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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I like it enough to keep coming back, but Jill's "ACTING!!!" is starting to get under my skin. If the scene calls for Jill to be happy, she's down right MANIC. There's no nuance or subdued effort. While we all know this show is supposed to be satirical/farcical look at UES, I have to ask...is it possible in the real world for a woman to be 9 months pregnant and still be flat as a board? I've known some women who remained pretty small throughout their pregnancies, and only looked like they were smuggling a grapefruit under their shirts, but they did present some kind of "belly". I don't live in Brooklyn, but there are plenty of hipster enclaves near me, so I did laugh at the OTT parenting & education theories tossed around.
  2. Why are Ramona & Sonja so afraid of getting their hair wet? Do they have extensions or weaves or full wigs on their heads? If my hair gets wet accidentally and I plan to go somewhere, I use a blow dryer.to fix it. Is it a phobia thing that they don't like water on their faces? So many things about these two baffle me, but this freak out over wet hair is in the top 5. Lu looks fabulous and so do all the ladies. Bethenny is a little on the skinny side, but these women can rock some fashions. I think Ramona's macrame dress would have looked better on Kristen, but she looked good. Whoever said Ramona needs to learn how to walk is absolutely dead on. No matter where she goes or what she's wearing Ramona always looks like she's clomping down a football field. There's no elegance to it!
  3. I thought Marcus was Greek? Last night he said he was Lebanese? That furniture was not in my taste at all, but I could see it in those Mega-Mansions in FL. I agree it would fit in at a lot of hotels too.
  4. I think the whole cupcake thing is over (& dumb too). 5 years ago a cupcake bakery opened in my town and only lasted 23 months. The storefront was empty for a while then another cupcake place opened...and closed in less than a year. I tried both places and never went back. I remember the prices were too high and the cupcakes were not very good. If someone wants to charge me $4-$6 for a cupcake it should be the best friggin cupcake I ever had.
  5. Just gross! I can see if the guy rented/loaned out the bar for a porn shoot when the place closed, or off hours. But WHILE THEY WERE OPEN?!?!? And there's no way that kid "sobered up" for keeps. As soon as Taffer pulled out of the parking lot I am sure he started partying again and his dad continued to cover his ass. I'm tired of these rescue shows helping idiots who have no business being in the food/beverage industry.
  6. I feel really bad for Tre. The discomfort, pain and embarrassment are enough for a lifetime. But I'm curious about a couple of things...why didn't someone (Doc?) warn the group about ingesting too much extreme roughage? Coconut husks and crab shells will need to exit the body eventually. As crunchy and sharp as they are going down, did it not occur to anyone that they would suffer some consequences on the other end? And was Tre the only one eating that stuff? Or are we in for a pandemic of anal fissures in upcoming episodes? I hope there are lots of surgical gloves in the medical kit. I really like Earnest and I'm sad to see him go. His story was heartbreaking. I am assuming he and his wife were very young when their daughter was born and maybe the parents disapproved of their relationship. That's no reason to skip an infant's funeral! I just hope Earnest & Mrs. Earnest are in a good place now with supportive friends. I didn't watch the UK edition but does anyone know if there is a follow up on the group? I'd love to see a quick interview on how the injured/medivac'd guys are doing and what all of them took away from the experience.
  7. I am absolutely HATING the new KFC ads. That new "Colonel" is the creepiest creep whoever creeped. It would be less haunting if they exhumed the original old coot and reanimated him. (Plus think of all the Walking Dead fans who'd follow a zombie-fied Col. Sanders to a KFC!)
  8. Looks like CBS is trying to earn some of the Sharknado cash with the "fear the anilmals" hook
  9. Oops! My bad... The crazy Prez is the principal from Glee
  10. The drug selling pilot was "Pornstache" on Orange is the New Black. And Skyfall you are right...the crazy new Pakistani president is the same guy who plays Raj's dad and was also "Bahbu" (sp??) on Seinfeld. I also recognized the uncle from one of the "Mummy" movies and other roles. I liked it enough to come back next week.
  11. I'm late to the party, and I probably won't be staying long...I don't like a single one of these people. I mostly can't stand Giada but I hit the mute button when she shows up. Anyway... sorry if this has been covered but what's up with Sandwich Guy??? Does he not understand that FN already has that niche filled? I know Jeff M. is doing other things for the network, but do they really want another show based on sandwiches? Although the way FN works, they clone a lot of their shows and keep recycling stupid premises. For example: 1) DDD looks like it's getting a new sibling with Michael Simon's burger joint show 2) Paula got into trouble so they found another "folksy" grandmaw type with that horrendous Farm Lady 3) The Diner Do-Over show is another twist on Robert Irvine's rescue show. And I lost count of how many "Best of the Mostest Sweetest/Spiciest/Whackiest/Top in the Country Food Stuff You've EVER Seen!!!" shows they have. So it always kills me when the network big-wigs criticize these cooks for being "unmemorable" or "not original/unique" enough.
  12. I recorded the "WatchIt" version so I could see what it was about. Gotta say, I am Team Tammi all the way. I liked her since Real World, and her comments in the extended Watch It episode gave me more reason to like her. Did anyone else see this version? Can someone explain why Aubrey paws at her own hair CONSTANTLY? She just kept clawing through her weave/ extensions throughout the entire episode. Then she'd pause for a second to pluck the shedded strands off her lap. It drove me crazy! And Mike looked a lot less puffy on the couch. Kendra and Hank are just a joke. This "scandal" is so stupid. As if any real non fame whore couple would go that long without ever discussing the cheating issue. Kendra is obviously not very bright, and Hank appears to have an even lower IQ. Their teams of hangers-on are just as dumb because anyone with half a brain cell would have either hidden this BS better or would have spun it better. As it is they are making themselves look ridiculous. And why do the quack therapists keep using the term "trans sexual model" EVERY time they talk about the issue? Proves to me they are hyping it for the tabloid salaciousness vs. truly offering help. Refer to it as infidelity or cheating with someone who was not your spouse. They are the worst.
  13. Maybe I missed it during Jake's call to Sig, but did he ever tell Sig the baby was a boy? I heard him say "I'm a dad!" but never said the sex or name of the baby. I know Sig is a "man's man" and all hard shell, but that's a basic question/fact to share with people you've just met, let alone people you've worked with for 8-10 years!
  14. Is this supposed to be OTT cheez in the same way "Sharknado" was? It's not meant to be watched as a real made for TV drama like "Roots" or "The Burning Bed", right?? I don't think a Lifetime movie is intended to be a proofing ground for great dramatic acting. Please tell me this is a spoof.
  15. I've decided Aziz Ansari is just not a good interviewee. I love his stand up and he was gold in "Parks and Recreation", but any time I've caught his appearances on talk shows, he's so...boring. And thanks to Trump (and Pizza Hut) for giving the rest of the world MORE reasons to hate America. It's already been a painfully long "election season" with 17 months remaining, and Trump has made this shit show even more unbearable. Hillary's riff on "Yesterday" was painful as well. I wish all eleventy-million 2016 Presidential candidates would just STOP with the attempts to be "clever" to get Likes and re-Tweets and make their YouTube followers increase. Tell me in an honest, fact filled conversation how you plan to fix our economy, improve the quality of education and end hunger in the US, and I promise I will listen to what you have to say. I still may not vote for you, but give me the tools to make an informed decision!
  16. I missed Danny's threat to the TB. Why was he taking pictures of the crew/pots? How did he threaten the boat? I heard something about "Fish & Game" being all over the boat but I didn't hear the a-hole's entire "evil genius" plot. Can anyone fill me in? I'm just glad they dumped him. I wish Jonathan had stopped the boat 10 feet away from the dock and mad the Super Hero jump.
  17. Erik, meet your cartoon doppelganger: "What a maroon."
  18. Since I won't be watching this show, I will keep away from this forum as well. The "tone" here has taken a turn that isn't for me.
  19. I should have edited my post to include that I don't think EITHER formula (even-steven or diametrically opposed groups) is strong enough a format. I won't be watching this again b/c I don't want to watch anyone's sad situation and feel judge-y. I think it's exploitation and I'm not compelled to tune in again. One family's crisis may be devastating to them but made to seem a pittance if compared to another family's. It's not feel good TV for me to evaluate whether a couple trying to adopt/have a baby or pay off loans is any more or less worthy than a family struggling w/ illness or lost income etc. Our hardships are our own and affect us as deeply as anyone else's weighs on them.
  20. I don't like the premise of this show. I only watched this one episode, but why do we need to see stereotypes so blatantly exploited? Red State vs. Blue State! Conservative vs.Liberals! No matter what the outcome, people watching on either side of these fences will end up justifying their biased beliefs. If the Boston couple hadn't given the majority of cash away, people who dislike inter-racial couples or gay couples would have said "See! They have no heart! They are cold, selfish and un-Christian!". They did give away the money & TX folks held most of their briefcase for themselves., so the more liberal supporters can say "See! Evil gun-toting "Christians" don't really follow Jesus' teachings!" Why allow people to continually label others? I think a better show would be to focus on 2 families who are even-Steven in all facets. Same family structure (2 parent, same sex, single parent.etc), same amount of kids (or none), same level of debt, same type of living situation (rent vs. mortgage), same beliefs (Christian to Christian, Muslim to Muslim, etc). That would be more interesting to me...what determines the decision when the other family is really "just like mine"? Although, if I'm honest, audiences will always still judge and have reasons to like/dislike people on a reality show. BTW, I live in Boston and the neighborhood they showed is pretty good- Dorchester has a few areas that have become "gentrified". However, as stated in the text, 2 blocks in either direction could be potentially sketchy. I'm pretty sure that's the case across America. Even small rural towns have a "wrong side of the tracks", so spare me the wide eyed big city jitters.
  21. Will has got to be one of the cutest kid on the planet. Zoey is a cutie too, but Will just makes me melt. His personality is fantastic and he is a super kid. Bill & Jen have done a great job teaching their kids respect and manners and empathy. However I hope Bill & Jen get away from the cameras soon though. I'd hate to see either one of the kids turn into reality brats a la Kate's girls (her boys still seem sweet).
  22. I felt bad for Jake's wife (Jenna??), but she better get used to be 2nd or 3rd on Jake's priority list. Look at the relationship track record for most of the other captains. Boat comes before family. Since Sig & Edgar have managed to work out their marriages for the long term, I hope Jake can learn some of those skills from the Hansen's as well as his captaincy & fishing knowledge. I know Jake put in years and time to do what he loves, but to be so disrespectful to his wife and child was out of line. Yes, plenty of women have delivered children without their partners being present. A soldier who is deployed is a valid reason. Catching a plane to run a boat for that POS loser from the Saga is not a valid excuse for missing your kid's birth or skipping out on your wife who needs support. The crew on the TB must have slept with one eye open the whole time Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Chiu was on board. That guy seemed as high as that POS loser from the Saga. Not that I'd ever be on a crab boat in the Bering Sea, but I couldn't last 10 minutes in that guy's presence. He's unstable and annoying as hell with all his antics. It's a working fishing vessel A- hole, not a parkour course. Keep your feet on the ground and stop leaping around like a Capuchin monkey chugging down Red Bull & meth cocktails. Hope the Hillstrand kid's hand is OK. Yikes, what a mess.
  23. It's a good thing Father's Day isn't a recognized holiday in Westeros. However, the Bereavement & Sympathy card market would be a gold mine... "So sorry to hear about the loss of your _________________(insert name of relative or co-worker here). May the _____________________ (insert preferred figurehead of lunatic religious beliefs here) comfort you at this sorrowful time."
  24. I just paid $5.75 for an extra thick shake (known as a frappe around these parts) and it wasn't at a fancy schmancy burger joint. It was at the local dairy farm down the street. And it was worth every damn penny! I agree that this episode seemed off-pace with previous shows. Too many unanswered questions is exactly what I thought. Sarah is 100% correct that world does not need ANOTHER burger place. We don't have Shake Shack near me, but there are others - 5 Guys, 5 Napkins, Burger Dive. I've been to each only once & none of them left me in awe of a burger or their fries. In fact the best burger I have ever had is at a local pub in my town. Not sure what Marcus' ultimate money making goal is for this business.
  25. I'm so sick of hearing Josh spout his "wisdom" when he's on camera. That guy must spend hours flipping through well-worn copies of "Idiots Guide to Idioms" & "Phil-osophies; Witty Witticisms for the Wheelhouse" by Capt. Phil Harris. I guess I need to (begrudgingly) give some props to Josh for his "captaining" ability. Now, if he can just figure out how to make crab fishing conform to a M-F 9am-5pm work week, he wouldn't have to worry about spotting those pesky buoys in the dark. Seriously, if he can't see at night in fairly calm seas how the hell will he do it in rough weather? Get some glasses dude. Good for Jake getting time in the chair and doing it well. I loved how Matt Bradley told OCD Jake he can't wipe a baby's butt 60 times or it'd get a rash! Matt is bringing the funny this season. I bet Sig (& Edgar) gave very nice baby gifts when Baby Anderson arrived to make up for the missed "free diapers for a year" offer. I like Wild Bill, but that was a dick move to play on the Coast Guard. They are doing you and every other boat/crew a service and potentially saving lives with those inspections. Cut the shit and show some respect.
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