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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. YAY for the episode being posted early and BOO for the episode being posted early. When I turned on my Firestick last night, I thought it was Friday. 😞 Everything about this show is working for me except for Maddie. Her parts bore me to tears. I wish they would have had Maddie doing something else (that requires less screen time) and introduced Ballard from the books instead.
  2. Yeah, I was really disappointed in him when he went there. I didn't realize until they were showing the flashbacks just how drunk he was too and also opposed to leaving, but the fact that he leaned into her "narrative" when his recollection was probably as nonexistent as hers and he knows what a toxic drama queen she is, definitely had me giving him side eye.
  3. Julie is exhausting. Props to Melissa for apologizing to her. I probably wouldn't have because a. I have no patience, b. I wouldn't give a shit if Julie felt badly, and c. I FIND JULIE EXHAUSTING AND DON'T THINK SHE'LL EVER LEARN ANYTHING. She's so damn needy. On the one hand, I'd love to see the dynamic between her and her husband but on the other, I don't want them to focus on her anymore so I'm good remaining in the dark.
  4. Exactly. I can't remember if it was Danny or Melissa saying they are 44 years old and too old for something but I was like, "THANK YOU!" Hell, I was still in my 20s when the Vegas season aired and that was when I tapped out.
  5. Whoever mentioned Julie's arrested development (whether it was in this thread or the original show's thread) was spot on. Whereas everyone else acts like a 40-something adult that has grown and matured and gained some perspective (you know, like normal people do), Julie is still acting like she is 20 years old. I wouldn't want anything to do with her either. #getoffmylawn
  6. Oh fuck you, Julie. I really hope this isn't going to be the "Julie show" for the duration of the season or I'm going to have to send that sociopath an invoice for $9.99. Even when she was sitting there listening to Danny talk about his daughter and Paul, she had the most disingenous look on her face. Does she do anything other than appear on tv to make a living? And why would she think the club situation was going to be sexual??? Honey, you're married and trust me, no one is interested. Speaking of occupations, is Matt a life coach or a marriage counselor or something? He just randomly pops up during situations, says "Kumbaya" and then fades into the background again. Thanks to Paul for providing some comic relief this episode. Good lord man, look in a mirror.
  7. I finally succumbed to the wickedness of Paramount+ just for this. The original NO season was one of my all time favorites but I must say I don't recall Julie being so damn annoying. I remember how sheltered she was and that she was still practicing her religion but I always just took her as a naive, misinformed young 'un. I don't watch any of the challenges or keep up with these folks after the fact, so I was surprised to learn about her evil streak. Her crocodile tears are going to get real old REAL quick
  8. I completely get that and think the points and feelings ABOUT THE SHOW are totally valid. I'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community and know all about lack of representation and shitty endings for characters within our community. But just as I would never call a showrunner racist for killing off a black or brown lead, I'm not going to draw the conclusion that a showrunner is homophobic for doing so when I know nothing about them personally. Would they be calling her racist if she had killed off Eve too? I just think it's a slippery slope.
  9. Wait, is that what the petition is actually calling for? 🤣 I love the passion in tv fandom but I've seen some ugly memes and hastags referring to Laura Neal as a homophobe which IMO is crossing the line. I know people are very upset but I think that type of talk is dangerous. I know, I know, people are very fired up and speaking from an emotional place, but there is enough very dangerous homophobia in the world, I don't appreciate people using it in the context of disappointment over a tv show.
  10. Yeah, I've always viewed Konstantin as the messenger rather than someone who actually made any decisions. He was essentially a lackey for the leadership, handling the girls, letting them know what their missions were, etc. In the Variety panel I posted in the media thread, Fiona Shaw made an interesting comment that to me seemed really significant in light of now having seen the whole season. She said that all Carolyn wanted was to get her old job back, for Eve to come back to working with her, and for Eve to be nice to her or like her again. The last bit was said sort of tongue in cheek, but it really struck me in hindsight. Although if she thinks that by ordering the hit on Villanelle, Eve will suddenly come crawling back to her and MI-6, Carolyn is more cuckoo for cocoa puffs than Gunn was.
  11. His name is indeed Hugo. But Hugo was a paper pusher just like Eve in season 2 and was shot in a hotel in Rome in the season finale. He was nowhere to be seen in season 3 but indicated to Carolyn in the season 4 premiere that he had received a "promotion" of sorts for being shot. He was not a member of the 12. It was very clearly established in season 3 that Konstantin was responsible for Kenny's death and Carolyn's overriding question this season was just WHO ordered his death. Of course, we the audience never got an answer to that question.
  12. A panel discussion from Variety that escaped my notice when it aired. Centered primarily on the events in the season premiere but Sandra does confirm that the show had a specific trajectory. When the pandemic hit, it required them to pivot. I'll always be curious what that intended trajectory was/if they intended to go for more seasons. https://variety.com/video/sandra-oh-jodie-comer-killing-eve-final-season-premiere/
  13. And I am with you on that point, to a certain extent. I just think my investment in a happy ending for any of these characters sort of peaked at the end of season 3 and then the delay didn't help. Do I think they should have had Eve and Villanelle reconcile and start working together MUCH earlier while simultaneously grappling with their feelings? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. It was such a wasted opportunity. They should have spent less time on Pam and Gunn and showcased the main characters more. But overall, I'm okay with the ending. Even without seeing any spoilers, I had a feeling one or both of them would die.
  14. I've read the first 2 and while I thought the first was okay-ish, I was more impressed by how Phoebe managed to craft such a compelling and clever variation on them. I don't recall it having any of the depth or humor of the first season. The 2nd one was hot garbage. I may read the 3rd just to put my love for these characters to bed (so to speak 😉) but you should not expect great literature. But I'm down for a Primetimer KE book club! 🤓
  15. Unless the interviews are with Sandra and/or Jodie, I'm just going to avoid them like Covid. I have my own reads/interpretations on the entire series and am really over reading writers/showrunners trying to justify criticism. Was it a perfect season? Of course not. Was it the worst thing to ever cross the airwaves? Not even close. But I'd rather hash it out with you folks. 🙂
  16. I'll sit alone at my table for one. I enjoyed it. Was it the most emotionally satisfying ending for me? No, but at this point I don't know what would be. I like Laura Neal as a writer (she wrote pretty much the only episodes I liked in season 3), but I am amazed that they entrusted the final season of a once-beloved show to a first timer. According to IMDB, this is her first producing credit. I also wonder how things would have turned out differently without the pandemic break and the announcement that the show was ending. I remember back in May or June of 2020, the writers' room celebrated having finished the scripts for season 4 on social media (which is when the controversy over the lack of diversity in the writers room' blew up.) I'm wondering how drastically they had to change storylines/scripts once they received word that it was ending. Jodie and Sandra's chemistry is just dynamite. I could watch a whole series of the 2 of them driving around Europe in a camper van killing people. With breaks for peeing and kissing. I'm sure the 17 year old nut jobs are Twitter and Tumblr are wailing that we never got a full-frontal nudity/bordering on porn sex scene but this show was never going to do that. Go read fanfiction. P.S. They totally banged in the camper van after their makeout session. I full on cackled when they showed Eve hanging on the tree for dear life and their reactions to Gunn as they fled in the boat. Also thought Gunn's "She's mine!" was a nice flashback to the season 2 finale. Pam never would have been a good assasin because she had something that Villanelle and Gunn lacked - a conscience. I am curious as to how Carolyn knew where the meeting was taking place? She was convinced it was a hotel, then it was in a pub, how did she learn it was on the boat? All of her contacts within the 12 were seemingly dead? Did Vlad get it out of Mr. Bird Hunter? Who knows. I'm not ENTIRELY sure why Carolyn seemed so desperate to get back into MI-6, but... I appreciated the romanticism of the final scenes even if I thought the symbolism was a bit heavy-handed (Eve's declaration about relationships, the bloody angel wings, the raising of Tower Bridge) but overall I'm pretty satisfied. Again, I'll be over here at a corner table by myself.
  17. I will try to keep my comments in this thread confined to episode 7 but it is a bit tough to distinguish where this one ended and 8 began. I actually gasped out loud when Eve had that flashback, not just because of the appearance of Bill & Elena (still don't care about Nico/Niko, I don't even remember how to spell his name), but because it so perfectly tied in to what we saw with the first appearance of Eve - MASSIVELY hungover from a drunken karaoke bash the night before. I thought it was a great call-back, coupled with her session with Martin, to how "boring" and "normal" her life was and how she's been truly undone wrestling with the darkness inside of her. Great stuff by Sandra Oh, yet again. I did appreciate that Yusuf was like, "You're even more effed up than I thought. See you later, alligator." and he was unharmed. He was the only new character that I felt they introduced successfully this season. I will miss Papa Bear Konstantin even if I hated all of the time they wasted on him training Pam. I was hoping that after she killed him, she would throw herself off a pier. Although I did think the tenderness she showed with his body was really lovely. Something that confused me though - Pam got a digital "postcard" saying Margate -- Sunday Funday. Obviously she thought she was taking orders from Helene hence her shock when she learned she was dead. But who sent her that postcard? Helene was already dead when they showed her receiving it and by that point, Eve had Helene's phone. I suppose the order could have come from someone else but that was a really sloppy script continuity error. Too much time wasted on the island with Gunn but I did appreciate some of the little comedic bits served up by Villanelle. Remembering how she wanted to shack up with Eve in a cabin and then experiencing what living in an actual cabin (or in her case, barn) was actually like. And her facial expressions when she was eating the leaves and when Gunn sniffed her cracked me up. I guess there CAN be an even bigger nutter than Villanelle and that nutter is Gunn.
  18. I am one of those people! My gaming experience pretty much peaked with the original Super Mario Bros. for Nintendo so this was an entirely new world for me. But I thought it was clever and sweet and fun to watch. I absolutely LOVED all of the smack talk about original IP vs. sequels and reboots and existing IP because that is my main gripe about movies these days. If it isn't a franchise, does it even exist?
  19. Also mentions that this Sunday is the finale so it appears episodes 7 and 8 will air back to back.
  20. That entire scene made me cackle with glee. From Villanelle's barely suppressed laughter after the fart to her jealous streak showing, it was just maniacally batshit. But at this point I have no idea what anyone's motivation for doing anything is. Carolyn wants to know who ordered the hit on Kenny, but what does everyone else want? I was also hoping that Gunn would be played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. But she probably read the scripts and said, "Hard pass!"
  21. This episode gave me whiplash. Several moments that had me yelling "Hell yeah" followed by several that had me thinking "WTF?" Pam is this season's Geraldine. A ton of time wasted on a character that brings absolutely nothing to the storyline. I was actually rooting for Fernanda to kill her. I'm truly confused as to what Eve's motivation was for killing Lars. I wish this show would spend less time introducing new characters and more time exploring the characters we fell in love with and presenting a cohesive storyline. I don't need to see Gunn and Villanelle bonding, show. There are only 2 episodes left. Unless the finale is a 3-hour, cinematic extravaganza, I fail to see how this wrap up is going to be anything other than a disappointment. Also, I'm not a psychotic Villaneve shipper but seriously show??? Either shit or get off the pot. If it's not going to happen, stop teasing that it will. Good riddance, Helene.
  22. Eve was demonstrating to Helene that she knows her weakness and isn't afraid to exploit it. It was a power play on Eve's part. Of course Helene then had to say, "Well, two can play that game..." hence Villanelle getting shot with an arrow in front of Eve.
  23. Just as the Academy used to kick out members who sold VHS and DVD screeners on EBay, they should figure out who these voters are and kick them out too. I know the publications would never reveal their sources but it's pretty ridiculous.
  24. I used to love reading these but now I hate them. They always come off as really bitter and petty. I usually end up thinking, "Thank goodness the Academy is expanding so rapidly so they can cancel out the idiots." 🙄
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