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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. When my husband died, my daughter (then 14) was encouraging me to date almost six months after. However, when it appeared that one of his childhood besties seemed interested in me (seemed interested, he never made any overtures at all but I might have dated him if he had!) my daughter was adamantly against that. So yeah, the best friend of your dad now becoming your mom's love interest would be weird. On why they couldn't go outside the sphere: well, otherwise they wouldn't have Becca's love interest regaling in all things Jack! God forbid she meet someone who didn't idolize Jack.
  2. My thoughts exactly. I was surprised that him losing weight and her not didn't become the REAL reason for their argument.
  3. I think she is so pretty. I'm with you all -- great episode tonight. I've hate watched this often but I will truly miss it and will hope for some spinoffs!
  4. Turns out their guests are bigger assholes than Jen and Ryne. https://wineindustryinsight.com/?p=80755 See Michael and his wife.
  5. I'm also willing to bet that each of the husbands have mistresses to help them get through the "downs" of the marriage rollercoaster. And their wives are happy they've got someone else to sex them up so the don't have to.
  6. I guarantee you his "never had a job in his life" is something that Jen browbeats him with constantly. And now it's rote. I loved that Heather shushed her. Jen talks over him, talks for him, directs the way he's sitting -- isn't that the second time we've seen her tell him how to sit? My vote on him is he's an introvert by nature, but he's browbeaten and broken by the marriage he's in.
  7. I'm thinking that's what was happening as Jen instrucuted the Dubrow's indentured servants to fill up the glass each time.
  8. Also hilarious to me -- the example of the Dubrow Marriage Counselor great compromise. She put onion rings on the menu! That'll save their marriage Heather!
  9. This episode and some of the close-ups of Heather made me guffaw -- remember a few episodes ago when she was pretending to Dr. Jen she only does botox? Botox doesn't give you a plumped up face like hers. Heather is pulling out all the stops on her face and is pretending she isn't.
  10. The name change is weird. I wondered if there was a professional reason he did that (wasn't he a professional gambler?) There's a Ryan Holiday author, so maybe for professional reasons he changed the spelling? Not sure why. I honestly don't know if he's an asshole. I think she def is one. I think he's very socially awkward, a SAHD who probably has to go along with the ride but doesn't want to. I mean, I think getting used to the camera is difficult especially if you're extremely introverted. He's joyless it appears, but I'm sure his disaster of a wife is the reason why. #freeRyne.
  11. Gotta disagree on a couple of things: Ryne changed his name from Ryan. Having to deal with mispronunciation is all on him. Dr. Jen could be naturally pretty, but I can't tell because her face is taken over by fillers, botox, lip injections. And then there is the body that also looks man-made. Guarantee their marriage was on its last legs before signing up for RHOC. RHOC isn't making or breaking it. It is only exposing their deep seeded issues to the public.
  12. On Terry, I think those follow-on questions where his attempts at humor. I could see my own mother doing that but she'd go ridiculous with "black tar heroin?" and "shrooms"? It did surprise me given his brother died of a drug overdose, but I think he was trying to be playful with someone who isn't playful and the jokes bombed spectacularly. I did laugh at "they are a mess." He's right. The more I watch Jen and Ryne, the more my heart goes out to him. He looks like he's being dragged along to be on TV and knew exactly where the night was going b/c he's been there and done that many times over. He can't stand her and it's easy to see why. Meanwhile, it's hilarious to me that Heather thinks all of their problems can be fixed by seeing healthy couples in a dinner setting. Yeah, that will just take away all of their issues Heather! I also feel like she's setting herself up for the big Kathy Lee Gifford public embarrassment -- bragging about their marriage and then wham, turns out her man is fucking a flight attendant.
  13. Watching this while stoned, I started feeling claustrophobic FOR RYNE when he was in the car with that drunk asshole. She absolutely sucks and he is done. #freeRyne.
  14. So I guess they all had their marching orders this week to talk about whether they can all fall in love.
  15. I really hated to see him break her down. You could see it when she was basically trying to make what happened seem reasonable when she was out with the girls. It's disconcerting to see her so ready to take Lindsay down but then really only disengage with O instead of telling him to fuck off. My feet are so ugly that I wouldn't subject anyone to a day tending to my feet or have my girlfriends gather around having to look at them.
  16. I really don't even believe Michael gets loud. I just don't think Jasmina likes anyone disagreeing with her. And that any time there is a disagreement, she thinks he is "using a tone" and raising his voice. Meanwhile, she's the one who has a tone. Not to mention, who would want to communicate with her? I'd fear every time I had a different view, I'd be criticized for how I expressed it. Mike sounded calm and she told him to calm down. She's exhausting.
  17. Yes. Just like I never believe when the spouses just happen to drape rose peddles all over the bed. And that Jasmina didn't on her own do the personal training lesson. It's possible that Lindsay came up with the batting cages as a fun thing since that didn't seem so over the top.
  18. If I were Noi, I'd be more concerned about living a nomadic lifestyle and having children than income sources. Steve strikes me as the guy who would want to convert a school bus and bring their 3 children all over the states. I mean, I know that it would be an incredible experience but I wouldn't want to have 3 kids doing remote learning or homeschooling in a tiny home. Maybe that is one of her underlying concerns. But again, here we go with the "experts" and production. They should not be pairing someone who is an adventurer like he is with someone who is very conservative. Neither one seem to be flexible to compromise, so you aren't bringing the best out in both by putting together polar opposites in lifestyle.
  19. If he's in management, their hours, he's more than likely overworked and doesn't have flexibility. Of course, he was able to have enough flexibility to be on the shows, but managers typically have the least amount of flexibility and the salary they get for it is shit.
  20. Didn't enjoy this episode and watching Beth be the savior to the dancer and speechify like a Pearson.
  21. i'm constantly amazed by the passive aggressive somebody-done-me-wrong posts. If I were Steve, that post tells me all I need to know about decision day. In my experience, the people that post those types of screeds, in addition to all of the self-help nonsense mantras are the people who are always a victim and never take any responsibility for their own shit.
  22. I think Hamza realized big boobs aren't worth someone who is a total fucking drag and that he can't live with that vocal fry for the rest of his life. Also, her reveal was so stupid. We've already seen these unnecessary reveals (like Nicole). Gino/Jasmine -- I truly believe this is all scripted. I can't imagine in the day of revenge porn laws that someone would openly admit to this on TV. He hasn't been arrested right? Jasmine seems to want to be on a telenovella. Mahogany is def an actress. There's nothing genuine there. The only thing genuine there is Ben's stupidity.
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