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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. Maya/Miles - I'm torn because I like that Maya's a part of Miles' story, and I expected her to figure out what was going on with Miles sooner than Tristan (since she's seen a lot more Hollingsworth drama than he has) but I feel like Tristan should've been the one discovering the depths of Miles' problems with his dad, not Maya. Now she all but knows for certain that Mr. H is physically abusing Miles, while Tristan has no clue, and he's the one dating him. I have a feeling he's not going to find out this block, either... they probably want to milk it for a while. I'm glad her mom told her she can't help someone who's not ready to be helped, and once they sort through their problems, I'd actually like to see them as friends. Clare/Drew - I would have been more shocked if this story had gone the other way around... Eli and Clare planning for a baby that turned out to be Drew's. I'm annoyed that basically everything we've watched was pointless, and I can't believe that Clare never once considered that Eli could be the father when she apparently slept with him just a month before Drew. I guess they thought it would be a better surprise to play it like she knew for sure but it's just so stupid. So now Drew's going to lose the child he's grown attached to; once because it's not actually his, and then again because the baby probably isn't going to survive. That's three times he's going to lose "Adam", all to give Eclare another effing go. Ugh, I'm so not looking forward to Eli's face lighting up at the fact that their "fairytale" can now continue. You know, damn these writers for actually selling me on Clare/Drew, only to pull this crap. The Drecky breakup was ridiculous but so was their relationship so whatever. Drew did the right thing, realizing he needed to do right by both of these girls. But once Drew finds out he's not the father, what will be his purpose? He'll have no connection to anyone. Imogen/Jack - I wish Jack had a more defined personality because I end up more interested in how she'll behave rather than the actual story she's in. This week was cutesy and indifferent. Had to laugh when she said Imogen was acting like a 12 year old, as if that's not how she acts pretty much all the time.
  2. Miles - Dude's falling apart. I felt that his comment to Tristan was actually a statement about himself. Even though his dad hurt him, he still wants his love and approval, and he probably hates himself for it. However, I do think his comment applies to Tristan (he's very preoccupied with love/romance), and I'm hoping this will be a catalyst for change in him. So far, I've been enjoying Miles and Maya's interactions this season. They're doing so much better without the element of romance between them. I didn't quite like that Maya ended up picking up what was Tristan's story but it might be worth it, since Miles now knows she's in therapy. Maybe he'll see her getting better and want to give it a try, eventually. That is, if is parents allowed him to do so... they'd probably be afraid of it getting in the news; surely they'd send someone ove to check the safety of their home. I really liked that they showed Miles lighting up right after Maya talked about anxiety and stuff... he's scared and anxious about his dad (to the point where he's no longer coming up with schemes to piss him off) and I felt like that scene helped make it clearer that he's not just having some fun, he's using weed to cope. @MegaJ, since Miles wrecked Maya's bike, he gave her a lift to her appointment with her therapist... she wasn't seeing a doctor because he ran her over. Zoe - You know, I have a serious problem with how they're handling Jack. Her personality changes based on what the story calls for, which makes it next to impossible to know who she really is. First she's a pretentious hipster, then she's a popular girl, and at The Dot, she was super intense and vicious (and suddenly regained use of her brain, telling the team that they're gonna go down for distributing child porn). Who is she? Seriously, if you put her in a room with the cheer team, and Imogen and Becky, which personality would she default to? I'm also getting annoyed with Grace... she's the go-to person for all things hacker, which is getting ridiculous, and she doesn't seem to get that she's gonna go down for this Degrassi Nudes stuff as well. She set up the damn app, made money off of it, and has been tracking who's been sending photos, yet she's acting like she's doing these girls a favor by tracking the texts. I know she's a teenager, too, but they've built her up as a street smart, in the know kid, so she it was strange that she wasn't personally concerned. I felt nothing for the cheer team when they won the semi-finals. Even if they hadn't (incorrectly?) blackmailed Hunter, they've been incredibly nasty, so I find it very difficult to root for their cheerleading endeavors. I'm just waiting for them to get theirs. Yeah, the end of this plot gave me such a shady vibe... it seems like Arlene may be behind everything, maybe the girls picking on her bothered her way more than it seemed? But Hunter seemed a little wink-wink about it, so... maybe he's aware of what she's doing? Or maybe this is a big operation, too. LOL. Becky - So this was very straightforward... the Becky/Drew ship is sinking, and the Becky/Jonah ship is about to set sail. I didn't like how insecure Drew was with Becky... has he always been leery of other guys? But I mean, I guess he's kind of right to be uncomfortable (despite not meeting him until that performance) because it's clear they're into each other. I'm still so-so with Jonah... he's a bit stilted and I think it would help to see him interact with another character. When he's with Becky, she's usually singing, and I tend to walk away when that happens, lol. Also, I hope they revisit Jonah's styling because that hairstyle and eyeliner really uglies him up.
  3. Well, even if the school offers bachelors and masters degrees, or if the school is called, "Yadda Yadda University", it's all college to me and everyone I know, lol. But yes, it does seem to be very different in Canada and it would be very interesting to learn what it's all about... and perhaps learn why it's important to differentiate between Canadian university and college, lmfao.
  4. From TVShowsOnDVD.com: And it's on Amazon.com right now. Hmm... you buy it and then they'll manufacture the DVD? As opposed to having already made DVDs in stock? I've never heard of this before but I'll take it! I know it's all about the digital age and streaming and all that but I love me a hard copy, so I'm glad we can get it. I wish there were details on any special features.
  5. Tristan - Even though this was mostly about Miles, I was happy this was from Tristan's POV. I've been neither here nor there with Tristan but this episode made me care about him (and want him to have more plots revolving around him [which probably won't happen anytime soon but I'll wait]). I was cringing during the presentation, and felt for him when he thought he was the reason why Miles was changing for the worse. Also, it was good to see Tristan and Winston interacting quite well after that blowup, especially without Miles there. As for Miles... I can totally believe that one could rely too heavily on weed, and that there would be bad side effects of using it too much. Weed may be natural and not so bad for you but there's a downside to everything. @Daisy, I think he's overdoing the weed to (not) deal with his dad. I think the fact that his dad got physical with him really messed him up (hence why he's no longer trying to piss off his dad like he used to) and he's not telling anyone about it, so he's trying to dull the pain. I'm not on the "Tristan's a Dope" train but now that he's interacting with the family (and I liked how Tristan tried to form a relationship with Mr. H), I wish he'd be... more observant. He knows things aren't great between Miles and Mr. H, he watched Miles shut down a perfectly decent conversation because he was upset with his dad, and now he's overdoing it with drugs... I don't blame Tristan for first wondering if it was about him but after that, why wouldn't he start putting two and two together? Maybe (hopefully) it'll come in the next few episodes because I don't want this to be like the Maya/Cam thing (which actually, in the end, made sense to have drag out). Zoe - I don't even watch Pretty Little Liars and I was like, "are they referencing that show right now?" Man, this is creepy for Degrassi, lol! I think Hunter's the obvious choice (for the harassment and for the upcoming fire) but I don't think it's him. I thought the doll voice sounded like Winston. I could see Frankie crumbling and telling at least one person about the Degrassi Nudes thing. I don't exactly see Winston being big enough to handle it for her but it's possible. I'm glad Zoe's starting to see that this team isn't just redemption but about gaining a family as well. And hopefully, especially with the nudes scheme shut down, she'll start treating her teammates as friends, not stupid little peons. For some reason they were sweet enough to surprise her with a cupcake and a gift despite her nasty attitude, so I hope she gets her act together before they finally get a clue and tell her where to stick it. Dallas - I don't particularly care for Alli/Dallas so I expected not to care about this plot... but I really appreciated it. Alli's finally grown up and isn't letting boys and sex dictate her life, which has messed things up for her far too many times. I'm glad they were able to sort things out and that he's also planning for his future (with hockey/coaching). I wonder what this means for Double D Party Planning though... guess Drew's gotta find another career, heh. @Daisy, I was also thinking about how disappointing it is not to feature Canadian colleges. At this point, everyone knows that this is a Canadian show about Canadian kids, so we can handle some domestic school choices for these people. Not everyone ditches the country, lol! I liked seeing interactions between the grades... Shay was pretty strong on her own, with the two "veterans". Wasn't good of her to help Dallas with his girlfriend only to try to kiss him, though. As for Jenna and Connor, well... they don't really mean anything any more so I don't care that they've been MIA. All I really want is for Jenna and Clare to talk babies because that's the glaring oversight right now.
  6. Oh really, @Falafel? If that's the case, then I'm even more surprised this didn't blow up until now. Then again, I never followed anything about Andre, so I probably missed any chatter. I was wavering on what I thought they should do but I just convinced myself that he should be fired. The fact is that Winston's not a pivotal (or even interesting) character, nor is Andre a big get for the show, so there's not much to gain by keeping him around. I don't think they should kill Winston off, though. In fact, I think they should let him float into the Degrassi Black Hole and call it a day. But since he's connected (as far as we know) to two major characters, they have to say something. So just say that his parents got a lucrative job and they had to move, and give Frankie and Miles a new boyfriend and best friend.
  7. I'll Be Missing You (1407) Promos MTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X4S9jwKkG4 TeenNick: And I guess I should share the recent news regarding Andre Kim (Winston) and his vulgar comments... HuffingtonPost.ca has an article about it. I keep going back and forth about what I think should be done but I mostly agree with DegrassiBlog.com's response. It would be easier to fire him and be done with the situation but there's an opportunity to not only educate him (while he's still young enough to be receptive to it) but viewers at home. In the Huffington Post article, one of the producers mentioned that they'll probably end up doing a storyline about this in the future. I've heard fans say that they'd want Winston to have to do it but I don't know that I could handle the secondhand embarrassment, lol. I understand that it's gamer culture to speak like that but that doesn't make it OK, especially in this case because he's on a show with decades of history and what he said goes completely against everything they show's about. On the flip side, I've seen a lot of people say that he's 18 so he should be old enough to know better but as a 26 year old, I know that 18 ain't shit when it comes to maturity levels. Of course, I'm sure many of us made it through our teen years without saying things as harmful as what he's said but still, I'm sure we've said and done some dumb stuff in our youth (without social media sites to document them) and hopefully we've matured past that. So I don't know if they should attempt to educate him (if he really is apologetic and receptive to bettering himself) or if what he did reflects so poorly on the series that it would seem like they were condoning or excusing his actions if they kept him. Very messy situation.
  8. Frankie - She didn't become a brat due to the team but now that she's an "outsider" it's so much more apparent how nasty the cheerleaders are (under the influence of Zoe). I liked how they involved Hunter in the story, as well as introduced a new character (who was quite sweet). I liked seeing Hunter and Frankie's relationship and seeing Frankie ditch the cheerleaders to sit with Arlene (and then introduce her to Hunter). Frankie's become my favorite character, such a sweetie. It could come off as fake, all her morals and goodness, but Sara Waisglass plays it just right. I don't necessarily think that Hunter's drawings means he's a psycho but paired with his comments, I am concerned... but they ended the plot on a cheerful note, so I guess I'm not supposed to be? Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he walked into the school with a bunch of rifles one day but I hope they surprise us by not doing that. Oh, and I absolutely didn't miss that "cheerleaders dying in a fire" comment of his... mmm-hmm. I don't think he's behind the upcoming fire, though... I think Frankie will be. Maya - I'm glad we're inching closer and closer to her finally dealing with her residual Cam issues. I hope, when she's ready, she tells Tristan and Miles why she was acting like this because as it stands, she really does look like a crazy ex-girlfriend. I think Tristan would soften up a bit (though he'd probably still hold a grudge because he's just like that), and Miles would finally know that Cam ever existed, which would certainly help things, lmfao. I'm no fan of Zig/Maya but I'm starting to enjoy them as friends. I'm so glad someone finally said that she needs help. Had to laugh at Zig doing Tai Chi... how random! Zoe continues to be a nasty piece of work, while Grace is apparently a pro at everything. Imogen - I don't really like any of the characters involved in this plot, so I wasn't very interested in this. I thought Jack was full of crap (and quite cold, dumping Imogen like that), so it was actually kind of nice to hear that she was, in fact, full of crap. But then for her to come out with all this, "I've moved a lot but you're right, I love you and I want to be exclusive," stuff... it just felt weak. At the very least, I'm glad Imogen quickly decided to be honest with Jack (as opposed to this carrying on for a few episodes). However, considering that there are only a few more months of school left, they don't have much time together (because if Imogen leaves and Jack remains, they'll want to pair her up with someone new).
  9. I always liked Frankie but after this episode, I absolutely adore her. As for the timeline... I think it's supposed to be a few weeks after Spring Break (Thunderstruck was the start of the break, Smells Like Teen Spirit was the end of the break). Eli was looking for a summer job but it seems like he'll start working at The Dot sooner.
  10. Spinner! When they announced the mystery cameo, I knew it'd be him... so great, and it felt natural, too, not like a big, out of place guest spot. They don't get a lot of their previous cast members to return so that was lovely. Clare/Eli/Drew - I gotta say, I'm really surprised that the show isn't treating Eli and Eclare like they're on a pedestal anymore. I love how Eli's seeing how good Drew is with Clare, and how happy she is with him... it probably makes him even angrier, that Drew's actually not so bad. And the distinction between the two guys is pretty clear; Drew's getting her healthy foods, Eli's getting her sushi she can't eat. Drew takes responsibility for saying a not-so-nice (but not totally inaccurate) comment, Eli complains about his "soulmate" getting knocked up and his life being ruined. I mean, to be fair, this is still new to him, and I get it, I so get that this situation sucks. But I hate his attitude. He's mad because "his" woman has been tainted by some interloper who's ruining their fairytale. It's so gross. He needs to be open to rewriting some of the story, or he needs to walk away for good. Clare and Drew were willing to work with him but after that altercation (which I'm so glad Clare witnessed)... well, I'm sure the door's still open because Clare can't seem to shake him but it's going to be even more uncomfortable for everyone involved now. Zoe - Zoe's almost at the edge of no return. Now she's emotionally manipulating these girls, by buying them gifts, pretending to be a sweetie, using her trauma to get them to come back to her. It's sickening and I worry that she'll go too far and never be able to be redeemed. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the story but wow, it's twisted. I'm so glad Frankie quit rather than be forced into doing something she didn't want to do (and that was huge for a 14 year old to do, to resist peer pressure like that). I gotta say, though... is business really booming ("that's a lot of zeros")? There are only, what, 15 girls? Wouldn't the novelty have worn off already? LOL. Becky - Becky made it sound like her home life was terrible, that her parents turned on her... but her mom seemed pretty nice to her. Granted, she still doesn't seem to understand that her son is a piece of shit, but she didn't seem to be treating Becky poorly, either. So I don't really know what to make of that. Her scene with Luke was really fantastic (am I the only one wondering if he might kill himself, after hearing Becky say that there was nothing he could do to fix things?) and it almost made up for all that terrible singing. As for Jonah, he got much more of an intro than Lola and Shay (who we still don't know anything personal about) but I'm neither here nor there with him at the moment. I'm interested in seeing more, though. I'd like for him and Becky to remain friends (guys and girls keeping things platonic? What?!) but I don't think I'd be too upset with them getting together. They have religion in common, and now the band, so either way, it would probably be beneficial for Becky to be around him (pending any new developments).
  11. (You Drive Me Crazy) (1406) Promos MTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNriliQ0uV4 TeenNick:
  12. Jane and Rafael are smitten with each other now but I hope the fact that he didn't call her after their first kiss is going to come up again. I want to know why! I also want to know what was bad enough to get him fired (and why Petra didn't say to Rafael, "give me more money or I spill the beans" sooner). Rogelio is a total crack up... eying Xo's date like that, ha! I wonder if, when Michael and Jane try to reconnect (it's inevitable), he'll try to keep the hookup with his partner a secret... considering Jane's virginity pledge, I think that would destroy her. Or maybe it'll come out before then. Anyway, I expected them to hook up but I thought there'd be more lead up than an oddly aggressive, "what are you gonna do about it" or whatever she said.
  13. There’s Your Trouble (1405) Promos MTV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJZVh_PTyDE TeenNick:
  14. Clare/Drew/Eli - On the one hand, I like seeing a different take on teen pregnancy; someone who's pretty positive about it and who's not having the baby to keep a guy, or to have a purpose in life, but because it may be her only chance. But the repeated statement that "nothing will change"... it's like she was willing it to be true. At least everyone looked at her like she was nuts, lol. I didn't think Clare's mom would be so cool but after the divorce and the cancer, I can see how she may have evolved as much as Clare has. I get that Clare wants to keep going with her original plan but she's got a pretty good support system in Canada; even with Mrs. Torres being pissed, she's prepared to be involved (after a paternity test, of course). And I'm glad they brought paternity up because they've been talking like it's Drew's but it's not official (and even Eli assumed it was his). It better be Drew's, for all this drama. I loved how Drew was paying attention to Clare's health, researching cribs, and the fact that he didn't seem at all upset about getting getting a station wagon with her, lol. Now, Eli on the other hand... I can't stand him. I completely understand why he was upset but he's so self-righteous, and it makes it difficult to sympathize with him. And his suspicion when he saw Drew at The Dot... at least she had the decency to dump his ass before she got with him, can he say the same for himself? I just feel like he's more concerned about their fairytale story going according to plan, and he's pissed that she's messing up the narrative. Drew aside, I just don't see how she could still want to be with him. Miles/Tristan/Winston - I was fully prepared to (continue to) hate Winston but I totally saw his point of view. Tristan and Miles are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship and want to spend tons of time together. Tristan pushed him out in science class (and now has him as a lab partner all semester), infiltrated their "bro date", and Miles didn't seem to see or care that Winston was upset. So I get why he snapped. (And shout out to Zoe for stopping Winston from trying to mess with their relationship... though I think it would have played as a laugh, had he gone through with it.) I really enjoyed Miles and Winston's conversation because it covered a lot of issues: it gave some depth to their friendship, which was sorely needed, it addressed the weirdness of your (seemingly) straight friend of 10+ years dating a guy, and it also reiterated Miles' feelings for Tristan. The awkward hug was funny and I liked watching them play Just Dance (especially Eric Osborne's amused expressions in the background). Zig - So this was total fluff but it was nice to see Zig being a bit silly... I feel like that's what Ricardo's best at, not this tough guy stuff. When I saw the episode description, I thought it sounded pretty stupid but luckily they didn't go overboard with Zig overcompensating or whatever. He seemed more upset that Tiny uploaded a gif of his failure than the fact that he lost an arm wrestle match to a girl. And I like how they keep making fun of the fact that Zig doesn't wear sleeves.
  15. I've never used Snapchat (which is the real-world version of Oomfchat) but from what I understand, you can send a picture and the person who receives it can only view it for a few seconds before it's deleted (unless they take a screencap of it). So the girls are selling one second nudes for a dollar a pop. BTW, @LoneWolf, Frankie and Hunter are twins... not that it makes much of a difference; it's still weird to look at porn while your family is in the room, lol. But it was probably crucial to the story, like to scare Frankie straight, or like @Bubbles said, maybe Hunter will recognize her bedroom in the background.
  16. I let out a hearty cackle at Charlie rolling through one of Dre and Zoey's conversations. "Get that money, girl!"
  17. Can't Stop This Thing We Started (1404) Promos MTV Canada: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2xhw4xxXeY TeenNick:
  18. Frankie/Zoe - So sexting is a good topic to cover but "child porn for cash"? Wowza. Someone's going to get burned here, though I'm not sure who yet. (Oh crap, I just remembered the future fire... ugh, lol.) Now, is the idea that Frankie unknowingly sent a sext to Hunter? Or was she just freaked out because the possibility was there? Either way, that's both hilarious and horrifying. Are all twins on this show going to have a twincest moment? Also, I couldn't help but think how silly it was that they had no money for a bus but had money for new uniforms and jackets. Did no one discuss budget before they started buying things? And why are these kids expected to raise money alone? Also, I thought it was strange that Jack was the first to agree to the plan and I didn't understand her comment (about waiting for no man) at all. I really liked the overall story about how girls are held to different standards than guys. With Zoe and the team, it was about making double standards work for them, and with Frankie, it was about her family and their expectations of her. It seems she's been doing everything she's supposed to and isn't given the same privileges as her brothers (because they can't get pregnant, and I laughed way too hard at Miles' response to that... been loving the writing so far). I wonder if she'll become a wild child (because if being good doesn't matter, why bother) or if she'll seek control via an eating disorder or self-harm. Maya - You know, fans always claim things are dreams and they rarely are... but I'm glad that balcony jump wasn't real because you just can't convince me that Miles is Cam 2.0. He's got issues, for sure, but he's not Cam. Speaking of, we didn't hear his name but it was heavily implied... I'll take it for now but I'm waiting for the day she says that this is about him. And if they could also have Miles find out about him, that would be excellent because dude has no clue and it's the driving force of everything she does. I think it would help the both of them to understand some of what went down in their relationship and why Maya's in his business now. Why has Miles been missing class, anyway? Has he been running off to make out with Tristan or is his dad making him miss class for more photo sessions? And while I understood it, I was very disappointed that Zig (and Tiny) were so gross about Miles. I understand it because they want to show different reactions, and Zig and Tiny don't like Miles, so why not have them depict the jerk response... but still, that was disappointing. I was also surprised that Zig rubbed it in Maya's face, too, but I guess I'm glad because it seems like they're in the friend zone now and I like them as a BroTP only. I was also disappointed in Maya's opinion of Miles/Tristan, it was like she didn't consider for a second that it might be real. But they didn't talk about his feelings for Tristan, they only talked about the fighting with his dad, so I kinda get it. Happy to see her playing her cello again. Becky/Imogen/Jack - Imogen and Jack are in established couple bliss so there wasn't much excitement there, but that's OK because this was about Becky. The Christian guy was way over the top (a sweater around the shoulders?) but I liked how it led to Becky realizing that she's a different person now and that perky/bubbly is not for her anymore. However, it leading her back to Drew... meh. I mean, I knew it would happen, based on the promos, but I'm just not sold on them. They somehow managed to get me on board with Clare/Drew, but they're out of luck when it comes to Becky/Drew, sorry.
  19. I did hear that but I connected it to the fire that's going to happen some time in the future (as shown in the beginning of Smells Like Teen Spirit). It got me thinking that I should start paying attention to what's said on the intercom, might be useful information, heh.
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