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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. I'm surprised that Bradley Whitford is only 3 generations from the Civil War. History class always made the War sound so far away.
  2. But she is always complimentary of the other dishes.
  3. Mexico City. The guys are hot. #1 was a bit too concretey for me. I do want Lucas to get his outside space. Some netting would fix the balcony problem. Hope they pick #3.
  4. Seattle, WA. Wow, she's a bit much. And the non-profit she works for might be doing better if it weren't paying her enough to afford 850k. I thought the realtor was older so very surprised they went to school together. Mom is a bit of a Debbie downer but she wants Shannon to be fiscally responsible. I would pick house #3.
  5. Phoenix, AZ. I'm not quite sure what they do, they make videos and podcasts of them talking about sports? Anyone else wondering if they've ever had girlfriends? Not sure why only Matt is purchasing the house. At least it's a healthy budget and we're seeing some nice places. No fixers for these guys. How do you water the plants on top of the fireplace?
  6. Scott loved Nick's food all competition. Knew he'd win.
  7. I really enjoyed Allison Janney's episode. That was a riveting story about Stephen Hopkins that I never knew. Not sure I'd want to get on a ship with him since he'd been on a few wrecks. How fun that Allison and I both have a Mayflower ancestor (not the same one).
  8. The harmonizing sounded nice. The dress was fine but goodness, the tattoos. I understand they are meaningful to the bride and shows her journey. But the look doesn't cut it with me. Don't think the wedding planner mom will be getting much business from this. I remember hating that Kardashian wannabe sister on the original episode. Glad she got off her high horse and loved the bride's dress. The wedding looked nice.
  9. Offerman's over acting at each revelation didn't help.
  10. Merida, Mexico. Coy does understand that a place in the city won't have the acreage they had in NC? Or the space, not for 800, not even in Mexico. I love Dobermans, not sure that yard was big enough for them.
  11. Loved the one Egyptian guy digging while wearing a leather jacket.
  12. Toulouse, France. Moving abroad by herself at 23. I'm kind of jealous and wish I had done that. Did she say she had "Greece" citizenship? Apparently all the other young people have a bigger budget.
  13. Jersey Shore. I understand where Jeannine is coming from in not wanting to renovate. A full kitchen and bath plus taking down walls (and we all know the problems that can be found) could get expensive. The Franklin stove was charming but the stovepipe chimney that stuck out of the roof was an eyesore. Didn't like the floor plan either. The turn-key house was perfect even though a little further from the beach. There was so much stuff in there, no way was it really for sale. Why were they showing their son around the house while he was driving?!
  14. An odd but talented duck. Loved that Trevor made bread before going to get his groceries. The final round was so close, I couldn't tell which way it would go. Always enjoy the presence of Eddie Jackson. Not sure the woman judge added anything.
  15. That was interesting that Nick didn't like his ancestors cheating. And that the local authorities also sided with the natives.
  16. Kills me these are the 2 teams in the finale. Who to root for? After much thought, I'll go with Cheese. Only because I'm more likely to eat mac n cheese than Cuban food.
  17. Acala de Henares, Spain. Nick! He should always wear that sweater to bring out his eyes. Dietrich has lived in Spain, he should know rooms are small. I think the 3 bedroom was the best choice. It will ease Audrey's anxiety.
  18. Gulf Shores, Alabama. This seems to be a Beachfront Bargain Hunt retread. Realtor didn't tour the house with the couple. #1 seemed like a good deal. Ok, no amenities. I realize the 1 bed/1 bath is a cheaper price but the small space is a deal breaker for me. It's a bit of a downer that they are going to rent it out.
  19. Palm Springs, CA. The husband is very.......fussy. I wouldn't have made the complaints he did at #1. Kids don't need king size beds. To be fair, that's probably more for rental purposes. True mid century modern is not a style I like. But the shower tiles were pretty. #3 seemed to have space they needed at a good price. Do those wind turbines make noise? The sight of them wouldn't bother me. And there didn't seem to be any breeze when they were at the house. Ugh, just ugh.
  20. Pittsburgh, PA. Tiffani getting a divorce and moving back home. She does seem to be keeping her kids' needs in mind while not minding if 2 boys share a room. That was a lot of wallpaper in #3. And I could live with all but the red. Glad she and the boys are happy.
  21. Maybe Senoritas flashing bra helped them get sales. Geez, you didn't see any of the other teams getting naked. ESO looked positively cool and drama free. I was devastated that they were in the bottom 2.
  22. The 2 stories were so different. The first bride had a weird relationship with her sister. Don't think the groom would think having the sister there on the wedding night too funny. And the poor staff that probably has to clean all those headpieces the entourage wore. So rude. I expected the bride with 4 sisters to have a hard time getting everyone on the same page. But they were all nice! Not sure I needed Randy adding his 2 cents to their story. Loved the bride's retro wedding. That dress was perfect for her.
  23. Dallas to FL. I found it to be interesting at the beginning they were saying they rent out their Dallas place when in FL. All I could think was who would rent it with white appliances? The horror 😉.
  24. Lake Country, WI. Hate to admit but I loved the fixtures/details of house #1. But when she jumped on the word trendy, you know she's going to change it all in 5 years. I wasn't crazy about #2, liked the husband's description. If you're in lake country and have that kind of money to spend, live on the lake! #3 had her acreage and his on the lake. It was expensive and needed work. Helps when you can get it for below asking.
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