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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. UGH, this show. While I found this episode marginally more palatable than the others, it's a fairly low bar to clear. Once again, Carrie finds a way to make everything about her at the picnic by trivializing Miranda's transgression with her "Well, my husband died. This is no biggie in comparison." It's not a fucking competition, Carrie. Get over yourself. And in the long ago words of Miranda, "It's a BIG, FUCKING deal." They really need to find something for her to do whether that's dating or writing or shopping or SOMETHING because I really don't feel like watching her moping around whatever apartment she happens to be residing in at any given moment. I never thought I would say this, but Anthony is the only redeeming quality for me with this.
  2. I only just watched this episode last night, that's how compelling I find this show anymore. Harrison has as much charisma as a wet rag so every scene with him bores me to tears. I don't know if it is the writing or the actor but I just can't bring myself to give 2 shits about him or his "struggle." He also perpetually looks like he is about to burst into tears so I'm not buying his "dark passenger" schtick. Maybe I just need to stop watching re-boots of my beloved series. Between this, And Just Like That, and Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, I have yet to see anything that hasn't disappointed me to the point of anger.
  3. I have a gazillion issues with this dumpster fire, most of which have been articulated by others but I have one gigantic issue with Che - they come across as slightly stalkerish WRT Carrie. I don't understand why they thought it was appropriate to show up at Big's funeral. Or the hospital. Or Carrie's apartment. I have co-workers that have become my friends but if someone I only recently started working with/for inserted themselves, uninvited, into any of these situations I would tell them to take 37 GIGANTIC steps back. The writers are trying too hard to shoehorm them into every situation in order to justify the "relationship" with Miranda. Meanwhile I'm over here thinking Che comes across as non-binary Skipper. Settle down. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Che had a crush on Carrie, not Miranda.
  4. For some reason my DVR hates this show but it is available on demand. I decided to skip right to the "Meth" episode which was utterly terrifying. Her calm in the face of these encounters is truly astonishing. And I would love to get some sort of behind the scenes look to see how exactly she goes about securing these interviews. "Hey, does anyone have a contact with a Mexican drug cartel? Can you see if they'd be willing to sit down with me on Thursday for a chat?"
  5. 4th and final season to premiere Feb. 27, 2022.
  6. At some point last week Kristin Davis and Nicole Ari Parker were on Tamron Hall's talk show. Tamron spoke about portraying women in their 50s and said that EXACT same thing about wrinkles. It was incredibly ironic to me that Kristen was clapping and agreeing with her wholeheartedly.
  7. This was a REALLY difficult episode for me for personal reasons. I was a bit taken aback to see Carrie in such a "take charge/somewhat stoic" mode because previously she always seemed to rely on others to do everything for her. And it wouldn't at all surprise me if Carrie carries some unspoken resentment towards Charlotte because that's just who Carrie is. Remember when she told Miranda "You ruined my marriage"? I'll be curious to see if they revisit this. I'm confused as to why Susan Sharon was even at the funeral. Did she have some non-Carrie connection with Big? It seemed like a pretty exclusive affair but I did snort laugh at her remark at what a prick he was to her. The flowers got me and they got me GOOD. But there is no way that Sam wouldn't have been on the first flight from London holding Carrie's hand throughout the entire thing. God, I hate this feud or whatever it is. GIVE ME MY SHOW BACK! I hate Brady. I think they're definitely intimating problems ahead for Steve and Miranda and if that means less of Brady, I'm all for it!
  8. This was a really mixed bag for you. On the one hand, I loved being reunited with these characters who were such a HUGE part of my 20s but while the OG series felt natural and organic, much of this seemed really forced. I hated the exposition on Samantha. No way would she have ghosted the whole crew because Carrie fired her as a publicist. NO. WAY. That was just a stupid plot point. Samantha had her own agency and was wildly successful - it's not as if losing Carrie as a client was going to tank her business. It's not like Carrie is J.K. Rowling or something. Also, Samantha has always been an extremely savvy business woman so the idea that she would ditch a 30+ year friendship over something so inconsequential was just silly. The first 15-20 minutes were REALLY clunky and awkward. Correct me if I'm wrong but that wasn't Carrie's first time on the podcast, was it? Wouldn't she know what the tone and topics were? Also I would think the host/producer would vet the guests a bit more thoroughly to ensure that they were a good fit. 🤷‍♀️ Has Miranda never met a black person? Every interaction between her and the professor was cringe-worthy although I did laugh when the professor decided to board a different subway car. It all just seemed terribly out of character for Miranda. If my friend dragged me and a dozen other people to my kid's music recital, I would be packing an entire box of wine in my bag. Ah Big. I've remained unspoiled but I did see a headline the other day suggesting that "no one dies" so I was a bit taken aback. Although the foreshadowing in the episode was as subtle as an anvil.
  9. AMEN! He's a big, drunken schlub who obviously has issues but I don't feel an ounce of creepy menace from him. I just find him gross. Oil baron guy comes across much creepier to me.
  10. I miss when this show was just a fun, goofy procedural with some interesting character development. All of this serialized soap opera nonsense has become too large of a focus.
  11. THIS. The entire kill room scene, I was severely distracted by the fact that Dexter hadn't laid any plastic underneath the guy ON the actual wooden table. How was he going to clean up that mess??? I know it was likely so he could dramatically "thunk" his knife into the wood when he realized his plan was foiled, but Dexter is no longer the elite killing machine I knew and loved. I absolutely LOVED seeing Angel but that whole scene was so contrived as was the entire trip to Manhattan. Angela really is the dumbest Keystone Kop around. May I sit with you?
  12. Exactly. Where is the FBI? Where is the national media? They are obviously trying to make a point about how little attention is focused on black and brown girls and women when they are missing but law enforcement's lack of attention and focus other than Angela's bulletin board is gross. Are they doing ANYTHING in relation to these girls? I know that it is in some ways sickeningly true to real life, but in a town where you would think a missing chicken would be headline news, I'm finding the law enforcement incompetence to be really jarring.
  13. Ugh. I'm very disappointed at how quickly this went from must-see tv to "I guess I'll watch Dexter now" in such a short span of time. I don't know if it is the storyline or the actors but I'm just not feeling it. The actor playing Harrison has ZERO charisma and everyone else in the town comes across as ignorant rubes. I'm not even that intrigued by the "big bad." There's like 37 people living there - how hard can it be to find someone's murder cabin? I'll obviously stick with it, but it feels like a bit of a slog at this point.
  14. I'm hoping this is a thread that they revisit in future episodes. I love Aunt Vi (and would like an Aunt Vi in my life) and Lorraine Toussaint is a fantastic actress. I'd love to spend more time in her world.
  15. My enthusiasm for this waned a bit this week. While last week I was enjoying the setting and the townsfolk, this week all I could think was, "Damn, this is going to get real old real quick." As @SnazzyDaisy mentioned upthread, Angela gave her money and directed her to a shelter so how did she end up in the Bates Motel with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries??? Who are all of these missing girls? I know the Seneca members mentioned their missing girls and are there others? How big of a town is Iron Lake supposed to be? Seems to me like that would be a bigger priority than some spoiled little rich douche. I don't know how I feel about Harrison potentially taking after his father. Obviously I'll wait to see how things play out but right now everything is feeling a bit claustrophobic. Miami Metro presented ample opportunity and victims (not to mention some comedic relief in the form of Masuka) but given how sloppy Dexter was with dude bro, I don't see him being able to stick around Iron Lake for long.
  16. I was actually hoping that Delilah was recording her subsequent interaction with that racist twat where she called her "civilized" and "articulate." 🤬
  17. Although it was short and rather slight, I loved this. But I'm also a bit biased. I love what they have done with their notoriety, both for themselves and for the local community. Not mentioned in the documentary, but they have been organizing something called the Fraud Street Run which is a 10-miler from their location to the Four Seasons Hotel. It's a riff on Philly's Broad Street Run which is the nation's largest 10 mile race. And I want every one of those t-shirts! "Lawn & Order" 🤣 These are good, decent, hardworking people and I wish them nothing but the best.
  18. I loved it, party of one. Dexter has always been one of my FAVORITE television characters of all time so this was like revisiting an old friend after far too long apart. It was a bit jarring to see Dex be this social butterfly, man about town considering he was so painfully socially awkward in the original but 10 years is a REALLY long time. And couple that with the fact that he hasn't been killing and trying to deceive people constantly to the extent he was in Miami. I did think the Harrison introduction was a bit rushed and wish they had waited until the 2nd episode, at least, to have them meet face to face. I have no interest in Hannah or what she has been up to and would be completely fine with a simple explanation for how Harrison tracked him down. Maybe Hannah had some photos of him and the kid did some type of "reverse image search" or something and he popped up on one of the yokels' social media pages. 🤷‍♀️ I hated that rich douche with every fiber of my being and was actually saying "Kill him!" our loud to my tv when Dexter was hesitating. I'll be curious to see how he behaves after having "scratched that itch" and if elements of his old personality begin to emerge.
  19. This was so incredibly horrifying. I'm not a fan of organized religion in general but I'm REALLY not a fan of these crackpot denominations that somehow justify beating your children or telling wives to submit to their husbands for sex even if they really don't want to. I hope they're all burning in hell.
  20. Is this a regular thing??? I'll admit I'm not a big YouTube watcher so I was rather confused by the whole thing. "Here, watch me doing my dishes while I talk about something I have no real knowledge of or connection to." 👵 #getoffmylawn
  21. Yes. I think you make a good point @Schweedie but this is essentially what it boils down to for me too. Yes, Rebecca was professionally petty (and let's face it, Rupert was a deserving "victim") whereas I just found Nate to be personally cruel. And taking things out on people that had done nothing to deserve it. And contrary to Rebecca, he just seemed to get worse and worse as the series progressed. But again, I'm a Scorpio so I will hold grudges to my grave. 😁
  22. I love Rebecca and don't consider her and Nate in even the same galaxy in terms of wrongdoing. Yes, she tried to tank the team but she has genuinely shown growth, maturity, and regret for what she was trying to do. She is an inherently kind person who cares about the people involved with the team. Nate is just a petty, cruel little shit who thinks everyone should lick his boots even though he has done nothing to deserve it.
  23. I just binged both seasons in a matter of days so maybe it's seeing all of his awfulness condensed into a few hours or maybe it's becuase I am a Scorpio, but I have no interest in a redemption arc for Nate. Yes, I know he is a main character and my desire is obviously unrealistic but I loathe him with a vengeance and wish he would drown in the Thames.
  24. She also played Dasha in season 3 of Killing Eve and is currently in the film The Last Duel.
  25. THIS. They drove me absolutely nuts and I have absolutely no idea why the filmmakers decided to include them. They served no purpose and offered no insight whatsoever.
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