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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. Does the show have a new writing team? I'm finding my mind wandering more and more with each episode. It sort of feels like they're treading water at this point. I didn't find "Roy's" story compelling AT ALL. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Wasn't there some type of campaign a few years ago to steer away from those questions? I think it was more directed towards women and the hashtag was something along the lines of "Ask her more". Unless I was a nominee I would totally skip the red carpet. It's all just so awkward and forced.
  3. The NYT is reporting that this has been postponed indefinitely due to money woes. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/theater/room-postpones-broadway-adrienne-warren.html?searchResultPosition=1
  4. I only turned the red carpet coverage on like 15-20 minutes before the show so only saw a couple of interviews but I was horrified when Ashley asked Austin something to the effect of "I was hoping to see you with arm candy. Where's so-and-so?" Like, what? How is that an appropriate question? I wish ABC would go back to having Robin Roberts on the carpet. I'd even endure Michael Strahan for a few hours if I had to.
  5. Kudos to Leslie Odom, Jr. for actually getting me to hate him for a minute. NEVER thought that would happen!
  6. 👆 For me it felt like they were trying so very hard to be current and show the danger with social media and what public figures say and their influence (and co-sign whomever said there is no way a prosecutor would have brought charges about Brenda for what Tess did) and white, male privilege, etc. etc. But then they threw in a comic book villian ADA who implied that if she had slept with him before and was drunk, she wasn't raped. I know there are still sadly people who share these beliefs but literally every question out of his mouth felt like it was out of some 80s after school special.
  7. I wasn't implying that you did. I was talking about MY knee jerk reaction when I read what she had done. And once I had more information, I changed my opinion. Apologies that I didn't make that clear.
  8. Eh, once I actually read the article - thanks @NUguy514! - I wasn't really bothered by it. It's one of thousands of "think" pieces that have been written in the last 6 months and wasn't nearly as egregious as I thought it was. Was it a rule violation? I don't know, I guess. But as was stated, she deleted it quickly. And I find it hard to believe that many Oscar voters are taking their cues on who to vote for from Vogue magazine. At the end of the day, it's all a subjective choice. I'm happy for all of the winners and hope this leads to greater opportunities for them.
  9. I hated this entire episode. I have recent experience with a loved one suffering cardiac arrest and being in a medically induced coma (they're fine now!) so that hit way too close to home. And Buck's miraculous recovery the second he was taken off the ventilator was laughable. Personal feelings aside, I just thought the whole thing was silly and I felt zero emotional resonance other than when JLH asked "Which one?" Overall I think it's just becoming a bit too soap opera-y for me. I did enjoy the Bobby/May discussion.
  10. Now all I can think of is Mr. Johnson from Abbott Elementary: "That film was trash."
  11. Werent't they just added somewhat recently? Is anyone really hankering for their return? 🤷‍♀️ I'm trying to think of others that it could be but I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday so that's not going to be a particularly successful endeavor.
  12. We were actually discussing last night how Cate has been jetting all over the world non-stop since the film debuted at Venice in September. If I had that schedule, I would look like a bag lady by the end of it. Thank you for reminding me of "CONSIDER". Always good for a much-needed laugh. 😊
  13. The only thing I can think of whenever Miles shows up is how similar he is physically to Detective Dante. Robin has a type! 😉
  14. She did??? I'm happy for Michelle but that strikes me as a little bit gross particularly given, as you mentioned, that Cate was extremely gracious to her throughout the entire season. But who knows what I would do if I was nominated for an Oscar. 🤷‍♀️ But what's really interesting to me is that there is all of this talk about "thirsty" campaigning in this thread and this is the first mention I've seen of this. I think. I'm old. I could have read it 2 days ago and forgotten already. 👵
  15. Particularly given that if there is one chain that I just can NOT see Ms. Barbara enjoying (well maybe Hooters), it is Buffalo Wild Wings.
  16. There is a much larger "in memoriam" gallery available at Oscars.org. It's obviously impossible to capture everyone that passed away in a 3-ish minute segment but it felt like this year's focused REALLY heavily on behind the scenes talent. https://aframe.oscars.org/news/in-memoriam I personally don't care who they showcase on the broadcast, I just want people to stop clapping. 😡
  17. I thought so and was really confused when the presenter said that Naatu was the first song from an Indian film nominated. And then I had Jai Ho in my head for the rest of the night so that was unpleasant.
  18. Now that Diane Warren has an honorary Oscar, can they please stop nominating her?
  19. OOOOH, is it Connie Britton???🤞
  20. I only went 16-7 on my ballot. And 3 of those 7 were in the acting categories! And you know what, I'm fine with that! This was the first time in a long time that I've enjoyed an Oscars as much as I did - genuine suspense, moved at a good clip, some really moving moments, etc. Were there missteps? A couple. I thought The Little Mermaid commercial was particularly gross. Come on, Disney! You know what this show wasn't lacking in? Commercials! Stick it in a break. And the playing off of certain team award winners and not others. I wish each member of each team would at least get the opportunity to say SOMETHING, even if it is just "Thanks Mom!" But I also put some of the blame on the first member of the team who hogs the mic for 45+ seconds knowing their colleagues won't have the same opportunity. 😒 Really surprised that so many BP nominees went away completely empty-handed and was bummed for some of my personal faves (Cate, Colin) but I was still thrilled for Michelle and Brendan. Well done, Academy. 👍
  21. I've only just binged this over the last week or so and recognize that I'm likely just talking to myself, but I do that frequently IRL so why should the interwebs be any different. 🙂 I absolutely adored this. It felt as messy, and at times maddening, as actual real life family drama. I think I loved and loathed every character at one time or another and if that isn't true to life, I don't know what is. Except John - I never loved John. He needs to go far far away. For me the journey was less about Alan and Celia (the messy cow) and more about Caroline and Gillian. I loved the evolution of their relationship from outright animosity to begrudging acceptance to mild friendship to pretty much besties. I had sadly been spoiled about Kate's fate (Pro tip: Don't Google a show you discover and fall in love with until you've finished said show) and disagree with Wainwright's rationale for why she had to do it. There were plenty of other ways to draw Caroline and Celia back together. And given what a bitch Celia was when Kate was actually alive, their "reconciliation" didn't ring that true to me. Celia was still a cow and she'll never change. While I'd love to have more of this, I think it's highly unlikely and I'm not holding my breath. But if it does come back I'll be there with bells on. 🤗
  22. This is why I hope that we get more exposition on their mother. She could just simply be an emotional drain which can be as exhausting as having to deal with physical needs. Quinta, inquiring minds want to know!
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