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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. She is really TRASH. Whole different thing when you are a celebrity compared to being just a “normal” person.
  2. I thought that was weird that she would bring the dog too. Why was she even allowed? I love animals but it is a distraction, kind of strange. As far as Amanda‘s son being named Elvis, I can almost guarantee you that kids going to change his name someday. he is going to be mercilessly teased throughout his childhood & beyond. I actually know a boy that was named Elvis and it was nothing but a nightmare for him.
  3. I am new to this series I find it interesting & weird but the Torturing of the cat was not necessary and is making me think twice about watching the show again. Really they had to do that? As an animal lover it sticks with me and just ruins the show for me because I can’t get it out of my head. had to hide my eyes while it was going on 😞😡
  4. Wow. I feel Leah Remini is not lying. She seems to be sincere. I love her podcast on Scientology. I don’t know, I side with her. Which makes Sharon and even more vile piece of shit than I thought she was.
  5. Just going to put this out there: Listening to Sheryls podcast where she is defending and fucking over the top praising herself. She says, and I quote “You love your friend you’re gonna love your friend even if your friend wrong” well. I am having a lot of internal issues with this whole Sharon/Piers/Racist/attack(according to Sharon)
  6. chediavolo

    The NBA

    Is there a thread on Primetimer for “the inside Story” 4 part special?
  7. You would think they would have another tv. Are we still in the era of free antenna TV?
  8. Well I don’t like Sharon and I don’t personally know if she is actually racist but she did have some good points after viewing the last two shows. I don’t remember, but was anyone attacking Jodie Foster for being racist or anti Semitic when she steadfastly stood by her friend Mel Gibson years ago?
  9. Whoa!!!I’m going to have to catch this on demand! sounds very entertaining. Why don’t they get rid of that piece of shit Sharon? I guess it’s all for the ratings. But she really is vile. On the other hand, Megan & Harry. they are living an extremely privileged life in California right now and they are just not on top of my list of people to feel sorry for her. she’s an attention grabbing person for sure by nature of her profession like most actors. let’s hear the whole story. We see who wears the pants in that family. I feel terrible for her husband who’s been traumatized by what happened to his mother and she seems to just be feeding into his pain. Did Harry not get any mental health help move these years ago? I seem to recall remembering that he did. I just don’t buy that they wouldn’t let her see a psychiatrist and guess what ? you were not in jail you could’ve gone on your own & gotten gotten help. You had no problem leaving the country.
  10. I don’t like Paulina. She’s loud and Obnoxious & we already have Julie for that. Speaking of Julie, we’re just going to continue with the racial/racist talk with Paulina also? Now we have two women doing this? Imagine if Julie said “why did they name their babies after some old black lady”? I did not like Paulina pressuring Abe to get the owners to not rent the store front to Kate because she is white. This has to do with business not racial equality. She could have gone about this fairly by bidding on the store herself. She has the financial ability apparently. That was a shitty thing for her to do to Abe. This is not healing to the turmoil that this country is in right now. It just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s not funny. Hope this character mellows out a little or leaves. My God this show is almost unrecognizable. I’m starting to not even care if it’s renewed. 😞
  11. These bitches are mentally equivalent to junior high schoolers. That was one of the most juvenile idiotic things I have ever seen a bunch of grown woman get into. And the laughing, the cackling, the exaggerated expressions, the hand gestures, what a bunch of morons I live watching this show, makes me feel so much better about myself😄
  12. Looks like this dreck has not gotten any better. I really like Drew Barrymore I wish we could just see her in some new romcoms because that seems to be where she’s at her best. this:... no
  13. I thought this was pretty funny and it was enlightening to me! What makes women of a certain age start to watch these murder mysteries, missing person, mass killing shows etc.? I think it is very interesting from a psychological point of you. What is the deal?
  14. I had a therapist that spent the whole session talking about her animals her trips etc. etc. asking my advice on what to do where to go blah blah blah it was like sitting there with a girlfriend for 45 minutes but I was paying for it and I actually did it quite a few times because I didn’t know how to tell her this is insanely unprofessional and a waste of my time
  15. That coffee drinks sounded amazing. I’m assuming it was iced coffee and I think she mentions maple syrup, cinnamon and then topped it with whipped cream?
  16. Katie can be very unlikable and unkind at times.
  17. I kept saying to myself why is Wendy Malik playing her own mother on the FaceTime call? Then I realized it was another actress who looks crazily similar. If this was supposed to be her stepmother why did they get someone with an such obvious physical likeness?
  18. I’m out. Show sucks. Yep. First time I saw the very strange hairstyle of his on Saturday night live I thought he was going to do a Rudy Giuliani impression. How was this a thing? it looks like there’s black dye dripping down the sides of his face. Total waste of Don Johnson.
  19. Yes the show was in funny anymore now I know that they are all a bunch of entitled elitists. I did enjoy it in the past so I guess I’m glad I didn’t realize this until now.
  20. Ok now I am curios beyond control. What is the name of this delicious bottled water that Leah drinks?!! A search titled up nothing.
  21. Watched Allison Sweeney‘s latest Hallmark garbage movie just to see her interact with Kristian Alfonso. Well she was in the movie for about five minutes total😳
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