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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. I don't know who Pedro Pascal is (I know, I know, don't @ me with your nonsense), but I found all of the "daddy" talk really gross. But I'm also one of those people that has always HATED the phenomenon of youngsters referring to female celebrities as "mom" on social media. Still it was a very enjoyable couch and didn't feel as rushed as every other CROWDED ASS couch this season. I'm also glad that Graham didn't feel the need to bring up Ariana's BAFTAs performance. We shall not speak of that again. I'm bummed that this was the last show of the season. 😔
  2. https://deadline.com/2023/03/jason-sudeikis-ted-lasso-season-3-spoilers-series-finale-spinoffs-1235280998/
  3. I screamed. Is the silly sock show an actual thing? I was as lost as I was with the super heroes at Halloween. I hope, like with the podcast, that Jacob finally begins to learn that the way to engagement is not via edict. Let the kids have their silly mural. While I like Gregory and Janine, I hope we're not going to jump immediately into them starting a relationship. I'd rather they both be single for a bit. Rug vermin! Oh Ms. Barbara, never change.
  4. Gosh, I hate Andy Cohen so much. At least he didn't insert himself into the conversation TOO much, but he still bugged me. Andie and Quentin took everything WAY too personally. I get it - they felt betrayed - but it's a competitive reality show that is premised on social dynamics. That's literally how you play the game. What was Cirie supposed to do? Bow out gracefully so they could share the money because they both had children on the way? Don't be so naive. Christian is still an ass. I hope he doesn't have any other mouths to feed besides his own because I can't see him making a steady living as an actor. Or as a content creator. 🙄 I actually had a hard time remembering who most of the folks in the back rows were. Of course I remembered Michael because of that accent and Ryan, but everyone else, I was like "Who are you?" Was anyone else missing besides Brandi and Reza? It didn't seem like there were as many people there as there were contestants. Cirie looked absolutely fabulous and I hope she is living her best life.
  5. The constant tears were a bit much but I will admit to laughing HARD when what's his name found out that his dream girl was taken. Like I laughed OUT LOUD for a long time. It was such a ridiculous display
  6. I used to love reading those anonymous ballots. But then I read far too many that just came across as petty and bitter so I stopped. Hey @NUguy514even if you're not a member of a particular guild or organization, can you do this for all award shows? Please and thank you. 😊
  7. 👏👏👏 I just love this cast so much. And Quinta's "Hey girl!" to Cate Blanchett was everything. 😂
  8. And Hugh even said, "Feel free to cut this" and the American editors were like OK! 🙄 I hate this trend of guests coming out halfway through after they've been to a premiere or something. I understand that it's scheduling and such, but I would have rather had Paul Rudd there for the whole show. This couch was way too jam-packed but Pink's performance was A-MAZ-ING!
  9. I hated this. I think there should be a "certain number of contestants left" limit to recruiting new Traitors. Matter of fact, I'd rather they just stop recruiting new ones outright. Unless all three Traitors get ousted early on, I see no need for it. I was actually disappointed that Meryl and Hannah won. Both of them were completely wrong about pretty much everything and everyone.
  10. The first 45 minutes of this episode made me 🤬. From Jamie's internalized homophobia to his asshat brother's blatant bigotry to the court officer allowing the brother to kick Kevin's ass in the bathroom, everything was raising my blood pressure. And I absolutely HATED that they used the framing of "Oh, well Jamie was molested as a child so now he's gay." Cue my old ladies in the insurance commercial: "That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works." Having said that, J. Harrison Ghee is an absolute star. What a dynamic and charismatic young man.
  11. This may have been my favorite episode yet. I'm not a big horror person but that warehouse full of Arthur's creations was so impressive and I'm glad they gave props to the actual artist. And I think the whole "hot ass mess mug shot" debacle with Nick Nolte made me forget what a terrific actor he is.
  12. As someone who absolutely LOATHES conferences and will come up with every excuse in the book not to attend them, I was team Melissa and Barbara all the way. But the two of them acting like they were at some lovely Caribbean resort instead of in...Allentown just sent me over the edge. 🤣 No offense to Allentown but a party or sexy city, it ain't. Janine's and Jacob's enthusiasm is one of the things I hate the most about conferences. Granted, I'm in my 40s but I felt the same way in my 20s. Calm down, kiddos! It's not that much fun! But then again, I am a cranky ass. I squealed at the kiss but Gregory needs to stop hopping from partner to partner like J.Lo. Honey, be single for a bit. I'm both looking forward and not looking forward to the charter school storyline. I think it will allow Abbott to do what it does best which is advocate for our public schools but at the same time, I know it's going to make me 😡.
  13. Wait, that performance was only 45 seconds??? Why did it feel like 10 minutes? Don't answer that - I know why. This whole ceremony gave me whiplash. I thought Banshees was sweeping every award in sight and then that weird interlude of "tech" presentations seemed to derail it. Speaking of which, I found that whole presentation to be very rushed and annoying. As was the reluctance of many presenters to actually announce the category they were presenting. The fact that Elvis came away with 4 awards was just 🤮. I know BAFTA has a ton of overlap with Academy members but I hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come.
  14. Then Dumb Daddy was even dumber than I thought!
  15. Was this the last episode of the season?
  16. I think there is also sadly a belief for far too many people that they feel like "I'm telling the truth, I'm doing the right thing" that they don't need a lawyer. Many people assume that if they just tell the truth, everything will work out just fine and dandy for them. Hell no! If a cop knocked on my door and said they were taking me in for stealing a Snickers bar from the local store (I haven't done that, BTW), I'm calling a lawyer!
  17. What didn't ring true for me in this episode was the supposition that Evil Nurse was now somehow a substitute mother for Matt and Danny. Why is Matt living with her where she is presumably poisoning him? Are there no grandparents or aunts and uncles in the picture? Also did dumb dumb Daddy-O leave her everything in his will? Did he not have a will (highly unlikely given he has kids and is relatively well off)? Did he not ensure his children would be taken of, particularly after they had very tragically and painfully lost their mother?
  18. I adore Melissa and Barbara's friendship.
  19. Another GREAT couch. Maybe it's the alcohol (although I only saw Johanes drinking), maybe it's Graham, but this show is just aces at relaxing folks and just letting them have a good time.
  20. I can't wait for people to see this! As it was my first exposure to the series, I'm a bit biased and think it was better than the U.S. version. Enjoy!
  21. I appreciate your insight! I "think" the only thing I can swap it for at this point would be Beetlejuice, but the website has been down for a week due to a cyber attack so I can't confirm it.
  22. As someone who has been to Philly's airport many MANY times, I can confirm that there are sit down restaurants but unless I'm actually catching a flight, I'm not trekking down there to eat at them. And no, Mr. Johnson, Chickie's & Pete's does NOT have the best lobster roll in Philly. At the end of the episode, I kept hoping that Gary would tell Melissa that he made a reservation somewhere so that Melissa could give her Barclay Prime reservation to Barbara.
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