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Everything posted by omgsowicked

  1. - I was so uncomfortable watching the Tristan and Mr. Yates scenes... I was backing away from my TV and even had to pause and check the actor's ages (not that it makes a difference in-series but I just had to know, anything to help reduce my revulsion... eight year difference, if you want to know). They had sex, y'all. His first time... was with an emotionally manipulative predator. Oh god. This show rarely "goes there" nowadays but that was definitely a "go there" moment for me. I'm glad Maya wasn't available so Tristan could interact with someone else, even though it ended up pushing him back to Yates' apartment. Loved Zig's, "what, the basement?", though I'm finding it weird to see him so perky and funny... still, it's preferable to his fake badass attitude. Based on the TeenNick promo for next week, - On the flip side, Jack and Imogen have such amazing chemistry... Fiona who? Everything in that dance studio was very natural and sensual, which was a good break from the creepiness of Tristan/Yates. And I like that Jack's stories have included casual drinking and weed smoking sans consequences. Like, she partakes in these things but stays active, in school, and doesn't push it on people... may not make parents happy but it happens and at least they're showing a positive example of it. Unfortunately, for as hot as Jack and Imogen are, it's clearly going to mess things up with Becky and her responsibilities with the fashion show. Becky's already told her she's worried about losing her to someone else, so this probably stings. - Frankie's plot was very simple but good. Sad that she jumped to wanting surgery after Winston acted odd around her and missing out on the role. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with an eating disorder or something... I doubt this is a one and done thing (or at least, it shouldn't be).
  2. Well, I'm glad nothing too bad happened, just a broken window. These promos have been so over the top, like someone's going to die, lol. The spin the bottle story was very textbook but I was loving it because I knew they where they were going with it. I love what they've been doing with Jude and his sexuality/gender but I'm also very curious about Connor. He seemed uncomfortable about the issue when they were talking about it at school, yet snuck out and went over to his house against his dad's wishes, and was reluctant but agreed to follow the rules when they had to kiss each other (I liked that the girls were completely unbothered by it, too, though they were pretty chill to begin with). Is he straight and just trying to be supportive, is he curious, is he bisexual or gay but suppressing it due to his father's views? I have a feeling it's the last one but I'm glad it's not so clear cut because this has become my favorite story of the show. I'm also so relieved that Connor's dad didn't catch them kissing, though I feel it'll happen at some point. Also, they mentioned that Connor was staying with his dad that weekend... I wonder if he's been spending more time with his dad lately, hence why he's been more uncomfortable around Jude. I hope we meet his mom and learn about his home life. That band guy telling Marianna she's not like those girls and never will be... even though he said it wasn't because she was Latina, you know that's all she's thinking. Ugh, it makes me so sad, seeing her try to fit in with those brats. But still, it's a good story to tell. Jesus was kind of useless in this episode. All he really did was have a rebound hookup with one of the dance team girls. I'm guessing that Emma will want to get back with him and the dance girl will reveal that she's pregnant soon after. @GildedLily, I agree, I think if and when Brandon/Callie starts up again, she'll be pursuing him. But I'm really enjoying them being platonic and sibling-like so hopefully they'll hold off on that for a while. I also like that Brandon and Wyatt seem to be getting along well, too. *sigh* Everything is better when Brallie's on the backburner. I'm glad Lena and Stef are in a better place now but I really wish they had talked about how Stef constantly ignores Lena when it comes to Brandon.
  3. CityTV only seems to have the last two episodes available... won't solve your issue but it's worth noting, I suppose.
  4. - So... Hunter's going to end up killing someone four seasons from now, right? That was intense. If I recall correctly, he was a bit on the timid side when he came in with breakfast for Zoe back in "Unbelievable" so I was really surprised to see such a huge reaction. I hope we get more insight into his life. I'd actually kind of hoped Becky might pursue something with him mainly because Miles was flipping out over his little sister dating someone a year older... how about your little brother dating someone three years older? I was expecting Becky's family to want her to support her brother at the trial (although it's probably been documented that Becky turned him in, so how could she flip the script like that?) but I was surprised that Mrs. Baker said Luke had done nothing wrong. Are you kidding me? I guess I shouldn't be surprised... look at how Luke turned out, look at how they treat Becky. Terrible people. I hope she does the right thing and that the Bhandari's are still taking house guests. - I wasn't a fan of this Drew dun goofed and has to grovel to everyone. His meeting with Mr. Hollingsworth came off like he was going to extort him for some serious stuff but it was just contacts and a letter of recommendation... well, alright. He's right, though, being fired because Mr. Hollingsworth is cheating on his wife but is pissed because his wife tried to do the same... be angry at your wife, not the poor schmuck who got caught in the middle of it. And I really hated the scene with Clare and Drew. She'd been acting like a hysterical brat, refusing to have an actual conversation with him (which likely would have led to the resolution they came to in this episode), and he's the one who has to apologize? And she has to "get there" re: not hating his guts anymore. Ridiculous. Had Clare dialed it down 26 notches, they could have had a ten minute conversation about this three episodes and been done with the damn thing. - Glad to finally find out why Zig was kicked out. It was actually kind of precious, how nervous he was. Seems he's really on the up and up now. Where's Tiny working? How's his progress?
  5. Well, technically the judge ordered they locate Quinn and serve him with abandonment papers. I don't know if Googling him and having a chat first would have been better. At least this way he got to wrap his mind around the situation without Stef, Lena, and Callie staring him down and constantly calling about signing abandonment papers. Now that we've met his dad and have some idea of what may be going on at home, I'm thinking Connor probably painted his nails after he left his house and then took it off before he got home. I don't think he's a homophobe, he probably knows he has to keep his head down and obey his parents. Thank you! Yes, Stef and Lena act like they're so beyond, so wise, so right. Drives me nuts. I thought that scene really showed how well they work as siblings rather than romantic partners. I'm sure this birth father thing is going to reignite Brandon/Callie but I hope the only moment they have is subtly acknowledging (like they did with the "when I turn 18, I can do whatever I want" comment) that Callie going through with the abandonment papers/adoption papers means they're 100% off the table and that they're both happy about it. Because if and when she's officially adopted, that entire thing needs to be done.
  6. Brandon's plot was frustrating to watch simply because no one said what needed to be said: Actually attempt to play the piano, Brandon. Then we'll assess any further surgery. Honestly, come on, dude. You have to try more than a few times before you decide to have a surgery that could only give you an extra 5% boost... or cut that 95% down to a 75%. Why wasn't anyone saying this?! The band's song was pretty nice, his addition to it wasn't all that impressive, though. And clearly he and the lead singer are going to have a bicker and then make out kind of relationship. Fabulous. I adore the whole Connor/Jude story and I think they would be the absolute cutest together, so I'm glad they're starting to address that possibility. The dad was pretty stereotypical, hard on his son to be a manly sports dude but easy on the sensitive newbie. Of course he would flip out over a (possibly) gay kid (not really) making moves on his son (who he probably already thinks may be gay). Just wait until the Mama Bears find out. I loved the scene with Callie and Mariana after Robert flaked out at the DNA test. Really love their bond. Callie's going to have a difficult time just cutting off ties now that her half-sister has reached out. I'm really hoping, in keeping with the whole, "what makes a family," slogan, he signs the papers but she keeps in touch with them (or at least the daughter) regularly. Glad they finally explained what Jesus' issue was because I really couldn't tell. I didn't think he was being a sexist jerk about it... just based on this episode (in which they laid it on very thickly), she was bossy; she decided where they were going, when they were leaving, when and where they'd be having sex and how the makeout session would go. He wasn't much of a factor in this thing, really. But whatever, now we have to deal with her wrath. Also, I'd like to know, how did she feel hanging out with Marianna and Callie? Didn't look like she broke out in hives, having to associate with other girls. Again with the Stef goes to Mike about Brandon without thinking to talk with Lena, and then blowing up when Lena goes to "their" son behind her back. Can we have a(nother) conversation about this, please? When Lena came downstairs and saw the two of them sleeping on the couch, I wondered if perhaps she was thinking, "soon I'll have my own child to have a special bond with". Of course Timothy is on the principal finding committee. He really should step down because if he doesn't vote for Lena, he's being an asshole (again) but if he does and everyone finds out that he's the father of Lena's baby, it'll be favoritism. This is such a mess. Dani's still shady. And based on Mike's lingering outside after his conversation with Stef, perhaps he's lying about seeing Ana. But I want to believe his story about defending the waitress. I'm starting to think that the guy who "recognized" Mike is the one who heckled the waitress and/or the one who attacked (killed?) Ana. Or he's covering for a friend.
  7. Oh man, I'm so glad to hear that's the plan. This should help make Dani's entire (annoying, creepy, shady) existence possibly worthwhile. Plus, I've seen a lot of disgusting comments made about male rape victims (to the tune of, "they can't actually be raped"), and the whole experience of reporting it seems to not work in their favor, so this definitely needs to be done. And the fact that this has been so subtle, to the point where we weren't too sure what her angle's been, or if the writers were even thinking about this, just makes it better. It's not always so clear cut.
  8. I'm not crying, you're crying! I thought that was a good finale. I'm so glad they were able to wrap it up nicely (I've dealt with too many season finales that ended up being series finales, if you know what I mean). The humor/emotion ratio was great in the first half, but it was all emotion in the second half, so I found the few bits of humor a little unnecessary. I was happy to cry my little eyes out, lol. There was no place for it but I did wonder where Pete and Randy were re: their crush on Jill. Derrick's Mr. T impression was hilarious, and as usual, Randy was a complete crack up. Loved Cody's face when he saw the ball and the beach scenes were just fantastic, though they did feel like they belonged on another show. Wasn't a fan of the Gumble/Robinson kiss, just felt like some sort of movie trope... which perhaps was the point. Meh, I just didn't care for it. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I really hope that this show can find another network. It's just too good to go like this.
  9. Wow. Just wow. I kept yelling, "That's Felix! Yes, you know him! That's a Felix clone!" And then it was Mark. Man, I love this show. And that's probably the best choice, to have it be Mark rather than Felix, Paul, or Cal. Though, there could have been a lot of interesting scenes and clone imitations with Cal clones. So what did Cal and Marion talk about? What was in the folder Paul handed over? And what kind of deal did Mrs. S make? Handing over Helena in exchange for Dyad/the Army leaving Sarah and Kira alone? But Marion seems to have an issue with the Army... or does she? I can't figure out what the deal is with the locked up clone, if she "rescued" him or not. What's her deal with Rachel then? Why does her daughter look like a young Rachel (and presumably the other clones) and why is she injured? Is she hoping that Sarah will help her? She doesn't sound like she wants to end this cloning business. And does this mean that Paul is actually shady? How is he back in the army if he did shady stuff that the Dyad had to clean up? Or was he infiltrating Dyad for the army and Dyad had nothing over him? And what's the idea, Dyad wanted girls, the Army wanted boys... they were both under the umbrella of Project Leda... and then split off? When and why? And if the idea is that the Army wanted hundreds of super clones to outfit their ranks... wouldn't people notice a bunch of identical soldiers? Wouldn't the clones know they were clones, then? Would that mean Mark know he's a clone? So many questions!!! I'm so confused. I kept thinking Rachel poisoned the tea water but Duncan poisoned himself. Damn. But it's believable that he would have carried something to commit suicide with, considering the circumstances. That scene was great. Rachel is so hardwired to be emotionless but it's in her. Sarah got choked up over an abortion she had... will we find out the circumstances of that? When did it happen? Who was the father? Only because of the whole, "she and Helena are the only fertile clones," thing. Scott is freaking awesome, but I'm scared for his safety. He told Sarah to go, with Rachel right there, so she knows he's on Sarah's side now. And I'm glad Cal's legit, too. Pretty elaborate setup to get Sarah out of the operating room, only to be told, "oh, you're free to go". Rachel is off her rocker; that marrow could have helped her, no? At least Cosima has Duncan's book. However, how will she be able to do any work with it, if she can't return to Dyad... unless they all start working with Marion, I'm sure she has some amazing lab in her mansion. I was so worried something would happen during that clone dance party but instead, it ended up being a nice excuse to show off their technology (which actually wasn't as good as their other clone scenes but still damn good considering it was a long scene with only two actors). I loved that song, too... thank you @Souris for the link to the BBCA video, which notes that it's called Water Prayer - Mat the Alien Remix by Adham Shaikh, which can be heard on Soundcloud. Two things that I didn't find so great were: Helena leaving the apartment while Cosima and Sarah were talking (They didn't notice? Didn't care?) and the weird Delphine vision from beyond. Look, I'm sold on Cophine, OK? Stop with this silliness.
  10. I used to only listen to tv/book series podcasts (simple enough, since I knew I'd like the topic) but after discovering The Read earlier this year, I've decided to expand my horizons. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for but I'm working on it. What I'm listening to now: The Read (general topics/discussion, pop culture... super funny) Game Night Guys (started listening thanks to @Qoass for mentioning it in this thread... who knew I'd enjoy a podcast about board games?) Acting's Cool (two 20-something year old actors [Atticus Mitchell and Adam DiMarco] talk about the acting business... 80% silly, 20% useful tips. Probably appeals mostly to those familiar with the hosts.) Nightlock Podcast (The Hunger Games series... thoughtful, fun discussion of the series) Tatiana is Everyone (Orphan Black... just discovered this, very intelligent, relaxed and fun) Ahoy Mateys (Veronica Mars... I don't listen anymore but I enjoyed it when I got into the series earlier this year) And I listen to old episodes of Pottercast and Mugglecast (Harry Potter series) to help me go to sleep... not that they're boring, I've just heard them a dozen times now.
  11. I used to like Eli and Adam (OK, I was obsessed with Eli) but by the end of their run, I was just ready for them to go (with Adam, it was more because the actress seemed over it, and if the actor doesn't care, why should I?). I don't think Eli's officially gone yet, though, not while Clare's still on the show. Ugh, please don't bother with another dramatic reunion, I don't care about those two anymore. And while I appreciate that Degrassi was more real on The N, I don't miss the censoring. The N used to blur posters in the background (which were about anti-racism and anti-bullying, I think) and refused to air several controversial episodes (Manny's abortion episode aired three years after Canada saw it). Maybe The N would have gotten with the times but that doesn't necessarily mean Degrassi wouldn't have become the glossy, drama-filled show it is today.
  12. Oh!! You're right! Oh, I completely forgot about that. Man, I love that kind of stuff, haha. OK, so it's good that they're not dropping the Brandon/Dani drama. But I hope they wrap it up and she'll be gone after this season because I still don't like her. Telling Brandon to get over the fact that they slept together... wow. Yeah, hi, Dani: sex tends to make things complicated, even more so when you're a teenager. Which you are not. Ugh. Brandon looked like he was about to tell Mike about it but seamlessly switched over to his numb hand instead. I'm actually looking forward to seeing him discover who he is without piano... they laid it on thick that it's very, very important and all he is as a person. Hopefully his self discovery journey doesn't lead him to do anything stupid this time. Really loving where they're going with Marianna now. They've already established that she has low self-esteem and cares very much about what others think but now they're getting deeper with it, making it more of a racial identity issue. They touched on the topic before with Lena (and did so again in this episode), but it's a little "easier" to do so with her because she's biracial. Racial identity and the desire to be more European in looks with a Latina whose parents are black and white... yes, I'm interested in this. Everything with Jesus and Emma felt manufactured. I thought Jesus was going to dump her, he looked like he was fed up with her during their first scene, and then he kept asking if she was upset about him going off with the guys. But that apparently wasn't the case, so what, bad acting? Crappy writing? Also, I'm tired of Emma's whole, "I'm one of the guys, I don't have girl friends" schtick. You're not awesome for that. Oh, and that, "once I'm 18 I can do whatever I want," type comment that Callie made while talking to Brandon? Yeah. Yeah, I got that. *side eyes* I want to say I'd expect Lena and Stef to be very on top of important things like foster license renewals but these two inseminated before the donor signed the necessary legal documents, so of course this slipped past them. I'm glad Callie didn't have to stay in that foster home for too long, that would have been a drag to watch. They found her birth father very quickly... and of course he seems to be the exact opposite of her "father". I totally forgot that Bailee Madison was going to guest on this show, so when she showed up... yeah, she and Maia look very similar, great casting. So great, they're confirming that Mike beat the shit out of Ana? Paired with his, "stop snooping," attitude... man, it's gonna be difficult to redeem him. Was it suggested that he was a violent drunk with Stef? Or was his violence just because of Ana? If he actually did it, that is. The man who identified him has no reason to lie, though, unless he's buds with Ana. Two random thoughts: the promo for next week seemed overly dramatic for this show. And we didn't see much of it but did they change locations for the school? That hallway scene with Jesus and Emma seemed like it was in a different building. The whole show seemed glossier, actually. Not that that's a bad thing.
  13. I watched My Daughter Must Live (stunning title) strictly because of Sergio Di Zio (who I adore but can never quite buy as badass or serious, due to his voice and goofy expression)... ended up skimming through it because the acting was so cheesy (I know that's part of the charm of Lifetime movies but it's been extra cheesy lately). But from what I saw, it was very repetitive and I wish they had cut the whole mobster bar owner angle. It was out of place and just stupid, especially since in the end, the guy just wanted Dan to stay out of town lest he look like a "buffoon" to the townspeople.
  14. - Glad that adults/police got involved in Zig's plot before it got too messy, though I'm not sure that I like that the rich and uninvolved Mr. Hollingsworth had to swoop in and save poor, homeless Zig. I'm happy to see a different angle on a gang life story, showing cooperation with police and becoming an informant. I hope we finally get some insight into Zig's life on the streets, his involvement in the gang, etc. And I like that Tiny's in, too, I just hope he'll stick with the program. For now, he seems OK, and he was quite sweet with Mrs. Matlin. I hope he doesn't fade to the background, I like him. I agree, @MegaJ, I don't know why Mrs. Matlin was the one to bring up his parents instead of the police suggesting it themselves. Really, they'll set up a reunion? How about an investigation? I know I want to know why the heck he was kicked out. Plus, Zig was so worried about being placed in a group home but apparently that's not an issue, he can just stay at the Matlins? I don't get it. - Clare has always been a pain but girl needs to chill the hell out. The lie detector/ax throwing/revenge stuff is overkill. She's right to be upset; she broke up with her longtime boyfriend and had sex with a guy she was expecting to start a relationship with... but she's being so vindictive about it, like he's been acting pleased with himself. He didn't call things off because he banged her and that's all he wanted, he wanted more than to be a rebound. He made it clear that he wanted to talk with her about it all... hell, he wanted to talk with her before they had sex but she wanted to get right into it. Sorry but she's acting like an asshole here, not him. As for the resolution, I would have preferred to see Alli come to the realization that she needed to be OK with herself on her own, as she's the one with major self-esteem issues re: boys, but whatever. Also, I hope that with Clare getting a new group of friends, Clare and Alli will go ahead and call it a day. Their bathroom chat felt forced (and a missed opportunity to reference the Boiling Point days, having Alli say, "You slept with him? Well, you got farther than I did."), and they barely share screen time or seem to hang out much. Not every friendship ends in fiery flames, so I think it would be nice to see a friendship naturally but consciously dissolve. - I find it very difficult to take Miles seriously when he's angry, but I guess I appreciate how it adds to the silly innocence of the whole thing. It felt like old school Degrassi. However, Winston's in 10th grade and Frankie's in 9th, right? That's really not that bad... plus, Miles knows Winston, so he should feel much more comfortable with a 10th grader he's familiar with vs. an 9th grader he doesn't know, no? Anyway, it was nice to throw Tristan and Zig's friend (forgot his name) into the mix... Tristan because he usually seems to be around if it benefits or is about him, and the other guy because I like when they expand the circles of interactions. Degrassi's a big school, why not mix it up a bit, eh?
  15. I'm still not a fan of these sexual jokes but the letter H joke was really funny, especially since Alisha got up to give Jeff a hug.
  16. Well crap, I thought that was one of the best episodes... - That Felix/Tony kiss, I was just like, "wow, they are going there". I'm glad he eventually realized the squickiness of the whole thing, at least keep it real if you're going to do it. But I'm glad they did it because 1) I was wondering if they would and 2) I appreciate that the show addresses these kinds of uncomfortable things (this, the Rachel/Paul sex... my memory fades after that), stuff that makes you question what you just saw and how it makes you feel. I still think Tatiana is super-talented and needs every single award but I didn't love her portrayal of Tony... I agree @thuganomics85, it was the first time I felt like I was watching Tatiana act rather than just seeing the character. Plus, the hair and makeup put me off a bit (mostly the facial hair). Tony himself is very unlikable but I'm interested in how his story will affect everything, since he seems to bring everything full circle. He brought Beth back into the picture, the start of it all, and we're getting information on Paul, who just happened to be purposefully MIA this week. So according to Sami, Paul may be working against Dyad from the inside out? And they were both ex-military? Wonder how much of a past they had together... @Pyralis, I agree, I like that they're tackling gender/sexuality and genetics with Cosima and now Tony. Ha, wait 'til Rachel finds out about him. Oh! OK, I know nothing about hormones but I wonder if Tony taking testosterone would have an effect on the uterus/respiratory issue most of the clones have (if he's at risk for it, we don't know if he's been under the radar, too). - Really enjoyed Cosima's story, glad to see some movement, some fun, and I liked their whole "I love you" scene, particularly that Delphine has to love all of them (because she's been quite shortsighted, though it's understandable). And even though I knew it was coming (from the promos), I freaked out big time over her seizure. If it hadn't been for next week's promo... no, I can't go there! But they were really setting it up, with her finally telling Scott (what a great reaction), making up with Delphine (what does she have on her that could ruin her career?), and Tony saying he'd probably get along with her. Ugh, this whole thing makes me so nervous. - So Alison just comes on home... seems she took rehab seriously, after seeing Donnie with all those bottles. I'm relieved that they didn't drag out the Donnie/Alison/deaths thing because I don't think I could stand watching them keep quiet. And I get that they're the black humor of the show but it's getting to be a little much for me. Like, a trunk liner is what matters here? Nah, I didn't find it that amusing, unfortunately. Anyway, so how did Rachel know that Leekie had died, or was she just saying that because she kicked him out? And where was the new lady? - And I love that this show keeps answering questions while raising many more; so the clones were meant to be barren? For what reason??? Why little girls and why unable to have children? And if it's such a failure, that Sarah can reproduce, why does Ethan consider Kira a prize? Or was he saying that she was Rachel's prize? Speaking of, Kira and the book, is that supposed to mean that Ethan kept some of the information off of those floppy disks (lol @ them having Rachel seem confused, so as to explain to the younger generation who truly ARE in the dark)? That book is going to contain the key to some crazy shit, I know it... another reason to snatch Kira up, lol. ETA: Oh, and I forgot to mention how much I love that Felix and Art are working together now.
  17. ...when you find yourself constantly asking, "WHERE'S KIRA?!"
  18. So the whole Zig/Maya/Tiny thing is going to be a major shitstorm. Maya... she means well but girl dun goofed over and over again; flushing the drugs, paying Tiny off, kissing Zig to get him to stay (which will also earn him some hell because gangs don't give a shit about that stuff). Tiny's, "don't sneak up on me again," comment, plus the TeenNick promo with him in her house... I don't know that Degrassi will kill anyone, since they've recently done two back to back, but all I can think is that he's going to set their house on fire (and that perhaps Mrs. Matlin won't make it, due to her health). I'd really like to know more about why/how Zig got wrapped up in this gang thing... Grace's explanation was a good start but I'm still very confused by the whole thing. Glad to see Clare finally focusing on herself, I hope they don't drop this triathlon story. And though it was kinda silly, since I would expect this concern from younger teenagers, not older ones, I was glad that they addressed the, "will Clare go lesbian," issue, since I've seen people theorize about that during the hiatus. Was anyone else worried about the combination of axes and beers? Still don't like Alli, like, why does she shit on everything that's not about her? Blegh. Not at all interested in Winston and Frankie. Just don't care. But I guess I appreciate something more relatable.
  19. And now we meet Schneeberger... way to go, Fox. *shakes head* I wonder, if there's another episode where we see why he and Pete butt heads because they barely interacted; this was about Schneeberger and Cody clashing. Cody's plot wasn't all that exciting to me but it was fun to see him get back in the field (and be so happy about it). Derrick losing his shit because of the pube-stache was amazing. Even before that, when he looked into the distance and Chubowski said, "should we follow you to your gift?" That's what I love! That, the opening with Randy screaming, Chubowski's, "her décolletage?". This show, y'all. However, what I missed was the emotional element. There was a moment where they could have gone there, with Jill's deceased boyfriend (something I'm really hoping we'll get to hear about in one of these last episodes), but instead we got them all looking like heartless jerks and her owning them yet again. Speaking of, this didn't really seem like a prank war so much as a, "Jill's a ruthless little shit," show. She was doing way too much (slipping them drugs, shaving Randy?), and considering that Pete's group never got her back, the whole thing came off like bullying rather than a well-loved tradition.
  20. Oh god, yeah, I watched... well, OK, I skimmed it. This isn't the type of movie I go for (I only tuned in for an actor I like) but I was going to give it a solid chance... couldn't get past the acting. Delaine was such a snooze, and her blonde friend... I thought she hated Delaine but apparently they were actually friends? If you say so. And I was disappointed that she didn't get with that younger guy in the end, he seemed nice and down for whatever kinky shit she wanted. I guess it was part of the book (which I didn't know the movie was based on) but I thought it was goofy that the dom guy was basically running a self-improvement course for alpha sub women or whatever the heck he was going on about. Maybe I missed it but why didn't she ever consider therapy? She clearly had lots on her mind, why not discuss it with someone instead of listening to this guy and his, "choosing to be submissive is the ultimate power," business? That wouldn't have been exciting to watch, I know. But I don't really understand how she overcame her husband's verbal abuse and gained confidence by letting some random dude treat her like crap with her permission, which apparently makes all the difference. I don't know, I don't know anything about this dom/sub thing and I don't care to, lol.
  21. I'm excited but also hesitant... on the one hand, I found the synopsis and murder element very intriguing. I'm already trying to guess who the dead body is, despite having pretty much nothing to go on.* But after I saw the "first look" clip and trailer, my excitement diminished slightly... the majority of the main characters seem wholly unlikable. I know not everyone in the world is on the up and up but the majority of them come off like shady assholes, so I'm not sure that I wouldn't be rooting for (so many of) them to get theirs. I don't think I'd want to tune in every week to see a bunch of smirky jerks, so I hope they become a little more human. Another thing that makes me unsure about the series is what I find most interesting: the murder element. Wouldn't that shorten the longevity of the series, and/or become a major pain in the ass, if we're constantly reminded, season after season, that, "they could be put in jail for covering up a murder"? How long can they sustain that plot before they finally have to be brought to justice? Is that a built-in way to rotate/cull the cast? Or are they planning to have the professor get them off the hook? Re: diversity, I haven't seen too many people acknowledging how ballsy it is (for lack of a better term) to have an interracial gay love scene (with implied penetration) in the series trailer. Like, they are not playing around, and I love it. So tentatively, we could say that the show's main character lineup is comprised of: two black women (one of whom is in an interracial relationship), one black man, one Hispanic woman (I think... I always get Latina/Hispanic mixed up, but I think the actress is Mexican), one possibly bi or gay white man (depends on if he only did it for dirt), and one white man. That's pretty dang good. * As to who I think is the dead body in the woods... for now, I'm putting my hat in the ring for the Asian guy, only because the character who slept with him looked a bit emotional about it, compared to the others. Plus, who could it be that these people would feel the need to cover it up rather than call the police? Probably someone involved in the trial they worked on, no? ETA: It just hit me how they're going to deal with the longevity of the series with the dead body in the woods. I totally forgot that one of the synopses said that they find the body four months later... so episode 1 would end with that, and episode 2 would probably jump back in time to Day 3 or whatever. So a season could cover a month and it would be four seasons before they had to address that (and likely lose all those characters). So I kinda take back my guess because who knows who they'll have dealt with over the course of four months.
  22. Fox to air last four episodes starting June 1st.
  23. Didn't she say that she wasn't exempt from the project's rules? So it would seem she isn't personally choosing to have one. It's probably to keep the project level (every clone must have a monitor) and unbiased, having someone closely but impartially report on each clone's health and well-being. Leekie's been revealed to have been a guardian to her (aka may be biased), plus he's high up in the chain of command. And if it were left up to her, she might not report everything, which would skew the results. Plus, it would look bad to investors, if a clone was self-reporting... she could make the data look better than it is. Then again, if they know she's a self-aware clone who's on both sides of the project, they'd be suspicious of the results anyway. Maybe she keeps that a secret. If I recall correctly, she did look a bit edgy when she said she needed a new monitor, so when I think about that sex scene again... my first thought was that maybe she was trying to get back some control. But actually, I don't think it's about love or sex; she's very concerned about the clones ability to conceive, so inspecting and using Paul (and presumably Daniel, though perhaps she learned to care for him) the way she did was probably about procreation rather than regaining the personal freedom she's lost through this project. The way it looked from the window seemed very angry like, "damnit. I. will. get. pregnant."
  24. ...I don't even know what the heck just happened. I'm neither here nor there with Paul but I have to say, that scene with him and Felix was really good... and hey, I was NOT angry about that sex scene, minus the disturbing aspect of it. What was up with Rachel being so weird about it? Sticking her fingers in Paul's mouth like a toddler... it's like she's read the literature but doesn't know how to be natural re: relationships and sex. Byproduct of being self-aware, monitored (ah, so she is monitored), and probably groomed to be a perfect clone rather than a regular human? I was never suspicious of Cal and seeing how he was in this episode, I'm even more sure that he's not in on the Dyad/Leda stuff. He's had ample opportunity to turn Kira over and he hasn't. He could have tried grilling her for info on Sarah or her sestras but he hasn't. I think he must have gotten screwed over by them, financially/business-wise, and that's why he knows anything about them. That shot of the gun in his camper... I'm guessing it'll come in handy later. You'd think they wouldn't be able to top that Helena/Sarah scene from last week but damn, they nearly did! Stunning acting aside, the technical aspects are just... holding hands while one person jumps down to the other's level? What?! Wow. I'm actually excited to see them bond, and I do think Sarah meant what she said, though with everything going on, perhaps she didn't even know she felt that way until that moment. I'm glad Helena didn't kill anyone, especially with Felix, their brother-sestra, in jail. Soon, Helena... soon. So how does Rachel know about Cal being Kira's father? They barely knew anything about Sarah but now they know the father of her child? Did I miss something? Also, I can't remember if they said his full name but it didn't match up with his license, did it? Leekie's not... totally evil? Huh. I find it pretty interesting how Leekie became kind of a guardian after the explosion... he seems like he would have been warm to her but it doesn't show in her demeanor. Also, I can't remember... did she say that both her parents died? But this Birdman thing suggests otherwise... even more of a reason not to kill off Rachel yet. That oughta be a reunion to attend. Love that we're making headway with this Leda stuff... so there's no copy of the original genome (which I figured) and the Birdman is, what? The one who destroyed the lab? Did he somehow get tied into the Prolethians? Is he the creator of the Prolethians? And if Helena knows about him, and presumably Maggie Chen did as well, does that mean perhaps she (and Sarah) really are the originals, as she was told? I don't recall, did we ever see or hear about the Birdman in S1? And that cult... holy heck. Grace is a little shit, for sure, but suturing her mouth shut? Letting her rot? Telling her that she has to get Helena back or carry the child herself (well, that's one way to get that to happen!)? So they rape Helena and are willing to do the same to their daughter in the name of....... religious science? So twisted. And I know it's a cult but I thought that wild-eyed cowboy was way older than Grace, so I was very surprised when he kissed her. And I wasn't sure if he was just buttering her up so she would do what they wanted, or if he really meant it. *shudders*
  25. I see people referring to this as a Shonda show, and being concerned that this will go the way of her other shows (i.e. messy), but she's only producing, she's not the creator or a writer, right? So... how worried should we actually be? How much of a Shonda touch should we expect? I'm not familiar with her outside of Grey's so I really don't know.
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