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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I'm waiting for that dress to not cover everything it should. Blue's voice is too breathy. After living with 5 people, I'm surprised she's being so picky. How many prison beds has she been on? All 3 apartments seem big enough so her pick should be based on best location. Splashing the cash, might have to try using that phrase.
  2. I'm biased against bananas but I doubt the Swedes or the Swiss would consider them a holiday flavor. Still rooting for Dru or Aaron.
  3. Ugh, why did it have to be Bill and Jessica in the bottom two? And Bill is having such a hard time with the challenge.
  4. The psych doctor at the center of this is, I presume, dead. Why aren't they looking for an assistant or relative who would have the patient files? The person living in the white room is clearly out of their mind but is a master manipulator and computer wizard?
  5. Wow, Gabler wants to give the whole prize to a veteran's charity. Man has a good heart.
  6. In order for Bobby to lose, they had to do 2 on 1. And he almost pulled off the win. Truly amazing.
  7. Did anyone even use white decorations? Most of the snowmen were still brown. The only white we saw was from white chocolate or the white crackling Jessica did.
  8. Sayulita, Mexico. Is this the most expensive town in Mexico? And they aren't even asking for being on the water or a 3rd bedroom for their daughter. I agree with Kim that it's not doable to have the young kids sleeping in a separate building. Their dogs not getting along with the dogs already living at #2 and #3 could be dealbreakers. There's a solution I hadn't thought of, have the kid sleep with you.
  9. Vancouver, WA. What doctor doesn't want to have good cell reception? Maybe he should consider not having a cell phone. And Jamie was bugging me at #3 by pronouncing everything as super cute. After slipping on my stairs this morning, I'm with him on a ranch. Wow, I guess it's all about location.
  10. Such different styles in the displays tonight. And they all had features I liked. Sorry Sean's elevator didn't work. And he was quite messy. Peter with his squinty eyes, I couldn't warm up to him. A very impressive coliseum though. Polar bears were so cute. They deserved to win.
  11. Croquembouche snowman is causing havoc with our bakers. Bill had a great idea on how to make the round shape. He gave up on his head too soon but I loved his pivot to it being Dru. Most of the faces were horrors. Funny when they had Jessica turn her snowman's face away from them. From the comments Zakiya got after the ugly sweater round had me thinking she was going home.
  12. I liked the ep but who the big bad was made no sense. And there was no reason for the real painting to be at The Eclipse. Glad the whole Grace arc is done. Maybe Catherine can calm down now and be a focused CSI. Previews for next week look intriguing.
  13. Maybe it's in the contract that one of the women must look awful. I hated Shinmin's outfit. Made her look slutty. The cakes were all good and sounded delicious (I do have childish tastebuds). I thought they would have a hard time deciding which of the 2 to send home. Snoopy proportion was wrong, made him fall up. I liked Hunter but he showed his immaturity in this ep.
  14. Sarah is making the rounds, she was on The Big Bake last week.
  15. Lille, France. Even the downtown apartment didn't seem to be in a bustling district. A lot of buildings seemed to be boarded up. $700 doesn't get much. And that must have been their real budget since all were that price. Not the most dynamic couple but I hope they are happy.
  16. Chattanooga, TN. Nice family. House #1 is a good size but that needed too much work. #2 felt a little small. There was no reason for her to change the fixtures. #3 is the compromise and I think they should pick it. Lots of space with few projects. I guess they're not afraid of some work.
  17. I got the missed clue of Tennyson! I'm so proud of myself. Was in and out of the room so I know the result but hubby not paying complete attention. What was the FJ clue?
  18. I was charmed by Joe. (And Sean was hot.) His display seemed to have more gingerbread than Heather's. When she was setting up her stage, it looked like a lot of inedible materials. Barb had too many visible seams. I can picture Stephanie wearing the candied lemon and orange dress. Didn't like Kalen's sleeveless sweater. Nothing wrong with his arms but this is supposed to be winter.
  19. I said out loud, you can't send Bill home. Harshal has been getting some negative comments lately on the lack of taste, not taking a risk and this decor was not going to save him.
  20. It was definitely Kristen's time to go. I don't want to jinx him, but Bill seems to coming into his own. While some of the front-runners are faltering a bit.
  21. Gayle kept saying how great she was when watching at home. She knew which color to wear to match her station. I like Julie so glad she did well.
  22. Wholeheartedly agree about Yvonne's outfits. Wish you had included a picture of when she was sitting by the pool. Wasn't quite sure what she was wearing. How is their son going to get immersed in the culture by being homeschooled?
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