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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner. At her most basic, and in the crudest terms, Tamra is a jealous twunt. She cannot stand the attention being anywhere but on her and she cannot tolerate the thought that she's not the hottest housewife and biggest MILF in the OC. She had no competition, in her mind, until Gretchen showed up. Since she couldn't out-sexy or out-pretty her, she decided to embarrass Gretchen as badly as she could - - hence, Naked Wasted. If anyone I knew did something like that intentionally toward me, I would never speak to them again. No way, no how. And I would certainly never trust them in any way, shape or form. While Tamra may be right about Brooks, I don't think it comes from a place of genuine concern or caring so much as she doesn't want to "lose" Vicki to Brooks. I seriously despise this chick.
  2. Lucky you, starri! If you don't mind sharing, which tote did you order? I haven't received any more updates on mine. Guess we're still at July 14. Boo.
  3. OMG! I was just talking to someone this morning about how awesome this movie is. Never seen it on the big screen - - HAVE. TO. GO.
  4. shapeshifter, I used to believe that Patricia Krenwinkle was the sole member of the Manson Family who was truly remorseful for what she had done and was doing something positive during her incarceration. I still believe that she has done something positive (training dogs for the blind) but seeing a video last year in which she blamed Manson sickened and disappointed me. Yeah, sure, Manson influenced them but they she made a choice as an adult to follow him and commit murder. That was her choice and she not only murdered innocent persons, she did it gruesomely and with glee.
  5. I like Ann Rule's older books; I haven't enjoyed her newer ones quite so much. I also like Jerry Bledsoe, although I think he retired from writing true crime. But he does have a few excellent ones out there, notably "Before He Wakes" and "Bitter Blood." I will always recommend Joe McGinniss' "Fatal Vision", one of the best true crime books out there in my humble opinion and a classic. Another classic is "Helter Skelter", if you haven't read that. "Restless Souls" was published a year or so ago and has an interesting look at what the Manson crimes did to the Tate family. Caitlin Rother writes some excellent narrative nonfiction true crime - - much more psychological studies than glorifying violence. I was fascinated with "Devil in the White City" and "Devil's Knot" (story about the West Memphis 3.)
  6. Sadly, this is true. I have a relative who is an adult but who feels that Manson was unfairly prosecuted and persecuted. (This was after watching the Jeremy Davies version of Helter Skelter.) She even named her dog after him. I told her to read Helter Skelter (she declined), to watch the Steve Railsback version and even go online and look at the crime scene photos and see what he and his Family did to innocent people. She refuses all of the above but claims she knows "everything" about the case. Obviously, she's an idiot.
  7. I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thought the daughter was a complete nutter off her rocker. Her mother had only been gone a year and she was smiling and giggling throughout that interview. And yes, EVERYONE knows you DO NOT pull a knife out of a stabbing victim. For ANY reason. I can see running to her mother but she even said her mother was cold. At that point, you back away, you get the eff out of the house and do not touch anything. And yes, I'm sure her mother would most definitely have wanted her to go and buy a sportscar with some of her inheritance. Immediately. Diana was evil but she was also stupid. Does no one watch these shows? (well, besides us.)
  8. This episode was disturbing on many levels and I had a hard time watching it. But watch it, I did. I think it's polarized so many people because, as a society, we have sadly become somewhat numb to violence in general and sexual violence against women. When you hear "rape" most people likely think of an act committed against a woman by a man. Seeing such an act committed against a man by a man is shocking. As it should be. As all rape should be. While it was graphic and did seem to stretch on, I will only call the scenes gratuitous if season two has Jamie without any ill effects or repercussions of his assault. I don't care how much Claire loves him and how awesome her healing powers are, he was physically, mentally and emotionally tortured and that's not going to go away quickly or easily. I haven't read the books (yet) so I am completely unspoiled by what's going to happen but I am still disappointed that Claire does not mention Frank at all. (Except, I guess, for the fact that he couldn't get her pregnant.) It would make sense for me to have her think that she couldn't stand the thought of seeing him any longer due to the resemblance he has to Black Jack. Anything. Wouldn't it even cross her mind to get the hell out of Dodge and take Jamie with her? I am looking forward to next season and what they will do with France although I hope we will see the Highlanders again. And I hope the show tones down a bit on the amazingness of Claire, who can do damn near anything.
  9. I applaud that the show is portraying the gritty underbelly of LA during the late 60s. Manson was a part of that, although it wasn't fully realized until after the summer of 1969. I like that he and his Family are a subplot to the Sam Hodiak story. Even though it's fictionalized, I can't help myself from thinking when a character has a gun or something like that on Manson, if only they had pulled the trigger, so many lives would have been saved.
  10. Helter Skelter was the first true crime book I ever read, when I was 11, and I have read everything I could find on the case since. That said, I liked this a lot. I don't take issue with how Manson is being portrayed - - by all accounts, he could be very charming prior to 1969. If the show portrayed him as he became it would be very difficult to explain how he managed to convince people to abandon their lives and run off to live in his Family. So I think they did right by showing his charming cult-leader side while letting bits and pieces of his evil persona out. I haven't seen the actor portraying Manson in anything else but I think he's fine. Steve Railsback's performance is IMPOSSIBLE to top so it would be unfair to compare the two. Railsback WAS Manson. I wasn't an X Files watcher and had no real opinion on David Duchovny. I think he's perfectly cast here. It's hard watching how much latitude the police were given - - with suspects, witnesses and even how they treated women working in their department - - but it was clearly how things were in the 60s. I am most certainly in for the long haul for this show. I love the atmosphere, the soundtrack and the story. Win win.
  11. You know, I liked Lynne's hippie chick attitude when she was first on the show. It was quite a nice change from Vicki's manic Whoo Hoos and Tamra's constant bawling. I never noticed how often that damn chick cried when I first watched but geez, she was crying over Ryan's tattoo, she was crying over Ryan's desire not to join the CHP (good news for everyone in California as far as I'm concerned) . . . the list goes on. I do think Vicki and Tamra were particularly nasty and mean to Lynne at first. Tamra most certainly has no room to question anyone's intelligence. That said, upon these lovely rerun rewatches, I noticed in Lynne and Frank's San Juan Capo home, there is nothing on the walls. Not a picture, nothing personal. The walls are also painted a shade of apartment off-white. I believe this is the same house they were evicted from. So clearly they were tenants and didn't own. I'm curious to know where in Laguna they lived, as they claimed, because Laguna is expensive. I actually found it difficult to watch some of the Curtin family scenes, knowing what was coming. Seeing Alexa walk over to Raquel's birthday lunch made me cringe. She was wearing one of Lynne's dresses and it was so freaking inappropriate for a 15 year old girl. Ironic that Alexa's then-boyfriend told her she looked like a stripper. My biggest gripe with her will always be her lack of parenting and thinking that she had to be besties with her daughters instead of their mother. Pretty telling when she says something like she still doesn't feel like an adult and she has an 18 year old. Hello! I felt sad seeing Jeff, especially when Gretchen said that he had gotten to the point where he just didn't want to live any longer. I remember the scene where she got that gorgeous ring but it bothered me on rewatch. I just felt it was somewhat insensitive and a bit much to be running around, screeching about this ring to Jeff's kids while he was dying at the hospital. Jeana certainly did allow Shane and Colton to treat her like crap, didn't she? I couldn't believe how Colton acted when she wanted an ice cream at Shane's baseball game. He was beyond nasty. And Jeana, saying that he took his job looking out for her fitness so seriously. She really couldn't see that her sons were emotionally abusive, could she? I'm glad I am missing the Eddie/Tamra bathtub scene. I still don't buy those two are romantic in any way, shape or form.
  12. I always liked Alexis. She could be a bit insufferable at times but she was basically harmless. I have a friend who met Jim and Alexis a couple of years back. He said that Alexis was drop dead gorgeous, completely hot and Jim was an utter douche. He said they both talked a lot about their religion. The only housewife I despise with the fire of a thousand suns is Tamra. Always have and that will never change.
  13. I DVRd and rewatched the Naked Wasted episode yesterday. I was horrified when I initially saw it but upon rewatch I am disgusted. I liked Gretchen then, even with her horse laughter and her "sunthin'"s, and Tamra's behavior was beyond the pale. Ryan literally made me want to vomit. Despite Lynne's issues later on - - and her daughters were already so clearly out of control - - I did admire that she tried to get Gretchen to leave with her and Frank and she seemed genuinely concerned about her wellbeing. (Too bad she wasn't more concerned with her daughters.) I was on my way home from work two days ago and caught this on the car in front of me. Of course the first thing I thought of was "You went to BASS LAKE?" ETA: Okay, well, I am trying to add my picture but without luck. If anyone can assist, I would appreciate it. It's my own personal pic so no url to type in.
  14. I hope the doctor finally gets justice. Just sad. And I hope that notary loses her license at the very least. I don't care if she had a "deal" with the gold digger, I would NEVER notarize a legal document, much less something that revokes a pre-nup or changes beneficiaries on a will or trust, without someone signing in front of me.
  15. Which I think is exactly why Claire needs to tell Jamie of Frank's relation to BJR. It would serve to explain why, maybe, no one is offing him and then would certainly put tension in their relationship. (And maybe too Claire would remember Frank)
  16. I think this is my biggest issue with BJR. He seems nasty to everyone, although most particularly to Jamie, and it's not on the down low. No one seems to like him and everyone seems to know exactly what he did to Jamie and others so why is he being protected? You would think even men in his own army would want to do him in and blame it on a highlander or anyone else. I understand the flogging scene from earlier in the season and while it was hard to watch, it was understandable. It set the backstory between Jamie and BJR and explained a lot about Jamie's character. I haven't read the books yet so I don't know if the incidents from the most recent episode are going to change Jamie and/or play a significant part in the future storyline but if so, maybe it would have been better to show quick glimpses in flashback.
  17. Exactly. How many times is Jamie going to be hauled off? How many times will Claire have to save him? This sounds cold but has Claire ever thought that Jamie wasn't supposed to live? Wouldn't a time traveler have thought of that at some point? We know that Claire cannot kill Black Jack Randall or allow anyone else to kill him before his time or Frank may not be born. And speaking of Frank, I liked the earlier episodes in part because Claire was a conflicted woman and showed it. She still wears Frank's ring, does she never think of him anymore? Does she never think of how much easier her life in 1945 is in comparison with 1743? Has she never told Jamie that Frank is a descendant of Black Jack and then explain how unsettling it is that Frank resembles him and if something happens to Jack, it could affect Frank's future? These last two episodes have been highly disappointing. I hope the finale surprises me. ETA: ganesh, we had the same thought.
  18. What the hell was this? Where is the time traveling show I loved so much? I have gotten to where I don't like Claire. Was she crawling to Jamie's cell? Or trying to find it while blindfolded? Good Lord, it took her forever while he was being abused. And is Black Jack freaking everywhere? How could Claire just sit there while Black Jack drilled a nail into Jamie's hand? Why are Claire and the Highlanders acting like they have all the time in the world to rescue Jamie? This isn't the show I want to see. I'm disappointed and disgusted.
  19. JayJay, I think you mean the cyst and decease letter. Gretchen would know about being a Christian about as much as Tamra would know about being a human. I second that!
  20. So I changed the shipping address to my office. No problems there. Got a letter today at the office that the date has been pushed back yet again - - now we're at July 14th. Apparently they went from making 50 totes per week to 700 with a goal of 1,000. They most definitely underestimated the demand after their appearance.
  21. The real question is - - did Brooks get his cancer/non-cancer diagnosis at Chili's like everyone (i.e., Kim Z.) else does? Is Brianna back in the OC? I swear I saw her at John Wayne airport last week.
  22. I love Shep's bio. I'm sure he did participate in some tomfoolery, that scallywag! I nearly peed myself laughing over Craig's - - has anyone here seen him "prioritizing" a work-life balance? And he has the "ultimate goal of financial freedom by the age of 30." How was that going to happen, again? And who "finds meditation in diving, golfing, shooting guns, or barhopping around whatever city he might find himself in?" Meditation in barhopping? For realz? Oh Craig, never change, you special little snowflake. Thomas not only avoided his prison sentence but his real age. Nice. I am so unbelievably jealous of the southerners who are going to stalk, I mean sightsee, Shep. And Charleston, of course. You must report back with any and all stories. And pictures. And requests for bail money.
  23. Shagging with Shep. A reality show I would watch and an activity I would participate in.
  24. Yep, I noticed that too. Yet another reason to love Shep - - at least his momma raised him right. She is super cute, BTW. I'm not surprised Craig was fired, I'm surprised it took this long. I work in the legal field and his attendance (or lack thereof) as well as his partying lifestyle would never be tolerated. I doubt he did "clerical" work. He might have done law clerk work - - legal research, drafting letters and motions. Things like that. You can do that from home but you had still better be in the office more than at home. Shep looks like the most awesome date ever. He just has fun no matter what. I flove him. He and Jackie were cute together. Kathryn's dress was majorly gorg but I wish she would realize that she can wear her hair down for formal events too. See Cameran. Kathryn and Thomas at the ball were uncomfortable to watch. He was clearly intoxicated which is apparently okay to showcase to your voters (while it's not okay to showcase your baby's momma.) Between that, their icy cold body language and Thomas' propensity to act like a tween girl on Facebook and Twitter, they are doomed. Jennifer reminds me of Jennifer Tilly, although not as talented. Drunk Landon had all the cats in the neighborhood pacing my windows. Please stop drinking and talking. Pat's party seemed fabulous. Whitney seems pathetic.
  25. Welcome to the bandwagon, nenya! I'd slap my momma to have a weekend or 2 week fling with Shep. He doesn't even need to know my name, I'm okay with that. He is just so darn cute and sexy, it makes my lady parts scream. Or sing. Or something.
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