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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. I came across a photo of the actor recently... he cut his hair!
  2. I'm both annoyed and thrilled that Kyle is guilty (or he's putting up a front). Annoyed because Callie's in deep shit for nothing, and thrilled because she's getting kicked in the ass for all the stunts she's pulled. But then I land back on annoyed because I know she won't learn from this. I was so happy when Kyle said she tried to help him because it made her feel good, like she had a project, because yes, yes, YES. All she needed to do was let Stef handle it and she wouldn't be in this mess at all. And that other guy has her on tape, breaking and entering? Fantastic. I can't remember, did Aaron enter the house as well or was it just Callie? Because that would likely screw up his whole law school thing. If she doesn't dig herself in deeper by running away like the finale promo suggests, I'm sure she'll get out of this somehow. But it's still stupid that she's on trial in the first place, while Troy, the driver, isn't. Speaking of Troy, so if he didn't murder his grandmother, then what's his deal? He really was just upset because Callie was trying to help the person who killed his grandmother? Or is he still possibly involved, like he manipulated Kyle? I didn't like them bringing Brallie back up (it's been so nice without it) but I was happy that they stuck with friends/siblings (and that it was finally believable). I liked how Brandon talked about divorcing the family and shutting Callie out, and how he wanted to have a sibling relationship with her now so everyone needed to chillax. However, I'm glad Stef actually paid attention and jumped in before things got heated again, knowing how Callie gets when she's emotional. However, I'm not getting too comfortable re: Brallie staying platonic... I sincerely hope the finale doesn't involve yet another "shit's hitting the fan, gotta hook up" moment. I have a feeling they'll undo the adoption and have them be endgame but that would be such a letdown to me. Mariana's Twitter account finally came back into play! I didn't expect it to go down like that, though, damn. Poor Jesus. I can understand why Mariana was so sensitive about Emma's abortion but Emma didn't owe her anything (and she would have talked to Jesus if he were in better health). Plus, didn't Emma keep quiet because Mariana said something like, "oh, it would be terrible if you were pregnant"? I wish she would have brought that up. Ugh, Mariana has become so insufferable (the actress is fantastic, though). I really loved the Brandon/Jesus scene, it was wonderful to see them together (and I was saying, "hug, hug!" so I was happy that they did). It was also a bit sad, knowing that Jesus is going to be livid when he finds out that Brandon knew about Emma. I liked how they tied Jesus and Gabe's medication issues together as well, and that Gabe didn't keep Jesus's secret, so hopefully he'll be OK. Interested in seeing Gabe around the family and hopefully he'll reconsider medication. I totally understand being wary of side effects but sometimes you need that extra help. Back to Mariana, I groaned when Jude went to her to keep a secret; he's been around long enough to know she's the biggest blabbermouth ever. But now Lena and Monte know, so they can try to figure out what's going with ABCC (why do they keep referring to it like that now?). Surprised to see Nick's dad there, wonder what his motivations are. Maybe he'll only donate money if Lena is ousted? But it's not her fault (or Mariana's) that Nick has mental health issues. I also liked them going back to Mariana and Jesus's childhood, with Ana leaving them alone in their crib. Lady Calypso, I agree that it's a stretch but my mom's first memory is of her in her crib as an infant, so I suppose it's possible! I can understand why Ana was so upset; it seems like the adults come in to support her and instead get put on the spot and told they're fuck ups... but I'm not sure if she's ashamed, especially now that she has a second chance with Isabella, or if that was an addict being an addict. Maybe both. Oh yeah, I like that they're bringing back Girls United and I like Diamond. It's frustrating (but understandable) to watch her swing back and forth between helping Stef (and herself) and getting back into the game. Luckily Callie and Daphne found the cell phone and gave the information to Stef. I'm worried that Diamond's pimp having Callie's number will become an issue.
  3. I know Weller/Jane is the show's OTP but I really liked Oliver/Jane and was hoping to see them together after their secrets came out, at least for a little bit. And honestly, I just like Oliver so I wanted him to stick around. So I wasn't too far off with my name change theory, just that his dad was a criminal, not abusive. I thought that scene where Oliver impaled that man was suspiciously similar to when Borden nailgunned a baddie but otherwise, his fighting skills seemed pretty unpolished so I don't think he's involved with anything shady. Some of the clues were a bit clunky, like Jane making every word of her sentence spell out a sentence, and the scratches on the couches symbolizing Oliver's charity. But I did like that Jane knew certain words would be flagged. The woman who's children were being held for ransom was so (unintentionally?) goofy with her bad wig and red glasses. Also unintentionally goofy was Patterson ripping apart her living room. I was with her until she sliced open her sofa. I'm so glad they finally got Roman out of that cell! It was getting pretty boring. Hopefully he'll recover more memories and become more of a team member. Was that money from Jane's (Alice's) bank account left by their parents? Or was Shepherd putting money in the account and made Roman withdraw the funds after Jane started her mission? And why was he crying? If it's the latter theory, was he sad that she didn't remember him? Hmm. Reade's plot is already a big drag but the fact that the person who got him hooked on the drugs is now telling him he's gone too far? "What are you doing, getting addicted to coke? It's only for funsies!" Infuriating! The way Reade acted with Weller was so childish, and then he got drunk and beaten trying to buy drugs. The promo for next week teased that someone would be leaving the show... I kind of hope it's him. It's a shame but his character has always been underdone (so has Zapata), so they may as well call it a day.
  4. Every time Callie brings up Troy, I roll my eyes. She just can't let it go! And what's most annoying is that her persistence will probably pay off and get her out of her mess (though it's ridiculous that she's in it to begin with). Also eyeroll-inducing is Aaron/Callie. Not just because she's clearly into the "wounded/needs help" thing but I dislike Aaron because he's been flirting with Callie both one-on-one and in front of AJ. Callie started it by kissing him while she was with AJ but I think it's pretty shitty to pursue someone in a relationship, so boo to him being rewarded in the end. But his story with his family was a good one. I hope we don't see Aaron's brother again, though. I find it hard to believe that Brandon was too ditzy to handle a shopping trip. Even if he didn't have the list, he should know what his family buys by now, and remember some of the things they were out of. He should also know that they're not rolling in the dough, so if anything he should have bought less just to be safe. They just had him living with a single mother, dude can't handle buying bread? Dumb. Also dumb was him not throwing Emma's letter out. Now Stef knows, and she'll tell Lena. Hopefully they'll go to Emma and tell her to tell Jesus because he'll probably ask Emma about it anyway, now that he can read (woo-hoo!). I find it interesting that Marianna was going around stealing pills and now Jesus is refusing his. Speaking of Marianna, she continues to tick me off. She just does whatever she wants and thinks she's adorable for it. You're not cute, and you're not five anymore, cut it out. But perhaps Gabe will help Lena out? (Speaking of Gabe, I'm glad they didn't have Mike get all suspicious of Ana's involvement in Gabe's business. I was worried they might when they had him walk in on them hugging.) I'm glad Stef and Lena talked things out before things festered for too long. That new principal is a wolf in sheep's clothing... even without his plan to convert the school to a private one (and I'm not sure what the pros are for that... increasing salaries?), he's an asshole for giving Lena all that paperwork. He knows he was brought in because she was on leave for her injured son, who he just spoke with and saw the extent of said injuries. Oh yeah, Jude. When he and Noah were in the school late at night, I figured it was Noah's idea, so I was surprised when Noah was like, "you're being a douche, I'm not into this crap". I still think Noah's not a great influence but he's not completely to blame for Jude's shittiness as of late. I understand why he didn't but I wish Jude would have hit a bully like that with a joke like, "dude, this is weak, get me something bigger," or "where'd you get this, your mom's dresser?" (because seriously, did he get that from someone else or did he spend money on this ~hilarious~ joke?). It's tough to deal with bullies, you can almost never win, but not reacting as expected at least confuses people, lol.
  5. The month-long hiatus got me out of the habit, so I only watched this episode just now... I loved it. One of their best, at least to me. I was happy they finally got to the bugged!Patterson stuff because I think many of us figured that was what was going on. But I was surprised that it was in her tooth, not an ear bug. saber5055 and MsLucas, I agree, I don't understand why a minuscule tooth implant would cause excruciating headaches... at least, not unless a toothache was causing it. I loved the scene where Patterson told Weller and Jane about the bug via her tablet. And I was amused by how some of them put on a "bad fake acting" voice while reading off the script. They made a big deal out of Borden blowing himself up but they showed a shot of him eyeing a window so I bet he's still alive. However, they closed that chapter pretty nicely so I kind of hope he doesn't pop back up again. I'm somewhat glad Nas wasn't killed off... I thought it would have been a waste, as she's a little "meh". Hopefully they'll improve her character. Putting how she got into the car situation aside, she was a total badass, that's for sure. Did they recast Cade? I don't remember him being attractive. Ahem. I was surprised when Nas tried to recruit him, as I didn't expect them to add another person to their team... didn't happen, though. Even though he helped them out, I'm surprised they just let him go with the money. So were Cade and Markos together? I don't remember either of their histories but that's the vibe I got. MsLucas, I agree, I wish we understood more about why people are so loyal to Shepherd. I can understand wanting revenge but being so committed that they'd help carry out what seems to be a major terrorist attack, and be willing to die to protect the mission? Why? I'm pretty much done with Shepherd at this point, as she's become more of a cartoon villain, but I think I would appreciate seeing memories of her recruiting members. I don't think that her threatening to kill people's families is what's keeping these people loyal, though I'm sure that's part of it. I wonder how they'll catch up to her now that she's left the US. I continue to be curious about why Weller is so crucial to the plan, besides him being the main male character. Maybe Shepherd planted something in him as well? Maybe that's why he mumbles so much! Cheap joke, sorry. I can't stand Reade's drug plot but I kind of wish he had been using longer before it got out. I don't know much about drug addiction but it seems like he's only done it 2-3 times, so this plot comes across like an after-school special. I'm glad Zapata knows and that she went to Weller about it. Hopefully this plot will be wrapping up shortly because it's not a good one. And we got to see Oliver! I was worried he'd be dragged into this mess... if he survives (please!), then Jane won't have to keep her whole life a secret anymore... a small consolation prize? LOL. It might be way too much for him (and I think they still want to pursue Weller/Jane) but it would be healthier (and safer) to have it all out there. I still think his name change was about ridding himself of his abusive father's name or he's in witness protection, something to that effect. I'd be so disappointed if he turns out to be part of Sandstorm... shock me, show, by having someone be completely unaware of the main mystery.
  6. True, but the scene or two they had together had a lot more heat between them than Robert/Katherine and Liam/Willow have had. I mean, it's all subjective but for me, there's a spark worth looking into. If anything, the actors have talent and charisma which should make it interesting to watch.
  7. They talked a lot about being careful with romances and doing background checks... I don't think Oliver's up to anything strange but perhaps Reade's hookup is. dwmarch, I agree, I wouldn't think a druggie would be so generous with their goods. If she's not with Sandstorm, then she's working undercover to figure out what happened with Freddie. With Oliver, maybe his father abused him and/or his mom, so he changed his last name to his mother's, or to "Kind" because it's something he values. I'm into them, so I hope he's legit and that Jane will open up a bit more. Maybe she can't explain everything but it doesn't all have to be off-limits. They played around with the Weller/Jane romance again (I'd almost forgotten that was a thing) so perhaps they'll go back to that because she can be honest with him about her life whereas she may never be able to with a civilian. I didn't think Zapata would be killed off but I did get worried once she was so pleasant with Jane. A character being super chipper usually equals death, haha. Plus, Zapata's been shooting daggers at Jane non-stop, so I was suspicious of them chit-chatting about relationships. I enjoyed the Weller/Roman pairing a lot. Everyone should get a chance to work with Roman (he's a great addition to the show) but especially Weller, as it improved his character and acting. And I've never found him attractive but I liked the glasses/cardigan get up. I knew someone would be hiding in Nas's car, ugh! Drives me nuts when these trained professionals repeatedly forget to check their surroundings.
  8. I really appreciated that they discussed Stef and Lena's parenting approach in Mariana's therapy session. It's clear that they care and that they've probably read many parenting books but it's time for some adjustments. I didn't like how smug Mariana was about getting the doors back and seeing the parents get schooled, though. It wasn't out of character or even that bad, I just thought it was bratty. I did like that they traced her insecurity all the way back to infancy, it certainly makes sense. Based on Jesus's coma dreams, he probably has the same issue... all the kids need therapy. Also, I have a feeling someone will put two and two together re: her Twitter account and something she says will get her into trouble. I hope Brandon finding that music therapy class is about him discovering a new avenue for his interest in music, not finding a new love interest. Hopefully her having a boyfriend and him wanting to have coffee only to discuss her work means that's not the goal because I think it would be good for him, now that Julliard is off the table. I'm not sure what his cheating means for attending other colleges but he could go to a local university (stay on the show) and learn music therapy and teaching there. I really enjoyed Brandon in this episode, stepping up to help Lena with Jesus, finding something Jesus would enjoy that would help him, being there for Emma, and I even enjoyed the ribbing with Callie. Keep Brallie there, writers! Speaking of Jesus, I'm happy to see him in rehab and I hope Stef and Lena realize that he needs to be there full-time, even though it would be difficult to be separated. It's way too much for Lena to handle on her own and his outbursts upset everyone, whereas the people at rehab take it in stride. He would get better faster there. I groaned when I saw Callie visiting Kyle (multiple times). Send Aaron to tell him about the case, stop risking your ass! Ugh. She has tunnel-vision and guilt about getting such a good hand. And she's changing her project yet again but at least people made fun of it a bit. "What's your senior project now?" LOL. I feel like Callie finally reciprocates AJ's feelings so I'm annoyed that Aaron's still trying to make moves. AJ isn't wrong to be suspicious; not of her but of him. I wish Callie would see what AJ sees and start to put up boundaries (stick to Kyle's case, or rather, cut ties because she needs to be done with that) but I'm sure this is leading to an actual love triangle, which I'm so not interested in. Surprised to hear about that guy and Sophie, wasn't sure if that would be acknowledged again. However, I'm worried that it might be another plot, him continuing to stalk Sophia. Stef bends the rules when it suits her so her hands aren't totally clean but I'm glad she's choosing to work from the inside to clean up the station. Maybe she'll become captain one day. I bet that detective doctored the date on the footage. I can't remember why he's doing any of this, though.
  9. I don't like that they've made Liam such an unlikable ass, and now Robert's this cold mastermind, but I like your post, phoenics. That helps me understand why Robert is the way he is. I was impressed by the reveal that Robert saw them kissing (even though it's ridiculous that he would be able to walk to the palace sans guards). I'm happy that they're going there with Robert/Willow, as I wasn't sure if the writers saw the chemistry between them like we did. But I really, really hope he actually likes her and this isn't about getting back at Liam (since Robert's so observant, he must know there were feelings on her end, at least). Interesting that he doesn't want his family with "the help" but now he's going to do so. Cyrus was pointing the gun at Liam at the end, what the heck was that about? I don't believe they'll kill Liam off, although they were hinting at it with his comment to Helena (about how Robert would be her only son). As shitty a person as Cyrus is, I'm glad he didn't get to kill himself because I like the actor. (What was up with his body double killing himself, though?! That was so messed up.) I was underwhelmed by Robert's big secret, and glad that Helena and Eleanor treated Liam like he lost his damn mind. Again, glad that the writers were seeing what we were seeing, haha. But I don't understand what he was trying to say. Like, OK, Robert didn't allow himself to be rescued until much later... so what? If he had, Simon would still be alive? How does he think Robert could have prevented that? Or is Liam suggesting that Robert had a hand in his murder, especially considering his conversation with Simon about disbanding the monarchy (though Liam doesn't know about that)? I mean, Liam's right that Robert's more manipulative that everyone thinks (lurking around every corner, eager to interfere) but Liam really does seem like a conspiracy theorist, and I think they mean for us to be on his side. So they introduced Helena's American lover, had them get serious very quickly and off screen, and now he's died. What was the point? For her to find out that Robert was behind it or something? And the chamberlain was fired, which was a relationship we got to see on screen, at least. I don't know what to think about any of that. I skipped past the Jasper/little girl scene and most of the Jasper/Eleanor flashbacks because I don't care. I'm sure they'll be together again one day but I'm really surprised that Eleanor told him she couldn't get back with him. They put so much importance on her finding her bliss and doing it for herself, I almost worried she might be killed off. I'm also surprised Rosie told Jasper to go talk to Eleanor, considering their interactions have consisted of threatening to shoot each other. I'm still kind of into the idea of Eleanor/Rosie, even though another relationship with a bodyguard isn't a good idea. I like Agnes Obel so I was happy to hear a song of hers in this episode. Eleanor's outfits are usually trashy but that black corset thing was atrocious. I hope as she grows personally, she changes her style a bit. I'll tune in next season but I'm not very excited about it. I'm interested in Robert/Willow but that's about it. This used to be a fun, campy little guilty pleasure and now it's so serious, with a bunch of miserable people. But I'm enjoying the actor playing Robert, even if I don't like how cold and controlling the character is. And Cyrus is abhorrent but the actor is excellent as well.
  10. I was annoyed when I saw Rich Dotcom in the promo last week but I ended up enjoying his presence this time, due to him finding (every) religion and actually being helpful (while still being a pain in the ass). I appreciated that they did something a little different with him, had him be (more or less) Team FBI and showed us his history as well. Plus, having him and Weller pretend to be together was absolutely worth it. Weller's such an uptight alpha male, so it was good to goof on him a bit. I enjoyed Boston as well, and he and Patterson were a surprisingly good duo. It was amusing to see Weller allow Rich to help him out of the car but when Boston did it for Patterson, she was like, nope! But they seem to have warmed up to each other, enough so that Boston knows her first name. I liked seeing Jane and Roman (and Nas) following the Sandstorm trail while the others handled a tattoo. I didn't remember anything about Taylor Shaw's mother so I didn't know she was still alive for Roman to kill (and in broad daylight after an accident; no onlookers?). Jane was smart not to tell Weller but I bet Roman will let it slip when Weller doesn't seem angry with him. I wish it would remain a secret because there's nothing to be gained there, except for Weller hating Shepherd (and Roman) even more. Speaking of, I'm both glad and surprised that Shepherd blackmailing Weller didn't seem to amount to anything. Like, she acted like she had him under her control but she doesn't at all. She wanted to kill that guy anyway, so she accomplished something, I suppose. They cut to Borden right after Nas said someone worked hard to erase information about whatever this Truman protocol is, so are they suggesting Borden was behind that? That tech guy who got in the car with Borden, I wonder what his motivation to work with Sandstorm is. He seemed like a passionate believer in the cause. (I also wonder why Sandstorm would tattoo something on Jane's body that led the FBI so close to one of their operatives.) So Dr. Sun, the new therapist, was the one who voiced concerns about that mole Nas was close to? I wonder if we'll ever find out who it was. But does that mean Dr. Sun is more or less trustworthy? She gave me shady vibes but it would be too much if another psychologist was a mole. I'm surprised Patterson would even consider opening up to someone Nas recommended, after she'd eavesdropped on all of them. Reade and Zapata continue to have ridiculous, disappointing plots. And Jane and Oliver seem to be doing very well, which makes me both happy and concerned, as being connected to Jane is a dangerous thing.
  11. This was an enjoyable episode to me mainly because Stef and Lena finally got angry enough with the kids to change their approach. Then on top of that, the judge brought up how Callie keeps screwing things up even though she has everything going for her, and I really hope she took that in. And I was very happy to hear Stef telling Mariana she needed to go back to therapy. Some sense was made, and I thank you very much. Back to Callie... basically what she's learning is to never do the right thing, ever. LOL. She shouldn't have gotten so deep with Kyle's case but she did the right thing with the hit and run, so it's ridiculous that she's being held responsible for it while the driver isn't. This shouldn't even be a discussion... she called 911, surely they could get a record of that and hear the fear in her voice, hear that guy screaming in the background? Hopefully when it goes to adult court, a new judge will look at the case and throw it away. I was happy to see Robert again, and Callie and AJ were very sweet. I'm also super happy that Mike wants to adopt AJ. His reaction was so sweet, trying to play it cool. I'm sure that will mean drama for Mike and Ana, which I don't particularly care about. I'd rather see how Brandon feels, since he was feeling pushed out earlier on and especially now that he doesn't have much going on, story-wise. Mike just needs to be clued in about Julliard and then that's about it. Brandon dun goofed again, lol. Those trust issues would have been a problem no matter what, though. Hopefully therapy and being single will be good for her. But I was right, Emma bought tampons for Mariana and the test for herself! This is too much, man. Like, I get that life happens the way it happens but my head is spinning trying to keep up with all these plots. Jesus is recovering so he won't be able to support her or the child, and his family is too busy with all their drama to help her out either. So what? Abortion? Lena's was a medically necessary one for a wanted pregnancy, so perhaps they want to do one with an unwanted pregnancy. Very upsetting to see him lash out... I'm worried Lena won't be able to manage it on her own. It sounds like her leave of absence doesn't include any pay so I wonder if they could have hired someone to be with him at home while they worked. Even if it dug into half of Lena's income, at least there would still be some money coming in. Then again, maybe it would have cost all of her pay so why not stay at home, I don't know. I understood Stef and Lena's reasoning but a sweet poem doesn't change the fact that Noah's a bad influence. Even when he was caught by his mother, he continued to share his weed, so I can't see him stopping because Jude tells him to or else they can't see each other anymore. He'll pretend to take that seriously and then start bringing stuff again, and Jude will eventually cave.
  12. Liam's being a punk ass and I really hate it. It's not like Robert asked him to lie about Cyrus. The only thing surprising about this is that 1) while I do think 99% of the reason why Liam didn't do as he was told was because he was jealous, he actually did make sense: negativity wasn't the right angle, and 2) asking Liam to do that apparently wasn't a test on Robert's part (because he had to know that Eleanor would happily oblige in trashing Cyrus). Guess he thought he succeeded in redirecting Liam's anger away from him. Now Jasper's got some info about Robert that Liam is itching to hear about... it's amazing how quickly they turned the lovable (but dull) protagonist into such a piece of shit. Robert as well, now going from pompous but seemingly decent, to angry and nasty. So that makes three pissy characters we have to watch... joy. catrice2, I was thinking the big secret would be that Robert avoided being rescued, or that perhaps he put the hit out on himself because the pressure was too much, but if it turns out that he somehow orchestrated his father's death... I mean, that would be juicy, lol. He did say the crown was for taking, and if Cyrus is on his way out, then I guess we'd need another villain (I don't really want one but with the domino thing done with, we need something I suppose). But I would hate it because I know that would be the show's way of saying, "Liam's still our guy!" and they've made him into too much of a douche to go, "heck yeah he is!" I was surprised to see Liam and Willow being so pleasant with each other, I would have thought they'd be a little cool or awkward. I'm glad she told him they should keep it professional. I'm annoyed that Liam's douchebaggery ruined them, and now Robert's being a power-hungry jerk so that turns me off to them as well. I kept expecting Liam to interrupt Robert and Katherine's midnight meeting, when's that secret going to be revealed? I bet Katherine will end up disliking "King Robert" and she'll fall back in with Liam, who also can't stand him. As for Eleanor and Jasper, I'm so happy she chose herself over him (and that it wasn't about Sebastian or some other love interest). I'm excited that she's going to pursue that hotel design job and seemingly head in a different direction than her mother has (nice mother-daughter bonding in this episode, appreciated that). I wish they had held off on showing Robert offering to rehire Jasper because that took all the tension out of things (even though I knew Robert would be named King; why bring him back only to keep Cyrus?). I think it's ridiculous that Robert would want to keep Jasper on. Yeah, sure, he worked hard to find information about Ted but Jasper's only there in the first place because he intended to rob them, and the only reason he didn't is because he fell in love with Eleanor. He's a liability. Plus, if Robert's so protective of Eleanor, he shouldn't want Jasper anywhere near her. But the actor's attractive and Jasper/Eleanor has a huge following, so let's not worry about any of that. I'm just glad Hill made it clear how massively he fucked up (that he nearly made an orphan out of an innocent child) and that his inability to trust anyone is a major problem (for real, he should have just told Eleanor to begin with). And I loved that Rosie was competent again and handled Jasper like a boss. Oh yeah, and I noticed they muted Cyrus dropping an F-bomb... I've heard that the reason why cable shows avoid profanity is because of advertisers but I wish they would have let that one slide. Cyrus was rather silly to think that targeting one person on the council would be enough to secure his place. I didn't realize we were already at the last episode! So we're waiting to find out Robert's big secret and hopefully Cyrus murdering that guy in the season opener will come up again. According to the promo, it seems Cyrus might decide to kill Robert rather than himself but I have a feeling he won't do either.
  13. Well, I'm glad they finally showed us the Shepherd/Weller connection but I can't say I understand any of it, particularly the part where Weller's so damn special he had to be singled out like this. She funded his education and directed him to New York for this big plan of hers because he hates injustice just like she does? And she thought she'd be able to bank on that moral righteousness but because he isn't willing (as he hadn't been brainwashed by her), she's framed him for murder to force him to work with her? "How many more people have to die, I'm doing the right thing, it's totally not terrorism when I do it!" She's such a tool at this point, I roll my eyes whenever she's on screen. I hope Weller will be smarter than Reade and Zapata have been and not try to hide the murder. "In another life, we could have been family." With the way she was rubbing his legs, now I'm wondering if she did anything to Roman (and/or Jane), especially considering Roman's comments about feeling something he couldn't describe for her. Yuck. I was extremely excited to see Jonathan Patrick Moore's name in the opening credits*, as I have fond memories of him on The LA Complex. I didn't think we'd see him again after Jane ditched him on their first date, so I'm happy they went on another one... however, I'm worried he'll be used as bait and killed by Shepherd (because he's way too nice and smiley, which usually means they're going to Deadsville, plus Weller/Jane is likely still endgame so he's gotta go). Maybe he'll be yet another FBI asset instead. Wishful thinking. :P * I was also extremely confused when I saw Marianne Jean-Baptiste's name but it was just a voicemail... I also saw Ukweli Roach in the credits but I don't recall seeing him in this episode. Patterson fainting will likely be brushed off as her just not eating but I still think Shepherd bugged her and/or there's other lasting damage from being tortured. Officially ignoring Reade's plot, what a disappointment. Also disappointed that we're going to see Rich Dot Com next week (nothing against the actor but I was really hoping not to see him for another season).
  14. I had to laugh when Callie was like, "I've been through this before," when she was going through the intake process. If you've been through this so many times, then why haven't you learned that you shouldn't say a word until you have a lawyer? Geez. Her stupidity is too much at this point and I'm not looking forward to her storyline. If they needed one of the kids to get mixed up with the law, why not Jude? He's always been so reliably good that the family hasn't had to worry much about him, to the point where perhaps they've been coasting. I know they like to have everyone fuck up at once, and especially Callie, but damn, let her be. On the other hand, I'm very interested in Jesus and Mariana's stories (minus the pregnancy test business). Jesus has a surprising amount of insecurity (surprising because it seems to be much deeper than I thought it was) and Mariana has PTSD out the wazoo. I was already looking forward to seeing how they deal with whatever issues he has due to this accident but adding his deep insecurities to the mix makes me even more interested. (Again, I gotta give kudos to Noah. I was hesitant at first but now I can't even watch the earlier seasons because Noah's my Jesus now.) As for Mariana, I worry she'll be overlooked because of what's going on with Jesus and Callie. Her issues because of Nick were already a concern but sneaking pills when her biological mother is an addict? Red flags. As for the pregnancy test, I wonder if Emma bought it for herself. Maybe she slipped it into her purse and bought Mariana some tampons or something like that. Mariana may have gotten a pregnancy test when she was looked over by the doctor, so why would she need to check again, like two days later (and less than one day after sleeping with Mat)? I remember Emma said she and Jesus should get tested before having sex but I don't remember if they followed through with that. I was happy Brandon called out Jude for his behavior, so at least the show knows he's been a big brat lately, lol. Brandon didn't have much to do in this episode besides his very sad attempt at fixing things with Julliard and seeing Emma in the hospital shop. At first I didn't realize it was Emma in the store, so I was worried they were already setting him up with a new love interest. Actually, I was very surprised that Jesus hallucinated Emma and Brandon hooking up... have they interacted before? Or has Jesus ever seemed concerned about the two of them, or just Brandon? I know they won't but I wish Stef and Lena would realize they need to reevaluate their parenting techniques because these kids are a mess. That ghost mother-in-law assuring Lena that she's doing everything right was frustrating. Yes, teens will be teens, and this is a TV show, but damn.
  15. Holy shit. I'm relieved Stiles wasn't killed off or turned into a Rider but I wasn't expecting to say goodbye to the Senior Pack already. This definitely felt like a series finale but there are still ten episodes left, so what? We're getting that Next Gen reboot, only for 10 episodes? Or will some of the Senior Pack will still be in town? I'm not completely against the Junior Pack like others seem to be but I didn't think we'd see them running things, so I don't know how I feel about that. Well, since Dylan O'Brien's schedule dictated things, at least we got a concrete ending for him, even if it was abrupt and unexpected. I have a feeling many viewers will call it quits here, and I don't blame them because I don't think they can match, let alone exceed, this block/finale. Although I have heard that they want to get some old characters to return, so maybe that'll be a draw. *shrugs* I've really resented how much attention Stydia has gotten over Sciles this block so I was relieved that the series ended with just them (driving off in the Jeep, exactly like I hoped!). Really nice callback to the pilot, a dead body in the woods. (And another callback was Stiles closing his eyes when the Rider put his gun to his head, like when that teacher did it a few seasons ago.) I'm a little frustrated that whatever Stiles wanted to say to Scott in the first episode never got addressed but I suppose it's OK because we got an "I need you/I'll miss you". Sad that they're not going to college together... Stiles seemed OK with it, considering how upset he was about it in S5. I wish they had gone to the same school and just said that Stiles went out first to find apartments. But if they kept Scott local so he could make appearances, I guess they wanted a solid reason for Stiles not to be around. At this point, it would actually be weird if Liam and Hayden didn't kiss with dreamy music blasting in the background but ugh, lol. And after losing his mind when Mason was erased, you'd think he'd want to hug him... but nah, he's cool. At least the hugged Stiles, I was hoping but not expecting that. They're really pushing a Liam/Theo friendship, huh? I don't really get it, especially since Theo trapped Scott in the library so Liam would kill him. Liam can choose accept that he's ~reformed~ I guess, but they don't have to be bros or anything. As for 6B, if Scott doesn't hang around, I'm curious to see if they'll acknowledge that Liam and Hayden are Omegas in need of an Alpha or if they'll pretend like that's not a major issue. And in the same vein, I wonder if Liam will become a True Alpha like Scott, since he didn't kill the Nazi Wolf like many thought he may do to become an Alpha without killing Scott. Really fucked up that Stiles and his dad had to fight/kill Claudia, who... was a Ghost Rider? OK. I warmed up to Argent/Melissa but I thought that standoff and subsequent kiss was really goofy. I think it was meant to be. Seeing Corey hooked up to the intercom thing was really disturbing. There wasn't anyone in the intercom room when Stiles and Peter went in it but maybe there was another room. Shudders to make me think that Corey may have replaced someone who died announcing the times. I thought Peter might be killed off after being somewhat redeemed through his relationship with Malia but he's still around. There's more to talk about but my mind is jelly after this episode, lol.
  16. This episode had some strange developments... Eleanor's bodyguard went from super competent to a bumbling dweeb (it was kind of funny, though), a fox ran around the palace (with Eleanor finding it to be the perfect way to fall asleep, lmfao), Helena's now all about that rich developer guy, almost everything with Liam and Robert, and then bringing back that guy who shot down Robert's plane... So Liam and Robert made up, mostly because Robert managed something Liam the Baby couldn't, empathy. Everything Robert did in this episode proved why he should be King. He buttered Liam up, sympathized with him, and encouraged him to ask Helena to support him as King. It was unlikely but it could have gotten Robert out of line for the throne, which he seems like he may want. But he likely knew that it was a fruitless and was smart enough to make Helena take the fall and position himself as the good guy in all of it, so Liam will stop fighting him every step of the way. Brilliant. Back to their talk, Liam has been such a brat, and the fact that Robert apologized for not considering what Liam had gone through all that time... really?! Robert's been a bit pompous and has pushed Liam's buttons, for sure, but Liam's been a brat to someone who has no clue why, so Robert taking the blame for most of their issues probably made Liam feel like he had been justified. I'm just glad Willow handed his ass to him, and it wasn't about the monarchy so he couldn't pull any of that "but I was gonna be King!" pouty bullshit. Man, I really did like them together but Willow and Robert had some great chemistry in the last episode so maybe... maybe. Speaking of Robert, I continue to be a little confused about what kind of person he is every time he makes some cocky comment, like, "why wouldn't you want to be me, I'm so great," or whatever he said in this episode. I couldn't tell if it was meant to be sarcastic or if he really thinks he's awesome because his expression and voice suggested both. I'm glad Sebastian and Eleanor had a nice day together and that he's respecting her wishes to remain friends. Like Helena said in this episode, she has no friends, so I'd like it if Eleanor didn't have that problem as well. I'm not happy that Jasper is using that smug reporter to dig up dirt on Sebastian. Dude, you abruptly ended things and have gone quiet, and you think you have any right to interfere with her life? Get bent. I thought Rosie was too over the top comical in this episode, considering how badass she was previously, but I did appreciate the silliness. I hope she becomes Eleanor's friend, though I'm still feeling warm to the idea of them dating (even though it would be another bodyguard situation). I'd like to see bodyguard!Rosie and Liam cross paths, since they had a beer together. I don't dislike Helena and the American developer but I wish there had been more scenes showing how well they got along before they told us that she had her happiest day in a long time. What about him is so great? We saw a conversation or two and some extravagant excursions. Meanwhile we've seen many more scenes with her and the Chamberlain, so I at least get what's going on there. I liked that Helena called him a pussy... however, they didn't make it clear what they are, so I understood why he was upset. But she's the Queen of England (and he's an employee) so of course she'd do whatever she wanted without thinking too much about it. They brought back the guy who shot down Robert's plane, so are they circling back to the Domino plot? I don't see the point, now that Domino's leader is dead, as is Ted (who was involved with them). Is Domino still operating? Will the leader's body be found in the river? Where are they going with this? Oh yeah, and Cyrus... that was weird. I like her but why is Cinnamon (or Saffron?) his go-to gal now? I'm worried they're painting themselves into a corner, between his cancer and now him saying he'd kill himself if he loses the crown. And the dead body he dumped in the river might be connected to him. The character is abhorrent but the actor is great, so for that reason I hope we don't lose him. Maybe they'll bring back Violet (no body, no death).
  17. I really enjoyed this episode. I felt like it had a good balance between the packs, with the older pack having a nostalgic plot and the younger pack (well, Liam) doing action stuff. Plus, they were working together (Liam trying to buy the Senior Pack time so they could open a rift) instead of acting as two separate packs doing their own things. I liked how they did the flashbacks, with Stiles "glitching" into the hallway as Scott remembered him sitting outside his bedroom as he changed, and Lydia being in the memory of her and Stiles in the locker room. ahisma, I totally agree, Scott and Stiles are the true love story to me so I've been disappointed with how they've been minimized in favor of Stiles/Lydia... it was extremely emotional to see Scott pull out that flare and remember that moment, but I disappointed that it didn't have any impact on the rift. He has so many memories of Stiles, to the point where it's overwhelming, but Lydia's the one who opens the rift and (presumably) gets Stiles back? Kind of feels like a slap in the face. Considering how dire things were, I was surprised that there was humor in Liam's plot but I ended up enjoying it. Sheriff's disgusted sigh as he saw all the Ghost Riders, lol... at least he'll get to be with Stiles again. I don't understand why Theo was willing to sacrifice himself for Liam's sake either. Yes, Liam staying behind and fighting was heroic, and he saved Theo's life despite specifically stating that he wouldn't. But they've all been shitting on Theo since he got back so he shouldn't have been willing to save any of them. I get that they're redeeming him, and I'm interested in it, but that was a bit much. The promos for next week look cool and I'm interested in seeing how they wrap this block up, especially with Stiles' character, considering Dylan O'Brien's schedule.
  18. She played Pansy Parkinson but only in the third movie... not sure why she was recast. Here's a picture.
  19. My first thought was that the prince who bought time with Eleanor was an annoyingly obvious rebound hottie but he actually turned out to be quite nice. However, I was really feeling Eleanor and Rosie (the army girl who took down that guy at the party). If that was just set up to get her to be Eleanor's new bodyguard, fine, but if she's a possible love interest (judging by the cologne/perfume comments), I'm into it. Though dating another bodyguard probably isn't a good idea, lol. Either way, if one or both of those people become good friends to Eleanor, then I'll be very happy. Also, I couldn't help but wonder if the talk about places in line (I think Eleanor said she had nothing to worry about, in terms of succession) was another hint that she might become a contender. I don't think she's stable or focused enough yet but I would love for her to take the crown away from Cyrus, Liam, and Robert. I was annoyed that that slimy reporter followed up by trying to screw over Eleanor, and I'm even more annoyed thinking that it really didn't have to be like this. Jasper could have just told Eleanor what was happening and she'd (clearly) know how to handle it. On the other hand, I'm happy for the break from the two of them. Even though most of her story was still about Jasper, I'm so happy we got to see her show off her creativity (designing the gala stuff) and interact with other people. What that reporter should be doing is reporting on the obvious acrimony between Robert and Liam, which is a far juicier story than Eleanor's love life. I'm hoping they start showing that the media is onto their drama or else it seems like a weird oversight. I still think Liam's being a baby and needs to stand up for himself (verbally, not physically) but I also see why he's pissed. Robert's being pointedly pompous toward him and is getting a chuckle out of it every time. "I don't want to keep knocking you back down, I love you brother." Really? He seems particularly pleased about being #1 and rubbing Liam's face in it. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Robert or his addition to the cast, and I do think it's messed up that the family isn't doing more for his mental welfare (letting him jump back into the fray without any kind of therapy). However it's jarring to see this compared to what we were told about him... perhaps Liam's memories of Robert became much more positive after his "death" and this is really what it was really like. They keep saying that they loved and missed each other but they don't act like it. They need to let their guards down and have a productive conversation, and I'm not sure that'll happen. Oh, and Robert and Willow had some vibes in this episode. I thought they had better chemistry than he and Katherine do but I'm hoping they won't go there. If they do, then that better not be what gets Liam to realize he's into Willow, too. It's unnecessary; he has history with her (that we've gotten to see for over a season now) so they don't need to use Robert to make them a thing. Plus, it would really make it look like Liam's motivations are about wanting what Robert has rather than having real emotions toward either woman. Had a chuckle at all the Harry Potter talk, as the actress who plays Willow had a part in the third HP film. Also appreciated the Gemma mention earlier in the episode. The Queen and that American guy... I thought they had good chemistry but I wasn't expecting them to do a love triangle. I'm not sure how to feel about any of it because I don't really know what that American guy's purpose is yet. Seemed a bit business-y but I don't know. Since some of the charity picks were rigged, perhaps hers was as well? Maybe Cyrus knows about her and the chamberlain so he's trying to stir shit up for them. I really liked the jacket Cyrus wore during the boxing match, and his comment about Helena's eye rolls was funny. The storyline with the kinky privy council guy... I knew it was a set up but that seemed like a lot of work to come to that conclusion, lol. And Cyrus is one to talk about weirdness, he slept with his body double (who looks exactly like him, as he's played by the same actor), among many other things. They showed an outside shot of the castle with that bridge... still waiting for the guy Cyrus poisoned and dumped in the river to be brought up again.
  20. So now Borden's capable of designing some kind of weapon and is high up enough to be bossing people around? Is this another act or is this who he really is? Either way, it feels like a stretch to me. Patterson pondering if there's another mole on the team... yeah, you! I still think Sandstorm put a bug in her ear, or at least, I hope they did and there isn't another active mole. Did the FBI not have a photo of Shepherd, or a sketch? Seems strange that Weller only now remembers her. Curious to see what their connection is. I doubt he's a double agent... or at least, not an active one. His breakup with Nas was as boring as their relationship. But I did feel slightly bad that he got dumped right after the mother of his child told him she was moving away. As for Nas, they keep having her bring up how she messed up in the past, so I hope whatever happened is interesting enough. Reade and Freddie's ex... it hit skip so fast. Why?? dwmarch, I like your idea that she may be an undercover cop. Sucks that Reade and Zapata are both stuck with crappy stories (in my opinion). Roman and Roman/Jane continue to be the best part of the show for me. Good thing Kat was killed because that would have caused a lot of trouble... but at least they know he was capable of love, which is something that (shady) therapist lady said he couldn't do.
  21. Linden Ashby (Noah) was the MVP of the episode. Every scene he had, he killed. Great stuff. I noticed that Claudia got blurrier as he remembered that she was dead... then the tears. His, not mine, I definitely didn't tear up. :P I saw people theorize that Mieczyslaw was Stiles' name, so it wasn't that big a reveal for me but still cool. Interesting that Scott is (or was) considering biting Stiles to get him back... if it doesn't kill him, Stiles would still have to be burned up to get through. But luckily it seems they can open up the portal and avoid that issue altogether. Nazi Weretiger Ghost Rider... just keep adding to it! LOL. I'm glad Liam asked why Nazi Wolf was still fighting the war because I was wondering that myself. But it seems he may not have necessarily cared about the war, he just wanted a personal (supernatural) army and that was a way of getting it. I saw someone ask, and it makes me wonder as well... how has Nazi Wolf been able to stand all the diversity around him? Even if he wasn't super into the Nazi stuff, you'd think all the interracial dating, etc., would have him a bit on edge. I figured they were playing up Argent/Melissa because he'd be taken (and there's no one left to miss him) but I wasn't expecting her to be taken at the same time. Then Mason, Hayden, and Peter again... geez. Speaking of Peter, he sacrificed himself for Malia again... I need them to get into his newfound feelings for her because while he may not have been as bad to her as her mother was (which isn't saying much), he's never been a doting father. I wonder if we'll see limbo again, since so many characters are there now... I'd love to see Stiles react to Peter being back. "Really, dude?" So now the Ghost Riders revere Banshees? Where was that reverence when they snatched Stiles right in front of her? LOL. I wonder if she'll fight them or if she's just going to buy the pack more time by shielding them. I also wonder if there will be any tug of war between Nazi Wolf and the other Ghost Riders re: Parrish. Nazi Wolf seems to have control of them all now but why? Is there a leader of the Hunt? Theo was more like his old self, which is both good and bad, lol. I think it's stupid that Liam broke the sword but hopefully he can get Kira's mom to repair it. Theo kept gripping the jail cell's bars like he was going to bust out of there, so I was surprised that he hadn't done so by the end of the episode. But I'm sure he did once Liam ran off and there was no one to stop him. I really don't want to rip on Hayden again but holy crap. Is she a werewolf or not?! When Liam was flipping his shit after Mason was taken (which was great, love their friendship), all she did was stand there and yell his name. I mean, OK, she did a little bit of fighting, and I appreciated it, but for the most part she was as good as human, and that pisses me off. She's a werewolf, she shouldn't be stuck being Liam's helpless motivational cheerleader. Ugh. That aside, I did think the scene was well done, when they realized Liam had to let her go (second time he's lost her now). But I was happy she was taken... hopefully she'll come back less pathetic. I don't want her to suck, lol.
  22. They're apparently best buds (since Liam's original bodyguard and close friend left in S1), and he helped him find Simon's killer. But they've never dated... I kind of wish they would though since Liam's the only one who doesn't do anything campy or wild, lol. Plus, I can just see Eleanor, "first my mother, now my brother?! I better let Cyrus know you're on the prowl." I thought that singing stuff was something they did for the winter hiatus, not part of an episode. I skipped through it then, I skipped through it now, but still, nice to do something different. The actress who played the reporter absolutely killed it in terms of making me hate her guts, haha. So slimy. Also slimy is Jasper's dad, though I'm not sure how Jasper knew it was him. How would his dad know what he's been up to? Even if he saw him in the background of a photo, it doesn't mean anything... unless Samantha (was that her name?) told him because she was pissed that their big plan fell through. catrice2, I agree, it sounds more like (this season's version of) Beck would be behind this. To be honest, even with Jasper's shady past, I don't see how their relationship is that big a deal. Eleanor's known for being strung out on drugs, flashing her bits, and dating Samantha, an American commoner, was somewhat controversial... dating a (repentant) con artist is par for the course. Jasper and Eleanor breaking up because he's incredibly insecure fits his character and it was a long time coming. He wouldn't have been able to stand being her secret lover for long, not when his lower status would be thrown in his face all the time. However, the problem for me is that I know the show is obsessed with them so there are no stakes. They'll be back together, unless something out of their control happens (like an actor wanting to leave or not getting renewed). The only thing I'm hoping for from this is that Eleanor can have some non-relationship plots (I want the same for Liam, too). Her giving the speech was a good sign... I agree, phoenics, she may end up coming from behind to take the crown. Now that I think about it, that could be a very satisfying end to her story when the time comes. "Here's to Liam for being disgraceful." "To Robert, blowing me." Well, I'll take sassy!Liam over sad sack!Liam any day. For real, stop pouting and say what you have to say already. Robert is being a bit pompous and the looks he was giving suggest that it's purposeful. However, Liam is being a baby... that good guy sheen is rubbing off very quickly now that Robert's back. phoenics, I agree with you again; I don't think Liam really cares about Katherine, I think it's more about having something of Robert's. But I do think part of the problem is that they introduced Katherine and this relationship this season... if it had been, say, Ophelia, who we'd known since S1, then I'd get this whole story. I thought Robert was right to be pissy about Jasper using the "family gym". For someone who supposedly cares about keeping his relationship under wraps, he's rather comfortable going in and out of the Prince and Princess's rooms and using their personal amenities. Robert was staring at that timer again... maybe he lost track of time while stranded so seeing time pass helps keep him sane?
  23. "JJ might be skinny but he has a big fat asset- his heart." I burst out laughing. God I love this show. I also loved the girl who spoke as if everything? Was a? Question? Haha, that really is annoying! And then Kenneth narrating the end and mysteriously disappearing... I think the Thanksgiving episode was my favorite but this one may have replaced it. A little disappointed that there was no followup to Kenneth and the principal but it's not too big a deal. The kid who played the guy who was using JJ for his essay looked very familiar but I don't know from where.
  24. So Zapata is into Reade? But she's pushing him away because she's ~too complicated~ or something. Dude, whatever. I doubt Patterson's headaches were just for the discovery of the mancala tattoo (which I liked because I used to play mancala when I was in middle school, been wanting to pick it up again). I think Sandstorm planted a bug while she was knocked out. I'm still curious to see how this erased tattoo plays out, if it was meant to be forgotten or if it's a plan they decided to keep to themselves. I agree, slf, that psychiatrist is probably up to no good... can't trust anyone after Borden. Maybe someone wants Roman out of the picture (locked up forever) or "transferred" out of the FBI headquarters so they can get him back into their hands. It seems they're suggesting that since Jane was able to change, Roman might be able to... but it'll be up to Jane to make that happen because everyone else is treating him like a psychopath (even though Jane fit that bill much more than he did pre-Zip). Hopefully she can get through to him before he realizes she's the one who wiped his mind. I thought Allie was going to say she decided she wanted to avoid the messiness and have Conor act as the resident baby daddy. Moving away works, too. I mean, it sucks for Weller, to be so easily cut out like that, but in terms of the show, having a baby to take care of just wouldn't work.
  25. I really enjoyed this episode, everyone had their own plots going on but it all tied together. The stuff with Lydia and Sheriff was the best part, especially the music choice when she tossed him the jersey. I don't quite understand how Sheriff, a human, could conjure up Claudia but blugirlami21, your comment about his grief being so deep could be the explanation. The opening scene with Theo and his sister dragged on way too long but it definitely helped explain his change in attitude. I wasn't sure about them redeeming him but seeing her rip his heart out so many times that he finally accepted it... alright, I'm into it. He seems to be on Scott's side but I'm curious to see if he remains that way or if he's pulling a Peter (out for himself). Either way, I hope he becomes less neutered as time goes on because while I'm enjoying the change in attitude, it's a little too pathetic for how high the stakes are. I really hope there's time to delve into why Peter has Daddy Feels for Malia now... he sacrificed himself for her right after complaining about her lack of self-preservation skills. And despite what he says, he brought those keys back for a reason. He's having a change in heart and I want to know why. Maybe sitting in limbo gave him time to think about it? Also, that callback to him and Melissa going on a date was so awesome; I'd totally forgotten about it! Lesson learned: never wander around alone (and away from the main plot) because it'll get you into big trouble. I guess Mason's "power" of finding Corey when he's invisible will come into play. I wonder what Nazi Werewolf (Ghost Rider Edition) meant when he said he wanted to "do this" for a very long time. Was he talking about having that power or hurting Corey specifically? Probably the former. But I wonder if he was glad to stumble upon Corey first because maybe he did see him turn invisible and steal his pocket watch in the first episode. I feel like that early scene had to have meant something. Maybe because of that he learned that Corey can see the Ghost Riders when invisible so he erased him so he couldn't help Scott and co. I've been wondering if Corey could get people out of limbo because he's on the same wavelength as the Riders, so maybe Nazi Werewolf dun goofed. Do Liam and Hayden have to kiss in every episode they're in? It's always so ridiculous. At least Theo made a comment about it. Hayden continues to bug... I think she's part of the reason why Liam looks like such a weeny, though he manages that fine on his own. :P I don't mind that he's struggling ("Mr. Ghost Rider? Mr. Rider?" That was cute, sue me, lol) but I've noticed that he's always looking to her for support. Besides the fact that he should be looking to Scott for that (because he's his Alpha and who he's trying to take over for), it's too much that they're both dating and Betas in the same pack. It makes it look like she should be thinking about becoming the Alpha, since she's the one with confidence in all these plans. I like everyone else so I feel bad for singling her out but she could be so much better (also, she needed a best friend ages ago). (Sorry you had a bad week starri!)
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