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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. Robert just proved why he's meant to be king. He knows how to play the game but also be congenial about it. Now that he's back, he makes #KingLiam look like a twerp. And somehow he managed to butter Cyrus up enough that he seemed rather cute (when really, he's abhorrent). Was there a line about Cyrus using Robert's mental health against him, publicly? I wonder what he knows. The only area Robert sucks in, at least to me, is with Liam. He never seems to notice Liam's pained, borderline constipated expression; he just slaps him on the shoulder and acts like it's all good. Maybe that's how he knows Liam to be or maybe he does notice the attitude and doesn't give a shit. Robert does seem to throw slight amounts of shade toward him in almost every conversation they have. I'm hoping that when they both have a meltdown (Robert re: his mental health and Liam re: Katherine and being shifted back in line), it changes how they interact because right now they have a weird vibe. I disliked that both Liam and Eleanor's storylines mostly revolved around their romances. I mean, what else is new but seriously. At least Liam had some drama with Robert but even then it was all about Katherine. (Speaking of, I don't like her sister very much and I was surprised Katherine confided in her because I didn't think she liked her either.) I found the Jasper/Beck drama completely pointless. Didn't Eleanor and Beck break up because he wanted her to change (be more stable, healthy) and she didn't like that? It was a pretty sad breakup if I remember correctly, yet Beck came sauntering in like nothing happened. Even smoked a joint with her... it just didn't make sense. And I don't give a shit about two dudes having a dick measuring contest (guns versus royal titles). I feel like nothing else happened... Helena and Eleanor had a genuine hug, which was lovely. What else? Oh, I could have sworn I saw Genevieve Gaunt's (Willow) name in the opening credits but she wasn't in the episode, was she?
  2. Zapata's intense mistrust of Jane is really bugging (dude, we get it) but I liked that Jane's decision to "zip" Roman was repeatedly called out for the bad decision it was. I continue to enjoy Jane and Roman together (give me all the scenes) but all I can think is that all their bonding will mean nothing once he realizes that Jane's the one who did this to him, without his consent. I'm glad he's with the FBI (shady ass CIA trying to take him to be tortured) but I'm worried that when he remembers who he is and what he's done, instead of trying to make up for it like Jane's been doing, he'll off himself. Borden (or rather, Nigel) clearly cares about Patterson (loved her sass in this episode) but when he did the classic Evil Guy Smirk at Weller in the woods, I was so upset, haha. He still seems to think he's on the right side of things and I have to say, I still don't know who's "right". I think both sides are right and wrong. I'm surprised Shepherd didn't kill Borden but perhaps she believed he had to escape before he could complete the job. To be honest, though, Shepherd seemed especially stupid in this episode, mainly so the heroes had time to rescue Patterson. If I remember correctly, Sandstorm used books to send messages before, so it's cool that they're bringing it back again. I'm so not into Weller or his "he's so special" stuff but now that we know he's being purposely spared, I'm very curious. He's been tracked since he was 18 or so, his name was tattooed on Jane's body, and now he's crucial to the big plan (which is not to destroy the electrical grid system?). I couldn't possibly guess what this is about. Weller threatening to walk unless he got Roman and Nas... I can't help but wonder if that CIA guy went with it because he's part of Sandstorm, since Weller's apparently so important to them. And because Weller's one of the leads so he can't leave, lol. Reade kissing Zapata... they just had to go there, huh? Stupid me for thinking they weren't going to play with that. I don't recall anything about Zapata's dating history but did anyone else get "she's not into dudes" vibes there? Not to say she couldn't possibly say no to him otherwise, I definitely believed her, but I also kind of got that feeling. Though you'd think Reade would know that, if they're really BFFs. Ugh, I just hope they can move past this quickly because I'm not looking forward to the awkward angst. I wonder who Nas's Sandstorm insider is... she doesn't know what they look like but have we seen them before? And I liked the twist with Jane's missing tattoo... I wonder why they changed their mind on that and if there are any others.
  3. Very nice continuation of Liam running through the palace... I think that was the third time now (Robert's death, Simon's death, and now Robert's return). Kind of wish he had fainted as well, lol. I figured there would be some drama on Liam's end, being shifted back in line after Robert's return, but I didn't expect Robert to seem intimidated by those #KingLiam tweets. They've already done a lot of good work establishing Robert's place in the family, him siding with Eleanor much more often than Liam, and being close to and as savvy as Helena (though perhaps without the maliciousness). Robert seems to know about Alistair... do the twins? I keep wondering if Alistair's blood-soaked handkerchief will come into play again, to reveal that *gasp* Robert is Alistair's son. LOL. Lots of emphasis placed on "the last thing dad said to me," with Robert refusing to share. I'm guessing it has to do with Liam, like maybe Simon told Robert he believed that Liam would be a better king because he's naturally charming and likable whereas Robert has to work hard to seem that way. I mean, I think Robert seems more charming but I could see them trying that. I'm looking forward to seeing things come to a head between them and with Robert himself. With the brothers, they clearly love each other but both of them being in line for the throne added a level of tension between them that wasn't there with Eleanor, I suppose (I don't know where she stands re: succession). And with Robert alone, he clearly has a lot of problems, with the timer (which I didn't understand the importance of) and hiding the fact that he's been sleeping on the floor. He lived in solitude for a year, presumed dead... he can't just resume his old life with no kind of therapy. I really liked Cyrus's ex-wife... I hope we see more of her (while somehow not seeing the twins because the recast threw the whole thing off). It was also fun to see Cyrus and his body double (there was a bit of a delay in conversation and no physical interaction so I guess it was the same actor... impressive!). In their first scene together, I wondered if they would have them hook up, camptastic as this show is... and by the end, they did! "Love yourself." Oh god. Jasper and Eleanor were much more enjoyable in this episode... perhaps transforming them into a pair of dorks will help remove the sour taste in my mouth re: their beginnings (I'm sorry to bring it up every time but I just can't). Jasper's reactions to Eleanor saying Liam and their mother (!!) loved him was awesome, as was Robert putting a hard "R" on his name. Seems he'll be tougher on Jasper than Liam was, and that may not be a bad thing. I would really like to see Eleanor doing more royal duties, though, not just having drama about or with Jasper. I want to see her doing her interviews and photoshoots, working on her eyeliner endeavor, etc. And a side note, the scenes in that throne room were super echo-y... while authentic, it was difficult to hear the lines. Was the sound always like that on that set?
  4. The fictional prince on the show Helena was watching is Elizabeth Hurley's son! I'd heard of the casting but I thought he'd be playing a real royal and they'd cross paths... I prefer it this way. That was fun. So Liam and Eleanor are Simon's children. Cool, glad we went through all that drama. I thought it would be juicy if Alistair was their father, or just Liam's father, especially now that Robert's back and taking back his place in line. Ooh, maybe Robert's not Simon's son, mwhaha. LOL. I'm glad Helena and the twins are on good terms, finally. Oh, and the scene where Eleanor jumped on Liam's back was so cute, I really love them together. I'm into Liam/Willow but I thought they laid it on a little too thick all of a sudden, particularly on her end. She always gave him "we're just friends" vibes (and I liked their friendship a lot) so her acting all sad about him treating her as such was strange. Was that supposed to be the idea, that she really liked him this whole time but sabotaged it by acting too much like a friend? Also, I noticed she got on her phone when he left... I hope she wasn't badmouthing him on Twitter or something. Liam and his revolving door of love interests are rather dull but now they've got what looks to be some promising drama with him and Robert. There seemed to be a bit of jealousy there before but now that Liam was finally prepared to become King (and started dating Robert's girlfriend), it should cause a lot of turmoil. It won't happen but I wish Liam would go off the rails (underground fighting barely counts, lol). He's such an uptight, moral dude... I want to see him get Eleanor-level wild. But I think Robert's the one who might go batshit after his ordeal. Funny how Robert made his way to the castle with no one questioning him or alerting the press. You'd think the castle would be going nuts. He's much older than I expected him to be... maybe he should keep the longer hair and/or the beard, I thought it made him look a bit younger. Cyrus... well, he deserves to be miserable. Not a fan of Sara Alice, or at least, not a fan of her getting so much screentime. Dial it back. Also (still) not a fan of Jasper/Eleanor but I did like Jasper a bit when he was with "Foxy," trying to write the love letter. "He thinks you have the body of a Greek god," as Mr. Hill left the room made me laugh. I wasn't expecting that Christmas video at the end... wow. I mean, this show is campy as hell so it works but I was cringing (mainly in anticipation of William Moseley likely being awkward as hell... I was skipping around, was he in it?). But it was nice that they did it, a little gift for the holiday hiatus.
  5. That's what I thought but I saw some reactions elsewhere talking about him being dead so I wasn't sure. I don't think they'd kill him off right after reintroducing the family stuff with Malia. I wonder if he'll heal and be back on his feet on an accelerated schedule, since there isn't much time, or if the rest of his contribution on the show will be from a hospital bed or nursing home. The latter would be a sad little bookend to his story. I agree with the concerns about the Junior Pack taking away too much screentime from the Senior Pack (that's what I meant to call them but I had a brain fart, haha). I don't mind it when it comes to Liam, since he's been around since S4 so I'm more attached and feel like he's earned the screentime more than the other younger characters have. (And now that I think about it, I wish Liam was more involved in the "Find Stiles" portion of this story. Obviously Scott and co. have more history with him but Liam has some as well.) I get why they're doing things the way they are but even if they were continuing with the series, we'd still want as much time as possible with the seniors. I hope they'll find a better balance.
  6. I thought the same thing! That would have been a really nice callback for the final season. But luckily for Stiles, that didn't happen because he would have been burned (bad luck, Peter, haha... or not haha, did he die?). I really enjoyed this episode, that we saw Stiles and what was going on in the limbo station, and that we got a lot of forward progress. It was nice to see Peter again (especially paired with Stiles) and I thought they explained his time off-screen pretty well. I liked that they connected it to the Eichen House breakout plan from last season. Only thing I'm not sure about is Peter having daddy feels... I didn't think there was any love lost between him and Malia. And I just have to give props: the way Tyler Posey said "Peter!" when Scott remembered that he was Peter's Beta was fantastic. I really like that the Jeep was Claudia's... no wonder Stiles is so attached to it. I thought we'd find out his name from the car's registration but again, no dice. They even had them acting super excited about it, too, like his name was on it. Geez. I think I want his dad to say it (much to fake!Claudia's chagrin) but I have a feeling Lydia will scream it like she screamed Mason's name last season. I like the Junior Pack (well, mostly just Liam aka Scott and Stiles' son) but I appreciated seeing the originals on their own.
  7. Oh, so that blonde woman isn't Dominique from last season. Wow. I guess they wanted to surprise us but it was extremely confusing. So Catherine was Robert's girlfriend and Liam loved her from afar? That's really convenient now that Robert's gonna show back up, lol. They must have known they'd be bringing Robert back into the fold one day so I wish they had Liam/Catherine be a thing earlier on so we were more invested in them (and so it didn't feel like setup for extra drama between the brothers). Liam and Eleanor are fantastic together so I enjoyed all of their scenes. I'm anxious to see how Robert's return changes the dynamics. With Liam, at least, Catherine and being bumped back down in line will be big issues. But Robert seems to be stressed out about resuming his place in royal life so maybe he'll end up abdicating. If that was Jake Maskall playing Cyrus's double, then I appreciate his acting even more now, haha. Of course Cyrus would have his testicle on his mantle, oh my god. He brought up that the twins may not be Simon's, so I'm kind of hoping that's a hint that that might be what happens (for the drama of it all). And it may not even matter if they're Simon's once Robert returns. But Mary Hedwig, I like your idea that Cyrus may not be related to Simon. That would be quite the twist. Based on Cyrus's interview, it seems he won't make it... as much as I detest the character (in that he's disgusting), it would be a major loss (of camp and talent) so we'll see what happens there. Also, they brought up Violet a few times, I'm wondering if we'll see her return (no body, no death). I thought it would be cute to see Eleanor and Hill's daughter together but no... she's way too precocious (and yes, I needed closed captions myself). Small doses, please! The only part of the Jasper/Eleanor stuff I enjoyed was their talk about leaving love letters for each other. They finally cut the crap and were sweet with each other. The promo for next week brought up their gross origins and I'm so thankful for that. I know they're going to continue with them so if they can do something to somehow make up for the blackmail turned S&M stuff from the beginning... I don't need fiction to be perfect and unproblematic but I cannot get past that. I'll have to rewatch... Willow's family worked for the royals? I think Liam said something about her mom being lucky to get out while she could. That explains why she's running in the same circles as Liam. I liked that she talked to Liam about the social media job first, and I'm interested in seeing what that entails. Rachel does social media stuff for Eleanor (on Helena's orders) so is Willow going to shadow Liam?
  8. And I thought Liam had been taken! I thought it was a cool battle scene, with the rain and all, but it was too confusing to keep track of who was being taken. Also, I didn't understand why Scott grabbed Corey to see the Ghost Riders when he wasn't invisible at the time. Or was he? I don't even know. I guess they didn't know this would be the last season when they filmed these episodes, so I understand why they're propping up the Junior Pack so much (and I haven't been too bothered by it, especially since Corey became more valuable because of it). But Liam's not the Alpha yet, Scott is, and I'd rather see them working together as one pack like they (mostly) did in this episode instead of two separate ones. It's well-established now that Liam is preparing to take over for Scott so hopefully once we get to the point where they knew this was the final season, they'll back off of the Next Gen setup and work on them being a unified pack. I like the younger characters more when they're with the originals, plus I think it helps improve their acting. So the Ghost Riders aren't ineffective against and/or unwilling to harm the Hellhound? Didn't expect that. Well, now I have no clue what's going on. The Rider disappeared when Hayden wolfed out but I still think it's something to do with Parrish. Maybe the Riders want to use him for something, hence why they spared him? I don't know why they're going there now but I'm so on board with Chris/Melissa. Lady Calypso, I saw some sparks between Hayden and Gwen as well.
  9. If I remember correctly, Alastair visited with Helena (after we were led to believe he'd been killed by Lucius and his team) and demanded to know if the twins were his. He cut his hand on a handkerchief and told her to get it tested. She put it in a desk drawer and hasn't done anything with it since.
  10. The actress who plays Willow played Pansy Parkinson in the third Potter movie, so your comment made me laugh. :P Sorry for the confusion, Cyrus killed Dominique's father in this episode. I was saying I was surprised that they would set up a similar issue for Liam and Dominique (another one of Liam's relatives killing a member of Dominique's family) when Liam and Ophelia would have had the same issue (Ted being killed by the crowd while Liam drove off). I guess they want to explore that conflict. And I don't believe Willow is related to anyone we've met.
  11. I was confused until the last moment... I think they recast Dominique, the young blonde girl who was part of the Domino conspiracy, the daughter of the guy Cyrus killed in this episode. Or the actress got a makeover, I don't know. It really would have helped if Liam had said her name or something because the whole time I was like, "who the heck is this?" If that's the case, then I'm surprised that they seem to be setting the two of them up after Cyrus killed off her father (not that she knows yet, and she will because of course his body will be discovered). Perhaps since they wrote Ophelia off, they still wanted the dark cloud of murder over a relationship? I'm still rooting for Willow, though she's at "good friend" status now. That's fine with me, give me the slow burn. And I really like that they're giving her something to do away from Liam, even if it's related to him (#KingLiam). And yeah, what is it with bum fighting? I remember seeing plots with that on Shameless and Veronica Mars, and other shows I'm sure (never saw The OC). What is so interesting about that? I was surprised when Robert saw the rescue boat and decided to keep hiding. Clearly it's something to do with his royalty, since he was scratching his name off his helmet. Maybe he saw this crash as an opportunity to escape the royal life, or he figured the crash was a conspiracy to kill him and he doesn't want to reappear and put himself in danger again. I'm interested in seeing where this goes and when the time comes, I hope he fits in well with the family (the twins in particular). I'm trying to forget how Eleanor and Jasper started but the best I can do is roll my eyes every time they're on screen. They're doing their best, though, and the actors have good chemistry. Jasper's using an American accent around everyone now, so I guess that double-life stuff is officially over? The family would be better off if someone like Hill was in charge of security but I hope he stays with Eleanor. The two of them are great together and I know it would mean a lot to her. I knew that chamberlain guy wasn't Helena's hookup and was cringing in anticipation, haha. Didn't care for the S1!Jasper/Eleanor vibes from the two of them but at least it wasn't coercion in their case. I thought Helena might say her trademark "FML" but it seems "this place is weird" is the new catchphrase. :P I'm sure these two will be hooking up again but he seemed like an OK guy and hopefully he'll do his job well. Helena's trying to confirm that Liam is Simon's son... there isn't an old hairbrush of Simon's lying around? I'm still hoping Alastair's bloodstained handkerchief comes back into play because I still think it could be cool if Liam was Alastair's and Eleanor's was Simon's (it's possible!). Cyrus is despicable. I wonder if we'll see Prudence or the baby again.
  12. I'm pleasantly surprised that they revealed the science teacher as a baddie so early on. I was a bit disappointed with how obvious it was, as I had been totally surprised by past reveals (I got into the show earlier this year so I didn't have fan speculation to go off of), so I'm glad that the obviousness may have been purposeful. I hope the Junior Pack is suspicious of him after his freakout in class. I don't know what's up with the electricity and magnets and helium (nice callback to Scott and Stiles' attack of that helium delivery truck) but for how much they're being brought up, I'm guessing that'll be how to take him down. Couldn't watch that pineal gland stuff at the end... yuck! Claudia gave me some shady vibes, being so dismissive of the kids concerns and that look she gave Lydia when she saw the banshee (?). I'm not sure if she's a projection created by the Ghost Riders to keep Sheriff (Noah?!) off the trail (and he's on it for sure) or if she's a separate entity who's working for them but she's definitely up to something. I thought the party showdown was cool (and the red and blue strobe lights made it look cool, too). I like how they've taken Corey from mostly useless to an active character. However, he seems to have screwed everyone over by bringing the Ghost Rider into the human dimension. (Speaking of dimensions, I like that Lydia's banshee powers seem to be expanding to seeing physical projections of other banshees.) I thought seeing the Riders had to be purposeful on their part but Scott seems to think everyone at the party is at risk now. It seemed like the Junior Pack was on a good track last episode but they barely kept it together here. I'm guessing they didn't want to bother with the wolf makeup for Liam but it was strange that he went with the very human Lamp Smash Attack (it wasn't effective). I continue to be amused by the father/son vibe Scott and Liam have, haha. I wonder why the Ghost Rider didn't attack Parrish... something to do with his Hellhoundness, I bet, but what exactly? That he can't be killed so don't bother, that he can be used for their purposes so spare him, that they're equals or subservient to him? Hmm. I feel bad saying it but Hayden... kind of sucks. (The actress is super cute, though.) I always thought it was the overbearingly cute puppiness of Liam/Hayden (paired with all the music blasts when they kiss) but seeing more of her on her own made me realize that it's her. I don't know how they can help that now... maybe pair her with different characters, give her some cool dimension-based powers like Corey has, make her more useful and interesting? I don't remember, is she 100% werewolf now that Scott bit her or does she still have some Dread Doctor add-ons? Also, Mrs. Martin must have done an excellent job convincing students that none of this supernatural stuff is real because Gwen should have been totally on board with Hayden's explanation of the Ghost Riders. Maybe Mrs. Martin has mind-control powers, lol. Besides the Scott/Stiles friendship, the only ship I've had is Sheriff/Mama McCall (both because I like them together and for the stepbros of it all) but I think I just got on board with Argent/McCall. Like, Sheriff could get with Mrs. Martin but Argent's lost his wife and daughter... he could use some love. I'm into it, I'm sold. :P
  13. Apparently there's a deleted scene on the S1 DVD (I don't own the DVD, hence "apparently") that revealed that Ted was the killer, so it seems the decision was made early on. I'm not sure at what point they realized Ophelia was so unpopular that they should write her off... this may have been a happy accident, making Ted the killer. I wonder, had she not been so unpopular, how would they have used her then? I don't think Liam and Ophelia's relationship could have survived that. I'm surprised they put that scene on the DVD and didn't change the killer in S2. Totally ruined the shock of it for me.
  14. I got into this show in earlier this year (great timing, lol) and I'm really excited for this season's big mystery. I like the idea of an alternate universe situation, where we'll see a world without one of the main characters. Stiles and his dad are so close, so it was heartbreaking when he didn't recognize him. Didn't something similar happen with Stiles' mom because of her illness, she eventually didn't know who he was? One of the many things I'm wondering is: when Stiles realized he had been erased, his blank photo form was brought up as if it was evidence of his erasure. But they discussed that before he saw the horseman at the abandoned house. The quote Lydia showed said if you see them, you're already lost. So was he marked before ever seeing them? How do they go about this? Also, I didn't understand why the younger group felt like they had to steal the compass, other than that the teacher is probably a bad guy and choosing to go behind his back will be considered smart in the future. I hadn't thought much about a change in leadership once Scott leaves... I have a feeling Liam and Hayden might butt heads over who gets to be the Alpha. I see Stydia's connection and like that they've both grown up since the earlier seasons, making their impending union better than the typical "geek gets the hot girl" thing. But I've never been into them as a romance, mainly because I think Lydia's too... "other". Like she's on her own wavelength, which is great because she's a banshee but when it comes to romance, I get nothing off of her. So I know it's going to happen and all the groundwork is there... but something's missing for me, so I'm disinterested. Count me in as someone who adores the Sciles friendship above any other relationship on the show. I'm so curious about what Stiles wanted to say to Scott... it wouldn't have made sense in the moment but I thought it might be, "I love you," haha. I need the final scene of this series to be the two of them driving off in the Jeep.
  15. Holy shit! I originally suspected Borden but then got totally on board with Patterson being the mole. I'm happy it wasn't her, though I still think that would have been amazing(ly painful). But I think they did a fantastic job explaining Borden's motivations. It made sense that he wasn't an original member, that he and his wife were innocent people and he was avenging her death because Jane got him to join her plan. It also helped me understand why Jane came up with all of this in the first place... and it's nuts but I get why she wanted to do it. Shepherd couldn't get her to understand her original intentions but maybe Borden could. Not to say Jane should get back into it but she's so disgusted with her past self and I'd be curious to see her at least understand why she wanted to do it. The promo for this episode hyped up the last five minutes so I was disappointed that it was a cliffhanger. I don't want to lose either of them, especially after learning Borden's backstory. I don't think he's unsalvageable... plus, seeing him and Jane together was really sweet and I think he does loves Patterson. But a selfish part of me kind of wants the actor to be free to go back to The Royals (even though that would be a downgrade for him, tbh). I wonder how long they had this planned, as I remember Borden not being much of a fighter last season (he nail-gunned a guy and was totally shocked) and now he's super-skilled (though he still didn't want to kill someone). Playing dumb or was the decision made later? I don't see how he could ever go back to the FBI now, unless he gets a mind wipe or becomes a triple agent like Jane... but now that we know he has history with Jane, I'd like to see them together. I'm glad nothing actually happened to Allie and the baby, since they just played with that a few episodes ago. But Shepherd acted like there was some big plan for Weller, when really it just made it so there was someone on the outside to help those who were trapped. So she helped them, lol. I hope this is the end of pregnancy drama, it's so cheap. Who was the guy who pretended to be Conor? Since we saw his face, should we look for him again in the future or was it simply to trick us into believing it was really him? I thought Nas might die down there but I'm glad she didn't. Still think Weller/Nas is rushed and strange but their scene after the explosion was well done. Zapata and Reade are total bros and I love it. These last few episodes really improved on selling this team as a family. I'm actually not too surprised that Reade watched the coach die but it does mean that he has a real reason to fear getting caught. Even though the guy was scum, I'm sure standing by while someone dies still counts as some kind of crime. I have a feeling they're going to continue with this plot but if they dropped it right there, I wouldn't be angry. I'm so embarrassed by how beyond stoked I am for Roman joining the FBI, pending the results of the memory erasure. I really wanted him to switch teams but I wasn't sure how they would go about it, since he's so unhinged. I never considered that he'd have his memories erased. I don't think Jane should have taken it upon herself to do it to him but I did like the parallels, how Jane treated Roman's injuries like he treated hers earlier in the season, and now them both going through the mind wipes. Who knows what will happen now though... who's to say he'll be a docile lamb or attach to Jane again. Maybe he'll be even worse. But it's a good way to keep him around, so I'm happy. Shepherd's extremely cruel and I kept yelling, "kill her!" But she knew better than to give Roman a loaded gun. They left her alive, which is good for keeping Sandstorm going and for capturing her later, hopefully. It's a good thing Phase Two wasn't ready to go, so they have time to prevent it from happening (if that was even the real plan). I thought they were going to destroy the world somehow but destroying the power grids is nothing to scoff at. But what does the rocket from one of the earlier episodes have to do with anything? January! Well, that's not too far away. I'm excited.
  16. I started watching this show a few episodes ago, all caught up now. I think this was the best episode yet. Lots of laughs and heartwarming moments. My favorite part was the Harold and Maude joke about JJ. "Yes, I do. Sorry society." The way Kenneth said it cracked me up. Then the two JJ's in the commercial at the end... great stuff.
  17. It's not up yet but if you log into the NBC app or website with your cable/satellite details, you can catch it there. Oh, I didn't notice her comment about her believing the mole was a woman! How did I miss that... I was thinking Nas screwed up big time, giving Patterson access to years worth of intelligence after working with her for, what, a few months? But that would make so much more sense, planting a trap and waiting to see if her suspicions are right. I wonder if there's any connection between this and having Jane see Nas open up that safe, like maybe Jane would realize that there was a different item in there. I wonder what made Nas start looking at Patterson, or has she been doing little things here and there with everyone? The bugs to listen to Jane (and Borden), dating Weller... is she doing surveillance on the others? I enjoyed this episode, though I was confused at first. The way they started in the middle of the story, after the unexpected week off last week, made me worried that they had skipped an episode. I checked here to make sure the proper episode was airing and noticed the episode title was unfamiliar... so confusing, lol. I liked the case of the week and the different versions of each character. I also thought they did a much better job showing how this team is a family. Usually it comes across to me as telling rather than showing, and struggling to do so, but it seemed more believable this time. Nas was a baller in this episode. I loved the scenes with her and Weitz. She and Weller weren't awful, though I still think it's weird that they're so into each other. Reade and Zapata's plot continues to feel separate from the rest of the show. Zapata probably got caught on camera putting the knife in that guy's car and/or Reade was caught on camera handing Freddie that bus ticket. They just keep digging themselves in deeper. I'm not sure if Roman's bluffing (perhaps on Shepherd's orders) about Phase Two so Jane informs the FBI and Sandstorm takes them out, or if he's desperately trying to give her one last chance before he has to rat her out.
  18. OK, so can that please be the last time we see Rich Dot Com? They kind of joked about it ("let's make it a weekly thing!") but I really couldn't deal with that. No offense to the actor, he's excellent, but the character is infuriating. (Though it was cool to have two L.A. Complex actors in the same episode.) At least give us a break until S4, if the show is that lucky. I'm just so thrilled they got him good in the end. I knew he was full of shit with that death story but I didn't quite catch that it was a Potter reference, haha. So Jane's having Weller dreams, huh? I'm over the "Weller's such a catch" thing but I sympathized with her, wanting to have a normal life with Weller and Roman. Kind of cool, the Old Jane vs. New Jane fight. For a second, I thought "Old Jane" looked a bit like the actress who plays Eleanor on The Royals. I don't know what to make of Weller stabbing the guy similarly to how Old Jane stabbed New Jane. Was that supposed to mean something? I'm disappointed that she left her date with Oliver early but I understand; her life is so complicated and she couldn't possibly tell him about it. I really, really like him though, so I hope that's not the last we see of him. Reade and Zapata... there's definitely something going on with her, maybe Reade wasn't so off with his assessment of her. After that last talk of theirs, she still goes down to the station to steal evidence. She's making him look worse. And confirmed, it was Reade's friend with his own knife. Was it a continuity error or a character goof that she touched the knife with her bare hands? Roman's gonna lose his shit, y'all. There may have been a sliver of hope for him if Jane played her cards right but now that's likely gone. And I don't think he'll tell Shepherd about it, which isn't comforting at all. Man, I really hope they figure out a way to turn him and/or keep him around because I'm enjoying him and the Jane/Roman relationship. But I have a bad feeling it'll end with him dying in Jane's arms (probably not on a beach, though, lol). For some reason I thought the mole didn't quite know they were the mole (or that they didn't know what to be leaking until they were instructed), so I was surprised that they activated themselves. Why now? Because Jane started talking about turning Roman? Does that mean that the mole was in the room when she was trying to convince Nas? Or is there another bug in the room and maybe the superintendent guy (or whoever that was) who was in the montage of potential moles has been off-screen but listening in? I've been on the "Borden is the mole" train but now I'm thinking it's Patterson or Nas. Nas talked a lot about being too guarded and not wanting to lose anymore people, which would certainly appeal to Weller, who's dealt with those things. I wonder if she's pretending to be vulnerable (something Weller responds to) to get information... they said the mole is FBI but if NSA also counts, maybe she's trying to finish Jane's original job: get close to Weller. She's had several conversations now about Jane wanting to turn Roman, so she'd know that Jane's turned, and she could be proficient enough to access the partially download code and send it to Roman. Patterson is the one who was receiving the download (could have salvaged what she could and sent it to Roman) and talked about not getting enough to use, and was in the room when Jane was talking about turning Roman. She would also be very unexpected. It would be quite shocking, seeing goofy, nerdy (and extremely crafty) Patterson turn around with a devilish glint in her eye, all ~bad~ and such. She's one of the few characters on the show with personality and joy in their performance, so I'd be upset to see this happen. Unless we get to watch her on the Sandstorm side, we'd have to lose her, wouldn't we? Man, if this is the case, I'm so curious to see how they explain it... why she risked her position by bringing home classified documents and getting someone killed. ETA: Oh, I just thought of this... in the last episode, Roman asked Shepherd if Jane remembered Chris... we still haven't learned what Patterson's first name is. What if it's Chris, as in Christina? Also, I can't remember if that ring Jane remembered was connected to "Chris" but if it is, she asked Patterson to look into it, who said, "sorry, couldn't find anything about it". Maybe she was lying... maybe she and Jane go wayyy back. Oh, I'm excited.
  19. "Chidi, you're turtling!" Ha! Wow, totally didn't expect Eleanor to confess... I mean, of course it would get out but I thought it would be later on in the season, and that it would be someone else outing her, or her getting caught in the middle of a conversation with Chidi. But I like how they did this and I'm really excited to see what happens now, with several episodes left in the season. Also, I like the little world building note about trains going to other neighborhoods. So far, this neighborhood seems quite expansive (nice beach in this one) but it would be cool to see other neighborhoods.
  20. I gotta watch this one again because I didn't quite understand everything that was going on... but another good episode. Except for the random Weller/Nas hookup. That sucked. The only thing that might save that unnecessary development is if she wasn't being genuine. Like, she found out that Sandstorm's been tracking him for decades and that's when she decides to have a bonding sesh with him? We haven't seen them hanging out or talking much outside of the cases but she listens to his Mayfair Mumbles and is overcome with the desire to sleep with him? They tried to set it up with the "couple on vacation" cover and "honey" comments but it wasn't enough. He's got Jane all doe-eyed, Allie all knocked up, and now Nas is smitten? The actor may be a ladies' man in other roles but he's not here, so meh to that. But if it's her way of getting more intel, maybe getting into his apartment to plant a bug... well, Patterson put a wrench in that by telling Weller about the bug she put in Borden's office. Oh good, so the Reade/Coach thing was a misdirect. I'm guessing it was his friend's doing, after getting kicked out of Reade's apartment? Maybe he took the broken knife that Reade threw out? So now Reade is in hot water because he just had to break into the house... and he didn't watch the tape and the guy is dead now so he still has no answers. I have no clue how he'll get away with this, everything they're doing makes him look more and more guilty. Little gratuitous nakedness with Reade and Zapata getting changed... either that's step number one toward putting them together or more proof that they're just bros. I'd prefer the latter, please. I thought Roman (Ian!) was a lost cause but perhaps he can be turned. And we learned the history of that scar. I liked the scene where Jane told him she didn't like her old self, it was a good way to establish who she is now and to encourage him to get on board with that. It's really unfair to expect her to be who she was, though I also understand his frustration that she got to forget the horrible things they went through. I'm really enjoying the actor and their relationship, so I hope he does switch teams and maybe work on cases like Jane does (that may be pushing it, lol). That is, if Shepherd and her chip doesn't destroy the world first. Patterson and Borden (Robert!) continued to be cute. I'm glad she was better about maintaining confidentiality, especially after receiving NSA level access, both because she needs to be better about that after David anyway and because Borden was a little too interested in hanging around while she worked. Good cover with the whole, "I love that you love your work" stuff, man... still got my eye on you. LOL. But I'm actually starting to suspect Weller, now that they've revealed that he knows Shepherd's voice. It wouldn't make sense to out him via the giant tattoo on Jane's back... I don't know. Maybe he's not the mole but knows Shepherd's voice from military training or something. Whenever he remembers her, I hope we'll learn her real name as well. I don't really understand the whole Mayfair/Winter plot so I won't even go there, haha.
  21. I burst out laughing, I couldn't believe it. I know it's a famous thing but this is the first time I've noticed it. I don't enjoy Weller's angst at all but I did like that he was an emotional wreck while the ladies (Allie, Jane, Nas) were more levelheaded. I'm not interested in Weller the Dad, nor do I see how it'll fit in this show, but I hope this is the end of the pregnancy scares. Reade... Reade. I'm hoping it's a misdirect but I can see Confrontation #2 going way too far. It seems like the tape confirms that he was molested. :( If so, that's so messed up that there are so many tapes stowed away. So happy Jane called Oliver, I hope he's a legitimate love interest and not yet another Shady McShadester. Oh yeah, and Patterson and Borden are moving right along, huh? He didn't do anything suspicious this week but I'm still keeping my eye on him. Not sure what to make of the swirled image reveal... so Mayfair worked to expose Orion? But wasn't she worried about keeping it (and her involvement) under wraps? I'm so confused. I'm also not sure about Shepherd and Roman, and their lies about Jane's whereabouts. I kind of got the vibe that Jane may not have been Team Shepherd at the time, like maybe the explosion meant to kill Jane was Shepherd's work rather than Orion or whoever they said did it. They certainly know where to get explosives. Someone here said that the NSA's mole went quiet six months ago, which could mean Jane was their mole... maybe Shepherd found out, tried to kill her, and when they found out she survived, perhaps Roman or Oscar convinced her to wipe her mind instead of finish the job. I dunno. But I did like Jane's comment to the mob guy, that staying loyal to a family that would use you like that isn't worth it. I hope that's what she's keeping in mind with Shepherd and Roman. I wonder if the woman with the ring is someone we know... and who is Chris?
  22. So much went on in this episode but I really enjoyed it. The big 3D text was as jarring as it was the first time but I'm glad they did it again, so it's established as a "thing" they're doing, not some weird one-off. Another undercover operation means another opportunity to see them all dolled up. I'm cool with it. That quick shot of Weller's insulted face after Jane referred to him as her brother made me burst out laughing. I was happy he got zinged after being his usual hardass self with Nas re: Reade, who's unraveling rather quickly. When that old school friend called him a good friend, I was like, "and the same can't be said for you!" I'm glad Reade's been able to open up, that this hasn't been his season-long secret, but unfortunately, the therapy session made me a bit uneasy, knowing Nas is listening in on everything. I remember Jonathan Patrick Moore from The L.A. Complex so it was fun to see him here as Oliver. Actually, that's at least three actors from that show who have been on Blindspot now, if I remember correctly (Joe Dinicol aka David, and Ennis Esmer aka Rich Dotcom). (I like this kind of thing, lol.) I hope we get to see him again. Roman is still uncomfortably unstable but I liked that he tried to show Jane (and the audience) why she did all of this in the first place, and that he told Shepherd she was wrong for acting like Jane should just magically get on board again because "reasons". Now we know Shepherd's motivation. She keeps swinging back and forth, this episode being more motherly... but another ominous comment suggesting the obliteration of the planet. Hope Reade doesn't do anything stupid. Any ideas what Zapata might want from Shadowcat? Her last two moments were about Reade (at his apartment and calling him), so something about him? Or is this some mole bait? She's already been a mole so I hope she isn't again... though on the other hand, that could be a nice little trick. I'm glad Weller and Nas had a little bonding sesh, hopefully they'll stop butting heads all the time, I'm over it. Also, Sandstorm's been watching Weller for 20 years? Hot shit. I wonder why they did that. Weller: "OK, we killed your dad right in front of you, come on out!" Dude. Jane: "It's possible to lie to someone and still love them very much. *stares at Weller*" Bro.
  23. I've recently discovered that you can go frame by frame on Youtube by pressing the "," and "." keys... very helpful with all these quick shots! Nice little tease with the man (likely Prince Robert) on the beach. Excited to see what kind of person he is and how he affects the family. Cyrus has a new 'do... I like it. I spotted a maid all over him, so they seem to be sticking with that. Also, I think I saw him pushing a body off a building. Liam's apparently involved in underground fighting? OK. I wonder who he was tussling with in the castle. It seems he has a new love interest... he and Willow weren't together but I thought they were slowly heading in that direction, so I'm surprised to see him in what seems to be a serious relationship with someone else. Is she a new character or do I not recognize her? The actress playing Willow was upgraded to series regular but I didn't spot her in the promo.
  24. A bit of a deal was made about Borden speaking Arabic... another misdirect or a hint? And now I'm thinking that Nas is listening in on the therapy sessions because she suspects him, in addition to (or instead of) keeping tabs on Jane. Hmm. It'll really suck if he's the mole, he and Patterson are cute together. I was hoping Roman might eventually become an ally to Jane but he's completely unstable. I think he'll end up dying at Jane's hand. The guy he killed was working on something re: aeronautics... no surprise, after that rocket reveal a few episodes ago. Also, Cade's out of the country? I'm glad Reade has Zapata to talk to. I'm not at all concerned about a romance between them, never have been. I still struggle to believe these characters are anything but work colleagues, despite the show's attempts. My TV cut out between Roman killing that guy and Weller involving himself in the hostage situation, did anything noteworthy occur? Also, didn't Weller do something similar in S1, like in a bank hostage situation?
  25. Thanks for the info about the final scene, my DVR cut off as well. And judging by the comments, extending an extra two minutes won't be enough... gotta go back and push it out to five. I was so-so about the pilot but having the second episode air right after helped. Having a third episode air the same week really helped, as did reading the theories here. I do think this might be a place for everyone to better themselves before going "on" or going back to living (near-death experience), and I find that possibility exciting. The jokes were better, as was the chemistry between the actors. Thursday is a packed TV day but I think I'll keep this on my schedule. I'm interested in seeing how everything fleshes out.
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