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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. I've always disliked Jenna and fast forwarded her parts. Who am I kidding, I ff'd 99% of this shitshow disguised as a 30Rock special. So disappointing. A couple of funny lines from Jack Donague . All it was was an ad for Peacock. Which is what, reruns of past shows? Looks like crap. And I am tired of the Covid, so we are at home shows. All it does it make me more anxious. I want to forget about this not have to watch social distancing, masks, zoom on my tv.
  2. Why is that eerie? " Very attractive" women get cancer and die as much as anyone else.
  3. Ugh, Sharon. What a pill. Interesting about the use of the word Love though. There should be another word for different kinds of love. I think this is done in other languages. BTW, I have friends and relatives who purport to be so fond , love?, me. No one reached out to me during the pandemic either. Actually, I reached out to quite a few people and I don't know how much people even appreciate it. I feel like a loser sometime.
  4. I happened to come across some new (?) My Cat From Hell. I forget what the actual name was. My DVR wasn't recording it so I had to do it manually. Everyone, it is June 18th on Animal Planet . Looks like a few in a row. Don't know what this is but I hope there is a new season. With cats being the most popular pet, there sure are not a lot of shows on TV about them.
  5. I hope their are new houses this season and not just this rehashing. I saw it the first time!
  6. I liked it a lot up until Jason Bateman was killed off. He was the reason I tuned in. Then it started getting very weird and it lost me.
  7. Where was Kayla yesterday when she was getting ready for the wedding? That was one of the UGLIEST rooms I ever seen. Those curtains, my God, I could hardly pay attention to the dialog, the glaring, Grandma is on acid, curtains kept grabbing my attention.
  8. Yep. Remember the phrase "big strong men". Not seeing any here. Go to a counselor and help your wife instead of just making like it never happened. These poor women are not even able to feel they can discuss this with their husbands. So sad. Women are stronger, aren't we? I assumed, gave the benefit of the doubt, that the man with the bound hands was also bound to a chair or something and could not move around freely. If not, SHAME on him. I really hope these people have gotten therapy. I don't know how this ends yet, if this person was caught, etc. I'm hoping he is going to suffer. That was horrifying that the police made her sit there half naked. No women officer on the scene. There is no way I would not have put my robe on. How disgusting of them. It made my stomach turn. And to leave her home a shambles. How did they not take her right to the hospital? I am sickened. So sad.
  9. Just watched "The Last Movie Star" which starred Burt Reynolds and Ariel Winters. She was watchable if not likable on Modern Family but now that I see her in something else, come to realize she is a terrible actress.
  10. Just wasted 10 hours of my life.
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