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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. There was plenty of opportunity to make up ground. Matt & Richmond did, in fact, catch up. Had Tara not finally managed to mash enough buttons to win, Matt would've passed her.
  2. Nope. I have never found Brad Pitt hot, or even more than vaguely attractive.
  3. I was never wild about Patrick Swayze in general, but damn, did he have charisma coming out his ears in Dirty Dancing. This new guy is a veritable black hole of charisma, and while he does have a nice body, he ain't particularly attractive imo.
  4. Why? Why do I have to wait until mid-July?!?! Why??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Damn, that looks amazing! (But why in the name of the old gods and the new is Jaime still with that bitch!?!)
  5. She was the sister of Louis XIII, and the daughter of Henry IV and Maria de Medici. Charles I of England, who gave the land grant to Calvert, was not Catholic, but Henrietta Maria was, as was the Calvert family.
  6. Other than it being Missy in the vault (which was so predictable that everyone here predicted it), I liked this episode a lot.
  7. I loved Martin going to the farthest spot from the door to think about it, and then the cat chasing him later. And how he knew that Nan was the most awesome being in the universe because she could deal with the evil cat. (I hope my cats think that about me when I put away the evil vacuum cleaner.)
  8. FJ was a gimmee for me, but then, I was a big Journey fan in the 80s, and knew that Jonathan Cain was a member. As a resident of Maryland, I would've been tarred & feathered had I not gotten that DD correct. Did you know the colony was named for Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I? I'll go to my grave knowing her name. :-) I didn't get philtrum, but did get the others. And triple, as well. Loved that category - mainly because I heard a cover of the Who's "Substitute" on the way to work yesterday morning; that song contains one of my favorite lines: "I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth". I missed most of Monday's game, but I liked Tanya last night. She does moved around a bit, but maybe, like me, she has to keep switching her weight from one foot to the other? Other than that, I didn't see anything annoying about her.
  9. I couldn't identify Lake Huron on a map if you hit me over the head with it, not when it's just a close up of the one lake. I just don't look at the Great Lakes on a map all that often.
  10. If I remember correctly, Tori Spelling has massive financial problems. She needs the money to support her celebrity lifestyle.
  11. I loved this season of Call the Midwife. I don't think the quality of the show dropped at all, and I'm glad it's been free of the tether of Jennifer Worth's books for some time. (They were good, not great, books, and dragged quite a bit in parts.) And, as much as I love Miranda Hart, I don't miss Chummy at all; or, more accurately, I don't miss how she sometimes took over the show.
  12. In her defense (ugh - I can't believe I just typed that) spin class involves a stationary bike and doesn't require balancing. But I'm sure she's whiny there, too.
  13. That wasn't their first on-screen kiss. But I was so hoping that Patsy would just show up at the end, and then she did. Yay!
  14. Not necessarily. He needed help to get out of bed.
  15. Plus, I know plenty of medical professionals who are married to people in other professions whom they managed to meet outside a hospital, I don't really buy this for every single character.
  16. Yeah, well, that's what pets do. But I think that domination line came before the project destruction. Although I haven't rewatched the episode, so I could be wrong.
  17. I find both reactions equally believable. Owen has always been more in his head than Riggs, and he has a pretty serious case of PTSD himself. And he's just realized that his sister was being held prisoner just a few miles away from where he was stationed. Since I have no way of knowing how I'd react in such a situation, I'm not judging him.
  18. Not that this wasn't a dramatic episode which had good moments, but Minnick was right - the safety of the patients was the #1 priority. It wasn't her fault that Stephanie was in danger, it was Stephanie's. I wanted to smack Bailey when she said that if Stephanie had still been suspended, the little girl wouldn't be safe; no, the girl, the entire hospital, and every single person in it wouldn't have been in danger at all. Stephanie was the one who helped the rapist out of his bed and was taking him to be with his victim (not that she knew he was an attempted rapist). She was the one who, instead of grabbing the scalpel and slashing or stabbing him with it, chose to set him on fire, which is what caused the explosion in the first place, and ultimately it was Stephanie's series of bad choices which put the hospital and everyone in it in danger. It was all Stephanie's fault, not Minnick's. That said, if this means Minnick is gone, then yay. Ben's actions to go find Stephanie were foolhardy, not heroic. Jackson going off hunting for Stephanie and Mere searching for the little girl, both instead of helping their patients, were ridiculous under the circumstances. At least when Alex got to the hospital, he was worried about his patients, as was Arizona; quite appropriate considering theirs were the least able to help themselves. The Maggie-Jackson thing is nauseating. For me, the best part of the episode were the scenes with Owen & Amelia - never thought I'd say that - and the one where Mere told Nathan that Megan is still alive. Martin Henderson did a magnificent job with Nathan's reaction.
  19. I guess the fact that I'm currently going through the battle of two male cats trying to be the dominant one colors my reaction. but I didn't find it creepy at all, just a reflection of real pet behavior.
  20. Ugh. This episode was god-awful, particularly that sex scene. After last week, I had some hope for this show, but now I'm out.
  21. I didn't think it was great, but I did enjoy it, and I found myself tearing up when Martin was remembering his journey to Nan. The show ended with Martin having a dream about the evil cat taunting him. It actually sounds like the kind of thing that Cesar Millan talks about: dogs are pack animals and they need an alpha to dominate the pack. It lines up with real dog behavior.
  22. I got Amundsen, DaVinci Code and Richard III as well.
  23. I didn't realize it was Lake Huron, but at least I did know that it wasn't Lake Superior. I said Lake Ontario. I got the Go-Gos (I know every song on that album) and Gold Star Mothers. Some of the others, but I don't remember which ones. I've never used either one. Never even heard of them before coming to the Jeopardy boards. I wouldn't have given the guy in the middle "war of the roses" - that's a movie with Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas, not the actual series of historical events, the wars of the roses. Why not? People have gotten away with Roosevelt, Adams and Johnson in various presidential categories.
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