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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Heidi's ball hasn't moved. Geez, I jinxed her.
  2. Glad there was a callback to the ex-girlfriend. Thought maybe they had dropped that thread.
  3. Yes. I didn't like her but what she was making in the main heat during the second hour sounded delicious to me. Then she had to add in that twist. Damaris was subdued. Not sure if she's trying to change her image. The shorter haircut was cute.
  4. Christian was ahead of his time. He would have been all over this main bake challenge.
  5. There was something about her face. Either botox or she had a mini stroke.
  6. I like that none of them have home court advantage.
  7. Not going to miss Corey. Do you blame him for insisting on the farrow or blame the women for not talking him out of what they knew was a bad idea? He was the capo so I guess you have to let him go down with the ship. He votes for Sarah and then expects her to vote for whom? I wonder who the judges would have sent home.
  8. I get Shota's appeal. He's talented, creative, funny and so very humble. Food Network needs to put him on everything. Apparently there aren't time limits when getting nominated for a James Beard. The Alaska lady seemed out of her depth. But I was surprised the judges chose overcooked salmon over a not so sweet dish.
  9. I forgot to add that I like the new ME so much and it kills me that they have to make him look incompetent so the CSIs can find an important clue on the body.
  10. The nut factory owner didn't seem to realize he's going to have to destroy all of his product and sterilize the whole place. Health inspectors take blood contamination very seriously.
  11. Thursday is the only night I don't have something I normally watch at 8 and was going to check this out. But no, it's more important to air Station 19 🙄. Go Sam!
  12. Elizabeth needs to stop with the I don't operate well on low calories. A. No one does. B. Did she think they were going to get 3 course meals in the wilds of Alaska? Had to laugh every time the narrator said Elizabeth and Robin are still last but are making up ground. No they're not. Don't like Max and Christian after making fun of Bella and Cason but then taking their path.
  13. It kind of stinks that the shoppers are clued in about the show and are asking ridiculous prices for their groceries.
  14. I agree that the premise of this show is confusing. If the prize is being taught Tuscany cooking, why is such a premium being put on leadership? 2 people have been voted out for being poor leaders. But that has nothing to do with how well they cook or learn. If the prize was to run a Tuscan restaurant, then I could understand their focus on the "capo". They put together the show and then needed a criteria for picking a winner. On the HHI episode, Gabe was looking for a villa with a lot of bedrooms. But it looked like the guys were all in one room when Omar had his back pain.
  15. Couldn't he have tasted the batter and known it was too sweet before baking it?
  16. I did think Tam's dish with the mint jeulip everywhere would get dinged as too sweet. And then she poured on the powdered sugar and I was shaking my head.
  17. I like Serena's hair. It looked beautiful in this episode.
  18. Imagine my surprise to turn on an episode of Property Brothers Forever Home and there was Adhir and his wife, Emily. They had purchased a 1920s house in Hancock Park and needed help renovating it to its original Spanish style. Adhir and Emily are cute together, as you can imagine. They have an adorable daughter, Mira. And they are really into cats.
  19. Tarragona, Spain. Is Stephany going to be hanging out at the bars during the day? She might have a problem. They should get the first place and use the savings to buy Dominique a bicycle or scooter to cut down her commute.
  20. That creeped me out when the lady got away with being a doll. Weren't the police even shown a picture of the suspect? Gene put himself through a lot of trouble and pain to try to pull that off. Just bury her in the cellar and call it a day.
  21. Mayim is branching out. I believe I heard two Amazing's mixed in with an Awesome.
  22. Chicago, IL. ER doc buying her first home. Not sure who I find more annoying, the realtor or the best friend.
  23. This show does not take itself seriously. Very refreshing.
  24. Lititz, PA. It must be so exhausting to be Blair. Always having to worry and plan. Not sure how she reconciles house with character but not needing updates.
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