Now that I'm in menopause, I've got nearly zero sex drive. At that point, you hope your partner's libido goes down!
  16. I'm guessing this may be the nail in Kelly's RHOC coffin. https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/30/rhoc-kelly-dodd-mocks-covid-outdoor-dining-cheers-super-spreaders/
  17. Thank you! I'm 53 and enjoying life at this age as a single woman. In no way was I suggesting being 60 = life ending.
  18. Oh look! A year of sobriety celebration where she brings out her prop Sean! I suspect now that the slapping of Sean, both literally and figuratively, we'll be seeing more of these two looking like they are picture of wedded bliss.
  19. That wasn't an age shaming jab. Just noting that it's going to take a long time for each kid to be out of the house.
  20. Damn I think he's nice looking! No personality, but I totally would.
  21. With 7 kids, staying with her and not having to pay child support is probably what he's getting out it.
  22. *Dies laughing* at Shannon not being able to think straight! I understand your point! Def. love me some Gina, and oddly I'm digging Elizabeth as a HW now! Yes, at least Jolie has Rick. I'm trying to figure out how a respectable journalist ends up with Kelly and the only thing I got is her volatility excites him.
  23. I didn't say those were the exact words she SHOULD'VE used, but in my view, equality is not a political issue like revamping social security and Shannon could very easily have shown she is an ally. Not to mention: since when have any of the RH's worried about having a civil conversation?
  24. I'm in the camp of Shannon could have easily said: "Black lives matter. We must do better" and ended it there. I also do not like when people equate this to a political issue.
  25. I don't know why but I like Kelly as the villain and would like her to stay. You never know what is going to come out of her mouth; most of it is terrible, but every now and then she makes sense. And I did laugh at Big Dick Daddy. I hate myself for liking her at times. I've never tasted it, but I'm with BW -- if it's smelling like Tuna it is bad snatch and you need to see a Dr.!
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