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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. Interesting. Thanks! I'm probably the only person on this board who hasn't watched The Crown. 😂
  2. I don't even know why but that made laugh HARD. I think it was Barb and Melissa's reactions to it. At one point Ms. Barbara just says, "Oh my!" and I howled. I really felt for Alex. In addition to missing Janine, it can't be at all easy for kids that age to have to get used to a new sub every single week. I know the succession of subs has mostly been played for laughs but Ava should have worked something more long term out to provide the kids with a bit of continuity and stability.
  3. I don't give a flying fig about the RF and don't really pay attention to what's going on with them but wanted to check this out because of Gillian and Keeley. It was entertaining for a Friday night watch and I was rather impressed with Sam's tenacity especially considering the shit she constantly got from her colleagues. I was literally laughing during "Andrew's" interview. Good lord man, it's bad enough you're a pervert. But you're also delusional if you thought that portrayed you well. Something I kept being distracted by though: Did they use CGI or green screens for the exteriors of BP? I can't imagine the RF granting permits for a project that pretty roundly lambasted them. Or are they that desperate for money that they granted permission?
  4. I watched this over the last few nights and my word, I'm so disgusted and infuriated. I'm slightly too old to have followed any of these shows and I only recognized a handful of people (Amanda, Ariana, Jamie Lynn) but this entire "empire" should have been wiped out with a wrecking ball decades ago. Just as with Weinstein, the idea that no one knew what was transpiring on these sets is utter bullshit. You don't film a scene starring CHILDREN and then joke, "That's the c** shot." 🤮 They should all be in jail and for much longer than 16 months.
  5. Yes, there was a reunion. I don't know if it's available on Peacock. Basically Jazz was recounting how people on social media were calling him Jazzatha Christie for sussing out traitors. He admitted that he didn't get the reference and had to Google what it was a play on. 🤦‍♀️
  6. I binged this over the weekend and felt like I needed therapy once it was done. Good grief. Going into the ultimatum, I didn't think anyone would get engaged and then almost all of them did! The reunion was not shocking in the slightest because none of these couples were healthy. The only person that came out of this smelling like a rose was Sam. And I'm sorry but she deserves better than Aussie. Aussie needs SERIOUS counseling and it isn't fair to Sam to be expected to navigate Aussie's mental health issues when Aussie isn't ready to do the work. Mildred is psychotic. Lexi is controlling AF. Rae is a doormat. Yoly is a pathological liar. Xander is naive. Mal is incredibly charming and suave but I got the vibe that they expect their wife to do anything related to homemaking and want a cookie if they contribute in any way. Hell no. Yoly did them dirty though. I don't really know how I feel about Tiff. Obviously they are damaged (but who wouldn't be after living with psycho Mildred), but I'm not sure what they are looking for in a partner. I hope Tiff finds peace and happiness. Vanessa is just..UGH.
  7. I work in a law firm and we get this every day. "If Statute X says Y and our client yada, yada, yada, what can they get away with...?" "Here's Statute X. You went to Harvard Law School, you need to figure that out. We're not lawyers." 🙄
  8. For me, it's the sneer when they mention liberal arts schools or liberal arts degrees. They literally think that a liberal arts degree has something to do with politics. 🙄
  9. @libgirl2 One of my courses in school was staffing a virtual reference desk with the other students. So we had a certain number of questions we were expected to answer each week. These were real questions that came in from across the globe and we would have to document our work on how we arrived at the answer. Some of those questions were obvious ploys by students trying to get out of writing papers. We'd present them with sources and then they would come back with "But I need you to tell me WHY the theme of this book is X and how it compares to the theme of Y in this book?!?!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But in-person reference desk work is like a crash course in perfecting your poker face. 🙂
  10. I do have a Master's in Library Science but I don't work in a school or public library. I had similar volunteer experiences with the Free Library of Philadelphia while in school and I learned more from the non-Master's folks who had been in the trenches for decades than I did from the degreed folks sitting in an office running the branches. Experience is always key in library settings. It's sort of the flip side to Gregory wanting to be a principal despite never having been a teacher.
  11. Sheryl Lee Ralph was on fire this entire episode. That cold open had me on the floor. And unless I'm mistaken there was a brief shot of Ava DJing the game before she actually starts playing. So according to Tariq, gym rental and DJ fees will leave them $700 in the hole. Of course, Ava would charge $700 at her own damn school. 🤣 The whole CPR sequence was comedy gold. From the way Janine kept flitting in and out to Ms. Barbara getting salty with Melissa for not confiding in her to Jacob putting himself back out there with Avi. And of course, Janine isn't clued in to any of it because she's too busy. Speaking of which, I think we're going to see her back at Abbott teaching sooner rather than later. She gave quite a few wistful looks towards the end there that really demonstrated to me how much she misses it. And once she goes back, can we get rid of Manny for good? I'll take Keegan Michael-Key any day, but the poorly dressed serial killer can go away. He just doesn't work for me AT ALL.
  12. Ensemble Arts Philly just announced the 2024-2025 schedule: Hamilton, A Beautiful Noise, MJ The Musical, & Juliet, Some Like it Hot, The Wiz, Life of Pi, Les Miserables, The Book of Mormon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Come From Away, Riverdance. Bolded choices are what I am leaning towards (I've seen Hamilton twice and Come From Away; I've also seen Book of Mormon but that was ages ago.)
  13. Correct. So it was a way for the student to gain work experience while the school had someone who, at least ostensibly, knows what they're doing and has a passion for. Sadly, the defunding of school libraries is not a recent phenomenon here. 😔
  14. Ready for a stat to make steam blow out of your ears? We have 217 public schools and 4 certified school librarians. 4. For the whole district. I told you our school district is a cluster****. 😡 I adored this episode for so many reasons. Watching children get excited about books and reading always makes me giddy. And that little boy shading Ms. Barbara's reading aloud skills?? 🤣 Melissa announcing that she only knows how to cook for 12 made me cackle. So Italian. I'm so happy that Janine stuck up for herself and that for once, Melissa and Barbara didn't team up to tear down her ideas. Mrs. Howard, you may be older and wiser but you aren't in fact, always right.
  15. Oh I don't know. That song about Cheetos really brought the house down. /s
  16. I didn't even notice the Emma Stone thing while I was watching (probably too sleepy at that point) but I definitely noticed the RDJ snub and was pissed. He was too preoccupied with rushing to the microphone and holding his arms in the air like he just won a damn Olympic gold medal. 🙄 Sorry, but RDJ has been rubbing me the wrong way all awards season.
  17. Co-sign with your entire post @zenithwit. I am not at all surprised that Ashmal and Rehman are no longer together. Rehman is incredibly immature and needs to do some serious work on himself. Also, are hickeys a thing again? I haven't given or received a hickey since I was like 15 years old. Grow up, boys. I didn't care for Max and Ash AT ALL. They pretended to be so evolved but they came across as very manipulative. I actually clapped when Becca walked away from them. I really liked Britnee and Sean but was a bit confused as to why they were on the show. They obviously have a really strong relationship and I never got the sense from either of them that they were that interested in opening it up to a third. As I stated in my initial post, I think Dylan and Lauren are only interested in a reliable third party for threesomes. In the event they do decide to go forward with another season, I sincerely hope they make some changes to give the singles more agency/attention. I get that this is a trashy reality dating show but the way they just trot out the singles like playthings is kind of gross. I also hope they do a better job vetting the couples because none of these couples should have been on this show.
  18. Vanity Fair has an interview with CT and Trishelle: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/the-traitors-season-2-winners-break-their-silence-it-was-a-crazy-ending Some of the more interesting tidbits:
  19. I despise Andy Cohen so these reunions are always like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. As someone who doesn't think MJ really did all of that much in terms of contributions to the game - either in challenges or discussing strategy - I wish that CT and Trishelle would have just said something to the effect of "We didn't feel like you deserved a third of the pot" rather than trying to kiss her ass with disingenuousness. But the whole "I blocked you on Instagram" made me laugh out loud. Good lord, these people are like children. 🙄
  20. I'm pleased with the outcome. IMO, MJ really didn't do anything during the course of the show so having her miss out on a third of the money doesn't bother me. Trishelle's CT vote was a truly WTF? moment though. I'm not entirely sure what she was trying to accomplish with that. But she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier so 🤷‍♀️.
  21. I just watched this last night. How this film only received 1 nomination while the total snooze that was Maestro (which I watched immediately afterward) received a truckload is beyond me. 🙄
  22. When UK season 2 does hit Peacock, I hope they also upload the aftershows which are MILES better than the US ones, IMO. The murdered and banished contestant from each episode meet in a room and learn the identity of the traitors.
  23. THIS. As amusing as I found Phaedra, it became increasingly apparent to me that she was just coasting on Bravo loyalty. I mean, even when she was in the turret she never really spoke up or contributed much to the traitors' strategy. I totally got Kate's frustration with her.
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