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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Right? And how about an episode of how Rebecca and Miguel found romance? I can't stand Jack's character and feel like the writers and producers think we are all enamored with the legend that is Jack.
  2. Why did we need this Jack-centric episode? We've seen that he had a bad childhood. Boring episode and more speechifying. I've never seen someone deliver a eulogy on the fly with the amount of pensiveness that we see on this show.
  3. Which is one of the problems I have with this show in general. The men in the Pearson circle, and some adjacent are these over the top, big gestures, romantic fools, doting fun dads, while the women are these complex creatures who sometimes are soooooo bitchy when all the men wanted to do was their big gesture!
  4. People hate Kate b/c she's fat? I must've missed that. EDIT: Nevermind, I missed the comment above where someone mentioned people angry at Kate for being fat.
  5. The funny thing to me is the pretense here is odd. He's upset he missed his kid walking. Join the club pal, a lot of these things happen when parents are at work. He's not special in that direction. And if he was still living in the garage (?), he could've very easily missed that moment too b/c he was working.
  6. I couldn't help but think that Christian's design for Precious would've been something he would've sarcastically berated if it was the design of one of the contestants. And one which Nina would've questioned the taste level. There was simply no need for that woman's breasts to be out like that. Were her nipples taped down? Also thought Cristina's design was horrendous. Co-sign on the macrame -- enough already with the "signature" gimic. I wasn't wild about the winning look.
  7. There ain't no way the cult guy's girl isn't someone behind a video filter. Could be a man, could be a far uglier woman. But it isn't a real woman, it's a video filter.
  8. I agree. Also, I think you meant this in the "Before the 90 days" board.
  9. Ha, other than the dialogue between teens that sound like 40 year-olds, two teens jumping into bed unprotected is more real than anything I've seen on this show!
  10. I've had seat mates too where I talked a lot of stuff to a perfect stranger I normally wouldn't have. But if my (late) husband was in the aisle seat next to us, I would not be arguing with him and airing out our dirty laundry next to a perfect stranger.
  11. Max seems like a really great kid and good for her on writing her book (well co-writing). That said, I feel certain that without the Dubrow name, this book wouldn't be happening.
  12. Is it me or does Heather's face always look dirty, particularly in her confessionals? I see dirty and greasy eyeballs most of the time. Other HWs tend to just look like the makeup is loaded heavy, but Heather always looks dirty to me.
  13. Funny because I thought the awkward dinner at Sally's was not real at all. I mean, your former partner shows of what, a nanosecond, shows up at your door, remembers things about the time you fucked, and you're now so touched by that you air out dirty laundry between you and your husband? In front of virtual strangers Rebecca and Miguel? Maybe the "real" part of the convo to me was the aging talk between Sally and Rebecca, but everything else to me was just the usual This Is Us man syndrome. Nicky, the romantic fool as every man in the Pearson circle seems to be, does a big gesture, does the Pearson "I remember everything" stuff! Then intended romantic target falls all over herself comparing her husband with the romantic fool Pearson, but realizes she's stuck with her slug husband that isn't a Pearson who pays attention to every last detail!
  14. This is a good observation and I hope that's the case.
  15. YES. Then there was the nauseating need to produce a tear jerk episode. IIRC, the TIU used to play up the "Making you cry" stuff.
  16. YES. I completely agree. His character is overwritten, overwrought. And really, other than a couple of episodes where he was drinking too much, too jealous, isn't nearly every scene with Jack one in which he's right about something. Or the people around him marvelling about how he was right about everything. The God-like qualities they give of Jack are irritating. What I had really hoped from the show was that while the characters speak glowingly of him as the super hero husband, super hero dad, super hero friend, best guys ever, that the show would make it clear that these are people that are mourning the loss and therefore glossing over Jack's issues -- you know the not speaking ill of the dead, everyone becomes a saint when they are dead. Instead, they gave us a couple of episodes of him dealing with a serious problem, a very short separation, and then it's back to being super dad Jack who conquered alcoholism in a very short period of time. Jack's flaws on the show only seem to be that he had an awful childhood so therefore he was once a drunk! Or that he tries too had to make everyone happy. And also annoys me that aside from a couple of episodes, the Jack and Rebecca love story is far too perfect to be believable.
  17. I find Milo's acting and voice irritating, so that's part of the reason I can't stand seeing Jack scenes. The other reason I hate Jack scenes is I know it's going to be some big, romantic gesture scene; some super hero dad moment; or some long speech. He had what, a couple of episodes where he wasn't super human? ' I feel like this show often portrays men as these romantic fools whose biggest imperfection is they'll do anything for the women they love! Or they help people too much! Women of the show, however, are such complex creatures.
  18. I really wish the writers would hire actual teens to write the dialogue for the teenage romances. I cannot imagine a teenager seeing his girlfriend in a dress and the word he uses is "incandescent." It would be, "Wow, you look hot" followed by two horny teens having sex. Every time they show teens romancing each other on this show, the dialogue sounds like 40 year-old adults.
  19. Ella looked ridiculous in that blonde wig. I would bet that Johnny really digs big women and he has no interest in making her diet, but that's the storyline they were told to go with to create some sort of drama when he gets here. Meanwhile, his fat friend making jokes about Ella? That she'd suffocate him during sex? Fuck that guy he looked almost as fat as Ella.
  20. I don't think he's a fuck boi, but I do believe he thinks by being with her, people will view him as some sort of enlightened man who looks beyond a person's disabilities and want to cannonize him. I'm sure that's what he gets off on.
  21. I honestly don't think a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies would be with Alina. He may have a savior complex.
  22. I think what's happening now is Madison is no longer the neurotic Madison that he knew when the character was neurotic. Now that she has shown she's a different person by not marrying him, wanting and expecting more, he's got a new found respect for her. Confidence is sexy. Maybe this time he really is falling in love.
  23. Yeah, it's middle Randall that's so off.
  24. I'm not a male, but I couldn't last 5 seconds with Memphis. Her voice alone is a boner killer.
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