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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Agree with you for the most part. But I miss saying along with one winner, "Ohh, David."
  2. I've seen commercials. John is back with Carla, Stephanie, and Zac. The theme is haunted hotel, premiering Sept 12th.
  3. The Redbird was gorgeous! I don't blame Bobby and Sophie for wanting to come up with an event to have there. I'll bet the wedding package is expensive. So disappointed they featured Senoreatas from Food Truck race.
  4. No amount of Richard was going to make me watch that twice.
  5. I knew nothing about the Donner party so I found this episode to be fascinating. If the person is already dead, then eat them if that's what you have to do to survive. The word cannibalism makes me think a person was killed in order to be eaten. Speaking of killing, was it the guy who stabbed someone in the desert, the same one who was the first brought to Johnson ranch?
  6. I had to laugh, in round 2, when the male judge was saying how the pasta didn't have enough sauce, there was a man in the background nodding in agreement. How did he know. Loved David having the shoppers come to him while he was cooking. Agree with Alex, meringue is not crunchy enough for this game.
  7. I would love to eat at Nancy Silverton's restaurant! That food looked so good. It seemed like they stayed in west Hollywood. Wonder if they'll do other areas. Sophie's outfits are so distinct, it was easy to see they spliced several days together in non chronological order. That bugged me. The kittens were adorable, Bobby could adopt one and train it to find truffles. Even the cameramen were into it. I do like father and daughter together. Would not want to be a third wheel in that relationship.
  8. I saw Rob on Running Wild with Bear Grylls last night. His wife divorced him, he seemed pretty upset about it. He was preparing for a role as a mountain man in an upcoming dramatic film.
  9. You could tell Pete has watched the show. I've always liked Yvette. She got hung up on that one category of older devices. How would you describe a pager? How a hospital gets ahold of a doctor? Is it a new strategy to pass so quickly? I understand not wanting to get hung up on something. But there were several where the contestant didn't even try. In one money round, it caught the celeb off guard.
  10. Sigh, another week of teams not knowing how to play this game. More so the second half. Snoop Dog might be the brains in his marriage. His wife was just awful. And what are you people doing in the shower? We may have found the reason for the drought. The first half was better, especially the eye candy. I liked these teams, wish we could've seen a bit more of the Chen family. And it's nice Simu has kept his non-famous friends.
  11. Loved the FROG acronym. I had never that before. David was so impressed that she was a GC. You don't need a big backyard where there's community space. And you don't have to care for the pool. Wonder if they were selling the Colorado or Florida home?
  12. Puerto Rico. At least they are upfront about wanting to rent it out. I want to like her but she grates on my nerves. I would have taken the place on the beach and to heck with renters.
  13. Washington, DC. Watch on mute! Meghan sounds like a Kardashian with the adding a syllable or two at the end of every sentence. I'm sure she'd consider that a compliment. Oh God, the realtor does it to! I hope Elle gets what she wants. The first 2 homes were nicely modern. But that was a strange backyard at #2. I've never seen a space that big be concrete at a house. Yay, for the sports room.
  14. I was surprised because all during the bake, the judges complained that Isamar didn't have a cohesive dessert, she just had a bunch of candy.
  15. It's her show. She's there for the duration while the contestants come and go. The judges seem to get a trailer. I'm sure the contestants have access to a bathroom trailer. Keeping them separate is probably meant to heighten the me against them vibe.
  16. Zachary Quinto has a good sense of humor. What happens next, are we going to commercial? And then to meet a relative on top of it, cool episode. To see in print his great grandfather using the same phrase Zachary has uttered onscreen, was chilling. Was this the last episode, I didn't see any ads for next week?
  17. I loved seeing Sarah, Nicole, and Debbie again! Didn't really need Zoey. This easily could have been a 2 or 3 hour show. I wish they'd rerun the first season, that would be so interesting to see.
  18. A bit disappointing to have such a small budget. At least there were decent houses to choose from. And the couple had a much better attitude about things then our typical HH episode. They oohed and ahhed over everything instead of picking it apart for not being perfect or updated. With 4 kids, my choice would be whichever had the most bathrooms.
  19. San Diego to Los Cabos. This is quite a pair. She went from zero to bitch pretty quickly. And then at the second place, he complained about her. The realtor seemed pretty exasperated. Maybe this isn't the part of Mexico they should move to. I liked #2 the best. Wonder if there's an HOA? And why can't she hold the phone while he drives? So they're moving in with the cows.
  20. Can't belive the finale is this week. I waited so long for this show to come back, I only got to see a few episodes, and now it's over.
  21. Brick, NJ. At the first house, when Nicole said the kitchen's not white! I replied the appliances are. My husband thinks he's handy too. He is able to do a lot but is awful about finishing things. I understand the desire to have waterfront. But pharmacists are not millionaires. Sounds like they'll take #3 for the space.
  22. It was like some of the contestants weren't even trying.
  23. Kitty Hawk, NC. House #1 was too small but I loved the kitchen backsplash. Not one I've seen before. Agree that the barrel sink wasn't practical, but it was unique. #2 was comfortable, nothing special but a good option. "Grow in the future", are they planning to get fat? I wasn't thrilled with #3 but knew she would push for it.
  24. Omaha, Nebraska. Let go of the white cabinets already! She doesn't even cook. And her face looks worn and tired. I like her dad, he seems very practical. Maybe I should buy #3, the main level was just like the house I grew up in 😉. Love the builtins. Oh look, they bought it.
  25. Scott was funny buying that cooling fan. The women appreciated it. I think they enjoy letting their hair down away from stuffy Chopped.
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