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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. That was precisely where my dirty mind went! 🤣
  2. Ava? Schooling Barbara? Now I have seen everything. And unlike Janine, I think Barbara will actually take it to heart and learn from the experience. Never judge a book by its cover, Miss Barbara! I 100% thought that Jacob was overreacting because he seems to want to be best friends with everyone. When the science teacher confirmed that he has always hated Jacob, I screamed. Jacob is sweet and has a good heart but if I had to work with him, I'd probably stuff him in a locker. He's...a lot. It is an indicator of how stressed I've been this week that Ralph and Ralph Jr.'s demise made me feel genuinely sad for that kid! I just wanted to scoop him up and hug him!
  3. I enjoyed all of the guests but I wish they would stop trying to pack so many guests into a single show. I feel like 4 on the couch (ideally 3) + a musical guest should be the max. I would have liked to have heard more from Michaela and Winston just as I would have liked to have heard more from Colin and Brendan last? week (whenever that was.) These shows are feeling a bit overstuffed. And I need the Red Chair stories back!
  4. I love both Tucci and Tennant but this show drove me absolutely bonkers. I never felt like the 2 "pieces" fit together organically and it felt like I was watching 2 different shows slapped together with tenuous connections. Dillon was the sole bright spot for me.
  5. This is what I appreciated the most about this film. Field didn't spoon feed our reaction to her behavior to us. And when I find pretty much all current conversation about pretty much every issue these days to be lacking in any sort of nuance or "gray area", I found it very refreshing. It has been a month since I've seen it and I still think it about it on an almost daily basis. I'm excited for it to be available via streaming because I want to see it again to catch things I know I've missed.
  6. Ugh. Between Bono and Taylor, the studio may implode from an overabundance of self-importance.
  7. Exactly. Cue me saying, "Wow, you look great! Who are you dressed up as?" and a billionty-12 superheros looking at me like I need to have my head examined. If they do Batman or Superman I'm good. Anyone else, forget it. 👵
  8. This episode had me howling from Janine's first appearance as James Harden. I kept having to rewind because every time she was on screen, I was laughing too hard to hear any of the lines. Mr. Johnson and his mini-me were comedy gold. I especially loved that Mr. Johnson called Ashley out in front of all of the adults. She's so useless and supremely annoying. You can go now, girl. Definitely one of the stronger episodes of the season thus far. I can see myself watching this one multiple times.
  9. I hope Ashley takes a back seat in future episodes and just pops up now and again like Mr. Johnson. I could feel Melissa's frustration with her through my screen and unlike with Ava, I don't find Ashley funny. She just grates on my last damn nerve. Agree with those who are hoping that Janine starts to actually incorporate some of the lessons she has learned from Barbara and Melissa. She is starting to remind me of some people that I work with when I show them how to do something or find a certain piece of information. Rather than retaining that information and using it next time, they just continue coming to me. I'd only be willing to give her an hour a month too if I thought she would just disregard my advice anyway. I howled though when Barbara and Melissa told her that the cafeteria workers don't want teachers at their meetings and Janine asked if "all are welcome" was just a formality. Oh, Janine. I also screamed when someone typed "Who is that white woman?" when Melissa appeared in Ava's auction. Is Ava involved in an MLM? I thought she was just selling her old clothes but Melissa called it a ponzi scheme. I couldn't see Ava messing with LuLaRoe or any of that stuff.
  10. But was that scarf tied around his neck and attached to the motorcycle wheel when law enforcement found him as the photograph suggested? It just seems like something the police would have investigated more fully. But it has been a while since I saw the earliest episodes. I also watch entirely too many crime and mystery series so I'm probably overthinking it. I also have a tendency to shout "Objection" at particularly inane lines of questioning in court proceedings even if the characters don't. It is probably very annoying to watch tv with me. 👼
  11. I finally had the chance to finish this because I needed a big ass break from it. Watching JP filled me with such a visceral sense of rage, I really couldn't stomach it for much longer. I'm fine with how it wrapped up, but the denouement of Matt figuring it out was sloppy AF. First of all, none of what he discovered at the cabin could have been used in a criminal prosecution of Grace or any of the sisters. He's not law enforcement and he broke in. Second of all, if JP had been found on his motorcycle with the red rope tied to the wheel as the photo he looked at suggested, that would have been taken into evidence by the police, not thrown into the garbage. And it would have been investigated as a murder more fully from the jump. Were they trying to insinuate that Matt was just imagining the red rope tied around the wheel and his neck? We were led to believe that the elder Claffin had completely misused all of the funds paid for clients' policies and that Thomas helped him cover it up. One widow withdrawing her claim doesn't make them suddenly solvent so I'm not sure why there was such a celebratory mood between Thomas and Matt at the end. Overall, I loved the sisters' dynamic and the dark humor but I don't know that I would be in for a second series. It would depend on the storyline and I have no desire to encounter JP in flashbacks so it would have to be something entirely new and really clever.
  12. AW, poor earnest, corny Jacob. While he would likely drive me nuts IRL, I appreciate what he brings to Abbott. When Ava told Melissa that she would have 2nd and 3rd grade combined, I had NO idea she meant combined literally. At the same time. I can't even imagine the utter chaos that even an experienced teacher like Melissa would be hard-pressed to handle. I'm skeptical of how useful the aide will be. Her first order of business should be changing her clothes because as soon as she walks into the classroom wearing a Celtics jersey...Well, that was not a wise choice. Story Samurai: "Do you have a suggestion?" Ava: "Yeah, beat it." Story Samurai starts doing Beat It choreography. I startled myself with how loudly that made me laugh. I also appreciated seeing some cracks in Gregory's normally stoic facade this week. I hope we continue to see him coming out of his shell a bit more.
  13. I was fortunate enough to attend an advance screening of this last night and I am ALL ABOARD the "Cate Blanchett deserves a 3rd Oscar" train. I will keep specific thoughts to myself for the time being as I believe it is only being released in NY and LA this weekend with a wider release at the end of the month, but overall, I thought it was fascinating. I'm really looking forward to discussing this with others as they see it. And I really hope we don't have to wait another 16 years for Todd Field to make another film. 👍
  14. You can come and hang out in my neighborhood for a weekend. I live in the heart of South Philly and it is Schemmentis as far as the eye can see. 😊
  15. Mine is Elizabeth Banks and Rachel McAdams. Names couldn't be more dissimilar but if one of them knocked on my door, there is a 99% chance I will call them by the other's name.
  16. Doesn't Taylor also live in New York? Or am I mixing up my tv show characters?
  17. It is WAAAAAAAY better than a Sno-Cone. From NPR: It's a frozen treat made from water, sugar and some sort of flavoring — usually fruit. It is firmer than a slushy, softer than sorbet and smoother than granita. Unlike with a snow cone, the flavor is mixed in before freezing, instead of being poured over a frozen ball at the end. And the "proper" pronunciation is wooder ice. 😊
  18. https://6abc.com/abbott-elementary-linda-graham-dunbar-north-philadelphia/12276470/ I could not love Quinta more. 😊
  19. I may get dinged for posting this but I would recommend everyone check out donorschoose.com. If you have the means to financially donate, you can find wishlists from teachers in your area and pay for these and other supplies for them.
  20. This episode was perfect. I started cackling from the jump with Barbara's mis-identifications. When she said "Brian Austin Green" I was like "Huh?" The entire Shark Tank segment was comedy gold, including Ava playing the theme song on her phone and bopping to it. Janelle James was on fire this episode. I can't wait to watch it again.
  21. At this point I'm hoping it was Blanaid.
  22. While I am still enjoying this for the most part, I really need JP to just freakin' die already. It's beginning to feel a bit farcical at this point and I would really like that physically and emotionally abusive asshat to just croak. Every time he calls Grace "Mammy", I want to kill him myself. And then he he goes and wears his shoes ON THE BED??? Oh no, you must die.
  23. 2 scenes that Jacob had that also made me cackle. When he said that being called El Diablo Blanco made him start to feel like basura and Mr. Johnson popped up: "Did someone say trash?" And then when Janine was talking about yelling at Tariq for taking 2 hour showers and Jacob said, "In this climate???" Something about his delivery of that line made me howl.
  24. I can't wait to watch this again on my lunch break. I just sat there for 30 minutes grinning from ear to ear. So much of this episode just *felt* like Philly from the 8:30 a.m. tailgating (yes, that's a thing), to the boot on the car (Parking Wars, anyone), to of course, Gritty. Even the custodian (is his name Mr. Johnson?) brought to mind Four Seasons Total Landscaping. When Gritty was first introduced I was definitely in Gregory's camp. I thought it was the biggest mascot failure of all time but I have since come around to him. When Janine was trying to drive away with the boot on her car and Ava was just filming it on her phone, I howled. Oh Ava, never change. I too was surprised that Janine is strugging financially without Tariq. I mean, I never assumed he contributed anything and she now has one less big mouth to feed. It warmed my cold, cynical heart that Jacob offered to to help her out - I just wish she had thought to ask sooner. Although it definitely seems like outside of the school, Janine really doesn't have much of a support system. I know they've said they are going to explore the teachers' "out of school" lives more this season so I'd like to see what her situation is really like. Sea Barbara. 🤣 Welcome back, Abbott Elementary. I've missed you. 🥰
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