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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. And we'll watch her say...while she's taking a break from rejecting her million dollar film and TV roles she found her true passion...Broadway!
  2. ...as much as NY is one of my favorite franchises...I think NY and NH should both be put down.
  3. ...if Jim and Ambahhh were smart they'd capitalize on the AC trip... ...we have Bedroom Kandi...why not Lil Jimmy's? These two need to just come out and celebrate their freak flag...
  4. ...I might be wrong...but I think it was "This flower is wilting."
  5. "So the pig finally squealed." ---Cotton about Hank's mother.
  6. "Rosebud" is my favorite episode. I haven't seen it in ages and was surprised that of the older episodes this was the one I always remembered...outside of Treehouse of Horror episodes. I was overjoyed seeing it during the marathon. Favorite moments...Smithers thinking of Mr. Burns popping out of a birthday cake. And Bobo's travels.
  7. From one of the Treehouse of Horror episodes. An infected Helen Lovejoy jumps onto the armored van. Apu hands Marge a gun to shoot her. Marge: "I can't shoot her, she's Lisa's godmother." Apu: "You can apologize in hell." Marge: "I guess I can." Just Marge's "I guess I can" makes me chuckle every time.
  8. Favorite moment so far...as Heather explains a Shannon moment...Shannon waves her arms around: "Is that this?"
  9. I'm still saying...and agree with your earlier post that Mission :Mission: Creek High" is still the worst. I need to double check some sources...with all the Spike talk I remember hearing Spike was supposed to make an appearance at some point during the season. We're a good way through now...and I kinda doubt we'll see Spike with some of the recent developments in the series...Spike's a tool of and rooted in humor, with the story atm and probably the transition to the dreaded "Academy" I just don't see how Spike can fit.
  10. Just as perplexing as her minimal role/demotion...why promote the girl as part of the cast when she's basically been shown as Lizzie's shadow at a handful of parties. Her "final" role to me didn't even qualify as the typical friend. Across the franchises some ladies film/were featured more and still not considered official "friends"/cast members. Just a strange case all around...and still more exciting than the season...and the season was awesome. ... I. Have. To. Know. What. Happened.
  11. If the NY HWs taught me anything this past season it's Brandi works best in small doses. She was almost charming and likable in that "crossover" episode of NY.
  12. I'm with Higgins with regards to the gay comments. It feels a little too...it's being twisted into something.
  13. What party or gathering were they at? I totally missed that moment during the season.
  14. ...So...we talking Apollo levels of juvialness once David opens his mouth?
  15. Dale "A horse is a horse of course of course."
  16. Dorothy "Blanche, are you sure you're pregnant?" Blanche "I just did a home pregnancy test - it's right here." Rose "It looks like a perfume sample." Dorothy:"Put it behind your ears, Rose." Miles "I'm a college professor, Rose. What did you think when I said I taught Hemingway?" Rose "I thought you were old." Rose "Like we say in St. Olaf, Christmas without fruitcake is like St. Sigmund's Day without the headless boy."
  17. I also like the episode with Nightcrawler finding out about Mystique---I tear up at the ending when Mystique turns to Nightcrawler and as she cries and starts talking, she's blasted off the bridge--an emotional scene to me...and for the longest time, it's still one of my favorites, but one of my all-time favorites was always the Season 1 finale with the X-Men and Magneto teaming up against Master Mold and the Sentinels...I can still see the Professor piloting the blackbird into Master Mold...actually I can watch Season 1 over and over, I just love it. I've always had a soft spot for Mojo...glad to see some Mojo love...and Spiral too, she's one of my favorites.
  18. I think "Spike's Got Talent" is one of those episodes that had some good moments over...story.
  19. While the animation had mistakes here and there...usually coloring mistakes on the costumes or hair (Rogue having solid brown here and there...)...I loved the look of the series...The animators really tried to capture the essence of the characters at that moment in time and capture the look of the comic...that's one thing I'll always love and appreciate about the cartoon. I appreciate Evolution and W&TX-M doing their own thing...but I loved the 90's series for keeping itself rooted in the comics, even with the roster at that time for past stories... ...Hands down, my favorite episode(s) were the Beyond Good And Evil multi-part. Apocalypse, Magneto, Sinister, Sabretooth, Mystique, The Nasty Boys...I'm a sucker for my villain team-ups...IIRC, didn't Psylocke make an appearance in the arc too?
  20. Forgot to add I really liked "Spy Fly" (mostly for Adam and Chase's baby subplot), "Bro Down", "Spike's Got Talent" and "Avalanche" in addition to the ones you mentioned. ETA: For some reason I thought the alternate universe episode was from Season One. LOL...Adam's still my favorite portion of that episode.
  21. ...This is a way of serving sardines as appetizers...found out the hard way...not my cup of tea.
  22. Hey guys, I was a bit worried at first, my DVR picked up a recording for Friday and it's mistake---it seems like it rerecorded "You Posted What?" under a different episode name and description (not even LR) for some reason, I was a bit worried for a sec... ...on the positive, I did see one episode date floating around here and there. "Armed and Dangerous" on September 29th.
  23. ...quick reminder for anyone interested, I think I'm the only one so far...this is on tonight!
  24. ...This is my absolute favorite...and something I quote myself with my compact mirror and whoever's behind me all the time...lol.
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