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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Was she the Maloof look-alike realtor that called out the Gorga's fake counters or what not or the one with the bad fake pony tail? I couldn't keep track of all the side characters that season... ETA: Clicked on the link, which I didn't notice...but...bad hair it is...
  2. ...I've seen "Rise of the Secret Soldiers" as the finale...but a source is listing the following episodes as Season 3 also: February 2nd : "Bionic Houseparty" February 3rd : "First Day of Bionic Academy" February 4th : "Adam Steps Up" February 5th : "Unauthorized Mission" ...I'll keep looking up dates for accuracy, but they list Rise of the Secret Soldiers as the same date as you 88 so I'm thinking the others are accurate, but I've had a few misses in the past so I'll keep snooping around to verify, just think it's weird if those are true...unless they're rushing through them to get to season four. Still not to keen on the celeb aspect, and a little more open to the academy aspect than previously...it's still an overused "device" with young heroes. It's been a while since I checked the LR wiki...need to check it out again...and I still need to watch the last two episodes. Hopefully before the finale.
  3. Maybe set-up was the wrong word? Maybe exploited. Either way, I agree with your perspective and Cat unknowingly auditioned herself for the role of villain. ...Yes! The grape stomping...but I'll also add a couple more of my favorite Salahi moments: the cheerleading debacle with Michaele showing her uncoordinated and clueless self at the cheerleader's reunion(?), and Michaele proudly proclaiming Salahi was a verb.
  4. Can we get a DC marathon once in a while? I remember a couple years back, every other day was housewives marathon and they could run through an entire city/series/the entire franchise...(up to that point)...and they'd also include DC. Looking back...I thought they did a marathon for Season 3 of Miami a few months back...why bother it was awful? I really liked the DC franchise and really thought they could do more with it...I enjoyed Miami but would have traded for DC in a heartbeat. I liked the entire cast, including Michaele (sp?)...delusional yes, but entertaining none the less, she was largely harmless, most of the drama was through/shared with Tareq (IIRC, did he throw wine at Lynda at a promotional event or something?). I still feel, and agree with the point and I don't remember if it was TWOP or another site I visited, but I agreed with the feeling Cat was being set-up as the villain prior to the Party Crashing Incident...and of course, the rest is now history. ETA: I usually hate pile-ups on these shows, but the way the Salahi's handled things on the show and outside the show...they deserved everything they got at the reunion. I personally love the DC reunion, not as Dramatic as Season 2 of NJ...no Andy tossing...but the ladies and Andy really tried to cut through the delusions and schemes of the Salahi's, and it was a masterful attempt...
  5. I just hope Atl doesn't march on to May like last year. I love it, but it was totally exhausting.
  6. ...I have a soft spot for Carole now...for some reason. Didn't like her her first season, loved her the second. Wish I could say the same for Heather. Loved her her first season and hated her last season. What a difference a season makes. Couldn't stand her (Heather)...and agree with Veev's on her assessment of Heather...
  7. I hope we get it...I was surprised and it became my favorite season of the HW's from the franchise last year. Team Shine!...Shine, Shine... (can't believe I just typed that...)
  8. I think this season should be subtitled the Miseducation of Brandi Glanville... ...girlfriend thinks she's a boss and playing the game...she is...but she's playing it damn wrong...
  9. Can we have Rosie assist JoeGui and have it filmed. That's the spin-off I'd pay to see...Joe & Rosie Take New Jersey...Growing Up Joe & Rosie... ...eh, haven't had my coffee...moving on...
  10. ...I heard it too...can somebody point out to Yolanda there is a couple seasons of footage of the little show she's on that points to the contrary... ...wasn't it last season she was bedridden for 18 months or something...
  11. ...or someone can pull a Tamra (with Alexis @ Cut) and force the bitch out of the building...
  12. ...I lurk there off and on the last few years, I'd join but I wouldn't want to face the mob...and I know zoeysmom regularly takes one for the team and posts occasionally.
  13. ...or the rare spot where JJ kicks audience members out.
  14. Hey 88, I guess there isn't really, but I mean, I hope they don't turn the kids into fame hungry type characters...I guess more the characterization of the characters and how they handle "celebrity"... ETA: Still behind on the last couple episodes.
  15. ...Thanks for bringing this up because the charity stuff was confusing. IIRC, this was the only charity I can remember her being associated with, whether founded or she supported. I remember it being brought up when she was on Celebrity Apprentice, why wasn't she supporting her charity and then?, and for me at least, that's when all the news about it starting coming out.
  16. I can already tell I'll probably hate Gamble and like Pettifleur...
  17. While I watched OC, NY, NJ & ATL prior, but the first season of BH was the one that got me hooked. Favorite wives include: -Joyce (she should have been back, minus Brandi and Carlton...she meshed well with the other wives), -Karent (I don't think she deserved the "hate" from the others , hey she was a dentist...typically we'll get the wives married or marrying into/to a husband of a particular field, she was working it), -Danielle (say what you will about her and I agree she had issues, but the others were so deplorable to her, don't poke the crazy and pearl clutch when the crazy fights back...at least IMO, she was sympathetic in Season One, but all the ladies were unlikable in Season 2 until the reunion, where Danielle was a sympathetic figure again, at least to me), -Kim (BH, I see a few relatives in Kim, I know her journey, I know her trials and tribulations, the Kim we see is "real"...for the most part, warts and all. I said this back on TWOP but Kim is one of a few, at least IMO, to have an evolving arc through season to season through her addiction, sobriety and new beginnings, as sad and dark as it's been, I've enjoyed a peek into Kim's journey), -Cindy (NY, waiting for stones to be hurled, I really can't explain this one, I'm also still looking for footage of Sonja removing her from pictures...personality wise she was Carlton minus the witchery...) -Carlton (waiting for more stones to be hurled, like with Joyce I like her presence, but she was just so damn unlikeable personality wise...I go back and forth with her). -Aviva (eta: Hey, I thought she was peach until St. Barths and I felt she was somewhat "piled on" in her last season). -Camille (eta: for "the morally corrupt Faye Resnick" in Season One and calling out Brandi throughout Season 3). -Adrienne (eta: loved Ad since Season One, wished she handled Season Three Differently...not engaging and going MIA for periods of time left her open to Brandi's interpretation of events) - Sheree (for "who gon check me boo" and the wig tug...) -Kenya (for "gone with the wind fabulous" alone...) Sidenote, part of the reason I think Joyce and Carlton bombed...they were included in a season where the previous season heavily spilled over into their season. Given the dynamics from Season 3 into 4, I feel, no matter what they did, they'd always be the outsiders looking in. Their dramas didn't particularly involve the other wives...except those they "feuded" with, and they really didn't offer much to the other dramas of the season... Most hated wife/wives: There's only one...Teresa G. And that's saying a lot, because I can find Taylor entertaining...Teresa's the only HW I find no entertainment value in...I could go on and on...but I won't vent here...LOL. Wait...Nene finds herself here too. ETA: Teresa will always be the table flipping, country club chasing, Andy Cohen shoving She-Hulk from Season's One-Two, not the sedated and carefully crafted mask (surprised she was mostly able to pull it off) who only loves her daughters...she's been portraying the last few seasons.
  18. For the most part, and in theory I enjoy those "Everyone Has A Story" segments...but it's the fact it turns into a Kathie Lee reminding us she's a singer/musician/songwriter...I watch the segments but skip the song. I mean, give the people you cover money or a vacation or something...given the circumstances that lead to them being covered by KLG and Hoda, not some badly written song. SIDENOTE: Also feel bad for KLG's "broadway friends" who have to perform those numbers...
  19. -offended when Kyle's friend killed a bee in the same meet and greet...she loves nature and all it's creatures...but didn't Carl's kill spiders at her home...I wish this was brought up at the reunion... -dreaming Kyle talked trash about Carl's... I'll add more as I remember them...she had a few "reasons" to hate Kyle.
  20. Regardless of what Andy says...you can't edit or present her awful attitude. That's all Carl's...she couldn't hide her contempt or disgust when in the same room with Kyle or Joyce...
  21. Billy Unger DUI update: http://www.tmz.com/2014/12/11/billy-unger-disney-dui-case-plea-deal-no-contest/
  22. It's taken a while but I'm almost done with Season Two. I think I finally saw an episode I never saw before with "My Little Brother". I enjoy episodes where Adam gets his...so I was pleased. Okay humor...and Bree's subplot was okay too, any chance she gets to anything I'm happy.
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