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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Visiting their FaceBook, I'm surprised people could actually still defend them...with all the proof coming out.
  2. Still working my way through season two but this is still hands down my favorite moment: ETA: ...I miss the naive and gullible iterations of the characters from Season One.
  3. Haven't seen Monday...probably won't see Todays...I'll catch my DVR this weekend though...and I enjoy the recaps guys. Can't wait for Spike though...I always enjoy my favorite Bionic bad boy...
  4. ...Didn't she have a baseball bat once when practicing with Alana? That's what I remember every time I see the "happy" June...
  5. ...I always felt that was more speculation and rumor. I don't recall ever reading about it, except on message boards...and like you said...TWOP...but maybe I don't remember.
  6. I loved the first and third segments. Second...IDK, I enjoyed the references, but it was meh.
  7. ...and didn't Caroline track Jac down to a parking lot (Starbuck's?) and that's where the supposed smack down took place...
  8. Gretch wouldn't be the first HW, I think Karent (from Miami) makes appearances, although not sure if recently...but at least she was a dentist and it kinda made sense...right? Right?
  9. ...I just watched the clip on youtube...I have no life...it's the "Season 4 promo" and includes the "Speaka da Engrish"...
  10. Looks like the Lab Rats section is dead...I'll still try to post episode dates when I hear about them.
  11. I think Joyce and Carlton maybe would have worked better as friends. After Joyce's "feud" with Brandi cooled she was lost in the shuffle while Carlton was largely a non-factor, really grasping for anything in her "feud" with Kyle. It also hurt both ladies missed a few events between them, but I thought at least Joyce did mesh well with the other ladies.
  12. ...Remember everyone in St. Olaf could be traced back to the same pair of cousins anyways... Not really an error more my nitpicking, but I really didn't care for the re-use of names for characters.
  13. ...IIRC, she didn't care about the ruling in her hallterview, it was all about the closure...and of course trashing the guy on TV...
  14. ...I remember she brought up the shaving...at a reunion? maybe. Exfoliates?
  15. Just saw the episode, it was okay. I enjoyed the Adam, Bree, Chase plot but the Leo/Perry showdown was gold. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.
  16. Reunion thoughts...Part II had some good moments but was a total let down, all the good stuff happened in Part One...I did like the Charity reveal and defaming Jackie bits. For the most part, Jackie and Lydia held their own against Gina well in their specific arguments...and I like Jackie's hobbit...he can come back. I like Janet, but I can't believe the ladies didn't go at her harder over her hand in a lot of the drama. Probably next season?
  17. Looks like I was wrong...Alien Gladiator's is tonight...my guide has it at fifteen minutes(?, say what?)...and in between an hour of Phineas and Ferb and a movie...the premise sounds like filler so, if it's interrupted by the other programming doesn't sound like we'll (I'll) miss much.
  18. ...How soon we forget every Posche Fashion show since Season Two...wait...they were for charity weren't they... ...or that Brownstone charity dinner where Danielle brought her Hell's Angels friends...wasn't that the same dinner where Danielle's goomba called Chris...can't even think about it it's vulgar...
  19. ...I agree. I haven't "liked" a NJ cast member since Danielle got the boot. And now that I say that...I wonder if Jim is gunning for a Danielle type role...
  20. Came out liking Jackie a lot more than I thought I would when the show originally aired and i only caught snippets. Even if she is a shit-stirrer I still like Janet also, but she's hard to look at... Andrea vs Gina...it's a contest of Vile-ness...to different degrees and I dislike both ladies...
  21. ...Hey Lablover, Maybe I misunderstood the topic...I was responding to the Tamra in Shannon's face at Lizzie's party. After the Take Down The Beador's, I felt Tamra's behavior was making sure Shannon didn't spill anything else. I'm sorry to wet your appetite and leave you disappointed.
  22. I always felt Alex and Simon were Salahi-Lite...they were social climbers and famewhores, they didn't go to the crazy extremes of the Salahi's......
  23. Spin-off Time! Stage 3: Love Thy Love Tank, A Vicki and Brooks story... ETA: I apologize if my comment offends anyone, but as someone who's gone through numerous health related scares, I've learned the easiest way to deal with these issues is to learn to laugh...
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