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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Raise your hand if you knew the murderer the second they were on the screen. 🤚
  2. I'm happy there's a Summer Baking Championship but I could use a break first. A palate cleanser. Don't they usually do a BBQ competition at this time?
  3. We've seen the women hesitate to vote anyone off. And the guys will want to feed their egos by beating the best. The prize isn't a million dollars.
  4. And can they really be considered a Master if they haven't beaten Ken?
  5. I was wondering how to make bacon bits and cereal into an entree. Silly me, they can use other proteins.
  6. Seeing the same ep. If she owns a law firm and they are presumably selling a big house in Kansas, why is the budget so tight? Their sunburns look so painful.
  7. On the bright side, her teenagers learned the lesson and are not teen moms.
  8. It always amazes me that everyone seems to know everyone else in the food world.
  9. I'm wondering if the medics have scales with them. Some of these contestants are being being very specific about how much weight they're losing.
  10. Dublin, Ireland. Did James try to slit his own throat or was that Kalie? Maybe after saying he wanted more outdoor space 1 too many times. They have a unique relationship. What was up with her saying he married her because he thought she was pregnant but she wasn't? TMI. I'd go with the second place. It was nicely updated with a reasonable commute. Long commutes can be draining, on top of having to get used to driving on the left.
  11. Chef Gabe seems to be all over FN (not that I'm complaining 🥰). If he shows up on Chopped, I'm going to think he and Alex are an item. I thought the winner should have been eliminated in the first round. It didn't seem like he started cooking till there was 10 minutes left. Buying 1 item in any round is a good rule change.
  12. Danny was so contemptuous of people sitting out a challenge for rice. I thought he should have made his point by not eating any but there he was with a big scoop. Danny, you missed your chance to go 30 days without food.
  13. Corey and Preston seem to be the biggest ass hats this season. I hated how dismissive Corey was to Jess. She wouldn't be there if she couldn't cook. I admire her for not making a stink and just finding ways to help her teammates. Glad that other guy called her the glue at judging. The second team was a disaster. It's amazing they served up the same amount of food with 1 less person cooking. But the woman had no leadership skills. They had the whole hour while the other team cooked to figure out a game plan. Instead they wasted the first 15 minutes of cooking time deciding who would do what. She was the right person to send home.
  14. Got home just in time for FJ. How was that not an instaget? Did they overthink it?
  15. I thought Josh would be safe because he won the preheat. It seems to have worked that way in previous episodes. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Clement is still there.
  16. Hiliary's face when the wife asked for a powder room in place of a closet!!!!
  17. I don't find any of these bakers to be over the top personality wise. Molly is the most outgoing but seems to be her true self. No one is giving us heart-warming coming out stories or a parent died at a young age. We're just hearing I'm baking this because it's so and so's favorite. And those are producer driven. I'm not disliking anyone. We are down to the most talented of the season and the last few eliminations have hurt. They'll continue to hurt.
  18. I won't miss Brandon. His shorts made it look like he was wearing a diaper. Funny how Jamie was back with Ratu when she felt like she fit better at Soka.
  19. Long may Devin win. Good looking with an excellent voice. I won't be missing Jeopardy if he's on.
  20. Yes, I've been watching it On Demand. So glad you started the thread, #Quilt Fairy. Seen the first 2 eps, 1st being much better than the second. Very scary when the lady was taken out. Don't know why she wasn't drinking when she kept saying she needed electrolytes. Probably too late at that point but it might have helped. Boyfriend didn't take her seriously until she fell. The medic in green didn't seem very skilled. We definitely don't need to see the scene of the son throwing up anymore. (Obviously I don't have any names memorized yet.) I like the brother/sister, the guys in first and second, and the all female teams.
  21. Valencia, Spain. Gorgeous city. I think I would have chosen the "sterile" place by the old section. It's easy to add color to a room. Their pick was on a really busy street and that apartment was very choppy and just seemed to keep going. Lovely details in the moldings and floors but being over budget plus adding AC would not sell me.
  22. Boston. I wish the realtor called them "ladies" instead of "girls". Interesting that home prices were coming down a bit.
  23. Was this the pilot? It's different, cooking outside, only $5,000 prize, audience decides the challenge. Had no idea Greenie used to work for Rocco. Oh second match winner gets $10,000. Did Rocco just admit to being a jerk? Great looking dishes.
  24. Chef Sieger is hot and not a jerk. I was rooting for him really hard.
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