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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. If You Could Only See (1403) Promos MTV Canada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG_Hj6mwCPY TeenNick:
  2. Clare/Drew - I couldn't help but laugh when Drew started freaking out, "We'll have to get married, live together! Oh, I hope I can get my job back at the kiosk!" I found it quite silly that he was so easily OK with being written out of the baby's life, and that he was even chipper about it. Even his explanation at the end about always taking the easy way out so he didn't hurt people sounded like bullshit. I blame the writing, though... Drew's behavior felt like set up for Dallas to get pissed at him for ditching his responsibilities. I liked that scene, though, and the one where Dallas consoled Drew. I hope Dallas is an asset to Drew, as well as Jenna to Clare (if Jenna even exists anymore). I completely agree that it's 100% Clare's decision what to do with the pregnancy because she's the one who has to carry the baby, but I did like that they brought up the father's right to be involved. I hope, if they're definitely decided on having the baby and that they're both going to be involved, that they're more of a united front moving forward because they've got a lot of shit ahead and they need to work together. Zig/Zoe - OK, so what happened between them during the break?! They were flirty last week but I never expected them to be so sexual right off the bat. Slapping his butt? Wow. I disliked that Zig needed Grace (who seems to only exist to explain things to people) to explain to him how Zoe might feel about the sexting but I did appreciate Zig and Zoe's stances on the topic. Zig didn't want Zoe to feel pressured into sending sexts just because he was getting them from other girls, and Zoe affirmed that she consented to sending the photo and refuses to be a victim forever. I do worry that Zoe being so sexually forward is going to be a problem in the future... of course, I agree that she shouldn't hide away and that it's healthy to take back her power, but it might blow up in her face. As for the cheer team stuff... I can't stand the bitchy cheerleader thing, so I'm not thrilled that Zoe's the HBIC, snapping her fingers and being mean to the other girls. She's powertripping so hard. Miles - My heart broke for Miles when he thought his dad actually wanted to bond with him and was showing him affection (which clearly surprised him). Miles Sr.'s sentiment, that they needed to work on their relationship, was so valid, yet he was insincere about it. I wasn't expecting Miles Sr. to show immediate remorse after hurting Miles, so I guess that means that was a new element in their relationship, that it had never gotten physical between them before. I've been wanting some Hollingsworth sibling interaction so I was super happy to see all three of them together. The twins seem completely over Miles but I hope they'll eventually be made aware of the depths of things (I wonder if one of them will catch it happening, or if they'll stop heaping blame on him long enough for him to open up about it). It seems Miles is closer to his mom, if he was looking to talk to her... I'm curious what that conversation would have been like had Miles Sr. hadn't showed up and bought him off. That last scene with Miles in front of the school was so strange... we've seen Cool Guy!Miles before and that wasn't him. He seemed very controlled, monotone and dead behind the eyes. I'm not sure if it was because his dad getting physical scared the shit out of him, if he's resolved to milk his dad for all he's worth, or what. Whatever's going on, it was very well acted. I'm glad Maya's somewhat tuned into what's going on (their locker room scene was very nice and was probably the best and most productive conversation they ever had) because I'm not sure that he'll let Tristan in on the madness yet, so he has no one on his side. But I'm very much looking forward to the day Tristan learns what's going on, and I hope he steps up to the plate.
  3. Every week I say to myself, "oh, I'm so glad I decided to check this show out". I loved when Jane was looking at the wedding magazines and it morphed from Rafael's sultry face to Michael's goofy one. I hope she and Xo will make up sooner rather than later because their relationship is so great. I cackled when Rafael told Petra it was over... beautiful. Loved the twist with Petra and the Czech guy, though I'm a little confused about what it all meant. So she helped set up her lover's death? And I still wonder if her mom's involved... when they revealed the dent in the wall, I thought it might be from her wheelchair. Loved the pool scene, Jane was so funny. "Well, I can stand!" And after Rafael told Jane she was like a sister to him, I was wondering how they'd get him to like her that way, so the sexy dream was a good way to keep it all going. Their chemistry is insane and I'm rooting for them.
  4. Wise Up (1402) Promos: MTV Canada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8L_M47Ac3w TeenNick
  5. Wow, I really enjoyed this episode! Though it's not "Degrassi", I really liked the flash forward... gives us something to chew on while we watch the season. Clare/Drew - I've been on the "Clare's gonna have a miscarriage" train for a while, and now that she wants the baby, I'm all but positive that's going to happen, and that's something that hasn't been covered on the show before. I'm glad that they entertained the idea of an abortion, and that her reason for not going through with it was related to her cancer, not her religious views. It's a different look at the issue, I like it. I'm glad they were clear on who the father is and that Drew was so supportive; he wasn't cheering about her getting the abortion, he was just glad she had a plan because his mind was blown. I used to live for Eclare but now I'm all about Clew, and Drew's response and support of Clare basically reaffirmed my feelings. I know they want to make Eclare endgame, especially since they're keeping him around for another season, but please, blow my mind and do something else (I'll take a single Clare, even). Zoe/Becky - I'm relieved that Zoe didn't conspire with the team to get them to drop her, though her revealing the baby news was still rotten. I think she's going to be high on power with this cheering stuff... but I'm happy to see another sports team. I hope it's not too Bring It On, though (nice joke about how many of those movies there are, lol). That scene between Zoe and Zig and her short skirt... whew! That was pretty hot. I'm here for those two. Miles/Tristan - They're what I've been looking forward to the most, and I wasn't let down. You can see a marked change in Miles; he was never that moved while kissing Maya or Zoe (not trying to start anything, just an observation), he clearly didn't want to tell his dad about his boyfriend (!) aka he's not using Tristan to screw with his dad, and they touched on the sexuality topic without committing to anything yet. However, his dad's response is clearly going to push him to do some shitty things, so we'll see what happens. But I think he's for real with Tristan. I really love the Hollingsworth siblings, so I'm glad to see them interacting... I hope they continue to do so. That breakfast scene was great (Miles and Frankie playing around, Hunter's single line, telling Miles to suck it).
  6. I know it's only the fifth episode but I feel like it was a little too late to give Rebecca a personality. Barging in, eating pizza, wanting to gab... what? I guess the idea is that because she has paranoia issues, she needed time to warm up to Wes but she's been so unlikable and off for her to be friendly like that. I mean, I'm thankful they're starting to build the Wes/Rebecca relationship, considering what happens during the murder stuff, but ease into it.
  7. MTV Canada promo for Smells Like Teen Spirit (1401): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yZYMAJFQ4Y TeenNick hasn't released their promo for 1401 yet but they've been releasing a lot of general promos. It's easiest to just link to Degrassi Source's Tumblr instead of posting each link here. I like that they're using footage from the music video in them, so the promos aren't giving away as much as they usually do. In addition to those promos, MTV Canada posted the first three minutes of the S14 premiere (accidentally, it seems, since it was taken down shortly after). I was really surprised by the opening of the episode, totally unexpected. Got me super pumped for the season, though.
  8. Wow, that ending was dark! I wasn't expecting that at all, man. But thinking back on the narrator's comment that there would be "no later" for Petra and Saz... wow. I also wasn't expecting the twist with the sister's ex-lover being her stepmother but then again, I've never watched a telenovela, lol. I love the snarky narrator, too. "Michael's not a virgin, an important note. Well, important to him. I don't really care." or something like that. Heh! Really loving this show, I'm glad I decided to throw it on my DVR schedule.
  9. I liked how Andre came around to the idea that The Nod is a little different for his son... in his son's case, The Nod is for fellow dorks. Haha. The youngest daughter is so cute and I was very impressed with her acting. And I cracked up at the, "Dinner's at 7." "OK, be there by 8:00. 8:30. 10:00 the latest" part but otherwise, the new coworker was too much for me.
  10. They did show the episode in the US... eventually. According to the Wikia, they aired it two years after Canada did. I do remember them sneaking it into one of their "every episode ever" marathons. Who knows what they'd do now... I'd like to think they'd air it without controversy. But I think Clare's going to have a miscarriage, which has never been done (Anya faked one in S10).
  11. Behind the Scenes of the S14 Gallery Shoot: Nice little look into the photo session, plus we get to see a bit of Ehren (Jonah) since he and Eric (Miles) are friends IRL, which was nice.
  12. I don't know that they said it for sure but I think the idea was that he was in love with his mistress and killed the first wife in order to be with her instead. @Kira53, yes, that coin reveal was such a surprise, though I was disappointed to see that he apparently didn't do it because he's a sneaky bastard but because his rude ass neighbor somehow got into his heart of gold. I liked this week's case and I doubt we'll find out but I hope we learn what the guy does to his daughter, if anything. I like the animosity between Connor and the engaged woman (can't think of her name right now) and I cracked up at the, "you're too old to be a twink" line, heh. I'm glad that he's stuck around but I hope the Asian guy hopefully gains more of a personality... right now he's just the convenient techy "it's complicated" guy. Oh, and I also liked the students discussing whether or not Wes and Annaliese were related and that's how he got into school... exactly what people have been theorizing online! LOL. Only the second episode and I'm so into it. One thing that concerns me, though, is that I now feel like I more or less know what's going on re: the murder of Mr. Keating. I mean, I must be wrong, how can it be this simple... maybe that's the point, to make it look obvious and then twist it around like crazy.
  13. I enjoyed this episode as well... I didn't laugh much last week but I was cracking up this week. The reveal of Andre and Rainbow's towel wearing, "I Morgan Freeman'd her", and the "spell check" joke had me rolling, as did the moments already mentioned by others. I'm still not sure where I stand on the voice over thing, and I thought the youngest kids were cute but they did border on too precocious and useless here... they'll have to be careful with that. The shirtless sex talk was very uncomfortable but had payoff when the son told him it was weird in the end. But what I really didn't like was the "stretching doesn't make you look gay" joke. It just wasn't necessary, and the fact that they used it again, as if it were that incredibly funny... meh.
  14. S14 Music Video Promo: That should be viewable in all countries... if you're not geo-blocked, head to TeenNick's site for full HD. I was underwhelmed... I didn't think it would be like Shark in the Water or anything but I thought it would be more than this. Very short, not as many hints, and it switched between all the characters so quickly. I feel like they should release a director's cut or something, lol. I did like the look of it, though... minus the special effects. That was kinda goofy. The only part that got me excited was the Tristan/Miles/Hunter part. Shipping aside, I was very happy to see something about the Hollingsworth family. I really like the drama that family brings so I'm glad it's still around and that they're getting Hunter involved (particularly that he'll hopefully be interacting more with Miles... I think they had one scene together in all of S13).
  15. Here's a short BTS look at the filming of the S14 music video, which will premiere tomorrow (not sure when it'll be online but it's supposed to air on TeenNick at 9pm Eastern): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whmhvf2HXDw Some photos from the season premiere episode can be found on MTV.ca, and DegrassiBlog is updating this page with promotional photos as they come out (I think most of them are coming out tomorrow as well). @Slade347, I agree, Lyle and Olivia look out of place with their somber expressions but in another cast photo, Olivia's (somewhat) smiling, though Lyle's still doing the model thing... Morpheus (Tiny) looks serious in one photo but is smiling in the other, so who knows what the direction was, if they were supposed to be in character or what.
  16. Karla Souza, who plays Laurel Castillo, is Mexican so she wasn't a white girl trying to be authentic, she is authentic.
  17. I don't normally go for this kind of show but I enjoyed it. I had been very apprehensive because based on the promos, I thought all the characters seemed wholly unlikable (like, not a single interesting, redeemable, worthwhile thing about them) but they weren't as bad as I was expecting. Still, I really hope they've made character improvements between the pilot and the rest of the season because it was really too much... Wes was the only likeable, human person on the show. Well, actually that quiet girl was decent, too. They don't all need to be total sweethearts but they're too cartoonish right now. I was really surprised that they revealed who was murdered... I thought maybe they'd reveal it in the S1 finale. But in the pilot? Wow. @silverwings, I thought it was going to be the jackass student, too. I was also surprised that they kept doing flashbacks between the past and present. That might get old, we'll see, but for now I thought it was interesting. I'll keep tuning in.
  18. I spent the entire episode thinking that the older daughter looked so familiar... yep, her name is Yara Shahidi and she plays Maddie on The Fosters.
  19. I liked this... I felt like the actors had good chemistry and I liked the humor and writing. I also had a problem with the "you're not really black" comment, and I was a little uncomfortable with the whole, "there's a right way to be black (and that's sticking to the stereotypes)" vibe, but I feel like that's the show's main story, discovering and discussing what it means to be black, so I'll continue to watch.
  20. S13 bloopers: Still no word on premiere dates for S14's music video and season but Stephen Stohn said maybe late September, early October for the music video. ETA: Spoke too soon... the TeenNick Tumblr says the music video will be out next week.
  21. I was looking to buy the DVDs, too, and was disappointed to see that they don't exist. I don't know why for sure (probably money) but I feel like it's about the industry's move to digital content over physical DVDs. Personally, I prefer DVDs (with all the extras) so I'm not happy that streaming media is becoming the default rather than just another option. Hopefully they'll release a boxset at some point.
  22. I wasn't a huge fan of the show but decided to check this out at the last minute, thought it might be a fun trainwreck... but it was just boring. The casting was awful (I like Dylan Everett, who played MPG, but... no) but what really threw me off, oddly enough, was the use of the word, "douchebag". Made me do a double take, haha!
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