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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. It is so funny seeing all the waiting people swinging to the music.
  2. Enjoyed the ep but had a few quibbles. Who just opens a barrel found in a government warehouse? I thought it was going to be toxic waste. And if they really thought preppy dad Owen was the killer, why wasn't there backup for McGee at the house? The scene at the funeral parlor was a bit much but nice to see Jimmy and Knight together. Lol at them "rubbing off" on each other.
  3. One thing I'll give the show credit for is they are trying to give us new talent instead of contestant retreads. That one sugar artist was 20! And I liked the pumpkin carver on the eliminated team. How much work did the assistants they used get do? The pieces used to be so much bigger. This week's twist to add another character was unfair.
  4. That was the best part. Knoxville is a decent looking man and is probably pretty smart. Not sure about all the people he's chosen to surround himself with.
  5. Ugh, I hate Jackass and they got a whole hour. Wonder when it was filmed, I couldn't tell if that was an old set or a newer, post Covid set.
  6. I love the cheering crowds of Germans. How much beer are they being plied with?
  7. Ryan could be this season's Jonathan with a better personality.
  8. Yes, that contestant was very good at boosting Nicole's confidence in the first round. Nothing she could do with Jermaine.
  9. Part of me didn't want to watch but I needed to know how it ended with Parker and his wife. I didn't understand Vivian not telling Parker about her getting Fornell to help. The darn episode drew me in, and by the second half, I had a knot of anxiety in my stomach. Thinking about the bad guy, his history, and his motivation, reminded me of the Port-to-Port killer. Hard to be original after 20 years.
  10. Commercials for Outrageous Pumpkins show 3 pumpkins doing the evil laugh. Not quite with the same fervor but it might be enough to hold over some people.
  11. The ladies have nice outfits on in the first episode. Not so much in #2. I'm hoping next year the backdrops, small scares and Jonathan are back. The displays were pretty good. Kind of suspicious that the team that didn't have a voodoo element stayed since a team member likes Zac's show.
  12. I love Todd. Anyone know what he's doing now?
  13. Is it asking too much to not have that one lady as a judge? I cannot stand nose rings like hers.
  14. Denver, CO. Dogs are the best part of tonight. Her Bernese is gorgeous. I would buy #2, that seemed ready to go. She doesn't talk about this being her "forever" home so make the next purchase her project. The classic cars at #3 are a dead give away she didn't buy that one. Sigh, she went with the feels. That could turn into a money pit.
  15. Baltimore, MD. He wants historic charm but not too run-down, close to downtown but not on a busy street. He wants to put his own touch on things but doesn't want to do many renovations. And could he wear something besides hoodies?! I wish him well with the fostering, very noble thing to do. Deacon seems happy.
  16. I remember liking chef Chris when he was on Chopped. When the challenge was to make something that tasted like fish and chips but not look like it, I didn't think they'd be cooking fish and potatoes. Guess I'm not understanding modernist cooking. Maybe Alex is in the boat with me. She did pretty well for being so out of her element. Hope they do the chef cut episodes of this season soon.
  17. If you're on the show, we get to know how you got the money. None of this won't discuss it bs. Was he wrongly imprisoned and got a settlement from the state? Did he come by it illegally? He seemed like a nice guy. I knew he wasn't choosing #1 since he said he'd now like a pool at his house, meaning his house doesn't have a pool. The goats were cute.
  18. I loved Alex's green necklace. The first round everyone had delicious looking food. And everyone was so creative in the second. So funny Eric having to announce the eliminated people. It could've been the finale. I saw a commercial for Bobby having a new show in this timeslot starting Sept 27.
  19. Iowa. Jill, the realtor, is quite stylish, love her color palette. The husband seems to recognize his rigidity. My goodness #2 is huge! I don't understand people who insist their yards be fenced for the dog(s). We have a dog and the yard is open. He stays with us. Maybe people are just lazy. I'm happy with their choice.
  20. Galveston, TX. Finally, a sensible reason for not liking carpet. I wonder what kind of services Oscar performs for Tony. Will all the renos push the price to a million?
  21. As soon as Guy said he was fan-girling over Jay and Kevin, I knew they were winning.
  22. Guy was surprisingly good at drawing while Antonia stunk. And she shouldn't wear leather pants. On the plus side, there was no Hunter. They took elements from a lot of different game shows. I'll give it a few more episodes.
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