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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. I grieved more, harder , and longer for, in particular, my fur baby cat and before him other pets, then most humans in my life who have passed. People, at least from what I’ve experienced, generally suck. I totally understand Dolores. Also, I think she must knows in her heart This relationship with David is no good.
  2. What questionable comments as Bill Maher made? I am not aware.
  3. Not days related but I don’t know where to post the question. I see there was an update on the site now that I’ve come back to it I see my personalized page with the shows that I picked is gone and I only have every single show listed😳 did this happen to anyone else?
  4. Ugh. wait wait till a little Elvis gets to school and starts being harassed by all his friends for his name. I actually know a boy that his mother named Elvis & life was hell for him. Sharon is going to be on Bill Mahr’s HBO show this weekend. Seems like kind of an odd forum for her but I can’t wait to see it.
  5. Kind of agree. And I can not STAND Sharon. She has a temper & mental issues (which was common knowledge) & she was defending her friend. I don’t know the whole story with this guy but it seems like it’s personal between him & Megan, who is not a stranger to lying. I almost fell off the couch when she told Oprah she never looked up her husband or his family and had no idea how the royal family works, well neither did I and I know how the be royal family works. We get bombarded enough thru our lives with royal talk. What a crock of shit. I hate to say it but Sharon was not all wrong. Nothing is black & white ( No pun intended). I had to turn off the show on Monday because it was more of a lecture than Specific to the Sharon situation. All the cohosts fawned over her and kissed her ass for years. You reap what you sow. Everyone knew what a nasty Sharon was, .this blow up was bound to happen.
  6. Marge was beautiful. She still would be if she toned down the makeup & didn’t have her lips fucked up. She’s not svelte, but she has a figure that most women her age do.
  7. Thus family is abhorrent for the most part. Feel bad for their neighbors. Although if I remember correctly, their posh home had plenty of land as a horrid neighbor bumper. I wonder what is was like dealing with these entitled assholes in an every day basis? Nothing about what Adam pulled was funny in the least. Beverly is a Whack-O, to put it nicely. etc etc. I’d love to hear how they treated “the help”etc. something , gee I wonder what, makes me think they were nasty.
  8. My husband walked through the room when I was watching this. The scene with the psychic was on and he said “ oh my God they look like monsters! why would they do that to themselves”😆 also what the fuck was up with the eyebrows on, I think they said it was Teresa‘s realtor, wow ?!😳 yes it is against the Catholic religion to deal with psychics but I know a few people who call themselves religious who still go to or believe in this crap. Well that’s what it’s like being a cafeteria Catholic. Also how does anyone believe this woman was legit? Everything she said could have been found out ahead of time.
  9. These kids must have a VERY hard time in school!! We all know how cruel children can be.
  10. She was already paying for a nice apartment on her own how does it make any sense that with two incomes combined they would have to rent a shitty place?
  11. I love the movie “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe”! Adam is an obnoxious entitled little piece of shit sometimes, isn’t he? Ugh. I could barely stand to watch his juvenile asinine antics. Geoff would probably be sorry some year down the line if he and Erica married, when he realized he gave up his own life, likes, and wants for someone else. This, unfortunately, is what happens to quite a few woman so at least it is interesting to see it reversed. I can’t imagine how f***ing annoying it would be to have Beverly as a mom. You see where Adam gets his rancid behavior from.
  12. Second episode just as bad or worse. I’m watching it the way I’d watch a train wreck. And what mother gives their teenage child a f**king sword?!
  13. What drama? Where can I read about this?
  14. I believe it was explained in an earlier episode that they are renting and the landlord is giving them a good deal, The reason why I don’t remember.
  15. Agree. Fern could have moved in with someone in an actual house, she had options. But you can see from her personality that there is something going on there. I know someone that acts just like that, definite mental health issues. She didn’t have to be living like that. also by the way, I kept dozing off, where do these people shower? And how do they not freeze to death sleeping in a van on cold nights? Another big stain on the our country as far as capitalism, help for those in need, etc. Did they mention what happened after her husbands death that caused her to lose her home etc.?
  16. Nonno looked and acted 20 years older than he was. I know plenty of people in their 70s, they don’t act like this guy did. He was a stereo typical first generation Italian. Many seasons back what he did to his son at the party was disgraceful.
  17. I think Antonia is beautiful. She doesn’t dress like A street walker and pile on the make up like a drag queen like her cousins do.
  18. So did mine but I also know how to say no and demand a Man take his hands off me if he doesn’t get the hint otherwise. . I’m having a lot of trouble with this whole scenario. she went along with him and didn’t resist.. yes he’s a disgusting pig no doubt about it, unfortunately too many men are but Hannah was not 100% right in my opinion. what she did to Claire was horrible. We have to be careful where we are going these days If she said no and resisted and made it clear she did not want to go to bed with him and he persisted that’s a whole Nother story. But to act like you reached this age, go up to a man’s apartment and now you are shocked by what is happening? No. Would he have persisted if she said no? We have to be careful where all this is going these days. It’s not going to be a quick fix. the problem is many men are raised this way, it is our culture. It is going to be extremely hard to get them to change and respect women more. We need to start teaching them young, in elementary school.
  19. I’m having a little trouble with the Hannah character also.
  20. Me too. Can’t stand Chanel. What are are you doing with her and Xander? I’ve been fast forwarding and deleting ahead of time for a couple of weeks now. It’s shocking to me because I haven’t done this in the past decades that I’ve watch the show. 😞
  21. Yikes. Overthink much? OK so maybe immediate family wasn’t the correct term I wasn’t speaking “legally”. I’ve never heard of immediate family being anything other than the family you grew up in, parents and children. What would you call that ? Original family? There is a deep bond with your brothers and sisters and your parents. Maybe you don’t feel it but some of us do. I think it’s one of the nicer things I see on this show. Nothing incestual going on between them but sure they may be a little too open for some people. Good explanation for those that think Once you are married your Family of origin or whatever the hell it’s called is not important anymore nothing could be more important than those you were around in your formative years.
  22. Entire Jackie looks bad. She needs to gain some more weight, and I do sympathize. Yogurt for breakfast when there was all that great (bad for you, but it’s a vacation) food. Feel bad about the anorexia. The crying for sympathy, no.
  23. Immediate family is different. I know what he means, unfortunately.
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