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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. I think this a really interesting thing to consider because we've seen Villanelle be confronted with the idea that she "doesn't feel anything" and I've always wondered what sort of defense mechanisms she is employing and why. I have certainly noticed a pattern this season of her being more outwardly emotional.
  2. I was initially skeptical when I heard about this episode because I had read far too many "first 5 episodes" reviews that basically said this one brought everything to a screeching halt. Which yes, it does but I also thought it offered so much in terms of characterization. I had also spent too much time theorizing on whether Konstantin was setting her up with a "fake family" just to appease her so I was pleasantly surprised to have been way off on that one. I think it has been clear from series 1 that Villanelle craves a certain sense of normalcy and connection but given her psychopathy doesn't quite know what that looks like or how to achieve it. You see her over the course of the few days slowly beginning to let her guard down and relax into the zaniness and connect with Bor'ka but then her mother just brings her crashing back to Earth in one fell swoop. When her mother told her "You're not a child" and she responded "I want to feel like one" was the moment everything in this episode clicked for me. Those last 10 minutes were devastating and beautiful in equal measure and I'm excited to see how this affects Villanelle going forward. Will she continue grasping for "normalcy" and connection or will this turn her into an even more ruthless killer who is not solely motivated by money or instructions but by instinct or *gasp* feelings?
  3. It's not just you. Why do The Twelve think that killing Niko would somehow make Eve and V less fascinated with each other? Was it supposed to be a warning signal to Eve? If they had done any homework on Eve AT ALL, they would know that witnessing someone's death, even if it is someone she loved or cared for deeply (i.e. Bill, Kenny) isn't going to get her to back off, it's only going to fuel her obsession with unwinding the mystery of The Twelve more.
  4. Completely agree with this. I would have been fine if the last we had seen of Niko was during Eve's conversation with him at the facility in episode 1. Even though I as a viewer have found myself thinking, "Ugh, why are you still here?" it just felt like a cheap ploy.
  5. Oh my gosh. I used to work in downtown LA and the trolley was a distant memory at the time. I used to hoof it up and down those stairs every day. When I started watching this show I was like, "Really? REALLY? A damn trolley? I wish!" 🙂
  6. Well sure. But I mean that I've NEVER seen any chemistry between the two of them. So it wasn't hard for me as a viewer to sort of dismiss him as "dead weight." Overall he was a very bland character which I suppose makes sense for purposes of fleshing out Eve and her boredom. Like even in series one when he was dragging her to bridge games all I could think was, "Ugh, kill me now." 🙂
  7. ALL OF THIS. I've never been a huge Niko fan but this just seemed like an unnecesary, shock kill. I mean, I know why they did it within the context of the show but do they actually think that Eve is going to believe that Villanelle killed him? I know she has shown some questionable behavior in the past but I don't think she is stupid. And I for one am rooting for her to kill Dasha in revenge. Also, Eve and Jamie (is that his name?) had more chemistry in one 4 minute scene than Eve and Niko did in 2.5 seasons. I thought Villanelle came across as very cartoonish in this episode. I'm not saying that I didn't laugh and enjoy it but it seemed kind of out of character for her. I think perhaps I'm just not used to her being so transparent with her emotions. She has always come across as somewhat robotic so to see her emote so openly was a bit jarring. I need for Geraldine to have a purpose other than demonstrating how bad of a mother Carolyn is. Basically I need them to start showing me what purpose all of these new characters they have introduced have within the larger storyline. Because right now they just feel like filler to me. Also really hope Sandra Oh doesn't get overlooked for any award consideration this year. She has been KILLING IT.
  8. THIS. I think harming the baby would have been a bridge too far. I view Villanelle's kills (with the exception of Bill) in the same way that I viewed Dexter's - they're inherently terrible people, at least those we've been given any information on, so really in a way she's doing a public service*. *insert obligatory disclaimer about not condoning murder or admiring actual psychopaths IRL*
  9. Well if she had any sense she got the heck outta Dodge after that disastrous wedding reception. I don't think she was introduced as a "real character" - it was more a way for them to show that a. Villanelle had moved on and was SO OVER Eve (sarcasm font) and b. introduce Dasha. I mean even though V referred to her as Maria, IMDB has her credited as "Spanish wife." I don't think it was ever intended that she would be a major or recurring character.
  10. Finally wrapped this up after a bit of a late start to the season. The first 5 or 6 episodes were some of the funniest I've seen all year but everything started to grate on me after a while. I think the Shark Tank stuff was a bit too drawn out and with the exception of maybe Frankie, Sol, Coyote, Barry, and Joan-Margaret, everyone pissed me off at one point or another this season. Add me to the chorus (line) of folks that think Robert and Sol's stories are lacking. Also thought the theater donation stuff dragged on for far too long. And if it means I have to watch Martin Sheen perform in another community theater production and/or interact with Peter, I wish they would just let the theater go under. Ugh. I downright despised Brianna this season and was actually saying "Run Barry, run" out loud at the t.v. during her "proposal." I'm hoping that next season the focus will largely be on the "core four" navigating their new living situation. Although I'm sure I'll be ready for Robert and Sol to move out by episode 2. 🙂
  11. The way this show makes me cackle with glee at things like this definitely has me questioning my mental stability at times. But I really can't help myself. Jodie Comer's facial expressions are gold.
  12. I believe he was the coroner that Blake spoke with.
  13. This show never disappoints and the recent seasons have diverged enough from the books that I don't feel like I'm watching something play out that I already know the ending to. I'm not surprised that they are ending after the next season given the contractual issues noted above as well as the fact that this likely isn't a cheap show to produce. I will miss it though.
  14. I'm very curious as to who is draining the money from the Geneva account. At first I thought it might be Dasha (perhaps how she is now financing Villanelle) but the timing doesn't make much sense if that is the case considering V hasn't been active again for very long. It seems to me like Kenny noticed the discrepancy at least a little while ago.
  15. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around everything that happened and will likely re-watch at some point today but HOT DAMN! This felt like the return to form that I have been waiting for since, let's face it, season 1. (Note: I'm not a season 2 hater by any means - I just found The Ghost and Aaron Peel storylines to be relatively weak.) And I'm especially heartened by the fact that it was written by the Season 4 showrunner. *confetti cannon* I think I watched most of this episode with my hands on my cheeks or clapped over my mouth. I also thought they were "going there" with Carolyn and I felt my heart skip a few beats. Given that Konstantin seemed genuinely shocked to learn that Villanelle had killed the accountant, I'm wondering what type of showdown we're headed for between him and Dasha because the various members of the organization are most definitely NOT on the same page. I probably shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at the entire sequence with the baby given that Villanelle you know, kidnapped her, but I did. I definitely need to pay closer attention to the conversation that takes place after Dasha dumps the baby because I was laughing too hard to digest it. Glad they didn't stick to prior season protocol and wait until episode 5 for the reunion. And what a reunion it was! I actually yelled "FINALLY" at the tv. Like stealinghome I did wonder whether Eve was acting on her feelings or trying to gain the upper hand or both. But the final scene has me leaning more towards the former. I also hope that Nico will soon be a distant memory for both Eve and the show. He's served his purpose and I have no interest in watching him mope around Poland.
  16. LONG time (like the days of TWOP long) lurker, first time poster. This episode worked for me so much more than last week's premiere I think because we got back to those core relationships - Carolyn and Eve, Carolyn and Konstantin, Villanelle and Konstantin. I'm still a bit iffy on the introduction of so many new characters but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. All of the actors are of course doing superb work but I really have to give props to Fiona Shaw and Sandra Oh as I think both have added layers to their characters this season. Kim Bodnia seems to have been sidelined a bit in favor of Harriet Walters - I get the impression that they don't really know what to do with Konstantin now that he isn't Villanelle's handler but I trust that he'll play a role in the larger narrative of the season. Echoing what others have said about the sound quality. The first 5 minutes or so of each episode are a bit murky to me (watching on BBC America) and I usually don't catch what is being said until my Monday Amazon Prime re-watch.
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