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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. That is a very good point! The wealthy want younger. And of course women like Tinsley, Sonja etc., could do well with an average guy making average money. But they don't want that.
  2. As I said in other posts, I'm looking for actual mature adult women who date age appropriate men. But maybe that's not as interesting as watching filler faces and banging pirates and other assorted men! I just get tired of watching women my age making asses out of themselves with much younger men! Oh, I didn't take offense to your post (which was very respectful!). But yes you are right -- I'm sure my idea of mature women dating age appropriate men probably wouldn't bring in the viewers!
  3. Going on age appropriate dates in mid life and having them be terrible does not equal being desperate. Desperate to me is watching these 50+ cast troll for younger men because they think if they get a reaction it makes them feel young. Or they are trying to appear to be as desirable as ever. I'd like to see 50 somethings embrace their ages instead of trying to act like they are still in their 20s. I'd like to see some reality in my reality show whose cast is aging. Sure, I'd be fine with a 50 something + being independent and not trying to latch onto someone. But a lot of single mid lifers still want to find love, and that's certainly entertaining to watch.
  4. I mentioned above that I think the women are aging out b/c I don't want to see women getting sloppy drunk hitting on 25 year olds. And it made this think: part of my problem with the women of RHONY is we are watching 50-60+ women still trying to pretend they are 30 and under. I would love to watch a reality show of 50+ somethings navigating in a youth-obsessed world. I'd rather see them go on out on terrible dates with age appropriate men. With the right cast, it could be a real but humorous look at people our age dealing with real shit.
  5. Ha, I meant mine aren't perky. I'm 54 and they haven't been perky for years! I haven't even noticed Myrla's boobs yet, but doing a rewatch and Rachel's boobs look really weird to me in the dinner scene!
  6. I don't think so based on the fact they aren't perky! (Like mine!)
  7. I love Bao. Johnny, not as much. I feel like he's playing the role of former lothario and it annoys me. That said, I think both of them made a much bigger deal out of snoring and showering I'll bet b/c production told them too otherwise the two of them seem to have no drama. I think Ryan is already way checked out. I think Brett is one of those women that talks non stop about feelings and her big boobs aren't enough to keep men interested.
  8. I agree, esp. Sonja. That's why I think the evil stepfather was trotted out. Girl never mentioned one thing about a stepfather problem in all her years on RHONY. I'm not interested in watching Sonja troll for men either. Her salad days are long over. I def don't buy her problems-with-alcohol storyline either as we've seen this before and then the next season she's all better. I mean, maybe she does have an issue, but I think the yelling routine she's had for this season is an act. I think most of the cast is aging out for the crazy antics. I'm 54, so I'm not age shaming, but I don't really want to watch women older than me act like they are 25. I mean, yes, drink have a good time, but I don't really want to watch sloppy women hitting on men that are 20 years younger. I'd rather see the kids of the RHONY long timers be featured on the show and then the mom's in the "friend of" role. I'd love to see Avery and Lu's kids mixing together and watch their budding careers take off.
  9. I would rather watch Leah's mom be a cast member and pick her teeth throughout dinner than have to watch Leah or Eboni (even though she wasn't bad this episode). The only reason both of them show any interest in Judaism b/c they both want to land a rich Jewish man in NYC. And Leah, honey, the only reason you're writing a book is bc publishing houses love to cash in on reality fame. By 2019, there were 61 RHO books. She's not special.
  10. Agreed. She's sweet, but I never really understood some of her worship. The whole IT girl thing was decades ago and all I saw was someone who couldn't let go of the past. And I never understood why people found her so attractive -- she is a skinny blonde but her nose is nearly non-existent now and the getups were forever 21. Phew, glad I got that off my chest lol.
  11. I would love to see Eboni, Leah go just because it would be so great to see their massive egos go into the shitter. Sonja too because I think she became one of the most inauthentic characters ever. This is authentic Sonja arguing with someone. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-5/episode-15/videos/sonja-and-aviva-fight-about-the I would not want Beth back. I loved her first run. Her second run couldn't stand her. Other than her charitable endeavors, she annoys the fuck out of me.
  12. I love how Gizelle talking about swimming and how great it is for her body, then they show her getting into the pool in a one piece looking a helluva lot different than the 2 piece photos she posted where she looks 30 pounds lighter. She looks great, but the photoshopping of her body is ridiculous.
  13. Courtney's voice and lazy way of speaking irritates the fuck out of me.
  14. Wendy is trying way too hard to be the reality show villian/queen. Comes off so inauthentic. (Also, I love Mia and think her husband is a cutie.)
  15. Guarantee you he already has a side piece and will dump Libby as she inches ever so closely to look like her dad in a wig.
  16. Totally agree on all. I find the difference between Garcelle and Eboni striking. Garcelle eloquently discusses the damage of stereotypes and other racial issues, but she's effortlessly cool, can laugh at herself, is a genuinely fun person. I've yet to see a personality that's enjoyable to be around from Eboni. But I totally agree about Ramona's interruptions. And as much as I've enjoyed Ramona for her oddness and her lack of filter, after all that I'd be good with her downgraded or off the show.
  17. AMEN. Ha, right! There's nothing of the Sonja of the last few seasons that feel authentic. I'm so tired of her yelling. It's not cute. It's not funny. It's not her real persona. Her real persona is the sloppy seconds banging fun broad. I don't know who this is but I think this is a total act to keep her apple.
  18. Ramona was Ramona so I'm not surprised by her being an asshole. That said I can't imagine being subjected to Eboni's teachings 24/7. I can't even stand her voice anymore. I'd want to get up and leave too. But I really can't fucking stand Sonja anymore. I hate her yelling all the time. It's an act that she thinks is necessary to keep her apple and I'm so tired of it. At this point, I'd be okay with a total cast dump.
  19. i love Garcelle's style. She explains why it matters but she doesn't do it derisively.
  20. Right. Sonja doesn't look like the Sonja of a few years ago. Her face is full of dermal fillers and it doesn't look good. I mean, she still looks great, but she's aging out of the hot young guy wanting anything to do with her except for a chance to be on TV. I find it sad the way she's clinging to her former youth.
  21. I would love to see Myrla without the lashes. I don't think they look good.
  22. Or she realized how it came off and decided she'd throw him a bone...not to his face, but on camera. I could see maybe inadvertently saying something like that and then quickly saying, "I mean, you've got it all -- looks, personality..." But she doubled down and then went "BOOM" like she was proud of herself for her words. Meanwhile, I think they are evenly matched looks wise. She's attractive, but I don't think she's winning any beauty contests. And with comments like that, she's not winning personality contests either.
  23. Am I the only one that thinks Rachel meant it exactly the way it came out? I mean, she doubled down and went "boom." She could see his deflated and dejected look. I think she's one of those backhanded compliment types who blurts out crappy stuff and then apologizes and pretends that's not what she meant.
  24. I kid you not, but the matchmaking episode, I wasn't paying that much attention but Jose comes on my screen and I thought: "MAFS is finally pairing a gay couple together."
  25. And Sonja would rat one of them out in a heartbeat. She gets what she gets.
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