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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. Whoa, that reveal at the end was totally unexpected... and I can't decide if it was awesome or ridiculous. But I'm glad they added it because if the episode ended with Roman telling Jane (yet again) that he was going to enjoy watching her suffer, I would have been pretty ticked off. Back to the baby bomb, I guess it could be an interesting development if part of the reason why Shepherd convinced Jane to do all of this was to wipe her memory of giving up her daughter or something like that. I wonder who the father is, if it's someone we've met. That guy she was with, with the tree tattoo? I'm all but certain that the woman Roman is tracking is Weller's secret, like he slept with her while he was searching for Jane. I wish Weller would just tell Jane his big secret and be done with it. I'm wondering if Hirst (the new director/head) is the mole, since I don't think they'd have it be some random person, like that agent who came to take the man who was helping hide people. I really like Hirst so I hope she isn't a baddie.
  2. You know, I was going to mention that I wondered if this was the real reason why Merritt left (I thought it was because the character was so disliked; I wasn't a big fan myself and was glad her character was written out) but didn't want to speculate like that. Geez. Thanks for all the info, EarlGreyTea.
  3. I was just thinking about this show the other day, wondering when we'd finally get a return date. I was looking forward to a December/January date as well, so I'm surprised that it's coming back so much later than that. But it's better than nothing! I miss this show! Really disgusted with the news about Schwahn and I'm glad he's been suspended. I haven't checked if other "Royals" actors have responsed but if Park was subjected to his lechery, other female actors on the show likely were as well. Sickening. I'm glad that the network seems to be supporting the actors, based on Park's statement. I'm not so sure this show will get another season but I hope they do, not only because I enjoy it but because I'd like to see the cast and crew get to work on a season without any of this disgusting behavior tainting it.
  4. I'm worried that Kevin's cancer plot being introduced and resolved within two episodes was about giving us a false sense of security before they kill him off another way later on. I really like him (and teared up when he and Vee sang in the hospital) so I hope I'm being suspicious for nothing, haha. I mean, Monica just died so they probably won't kill off another character, right? But on the other hand, if they're not setting us up for something, then this was really just for the "haha, dude has a lady cancer" laughs? I mean... OK. (I did like that they had a man with a breast cancer scare, as men are affected by that type of cancer as well.)
  5. The actress playing Kathy reminded me so much of Lennon Parham (who I watched on Playing House, sigh). She did a very good job playing unhinged. I'm glad Patterson and Rich weren't secretly banging because that would be too weird... being part of a hacker group makes much more sense. I'm also glad Rich really seems to be on the up and up. I was worried he'd be way too much as a regular/recurring but I've been enjoying him so far (and I was actually worried about him dying when Kathy shot him). And more toying with us about Patterson's first name. I know it never would happen but I wanted Jane to hang up on Roman. Like, we get it, you want to see her suffer. Tell us something we don't know. *click* (Or *clat* if you remember the flip phone days.)
  6. A little disappointed with the Gabriel reveal... I thought it would be something bigger than that. Maybe we'll hear more in the future. I'm glad Buffy made the team but now we have to deal with that rude ass team captain. I need the basketball coach to notice his attitude ASAP and give that kid a talking to. At the very least, someone needs to remind him that it's just middle school basketball. Chill, bro. Also, I'm not into the Buffy/Marty banter but I loved the last bit they did. Loosely quoted: "What happened to your awesome comebacks?" "They went missing, just like your fashion sense." "Oh, there it is." That was well-delivered. Amber's trying way too hard but I'm glad that her intentions seem to be good. And I don't normally notice this but I had the closed captioning on, so I saw the lyrics written out... was that a love song playing during that last scene with Andi and Amber at the clothing shop? Ordinarily I'd handwave it but considering they've been Going There (tm), I'm not going to discount anything, lol. I'm surprised Amber didn't get a little suspicious of Andi buying one of her shirts... maybe if Andi keeps offering money for things, she'll think Jonah spilled the beans even though she was explicit about him not saying anything, as she mentioned one had to be with him. Poor Cyrus and Iris... they get along so well, except for the romantic stuff. I like that they showed him being super excited about kissing her the first time (probably because it was a "first," rather than because he enjoyed it) and now that he's actively questioning himself, not at all the second time. I also like that he's still fangirling over Jonah's compliments. Cyrus needs time to figure things out but I really hope he tells Iris what's going on as soon as he can because she's very sweet and shouldn't think that she's done something wrong. Or maybe she'll start putting two and two together herself, I don't know.
  7. I agree, I think it would be interesting to have super chill Jonah be rattled by something. If he weren't the object of Cyrus's affections, I think he'd be totally fine with it but since he is, I could see him not being sure how to act, like how Cyrus freaked out when he thought Jonah said he was girly. Maybe he'd act weird and second-guess everything he did, and then talk it out with Cyrus and they'd both be able to move forward with their friendship (because I'm not sure Jonah will like Cyrus back, though I think they'd be cute together). I think it would be good to show reactions other than "very accepting" or "totally against". I didn't expect that ripped up photo to be anything other than a photo of Bowie, so that was an exciting twist. I don't think it's Andi's real dad, or someone the family would hate (because Bowie was already that guy). I was thinking he's someone Bex got very serious with who bounced when she told him about Andi. I like how the family has warmed up to Bowie, so I hope that sticks even though he's not marrying Bex. I enjoyed the Chinese New Year stuff, though I thought that Jonah snagging a potsticker from the alter made no sense at all. He was very respectful and interested in the whole thing, and Andi explained the praying ritual to him, so in what universe would he ever think, "I can totally take something from the alter, no bigs". If he had done it before they started praying, it would make sense that he had no clue the food wasn't to be eaten. I just thought that was dumb. I was getting tired of Buffy and Marty's banter last season and it's the same thing so far this season. Buffy's gigantic ego and Marty's disbelief about it. OK then. Did laugh at Cyrus's "girl brah" comment.
  8. Huh, I did think Cyrus looked a little different over the course of an hour! Combining S1 and S2 episodes would explain it. I binged this show last month and fell in love. I've haven't watched Disney Channel since My Babysitter's a Vampire ended five years ago, so I was pleasantly surprised to see such a refreshingly authentic show like this on Disney. I enjoy the humor and I think they have done/will do a good job handling these "heavier" topics, and at an age-appropriate level (and in a way that doesn't feel like young viewers are being talked down to). I'm glad kids have a show like this and I'm enjoying it as an adult. I didn't know anything about this show before I watched S1 (other than the Andi/Bex twist) but I saw the hints about Cyrus and was hoping Disney Channel would go for it, so I was extremely happy that they not only did, but that they always intended to (I've since caught up a bit online). I thought the coming out scene was well done by both actors (Cyrus and Buffy). I thought Buffy was the BFF MVP over the two episodes, supporting both Cyrus and Andi. I wonder if she'll get stressed out after a while, since Andi and Cyrus both like the same guy and therefore supporting one goes against the other (I liked Cyrus saying he wanted to laugh about the situation with Andi). Or if, when Andi finds out about Cyrus and his feelings, she'll think Buffy's advice about her not being ready for a relationship (which I think may be true) was for Cyrus's benefit rather than hers. Hopefully there won't be any big blowups because they're a great trio. I'm excited to see how everything goes with Cyrus (he's been my favorite since the first episode) and how this affects his relationships with his parents (all four of them, one of whom is a blabbermouth... hopefully she makes an exception for her own kid), his friends, and Jonah and Iris (who seems extremely sweet... I hope they can remain friends when she finds out because they seem to be a good match, personality-wise). I'm glad they're softening up Amber, since she's been a bit of a one note character, but she'll have to show some major growth to everyone, not just Jonah, to actually redeem her. Like, I'm sorry her family has financial troubles but she was very manipulative toward Jonah, and nasty to Andi, so I can't feel too much for her just yet. Unfortunately, I was too eager to see Cyrus's coming out scene to care at all about Bex and Bowie's will they/won't they (plus, I figured she'd say no). I'm surprised I didn't see Bex considering beauty school until she had a pamphlet in her hands, since she's been shown doing makeup several times. I think that would be a good idea for her.
  9. Oh wow... it'll be good, story-wise, but I really enjoyed Roman and Jane's relationship/chemistry so I'm sad they're enemies now. I'm both surprised and not surprised that Rich Dot Com's a regular now. His last couple of appearances were enjoyable but I'm worried this will be way too much... but I'm open to it, and it's cool that he seems to be officially Team FBI now. I was going to say "boo" to them spoiling that everyone was OK but I think they're playing with the timeline, going between before the team being kidnapped and after. I was wondering how they'd keep the show going now that they solved a lot of the original story... I think this looks pretty good.
  10. I cackled when Aaron saw Callie and AJ. I can't stand him for making moves on Callie while AJ was around (though Callie did kiss him while she was with AJ, so neither party is innocent) so serves him right. I'm glad they're not forgetting that stuff, especially with the promo for next week showing Callie telling Aaron, "I'm not a piece of property". Damn right. I'm glad they brought Mike and AJ back into the picture, I was worried they were being phased out. Hopefully AJ attending the same college as Callie solidifies his presence on the show. As for Callie attending the protest, I'm glad she didn't get into any trouble but I was so frustrated with how she acted when Stef came to talk to her. She got all indignant because She Cares, and Stef just let her because hey, she had to play it cool, man. All I wanted to hear was Stef say, "it's only been a month or two (who knows) since you nearly got raped and murdered by a pimp, and almost put in jail for your other antics, so forgive me for being concerned about you going to one of these 'almost guaranteed to turn violent' protests". We get it, Callie cares about social justice, and that's a good thing, but she makes extremely stupid decisions and I'm not sure that she wouldn't have gotten into something if Stef hadn't checked in on her first. But she seemed to understand the need to keep it together, so at least she's learning. I'm glad Gabe and Ana didn't get back together, that Ana's legit about Mike, that Brandon didn't leave before hearing the entire conversation, and that Jesus's interference didn't pay off. I know Jesus wasn't thinking about it like that but wow, was he being shitty to Mike with all that. Mike may not be his parent, and I understand the biological tie of it all, but he's been in his life much more than Ana and Gabe have been. It was really nice to see Brandon hug Ana, considering their history. I thought the Mike/Ana pairing was weird and didn't really care much either way but I hope it works out. As soon as Jesus entered that room, I was like, "oh, he's gonna smash that shit." LOL. But I hope he didn't. So tired of Drew the Villain. I'm glad Emma was able to talk with Lena because she was clearly struggling. As crappy as Jesus was to her, it may be a good thing that he broke up with her because he was putting way too much pressure on her, both for his success and for moving the relationship along too quickly. I wonder if Mariana and Emma will be friends again now, or if that was just Mariana doing the right thing in comforting her.
  11. I don't know if it was special effects editing or if Maria Doyle Kennedy somehow managed to do it but at the end of that long shot of Siobhan's death scene, I swear you could see the light actually leave her eyes. Incredible.
  12. Another trailer was released yesterday: I thought this trailer was incredible but it seems like a lot of ground to cover in just ten episodes. As for the reboot, I actually think it could be cool with the changes they want to make (radio show format, anthology). But I got into this series last year so that might be why I'm more positive about it, haha.
  13. Variety.com - Teen Wolf (6B) Returns July 30th at 8pm
  14. I've been reading a lot of food blogs lately and noticed that many have video players that don't acknowledge my "click to play" plugin settings. I'm usually watching something on Youtube or listening to music while I'm browsing, so I really dislike having some video start playing (and wasting bandwidth). I guess these people just want the views but that kind of thing makes me want to avoid the website altogether. I used to use LastPass (cloud-based password manager) until I read about the hacking and stuff, so now I'm using an offline password manager (Enpass) to store my passwords. It backs up an encrypted copy of my passwords to my computer's HD as I make changes and then I back it up to my external HD weekly, and to a thumb drive monthly (I should do it more often).
  15. I haven't been to the Wizarding World since they expanded, sounds like I need to head back over there! If you're looking to have some butterbeer without going to Universal, I've found that Reed's "Flying Cauldron" Butterscotch Beer is pretty close. You can get it at Whole Foods (and probably elsewhere but I haven't noticed it anywhere else).
  16. Some more casting news I happened to see: Holland Roden set as lead in Amazon Horror Anthology Series called 'Lore' Shelley Hennig and Pete Ploszek (Mr. Douglas in 6A) cast in Liberty Crossing, a half-hour sitcom about counter-terrorism. (I added the IMDB cast list because they weren't announced when the Variety article went up. But there are photos of them on set, if you look on social media.) Not sure how they can make counter-terrorism hilarious but OK. :P
  17. I don't know about Crystal but Holland was recently announced for the third season of SyFy's Channel Zero. I've never heard of that show so I don't know if that's good or not. But I agree, I'm surprised she hasn't been booking things left and right. As for Tyler, there wasn't much to go on from his short appearance in the JtV finale but I thought he was fine. Hopefully being surrounded by all that talent will make him step up his game.
  18. I seriously thought that was what he was going to do... and I wasn't gonna be mad about it. Yo! This was great, although I found the ending to be a little clunky. The happy music cue at the end, with all of them laughing it up was a bit of whiplash, and then the time jump business... I mean, I'm glad we got an idea of what the show would be now that the Shepherd/Sandstorm stuff seems to be done. (I knew that rocket would go into the ocean! :P) I was wondering what the show would become if they thwarted Sandstorm, if it would become a basic procedural, continuing to follow Jane's tattoos... maybe it will for a while but now they have a time jump to spice things up. We'll probably get a bunch of flashbacks to explain when Weller and Jane apparently got married, and what Jane did that was so bad she had to hide out in the mountains. But the "Jeller" biometric clues and glowing tattoo thing? I dunno about that. Cool tech, though. (Speaking of cool tech, the rocket/space graphics were pretty impressive.) Last week I was wondering why COGS would magically take over and this week they explained that Shepherd's rocket and explosives were for killing the current government officials, which would have enacted COGS. Now I finally feel like I understand everything! LOL. And I usually ignore the episode titles because they go over my head but after seeing Jane exiled in the mountains, I get "Lepers Repel". Ha! I absolutely loved the new director (I forgot her official title), I really hope she sticks around. And a totally unexpected Nas at the end?! Hell yeah. I wonder if that was her real sendoff or if they intend to bring her back, since I'm guessing she's no longer going to be imprisoned. I think they should leave it as it is. Surprisingly, Shepherd lived... I'm so happy she got owned (shot, zapped, and now locked away) and that there was no "but maybe she'll get out of this one, too" moment. I can see them leaving her story there but I do wonder if we'll see or hear about her being brought to justice (publicly). *sigh* Jane and Roman are still fighting. I was hoping he was just biding his time with Shepherd but he's a lone wolf. But I'm glad they kept him in the game... for a moment I thought those childhood flashbacks meant Jane would put him out of his misery. So Patterson, Reade, and Zapata have been kidnapped... presumably by Roman but I keep thinking that Borden escaped that explosion, so maybe he did it or helped Roman. If Roman's behind it... payback for her not killing him? For her coming up with the whole ZIP/tattoo plan which didn't amount to anything in the end? And I guess Weller was spared because he was part of the box clue (and he's the male lead) but I agree, paigow, that kidnapping Patterson means clue-solving would take much longer. I wonder how long they've been missing versus when Weller found Jane. I'm super curious as to why she left... I don't know that it'll be related to what happened in this episode but then again, Zapata took issue with Jane letting Roman go, so maybe that blows up into something huge. It's gotta be something major to make her abandon the FBI and Weller. Wow... I remember smirking a bit at this show, thinking it wouldn't get past the first season and now I'm super invested in it, haha. Excited to watch next season!
  19. I don't think I fully understood everything that happened but I loved every moment of it. So I'm not sure if I'm getting this right, the scene went by so quickly... the tattoos were both to reveal corruption and to put certain people into place for COGS? I'm thrilled that Weller being so important actually paid off. Shepherd wanted to overthrow the government and (somehow) knew about COGS, so she directed him into that role... I guess because she thinks he's got integrity and will be better than the current government? I don't know but hot shit, man. But I don't understand why the current government would no longer be in effect. Like, she blew up some government buildings, so now the President and Congress and all that just doesn't exist anymore? I'm glad Roman also remembered that Shepherd was a piece of shit but he seems to have gone to her side... I was hoping he was faking it to make sure there were bullets in the gun before he went to kill her. Hopefully he's just playing along until the right moment. It makes sense that Roman wouldn't necessarily be reformed after one shot of ZIP but I hope he still has a chance for redemption. I'm worried he might not make it through, though. I wish they hadn't shown Zapata getting shot in the promo... took the wind out of that sail. But I'm glad she survived. I wonder if Reade will decide to stick around after all of this. I thought it was cool how they recalled Borden's time with the FBI, with him leaking the building design and creating an escape route. Still not into Weller/Jane but I thought they had better chemistry this time, at least. Excited to see what happens in the finale, especially since the show's been renewed for another season. They've been surprising me lately so maybe they will go through with the rocket bomb and the show will become about the new government, lol. But I'm gonna guess that the bomb gets redirected into an ocean and Shepherd gets offed.
  20. Ooh, this was a good one. Lots of progress made. I was extremely pleased that Zapata's arrest was actually a gambit rather than about the coach/Freddie business. I enjoyed the plot and Zapata herself. I felt like she was an actual player for once, rather than just there to supply negative comments. Going undercover, fighting, and now looking to go rogue to get shit done. I get both of their arguments; Weller doesn't want to go down the rabbit hole of off the books tactics (the same ones that were used to torture Jane), and Zapata doesn't care how it gets done so long as the western hemisphere remains on the planet. As for Ronda Rousey, I don't know anything about her other than that she's not a professional actor... I thought she did a good job. I was surprised that both of Roman's big secrets came to light in the same episode. I'm not too worried about Weller/Roman; Weller's a stick in the mud but he'll find a way to accept him like he did with Jane. Roman remembering Jane erasing his memory, though... yikes. He refused to kill her when Shepherd tested him, so I was shocked to see him attack her with the knife (and it looks like the fight will continue in the next episode). Their relationship has been so wonderful to watch so I'm anxious about seeing them on the rocks. I don't blame Patterson for being so suspicious... how can she possibly trust anyone? And I'm not sure if them repeating that Borden's dead is supposed to be taken as truth or not. No body, no death, and I remember that he was eyeing a window before the bomb went off. I felt like they closed that chapter well but perhaps Patterson will get to have her closure one day. I liked the new lab assistant (another The LA Complex alumni), hope we see him again. There were a couple of goofy moments but the only one I remember right now is when Jane announced herself when she had the upper hand with the two Sandstorm operatives. Why the heck would you yell "FBI!"? Pretty sure they knew who you were. (I know it was so that Jane and Devon could fight... but seriously.) Actually, now that I think of it, the Sandstorm ops should have recognized Jane and had some words with her about whose side she's on and all that. Maybe that will happen next week. I've been wondering what they were going to do re: going through with Sandstorm's plan and what the series would be about once the situation goes one way or the other. The latest promo makes it look like at least some of Sandstorm's plan will be executed. They better not be lying about "revealing everything" because I really want to know why Weller is/was so key to the big plan.
  21. The "lady hacker" was yet another actor who was on The LA Complex! I think that's four now, I love it. (ETA: I looked at IMDB and there's been at least eight actors in common.) I also loved all the digs at Weller... whoever realized that goofing on him was a good idea gets a high five from me. Patterson imitating Weller's standard, "we don't have time for that," made me cackle. Back to the hacker, she reminded me of Rich Dotcom. I found her whiplash snark entertaining to watch but I'm sure it would become tiring if they brought her back a bunch of times like they do with Rich (though I did enjoy his most recent appearances). I enjoyed the hacker plot, minus the Weller/Jane of it all. I'm happy for the shippers but it's still a no from me. Weller/Allie is the only one of his pairings I got a whiff of chemistry from (mileage may vary, of course) and she's been shipped off to Colorado. I was surprised that Shepherd got repeatedly nabbed, with the frozen bank account, not getting the explosives, and being jailed... but of course she won out in the end. Didn't even need the money, she got her shit for free. At least the FBI got the hacker documents so they're in safe(r) hands, and they got somewhat of a lead on the Truman Protocol. Follow the cogs? No clue. I'm very surprised that Shepherd wants Weller dead now. He was supposedly a big part of her plan. And why just him? The entire FBI team has access to the (redacted) protocol, and if anything Patterson should be on Shepherd's list as well, since she's more likely to crack it (plus the fact that they know she got rid of their tooth bug now). Is this because Weller's the male lead and therefore everything needs to center around him, or does this protocol specifically affect him in some way? I really hope they intend to explain his importance, both to the original plan and to the Truman Protocol, and why, after twenty-something years, he's now expendable. Sad for Reade, that the tape revealed that he was molested. Glad he's taking time off to get help, although I'm not so sure about him having sessions with Dr. Sun. It would be too much if she was another mole or some other baddie but I still don't know if she's meant to be suspicious or if her cool attitude is just who she is. As for Zapata, I foolishly hoped that this would be the end of it but now her evidence tampering is coming back into play, so I'm sure Reade sending Freddie away will come back as well. Missed Roman this week. I know it's likely about actor availability but I wish they had at least mentioned where he was.
  22. This really is the worst decision Callie's ever made. At least she didn't hook up with Brandon on top of it. I'm disappointed that Kyle wasn't actually the killer, only because I didn't want Callie to be rewarded for all the stunts she pulled. Troy's confession was terrible... for one, it was difficult to believe he ever would confess, and for another, spare me the tears, he should have gone down with cold indifference. And, of course, now that Callie's case should be dismissed (maybe probation, if she's still on the hook for breaking into that guy's house), she's not gonna be there for the hearing, which might land her in more hot water. Hopefully that won't happen and instead they'll wrap her court stuff up after she's found. Although I do wonder where that other detective was, the one who helped cover this whole thing up. It was so upsetting to see Stef drive past the hotel, and revolting to see "Daddy" in action. Although I wish Callie would stop getting herself into trouble and finally be a regular teenager with regular problems, the motel scene was disturbingly well done so I'm interested in them continuing with this next season. Jesus' plot left on a cliffhanger as well... it was raining; will he and Brandon get into an accident? Will Jesus be angry enough to accidentally injure himself again? Or will they both make it home, upset but in one piece? I understand why Jesus was so upset but Mariana was right; he flipped out over pepperoni on his pizza, so Emma (and everyone else) thought it was best to at least wait until he was better. I think his insecurity about Brandon was a good addition to Jesus's story so I liked that they continued with it here. And speaking of Brandon, I'm glad he hasn't gotten into much trouble this block... however, now he's kind of just there, so hopefully next season they'll have him planning to attend a local college or something (no girl drama, please). Mariana's been more self-absorbed than usual, and it's affected others, so I'm glad Emma and Jesus went off on her. And I'm glad she got to tell Nick's dad off as well, what an asshole. I'm surprised the deal went through with the school... not because Lena's speech was so persuasive (it wasn't) but because I didn't think the show would make a major change like that. But S5 is supposed to continue where it left off, and who knows where they are in the school year, so maybe there won't be any immediate changes (aka the kids will still attend the school). I wonder what Lena will do now, since I don't think she'd want to work for that snake. I was surprised that she was planning to return to work... how long has it been since Jesus's accident?
  23. Tacky probably wasn't the right word, sorry. What I meant was that I would have been a little disappointed if it turned out Roman was brought in to replace Reade, who's been on the show from the start. I'm not a big fan of Reade's and wouldn't have been upset if he left, but I would rather they try to do a better job with the characters they have than to ditch them for new ones. However, perhaps this coach/addiction plot is them trying to do a good job with Reade, and in that case... nah. LOL.
  24. I loved Mr. Powers! Is this the first time we've seen him? He's great, I hope we see more of him. I also loved the callback to JJ's Emma Watson crush, haha. I thought the pyramid scheme thing was a bit of a stretch; that a minor could sign up for one is one thing but that the company was even allowed to have a booth in a school was another. But I know they sometimes do ridiculous things for comedy's sake so I try not to let it bug me. I wasn't expecting Ray (and Dylan) to be concerned with taking care of JJ, at least not yet. I figured Ray's moneymaking obsession was like when he wanted to go to the country club, he has a more refined taste. It was a good turn though, and I liked that they left it on a cliffhanger with an upset JJ going to Kenneth's house. I think this show has been doing a good job of balancing humor and reality.
  25. I was thinking they should put Reade and his actor out of their misery and let him go but I'm actually glad that he's not the one who left. As shitty as his plot has been, I thought it would be tacky to basically replace him with Roman, now that he's in the field. I was worried that the veteran was actually a plant, trying to get details from Reade in relation to the coach's death and Freddie's disappearance. I thought Freddie's cokehead (on the weekends only, duh-doy) girlfriend was undercover as well but they both seem to be for real, at least for now. I'm glad Reade's finally watching the tape, so hopefully we can move on from this lackluster plot (for a little while, anyway; pretty sure what Reade and Zapata did re: the coach and Freddie will bite them in the ass later). Actually, wait a minute... didn't Reade or Zapata put the tape back? Since the police were investigating the coach's death and it would have been suspicious if his tape was missing? Not too surprised that Nas took the bullet for the team, as she's been on the periphery ever since she arrived (and we could never lose Weller). It also leaves the door open for her return, if she's exonerated after whatever happens with Sandstorm. Not at all surprised that next week's promo teases Weller and Jane... not gonna waste a second getting back to that, huh? Blegh. I'm with Weitz, why is Weller so important? I really want to know why he's so crucial... he should try going into hiding, see what Sandstorm does when he goes MIA. Roman going out with the team was refreshing but the orphan story was on the nose. So Jane's bank account was being loaded with money from shell accounts and stuff... I'm guessing they faked Jane's death to access the money for their plans? Why wouldn't she take it out before she wiped her mind, she knew what she was planning to do. And we end with mustache-twirling Shepherd, buying tons of explosives, I guess? It seems like things are coming to a head now... I've been wondering what the show plans to do, defeat Sandstorm and continue following Jane's tattoos, or have Sandstorm blow up the US and follow the aftermath. The latter would be unexpected, turning into a post-apocalyptic type thing, haha. But I think it'll be the former, with Sandstorm threatening to come back every once and a while.
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