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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. This episode damn near gave me a panic attack. I had to break out the edibles. Christ on a bike. Wake up, people!
  2. I am currently watching this really lovely 1 on 1 conversation with Quinta and Jennifer Aniston for Variety's Actors on Actors series. It's so wonderful. https://youtu.be/3iIgcU2sr4I
  3. I thought this was a bit of a mess. I had never heard of this group before and this series did not prompt me to go down the rabbit hole which is usually what happens with cult documentaries. It seemed very unfocused and unfinished.
  4. I stopped watching Survivor AGES ago and I still think I've seen him play that like 3 times. Does he do anything else besides competition shows?
  5. I know Rob Mariano and Bob Harper. 👵
  6. I looked at it after I finished watching the doc. It looks like each month you get a certain number of "credits" depending on how much you pay. Those credits can then be redeemed for movie tickets. I didn't do a deep dive but assume you can get a better value if you're going to a Wednesday matinee 3 weeks after release rather than going on Friday night of opening weekend. I have no idea how they determine the formula for credits though or whether it's a good deal for frequent moviegoers.
  7. Vanity Fair's Awards Insider email has this:
  8. If The Bear can win Emmys in Comedy Series, I have no problem with Hannah being nominated/winning in Supporting. Category shenanigans drive me bonkers but that's the game. Speaking of, if anyone other than Jamie Lee Curtis wins for Guest Actress in a Comedy Series this year, I'll eat my hat. But I digress. 😊 I loved everything about this episode. Seeing Ava finally exhibiting a bit of backbone was immensely satisfying for me and I can't wait to see how this impacts their dynamic going forward. I 100% saw a bit of "Good for you" on Deborah's face in that meeting. Their chemistry is just off the charts and I'm excited for the next chapter.
  9. Oh, I know. 😉 I'm probably a little TOO precious about it but big, event movies that you MUST see in the theater don't hold all that much appeal for me anyways so I don't feel that I'm missing much by waiting for streaming. The last movie I saw in the theater was Tár and a couple 3 or 4 rows behind me talked throughout the WHOLE FUCKING THING. 😤 But if you are a movie fan, I definitely recommend checking out this doc.
  10. I found this fascinating and infuriating in equal measure. I was never a MoviePass subscriber but the concept always interested me. Had it been a thing 10 years earlier, I definitely would have been a devotee. Hamet and Stacy are real visionaries and the fact that Ted and Mitch swooped in, took over, took credit, and took all of the money had me foaming at the mouth. They're both scam artists who epitomize the dictum "mediocre white men failing up." I'm thrilled that Stacy got his company back. Still won't subscribe as I generally think the moviegoing public are self-absorbed assholes who can't sit down and shut up for 2 hours, but good on him.
  11. I will be SHOCKED if this gets picked up for a 3rd season. I love Maya but sadly, I just think it has run its course.
  12. I waited until 7 episodes were up before I started this and I'm glad I did. I don't know that I would have finished it had I watched it week to week. Like the book, I found it entirely too long. I completely disagree with the decision to center the narrative from Rebecca's perspective even though I do like Riley Keough. It was very jarring when I started the series because I thought, "Wait, what are they doing?" The "humanization" of Warren was completely gross and overdone. I can't even recall if she was such a Warren apologist in the book. But I didn't really care for the book so... 🤷‍♀️ I thought Lily Gladstone was really underutilized in this. Archie Panjabi was naturally fantastic, but I would expect nothing less from her. Teenagers, especially these teenagers, are vile twats. News at 11.
  13. I've read that it has not been and was also VERY expensive to produce. I'm hoping it gets nominated for and wins a boatload of Emmys and other awards to convince Netflix to stick with it. But I'm not optimistic.
  14. My biggest takeaway from this was why doesn't the Christian lady flush the toilet after she pees? 😖
  15. Someone on this site - I want to say it was in the NFL thread- posted a link to a statement released by the Benedictine nuns. They blasted him. https://www.msnbc.com/top-stories/latest/harrison-butker-benedictine-nuns-commencement-speech-rcna152896
  16. The aerial shots of those corn mazes were amazing, but seriously anxiety inducing. I would have a full blown panic attack if I ever tried to navigate one of those. Obviously corn is grown in many places but I've always wondered just how much of the political shenanigans surrounding corn have to do with Iowa being the "first in the nation" when it comes to primaries. Obviously the big agro corporations have armies of lobbyists working on their behalf as well but to me it always comes across as disingenously as attending the State Fair or shaking hands in a diner.
  17. THIS! The whole time I was thinking "No one is coming to your barbecue anyway because you have no friends, you PITA!"
  18. I was howling throughout that entire relay race. And I totally thought the monkey bars was the last leg with the way Janine was celebrating so I nearly fell off the couch when Melissa?? (I'll have to rewatch it) told her to stop dancing.
  19. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/baby-reindeer-cast-exclusive-postmortem-awards-insider
  20. For some dumb reason, the whole "Ainsley stuck in the Dubai airport" thing made me laugh A LOT. I think it's because I don't really see her purpose in the show so seeing her just camped out and being on a first name/dining buddy basis with the security agent just seemed so on brand for her. I don't see an iota of romantic chemistry between Molly and Arthur but know they are probably endgame. He's sweet and kind and supportive and comes across as a big, dumb puppy dog and I think that's what makes him attractive to her since she was married to the opposite. And despite Willa seeming very nice and normal thus far, if someone that I was dating for a few weeks sent me like 20 text messages when I had only been gone for a day, I'd be peacing out VERY quickly.
  21. Respectfully, I disagree. I'm not someone who sought out any details about the real life circumstances portrayed in the series (and I refuse to give clicks to Piers Morgan and that nutter) and I don't think Gadd owes anyone anything by way of explanation. Take it for what it is or don't, but the bottom line is that she's bringing more unwelcome attention to herself with her shenanigans. She could have remained largely anonymous and I don't think Gadd owes her a damn thing. I still found the whole series incredibly impactful and appreciated it for what it was. I wish the media would stop giving her the attention she so desperately craves.
  22. I wasn't going to watch this until the whole season was available because I'm terribly impatient. But I needed something funny and caved last night. My lord, I didn't realize how much I had missed this show. Deborah and Ava are probably my favorite duo on television right now. Their chemistry is just off the charts.
  23. Quinta Brunson was born and raised in Philly. It's not as if the jokes and references aren't genuine.
  24. Gregory, I say this with all due respect: SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT!
  25. I found this show to be incredibly compelling but it also made me wildly uncomfortable. Knowing it was based on a really messed up true story made me feel like a voyeur. Had the writer/star not been the actual person this all happened to, I would have found it really gross and exploitative, but I give him a lot of credit for putting this all out there. Having said that, I hope that he is getting the help that he needs because in many ways, he is as messed up as "Martha."
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