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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. I should have phrased that differently. In his first week as guest host, I thought he did a credible job, and I’m looking forward to more of his guest host episodes.
  2. Like some others, I knew Queen Elizabeth II had met JFK due to The Crown episode. And I don't know why, but I thought she'd met Nixon. So that left LBJ. My one correct FJ for the week! I've never seen Grimm nor Arrow, and never heard of Ted Lasso. I was surprised no one guessed rattlesnakes. Overall, I think Ken Jennings did a credible job as guest host.
  3. Interesting roster of guest hosts. I’m familiar with Whitaker because I always watch 60 minutes. On air, I’ve liked Katie Couric. I know a lot of celebs have different public and private personas, but doesn’t generally (with a few exceptions) cause me to dislike them on-air. I’ve never noticed Ken Jennings having a lisp. Then, I almost never notice vocal fry either.
  4. I’m the opposite - I’d watch Austin and skip James! Instead of Delta, I thought Memphis.
  5. One of my days out in England, July-August 2019, was to Brownsea Island. We stopped for refreshments, and there were peacocks who came right up to us and other families there. Quite beautiful. Brownsea Island is also home to red squirrels. We saw only one, but my family has seen more at other times.
  6. I just looked at the episode list, and didn’t see Gayle King listed in any earlier episodes. We watched it last night; interesting. I was surprised that Gayle was so surprised at her White/European portion of her DNA. Her skin tone is on the lighter side, and many Black/African Americans have at least a portion of White/European background. I’ve also learned since living in Virginia that a number of free Blacks owned other Black people, often due to family connections. Those who were free would purchase their relatives with the end result that they would free them. I was unfamiliar with Issa Ray, but knew a bit about Jordan Peele. Liked to learn a bit more.
  7. I thought her hair demonstrated/symbolized the difficulties she was having following Mitch's death. I remember criticizing Ann's hair in One Day at a Time (the original) in the episodes when she was dealing with The Runaways (Julie & Chuck). My friend commented that it was probably more realistic because Ann was so upset and worried.
  8. Glad to see this forum! I don’t know why I never watched this first time. Liked this first episode!
  9. Since there were some posts on the topic, I just have to say how much easier things were before everything was on computer. Yes, some things were a pain to file, store, and find, but with a decent home filing system, the marriage certificate could have been much easier to find. Though things like that that I've scanned, I've always filed the original somewhere. My dad had a nephew who was an attorney, and he took care of a lot of Mom and Dad's legal stuff when they each died. I'm sure it'll be much more difficult for my daughter when my husband and I die. We have a will and some basic instruction, but there's really a whole lot more we need to do.
  10. Week 17: 2/5, 1* YTD: 38/85 seven*
  11. That last montage was fun and heart-rending. And that “See you next week.” We’ll miss Alex so much. RIP.
  12. There was a TV show in the 2012? season that had Manny Petty's House of Mani-Pedis. Wish I could remember or find what that was! Yeah, funny! I'm a sucker for Ted Danson. The only show of his that I didn't watch much was Becker.
  13. I was a college freshman in 1969, music major with an involvement in the drama department. I couldn’t hold my head up if I had missed FJ! I had the cutest little dog named Yoshi. We’re not certain, but we think he was part Pomeranian, part Japanese Chin. I’m happy Yoshie is doing well.
  14. Was I the only one yelling at Jared "Atlantic! Atlantic! Atlantic! Atlantic! Atlantic!"? Nope, I was as well. For all the good it did!
  15. Our abc station showed the usual 7 pm Wheel and 7:30 Jeopardy! tonight. Had no idea for FJ, as I’ve never seen any WW movies. I knew 1917 was too recent, and War Horse, the other WW1 film I could think of, was too long ago (2011).
  16. Aw, I love Bob & Abishola together. Part of it is I find the two very different cultures and how they are trying to mesh together fascinating. But I also like the other characters and situations, and find them fun to watch.
  17. I wish the focus this episode had been on Calvin & Dave in the escape room. There’s a lot they could have done with that. Instead we had way too much Gemma’s sister. Does Dave have any siblings? I remember his mother was a piece of work, so I don’t want to see more of her either.
  18. Kinsey Milhone, private detective, in the Alphabet novels/mystery thrillers by Sue Grafton. She died before her last one was done; it would have been “Z is for Zero.” I have a coffee mug with “The Alphabet Ends With Y.” I was a big fan of that series. I guessed Gulliver for FJ. I didn’t understand the clue, but wouldn’t have gotten it anyway.
  19. But if your kidneys have a disease, you may be unable to get life insurance at any price, or at least at any affordable price, due to the condition. The no pay-out clause for life insurance is limited, usually to two years. That's to prevent a person contemplating suicide to buy the policy and killing themselves before they've paid in a minimum amount of premiums.
  20. My limited knowledge on burner phones is, they're cheap, $20 or less, and you can talk and text. They're often used with prepaid time/text. My last flip phone, before I got a smart phone, could text, take & send pictures, and of course call/receive to talk. This week, I rewatched the penultimate episode, and last night watched this episode, in anticipation for tonight's season 3 opener. I'm sure all's well that ends well, but I expect some tense moments and some twists and turns. I just hope they don't drag this into multiple episodes without resolving things.
  21. Week 16: 2/5 YTD: 36/80 six* I'll never get back to 50% or better at this rate!
  22. I was so happy they started with the Operatic Costumes category, and finished it before moving on. It would have been a shame not to have gotten through the category. I knew very few answers in the DJ round. And certainly didn't know FJ.
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