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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. Ooh, that could be a nice twist. Also, the half-brother might come into play, depending on how old he is.... and if Rafael's dad isn't his biological father, perhaps the half-brother is his full-brother. Lots of options there. Unfortunately, the dramatic breakup and the Jafael-centric promo meant very little to me because I was too busy going, "what about Petra and Roman?!?!" LOL. I'm excited to see where this is going, especially since things have gotten rather slow in terms of the mystery. Still, I have to give credit to the show, they keep revealing things right away rather than holding on for ages; Jane knows about Andi and Michael! Last week, I was wondering what Andi's angle was... now that Michael mentioned Andi's "stalking", I'm starting to think it's not just casual speech. Maybe Michael's life will be in danger due to her?
  2. TeenNick 14B Promo MTV Canada 14B Promo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouzMf3FU7oc Still no premiere date! Edited to add the TeenNick 14B promo... it came out months ago but I guess it wasn't posted.
  3. Usually the twists and turns surprise me but I was waiting for them to reveal that Aaron was really Roman. So what, did Roman invite Aaron to the party for a reconciliation and then push him to his death? Why? Is there something to learn that he can only find out as Aaron? I also wonder what Andi's deal is, especially since she knows that Jane's Michael's ex (probably figured it out via the social media stalking). She seemed legitimately nice to Jane, and I liked their friendship... I don't know what her angle is. But I'm sure she has one. Loving the Michael/Rogelio bromance, definitely keep that going! I think I've officially switched over to #TeamMichael. I was starting to head that way and this episode did me in. Yes, Rafael has a business to run, and no, a nanny isn't the worst thing ever. But I definitely understand Jane's frustration that she's basically going it alone (though she has her family, such a sweet moment). And Rafael was a very nasty drunk. The "love will conquer all" stuff fell as flat for me as it seems to have done for Jane. Unfortunately, I'm with the folks who think Michael will bite the dust so switching to #TeamMichael will likely end in pain for me, haha.
  4. - "You look upset, or as upset as someone as beautiful as you could be!" Oh, you are parched, Monte. So it's inappropriate to date a subordinate but it's totally cool to bring a bottle of wine onto school premises and get tipsy? I actually liked Monte, and I liked her as Lena's friend, but that's not a cute look, going after someone who's not only married but clearly vulnerable. At least Lena pulled away but it happened and I doubt it'll be swept under the rug. - I don't believe that Connor's dad would have changed his mind about letting Jude see Connor. I mean, yes, a crying Jude is very persuasive but this guy was guarding the door and talking about pulling Connor from school. Did Lena and Adam talk more, and then he thawed out? I hate when it feels like progress is made off-screen, especially with Jude and his stories. Nice callback to the blue nail polish, though it's been so long since Jude's worn it that it felt a bit cheesy. - Can't even hate, I thought both dance routines were freakin' awesome. And now I get what Mariana meant by Emma getting to dance and show off her smarts. This friendship is very good, keep it going! And by the way, I don't know why Jesus took credit for Mariana coming up with that idea, she'd already had the lighting and coding plan in progress before she got hurt. - I didn't feel much of anything for Brandon and Lou but holy heck, was she trying to manipulate him. As soon as the band might get a contract, she's all, "I love you" and let's make out (so you miss your audition). Wow... girl, bye. - Pleasantly surprised and relieved that Stef and Robert had nothing to do with the accident... there was so much good stuff with the Quinns, and then when Stef got called to the judge's chambers, I was so worried one or both would crash on the way there. I loved the nighttime scene between Robert and Callie, so glad she was able to tell him she loved him and that he would be in her life no matter what. And I'm so glad this is finally resolved (though I bet Callie still won't get adopted, something else will pop up, lol). However, and I know this won't happen, but I think Stef owes Robert a huge apology. Having a third parent involved can be messy, and Stef and Lena don't seem to take to it well (they were both annoyed with Ana sharing stories about when the twins were young, even though that's beneficial for them), but I hope they can mend the fissure Stef created. Robert's a good guy, and Callie could use all the goodness and love she can get. - As soon as Ana drove into the intersection and suddenly the background of Jesus' shot was green-screen, I was like, "fuuuu". LOL. Just based on the scene, Mariana should be the casualty, as she didn't seem to be in a seatbelt, but that would be devastating. No, I won't entertain that idea. Normally, I'd think this would end up being a fakeout, much like Connor getting shot in the foot, but
  5. - I'm glad Callie finally got a win with Liam but having her in the interrogation room was reallllly pushing it, haha. Also, I wish they had mentioned that you can freeze credit for minors... you don't have to be in the foster system to find that information useful. - Ana and her hot potato baby... Mike wants her, Stef and Lena want her, and now the grandparents will probably step up and want her. I didn't catch it at first, that shot of the woodwork names, but when Mariana said thanks for the Christmas presents, I was like, "omg". Really nice callback. - I love how Stef and Mike get each other... I'm guessing Mike realized she wasn't just buying a purse and insisted on being backup, and he also knew she couldn't see Ana in that motel and not want her out of there right away. - Monte... "Maybe I should try women! *heart eyes*" Nooooo! I'm surprised Lena didn't say something about how you can't test drive being a lesbian, since this show is all about pointing stuff like that out, but I guess she's really that unhappy with Stef right now. I don't blame her since Stef keeps making unilateral decisions, and Monte's been a great listener, but... ugh! - I understood Emma's mindset, those things are real issues, but based on what occurred in the episode, it seemed like she was overreacting. Her hesitancy to join the dance team, being upset about being relegated to marketing, and in the past she's said she doesn't get along with girls... I feel like there's more to her story and I hope they're intending to tell us about it. I liked Mariana asking her why she couldn't be both sexy and smart, and why would she limit herself, etc. But I did think some of the moves were too sexy... instead of quitting the team, maybe Emma should have pushed to alter those moves. - Connor's dad has had it out for Jude so I was pleasantly surprised that he initially suspected Daria for the sneaking out business. Sucks that Jude got thrown under the bus anyway but I'm glad that was cleared up between the boys by the end of the episode. This is the second time Connor snuck out to be with Jude, time to face the facts Mr. Connor's dad, lol. Taylor's to blame for the crappy idea, so she should feel bad about that... but she's a kid, and also not the one who pulled the trigger (which yeah, how the heck did that bullet hit his foot when the guy had it aimed way higher?). Still think she's awesome and love her with Jude. I don't recall, did we hear anything about Daria? How is she handling her boyfriend getting shot? Dude, Connor came out before Jude did! Unexpected. Connor's only a recurring character but I want backstory, stat. He went from being uncomfortable with the idea of kissing Jude (spin the bottle) to initiating both kisses we know of, he took a slug of that hard liquor in the last episode like it was apple juice (which it probably actually was, hehe)... I feel like there are some stories they could delve into with him. - The promo for next week... lawd.
  6. Based on this interview with the creators - As each episode passes, I find myself more and more on Robert's side. I wish Stef hadn't made the situation hostile, by blackmailing and intimidating him. Hated their smug/death glares at each other in the judge's office. Now Callie has to deal with emancipating herself... wasn't that kind of what she was going to do by moving into an apartment? I can't remember. Anyway, I'd like to see her talk to other people about this, maybe the guy down at the agency, the girls at Girls United... to see where she actually stands on this. And to be honest, it's only a few years, then she's 18 and can do whatever she wants, move out of Robert's and live with Stef and Lena, whatever. - Speaking of Callie, it was funny and sweet to see her try to support Mariana by joining her dance team, despite being terrible at it. I really adore their relationship. Callie's very uncomfortable acting sexy, and I don't think that was just a random throwaway... interested to see where that goes, and how she gains confidence in owning her sexuality. - Brandon taking it upon himself to tell Mariana about them not adopting Ana's baby when they ended up agreeing to do so... mess! Glad Brandon's deciding to go to Idyllwild on his own, and shoutout to that random teacher who always pops out of nowhere for making sure he still has a spot. - So Mariana's speech overrules Timothy's immature outbursts? Meh. So what got Timothy and Monte on the same page? Because they still need to do these standardized tests, don't they? That dinner/wine session was awkward, what's with Stef being so hostile to everyone? Guess she's feeling the vibes too, huh? That hug between Monte and Lena went on just a little too long. *squints* I was just starting to think it would be an emotional affair at most. Hmm. Glad Stef and Lena talked about how they need to communicate more but Stef makes that difficult to do. - As for the Jude/Connor storyline... welp. It started off quite well, I was enjoying how they were kinda sorta talking about what was going on between them but I did not like the turn of events at the end. To have them go from pretty darn innocent to toilet-papering, breaking and entering (kind of), drinking alcohol, and someone getting shot... what? 0 to 60 in no time. I'm sure this will lead to some fantastic storylines but it felt a little cheap and unnecessary to me. Anyway, back to the beginning, I liked them talking about the whole Daria thing and how that allows the boys to hang out, and the teenager-y dilemma of not having privacy (to play footsies). And again, what the heck is Jesus' problem? Dial it back, bro. Also, I thought Taylor was catching on to what was going on between the boys, so I'm glad she came out with it... I still like her and hope she sticks around somehow, now that her dad shot
  7. - When Lena revealed her pregnancy to Monte, I groaned... now they're opening up to each other about deep, emotional stuff. I'm not as worried as I was about it leading to cheating, maybe more of an emotional cheating thing. Which still wouldn't be great but it's more workable. - I'm glad that Callie told Stef what was going on... I didn't want that to be something they held onto forever. That was a really well-done scene, too. I don't know that I want Callie with Robert over Stef and Lena now but I'm definitely fed up with the way they (Stef) go about things. I get that Stef is very emotional about this but going to his house like that (in her uniform, for extra intimidation), scoffing at him calling her his daughter... Stef and Lena have both been curt with him and he's been nothing but kind, and now... I'm sure Robert will still let Callie see them because he knows that's what she wants but it's gonna be miserable for everyone, thanks to this. Ugh, Stef, just stop with the intimidation tactics, it's not helping! *ignores the promo for next week* - I didn't expect to be so moved by Kiara, since she's only occasionally on our screens but tears were welling up, especially when Rita walked away from her on the streets. I'm glad Callie was one step ahead of her and that she's going back to Girls United. - So Jude and Connor kissed in the tent? I guess kids do things backward nowadays because I thought that hand holding stuff was so intense... too intense for them to have already kissed. Also, I didn't think they'd have had their first kiss occur off-screen. I'm curious to learn how that happened (and why the trip was "mostly" fun) but I doubt we'll find out. I liked that they showed Jude making a little move of his own, with him scooching closer to Connor, so we know Connor's not the only one interested. I was curious to see how Hayden and Gavin handled this, since they're pretty young and also best friends, and they handled it all very well. And of course, they were never seen again. I understand that they have a limited amount of time with the kids but it really sucks to have their stories dropped after such a huge moment. Also, I was so happy to see Taylor again but I hope she gets more to do than constantly assuring Jude that they can survive Daria and Connor's PDA. - I continue to adore everything about Mariana and Callie's relationship. And I liked Brandon asking Jude about his "girlfriend" at breakfast. - What in the world was with Jesus', "Jude and Connor can sleep in the yard and pretend they're camping," comment? Does he know something or was he supposed to be making a legitimate joke? Does he hate Connor? What the heck. And then when he changed his mind about going to the wrestling school... man, stop playing with my emotions. Go to Colorado. Make an appearance at holidays only. Goodbye!
  8. - I'm totally blanking... why is Brandon and Mike's relationship strained? I know they've had issues but I can't remember what the most current one is. I'm glad Brandon finally told someone about the music program, and that Mike hopefully steered him toward it (by saying that he shouldn't be afraid of failure). Mike said they wouldn't have taken the tour off the table if they'd known about the conservatory but I think that's a load of bull, lol. - I was really surprised by how angry Ana got when she and Mike talked but she was right, Mike was behaving as if they were going to be platonic life partners, raising the baby together. And now he wants to adopt the baby? Considering what came up in this episode (Ana saying that a baby would test one's sobriety, and Brandon and Stef saying that Mike looks around for people to fix), I think Stef and Lena adopting the baby sounds like a great idea right about now! LOL. - I feel like Stef's gonna get the family into a lot of trouble one day with her need to have secret confrontations with people all the time. I thought she had a lot of nerve, going to Rita and suggesting that this was all a big conspiracy, and that Rita/Girls United was partly to blame. However, I did like that she knows Callie well enough to know something was up. I really love the close bonds between Stef and Callie, and Lena and Jude. - Daphne confessing hopefully means that this kidnapping plot is wrapping up because I'm kinda over it. - Jesus... what in the world? I get that he was upset and his reasons why were pretty understandable but suddenly being aggressive and violent was so over the top. I mean, I appreciate seeing the not-so-good side of siblings but holy heck. I wanted to hear the answer to Brandon's, "are you off your meds," question because was he? Or is this his way of showing them that he needs an outlet for his energy, and the wrestling school is the perfect option? I do have to say, though, I loved when Stef told him if he pulled that stuff again, he'd have to deal with her and her muscles, and then lunged at him... I felt like Jake was actually surprised by that, and I appreciated the (assumed) realness of that moment. - It was nice to see Jude, and to see him interacting with the Quinns. He seems to have a bit of a tentative bond with Mrs. Quinn. And it was sweet when he asked Robert to buy Callie a car so she could visit him at their, er, his house. He seemed pretty OK with the situation while exploring the Girls United house but then so dejected at the diner; I was worried he might lapse back into his silence again. I'm glad he doesn't seem to be, judging by next week's promo, which... well, next week can't come fast enough! :O (possibilities, you and me both! LOL.) - So Mariana quit the dance team because of mean girl drama, and starts a new one where she emulates the same behavior? It's so very Mariana but I'm exasperated nonetheless. - I thought Timothy was being a gigantic ass, and bringing the students into it by making them read that article was so immature. Yeah, it sucks, teaching to the test, and that's not what he signed up for, but the way he went about things... yelling at his superiors like that? Monte should have fired him right then and there. He seems to be the only teacher ticked off about this. Now the kids are boycotting the class because Timothy is just that cool? Alright.
  9. You know, I think so, too. I felt like that "good twin" thing was an act and the, "I look forward to getting to know you," comment to Petra was BS as well. If that's the case, then I wonder how and why Aaron was in the hotel... was he impersonating Zaz? And now Zaz is impersonating Aaron? Oh boy, lol. And what were Saz/Aaron and Rafael talking about in the last episode? I thought maybe Rafael had helped Rose get away (not knowing she was Sin Rostro) and Saz/Aaron was in on it but Rafael didn't seem to be in on any of the Rose stuff. The telenovela gags were funny, the Michael/Rafael one was my favorite. ETA: Oh, and I forgot to mention the goofy "Michael's plans" sequence, with him smiling like a big doofus in all the photos. I love when they use the actor's dorkiness like that. I was a little confused by the Rafael/Jane "we don't know each other" stuff because didn't they make a big deal about how they stayed up all night talking? Of course, I doubt they'd have covered everything in one night but the stress over not knowing each other's favorite songs... I guess the real issue was trust but still. I did feel bad for Rafael in this episode... his dad was murdered by his stepmother, who's a criminal, Petra's powertripping again, and Luisa's being a gigantic ditz. At least he has Jane... maybe he should ditch the (apparently floundering) hotel and all the drama that comes with it (that'll never happen, haha). Since the show usually reveals things right away, I expected to see what Rose looked like but they held onto that one! The (wo)man without a face... did she change her looks? Will we see a new actress in the role, with the original actor's voice? Knowing this show, it'll probably be even wackier than that, lol!
  10. - So glad they addressed the ridiculousness of the cops going after Callie because of a toy (that's apparently not even one of a kind), and that they told us why Callie didn't call Stef and Lena. So now Callie wants to move in with Robert because she can't stand lying to them? I can't imagine Stef would cuff her right then and there if she explained some or all of what happened. Also, the social worker guy... they've now established that he has a masters, which means he's probably mid-20s, right? They weren't too flirty in this episode but I still wonder if that's the plan. I like the idea of her being inspired by him to go into social work, or to see that it's not impossible to succeed if you age out of the system, better. - The bedroom scene with Stef and Lena was wonderful; I really liked how long it ran and the fact that they didn't have to rush out to get any of the kids. But I'm getting really edgy about all this, "we need to work on us," stuff. It's not at all unreasonable to bring up, and in fact was very necessary... but I keep feeling like they're setting things up for some kind of Lena/Monte action. It's just making me edgy, man. - I was so worried when Mariana went looking for a bathroom, I thought someone was going to corner her. I'm glad Mat's reason for wanting Mariana to stay home from the tour wasn't because of shady reasons. I still don't care about this band or the tour... and they didn't make any money from the gig so I guess the conservatory is still an option for Brandon. - I enjoy the show overall, of course, but Jude and Connor are what I love most, so when they're not in an episode, I'm a little disappointed... especially when they leave us on a big moment like they did last week. Damn you, child labor laws. :P - When this thread was created and I read the episode synopsis, I was tempted to leave a comment about how I hoped the wrestling school was in another state so they could ship Jesus off but was like, "no, that's too mean." But that's exactly what seems to be happening! LOL. I'm sorry to say it but I hope they follow through with it because Jake's just not a strong enough actor. However, Jesus leaving would open the door for them adopting Ana's baby, and I'm still not sure if I'm into that idea, especially now that Stef and Lena have listed all the (good) reasons why they shouldn't (though they didn't bring up the fact that Ana would likely be in their lives for good, and she's been a pain in their ass... and who's to say she wouldn't relapse and kidnap the kid one day).
  11. Wait... so... that scene at the end was a flashback to the night Saz died? And there's a brother? I don't remember anything about that. But OK, so the brother and possibly Rafael were in on Saz's death? For... reasons? Oh man, I'm so confused, lol. I don't mind if Rafael's been doing some shady shit but I hope he's not going to have a big Sin Rostro reveal as well, not with how kind and helpful he's been with Jane. That would be too devastating for her, and I don't want her dragged into a dangerous mess. They just revealed that Rose is Sin Rostro and the cops are already on her! I'm shocked! But this show does that so well, reveal stuff you'd think they'd want to hold onto for ages and still manage to keep things interesting! I wonder why she wears a wig, it's not like she had dark black hair underneath... there was barely a difference. Loved them showing the bell boy say, "Sin Rostro" again... he was looking right at her! Oh man, this makes me want to go back and rewatch everything, see what else I missed! I'm glad Lochlan was only trying to get revenge on Petra, I was worried he was trying to control her (to keep her in a relationship with him) or kill her. There's always time for that, though, I suppose. And now Milos bought into the hotel so she gets to stay, ha. Where did Petra's mom go?
  12. Fantastic episode! - Absolutely loved the Stef/Mike fight... not because I want things to be bad between them but because it was just so well done. Same with the Callie/Robert dinner fight... man, this show does a fight right. I think Stef going to Mike's sponsor kinda suggests that they shouldn't be partnering up again, lol. And Callie calling Robert for help, I wonder what her rationale was... because despite it all, she knows he's her dad, or because he's loaded and can probably take care of this? I feel like it's the latter. - I think many of us saw the "Stef and Lena adopting Ana's baby" thing coming a mile away. *sigh* I guess it's because she's an addict and is insecure but it seemed pretty quick, Ana going right to them with that proposition. I don't like the idea of them adopting Ana's baby, especially after they lost Frankie... though I do get the emotional draw of having the baby be with her siblings. - I felt like they were hinting at a little something-something starting between Ana and Mike, and the fact that he avoided mentioning any of what he was doing to his sponsor proves how monumentally bad this setup is. I also feel like they're setting something up with Lena and Monty and that's even worse... don't go there! - I'm glad Brandon seems to be opening up to the Idyllwild idea, and not because his parents found out and they're making him do it. It sucks that his band (and girlfriend) would ditch him but it's understandable, that they couldn't come up with cash like that. I wonder why all their parents are so chill about them crashing wherever, though. - Part of me was disappointed that there was no apology from Connor for calling Jude a little bitch but they're so middle school (which is one of the reasons why I adore everything Jude and Connor). I remember constantly fighting with my BFF, writing notes about how much we hated each other!!!! and then two days later, we were made up, no problem, lmfao. So although I really would have liked Connor to own up to that crappy comment, I understand how two 13 year olds were able to gloss right over it. As for the pinkies... !!! How is it that something so simple can cause so much squealing on my part? LOL! So cute, the actors killed it, and the movie dialogue in the background was perfect. And that camping trip gets more and more intriguing by the week because if a little pinky hug was a big moment for them, well... what did they do in the tent then?! LOL! The girl Jude was paired up with, Taylor, was super cute, and I loved her little sarcastic attitude. Jude needs more friends than just Connor, so I hope she sticks around. I really liked her. Cracked up at Jude asking, "so how long have they been... boos?" Be more precious, please. - Nice callback with the store cashier, though I have to say, I really can't stand her deadpanning so I hope that's the last we see of her. When she looked at Callie's card, I thought the store was going to press charges against Jude for stealing the bracelet (even though he returned/paid for it), not that the kidnapping thing would come back. I'm glad it did, as it was ridiculous that the little girl was returned with no issue like that. But that store must not get a lot of action, if she could remember that Callie bought that particular toy. How'd the cops know the toy came from that store in the first place? - I wonder why Mat wasn't pleased about Mariana coming on tour with them. - I thought Jake T. was much better in this episode, considering how painfully bad he was in last week's. Glad he and Emma won't be getting back together.
  13. Champagne Supernova Parts 1&2: Wow, those minis were mini indeed! LOL. Only the first and last week are going to be double episodes, so this is gonna be tough, only a minute and fifteen seconds each week. :P Nah, I'll take it, it's much better than nothing. I'm both happy and slightly surprised by how well Miles and Zig are getting along so far, haha. They made a few sarcastic comments (nice subtle reference to their greenhouse fight in S13) but I expected way more snark. Guess the hangover is dulling most of their animosity... maybe it'll creep back in more and more as the episodes continue. I think they're going to visit Lola next, since that dog had the same dye colors on it as her hair. As for who has the key, Grace is still my prime suspect but since Miles and Zig (eventually, I presume) got their own title cards, I guess they're included in the suspects list, too. Maybe one of them has the key and won't find out until after they've questioned everyone. I could see Grace handcuffing them and putting the key in Zig's pocket, since she probably knows he'd freak out (like he did when Miles went to check his back pocket).
  14. I thought we should have a topic for the minis, since the latest one, Champagne Supernova, is ten episodes and is a whodunit type thing. But this could also be for all the minis, in case there isn't much chatter about this one. I believe you can find every Degrassi mini here. Champagne Supernova: (Premieres February 3rd, 9pm Eastern) These webisodes are going to be released weekly on Tuesday night on MTV.ca for Canadians and on Wednesday for non-Canadians on Degrassi's Youtube page. Champagne Supernova will take us to March 24th, and 14B starts up on April 7th, so this is good for getting through this long hiatus! As for the story itself? I'm stoked. Somewhere along the line I decided I needed Zig and Miles to become BFFs so this is pretty much everything to me, lol. These two would need to be stuck together like this in order to actually deal with each other. And I think the whodunit element is really fun... MTV.ca's going to put up polls for viewers to vote on who Miles and Zig will question next, and who we think has the key. I'm not sure where the polls will be... maybe on their recap blog? Without having seen anything but the graphic showing who's in these minis (see it here), I'm most suspicious of Maya and Grace. Maya's the obvious, boring choice, so I hope it isn't her. I could absolutely see Grace doing it in a, "oh, kiss and make up," kind of way... she's probably heard Zig complain about Miles way too much for her liking. If Tristan and Miles are broken up in this mini, then I could see Tristan doing it as a screw you kind of thing. And for some reason, I've got my eye on Lola... she could have done it as a joke and not realized the cuffs actually locked. I don't really see why any of the other suspects would do it but then again, it depends on what's going on in the mini.
  15. Oh geez, I didn't even think about that, lol. I just tried to watch the Eli: Dorm Life minis on the MTV site and was geoblocked... maybe they'll temporarily allow everyone to see these new ones, or the Degrassi Youtube channel will upload them for non-Canadians.
  16. Pretty good episode. - Glad they confirmed that Mike's not the father... I figured that would be the case, if so many characters suspected him, but I'm relieved they didn't drag it out forever. Hopefully it won't be too long before the Adams-Fosters find out. - Really great stuff with Lena and Stef, of course. I love how they keep touching on the nice mama/cop mama stuff but it doesn't feel old. - I'm happy Jesus broke up with Hayley but holy crap, it's like the actor was in a completely different scene. Like, you're breaking up with someone right now, they're crying and upset... and you're still doing that cool guy thing? Oh man, that was bad. Anyway, I'm surprised he so easily recognized that things were unhealthy between them. I wonder if this is it or if they'll go further with the emotional manipulation. Happy the family found out his tattoo. - Callie was really going overboard with babying Jude... I don't blame him for snapping and calling her and Brandon out. What happened on this school camping trip continues to drive me nuts... "I had fun on my camping trip. Mostly." What does that mean? LOL!
  17. Degrassi Set to Premiere 10 Webisode Series "Champagne Supernova" Well, this is a nice way to fill this long hiatus! And I like the concept, having polls for people to guess "whodunit". The first two episodes premiere February 3rd at 9pm Eastern.
  18. I wasn't sure if I was misreading things or what but I got that vibe, too. I guess if Wyatt leaves (is he leaving?), and Brandon's with someone, then she'd need a new love interest, eh? I liked all the foster system commentary, and seeing Stef and Mike doing cop stuff. It feel like it's been a while, though it probably hasn't been. I also enjoyed seeing Kiara again but I'm worried that the next time we hear about her, it'll be that she'd been killed. All that, "I'll be OK," stuff... makes me uneasy. Stef mentioned possibly partnering up with Mike again... I don't remember, why did they split up in the first place? Did their boss do it or did one of them request it? Brandon and Jesus... I dunno. It was kinda boring. At least someone else knows about the tattoo, so when things get full-blown cray-cray with Hayley, he may be able to help Jesus out. And I guess Mike's not the father of Ana's baby, if Jesus already suspects him. I felt like it was in character for Marianna to minimize her success around a guy... and Mat does act superior. Glad Lena gave her a pep talk and that Mat didn't end up being a jerk about it.
  19. I liked the twist of it being Robert who needed the ambulance instead of Sophia but that they had her do something extreme in the end anyway. I'm glad Callie told them what really happened, and I could tell throughout the episode that she's starting to feel some things for the Quinns (Robert, specifically). And now that Callie has to see Robert every week, it's gonna get tougher for her to simply cut ties. I'm sure they'll figure out some way to keep her with the Adams-Fosters but it's getting messier. I really liked the scene with Brandon and Callie at the end, where he told her she runs to him when things get tough... I mean, it's true. It seemed like they're calling it a day with them for now, which I'm happy about. I'd like to see how they deal with stuff without the Brallie factor. So I guess Brandon still doesn't feel good about piano, hence the tour... but didn't the teacher say they had therapists at the conservatory? Couldn't they help him try to get his strength back? Really enjoyed the Lena/Stef scenes, they were all excellent as usual. I was thinking the same as Lena; why did Stef have to go over there, all territorial?! LOL. And I'm glad Lena got her job back with relative ease, as I wasn't exactly looking forward to job searching and bill balancing (which is very realistic, yes, but probably not that interesting). I suspected that girls may have been involved in the tent business but I don't believe for a second that's all that happened. Jude started to say more twice, in the meeting and afterward... now, whether they did more with the girls or with each other... or were girls involved at all? Wouldn't they have been in the meeting, too? And do we believe that Connor's dad isn't actually a homophobe? I'm not sure, since he did try to ban Connor from spending time with Jude (because hands on backs = gay), right? Clutched my pearls when Connor called Jude a little bitch, totally didn't see that coming! Also didn't see the Ana/baby thing coming. Who's the dad? I think this is going to mess with Jesus and Mariana, to know that Ana's getting clean for her third child, when she couldn't do it for them. Hailey continues to be super clingy, and I really need them to avoid discussing alcohol with Jesus' character, since his actor's had troubles with it in the past. "What, do you have an alcohol problem?" Ehhhhhh. LOL. Glad Mariana wasn't screwing over her dance friend (forgot her name). I hope this doesn't get to Bring It On-y, with this rival dance teams thing going on now.
  20. Open Heart has a few Degrassi alumni on it... Cristine Prosperi (Imogen), Justin Kelly (Jake), and Dylan Everett (Cam). There may be more but I haven't really been paying attention, just saw a few pictures. A lot happened in this episode, yet I feel like nothing actually did. Strange. Miles - I was so surprised when Mr. H backhanded Miles... I figured something might happen but that really shocked me. The fact that Miles couldn't punch Mr. H was huge. They said several times during this block that Miles and Mr. H were alike but here, they showed that that isn't true. It could still go either way but for now, they're saying that there's still plenty of hope for him. It's so sad how easy it was for Mr. H to manipulate Miles... he quickly went from wanting his dad to leave to packing his bags and hitting the road himself. I'm glad Hunter was there to witness the abuse, so someone could vouch for Miles (even though it took him a little time to finally get on board). Then Mr. H acted almost comically evil, caring more about Frankie making a statement for his campaign than about her being alive, that she easily sided with her brothers after hearing Miles had been hit. I went "aww" when Miles kissed Frankie on the head, that was very sweet. I'm happy the kids can rely on each other now. So I guess the idea is that they're going to go to Mrs. H about this but I'm not sure she would be any more receptive than she was before. I can't decide if she's too in love with her lavish lifestyle or if she's just as abused as the kids (the abuse being emotional rather than physical with her, I think). Interested in seeing if things actually do get better, as they implied, and I hope there's plenty of Hollingsworth sibling moments because I adore them. As for Miles starting the fire... I mean, I get it and everything but I kinda wish someone else had been behind it, or that it was an accident. Plus, having Maya involved was almost a carbon copy of the hit and run incident, which was only a few episodes ago. Only difference is that this time, neither of them seemed at all affected by or concerned about what they did, which was incredibly weird. Frankie/Zoe - I'm glad Zoe quickly realized the knife was fake and called out the situation as stupid because it really was, lol. I'm not sure how compelling Frankie's speech to Zoe really was but whatever, I'm just glad that this is finally being dealt with. Though it was her idea, I don't think Zoe's the only one who should be punished. There are a lot of people who deserve jail time this season; Zoe, all the kids who took and purchased the nudes, Miles (for the fire), Maya (for being an accessory to the fire), Winston and Frankie (for false imprisonment or whatever). I mean, shit... half the school needs to be cuffed, lol. I'm surprised Zig didn't freak out when Zoe told him everyone would be better off without her, especially after what happened on the bus last season (when he got her to not overdose on drugs). Sounded super ominous to me, though I'm sure it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully post-cheer!Zoe will be more tolerable but I'm not sure I'll be able to feel sympathy for her for a long while, she was so vile. Clare/Eli - "Apparently it's really difficult to earn your trust!" Really? How about, "I'm very sorry for calling you a whore, for acting like a pompous ass, for throwing a hissy fit over you getting with another guy when it's my fault we broke up in the first place because I cheated on you"? Fucking apologize, dude. At least this time, Eli's "grand gesture" was something helpful, a paycheck and some baby classes. Whatever. Just put them back together and leave me alone.
  21. Frankie - Frankie's such an innocent, earnest kid... I felt so bad when she tried to get Zoe to take the blame because I knew Zoe would strike back like the snake she is. I'd been suspecting Winston as the blackmailer but then Arlene came in and acted a little shady, so she threw me off a bit. But yeah, I'd also like to know how Winston knew about the whole Degrassi Nudes scheme, since it seems Frankie never confided in him about the true reason she left the team. Had he been paying for the photos? Maybe he recognized Frankie's bedroom in the background and put two and two together? I don't know. I found it difficult to believe he could be a successful schemer, so I'm glad this whole thing blew up in the wrong person's face, rather than it going as planned. The end scene was very "us against the world," so dramatic, lol. I was surprised to see the Hollingsworths so pleasant at breakfast, though I guess it was the calm before the storm. Nice touch bringing Andrea back (and I'm glad they identified her because I didn't recognize her with that new hairstyle). It's been quite some time since we last saw her... Miles seemed like such a kid, when he found out about his dad having an affair with her, and now he's barely hiding a, "kiss ass," comment, ha. Mr. Hollingsworth... wow. Making his daughter accept the blame for something she was forced into doing, just so he could save face? Well, at least now two of the kids know how much of a jerk he is. Clare - I understand why she didn't but ooh, I wish Clare had replied to Mrs. Baker like, "and your son's in juvenile detention for assaulting a student here, so..." I'd given up on Jenna being a part of this story, so consider me surprised when they not only had her there but that they acknowledged her pregnancy. It really would be nice if they included her in Clare's story more but whatever, it's been working out just fine without her. I really enjoyed them referencing Mr. Simpson and Spike, and how she was a teen mom in the original series. That dream sequence was ridiculous and I laughed out loud when they cut right before the kiss. Oh man, that was... something. Should we be worried that Clare fell down onto her stomach like that? I like that she was encouraged to work hard to succeed, rather than set her sights lower because she's pregnant. Her talk with her mom was good; she wants to do better for herself but also (finally) knows that she has to be realistic and not take on too much work. And weren't we just talking about Canadians going to school abroad all the time? Now Clare's mentioned going to a Canadian school, that's nice. Zig/Tiny - A cheesy plot but an enjoyable one. I liked Zig's crack about Tiny's pointy red hair... finally got him back for the, "you don't wear sleeves," comment, haha. I'm glad Zig stood up for Zoe but she's been such a monster that I couldn't find it in me to be happy about their (very awkward) chat. She's a miserable brat. The promos for next week were nuts, y'all.
  22. I actually like the latest title sequence (the ten second one). Short, to the point, and trimming it down adds something like 20 seconds to the show for the stories. And I like how it uses the last frame of the opening scene to transition into the title sequence. Speaking of frames, I don't miss the ending freeze frames... they were nice back in the day but the show's evolved so much since then, so I'm glad they've moved on.
  23. Zoe: She was always a manipulative little shit but she was still human at her core. Now... she's a snake. She was so over the top, with the stroking of Jack's face, framing and silencing Frankie with a nude photo, using her rape as a way to deflect blame away from the team. Sure, she gained a conscious in the end but I don't know how she can recover from this, as a character. Holy crap. I'm glad the truth finally came out, at least... this was getting out of control. Clare/Alli: Eli's such a shitbag, I swear. Why is it that he seems to have completely forgotten that he brought all of this on himself? Clare's the whore? Who was the unfaithful one here, jackass? She had protected sex with one guy, once, while they were broken up. Fuck this dude. I'm shocked they had Eli be so vile about this, as I thought Eclare was their favorite... will they shock me again by having Clare finally stand up for herself and tell him to go fuck himself? Oh man, I want her to drop the mic so bad, lol. Tristan/Miles: They both hit each other where it hurts; Tristan called him out for being a manipulative, abusive asshole (aka just like his father), and Miles made eyes at Maya (on purpose, in my opinion), knowing it would kill Tristan. I don't think Miles actually has feelings for Maya... he just spent two episodes with her and I didn't see any romantic feelings on either of their parts. I can understand both of their sides here... Miles being abused has messed him up big time, and he's pushing away everyone and everything that matters to him. Tristan has no clue about any of this, so he tried to fix what he thought was a reasonably sized problem and finally got fed up. I think it'll be best for both of them to go their separate ways for a while... Tristan might actually get some good character growth from this, and I think Miles needs to be on his own if he's ever going to be able to move past his issues (Maya enabling him and Tristan being clueless wasn't helpful).
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