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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. The way Amy reacts and speaks of the "DW" is a wee bit OTT in my opinion. What's her beef with the stupid trailer? Did Amy walk in on Matt and one of his beloved pumpkins in a compromising position? Was there a mass murder in there? Wasn't it an amazing coincidence that just when Amy wants to have her BFF's and some boys over to frolick in the pool, Matt wants surveillance cameras everywhere?? And again, cool it with the overreacting already Amy. Matt said he wanted cameras focused on the crops so he can watch his precious pumpkins. Maybe Amy was planning her own version of plowing the fields with her new man squad, and Matt ruined her Pumpkin Porn plans? And why wouldn't Matt just show Amy the video feeds so she can see all the cameras and what parts of the farm are filmed? Oh yeah! It's because that's what sane, rational, non-TV people do. When Amy's friend asked how many people were coming, I thought she said "83"!! I had to rewind to check, and I think she actually said "maybe 30". Phew! Matt would have needed CPR if he saw 83 non-paying, non-pumpkin picking strangers romping around the property!
  2. AR is one of 2 prime time shows I watch on CBS (Survivor is the other). I don't understand how shows like Bull, Hawaii 5-0, McGyver and the slew of NCIS shows are considered "dramas". There is ZERO suspense in any of these formulaic shows! Anyone who has ever watched TV since "Dragnet" was aired can figure out the "who-what-how" crime in the first 10 minutes. As for CBS's attempts at comedies...yeesh. What a sh** show they have there...Odd Couple? Two Broke (more like 'Busted') Girls? Joey Tribianni as a befuddled dad? Kevin James & his reincarnated "King of Queens" sadness? Yet the programming execs can't squeeze in Amazing Race?
  3. OMG! Yes! Hey here's a few more ideas... Try a headband. How about a braid? Or a hat? Or just cut a friggin hair cut. Anything to keep those mop strings from getting in her face.
  4. Nothing had better happen to William or Jack! NOTHING!! While I liked Dr. K (and Gerald McRaney in general), if somebody's death/illness must make us all sad, I'm OK with sacrificing Dr. K over any of the Pearsons. I'd also be OK with Olivia running off with Man-Bun and never darkening the door step of any of the Big 3. I do have an extra box of tissues ready in case things are extra weepy, as well as an excuse for why my eyes are all red & puffy Wednesday morning.
  5. I think another reason why Kate can't do a neighborhood scavenger hunt is because her neighbors hate her. She made it known to the locals when she moved in to that TLC mansion that she would not tolerate any "drop in's" or Welcome Wagon type of goodwill. Now I'm sure in the beginning some people may have wanted to check out the kids, Kate, the house out of curiosity, or to be near a TV 'star'. I get that Kate needed to keep the looky-loos at bay. However, she's been there for many years and rumor has it that she is a very difficult neighbor (shocker!). She supposedly complains about property lines, noise levels, commercial vehicles going through the neighborhood (cable, electric,plumber etc - not 18-wheelers). I can imagine Kate treating her neighbors like serf, and acting as if she were the sole owner of the entire "realm". Kate definitely is one who believes she is Queen of all she surveys.
  6. I can't stand Sofia Vigara one more minute. Her latest 'Head & Shoulders' ad is almost as rage inducing as the stupid Panera "or something" twit. Yes, I know she is from Columbia, and English is a difficult language with all its idioms and pronunciation issues. However, if she is as good an actress as some think she is, Sofia could certainly learn to pronounce the word scalp correctly (it rhymes with alp). Is it supposed to be funny or endearing to hear her say it as "sculp"? Because it isn't.
  7. I don't know much about the competitive dance world, but is it normal for mature teenagers with years of training and abilities to be prancing around with 'minis' in the same routine? I could see one of Abby's hare brained themed dances being all right - big sister/little sister pairings- but in every competition number? I think it looks odd. And just by virtue of the age and skill differences, wouldn't Abby have to further 'dumb-down' the choreography so the 7 year olds can keep up? I don't think the Hollywood/Broadway folk Abby claims to rub elbows with are looking for 14 or 15 year olds who can do acrobatic 'tricks' and cartwheels. Bryn looked very seamless in her solo and her lyrical dances are pretty. Kendall on the other hand still looks like she's mentally counting out the steps in her head. She doesn't move through each step with fluidity; she has a herky-jerky way of methodically clomping through the movements.
  8. Jess needs to run for the hills. Or maybe some under funded inner city school. If she is that passionate about kids and education, there are more suitable places for her to help kids shine. Working for a bunch of rich, over privileged hipster parents and their broods of special snowflakes will be soul crushing for an educator like Jess. But this is just a sit-com, so who am I to inject sanity into the 'zany hi-jinks' about to ensue?
  9. So well done...actors, narration & guest appearance by Drunk History fanboy Quest Love! And L-MM makes an adorable yet coherent drunk. Can I now brag to my NYC friends that I have in fact seen 'Hamilton'?
  10. Sooo...trouble with undocumented worker last week and this week there's something up with how Matt did his water rights paperwork. Of course he gets mad at the government for screwing with his livelihood. Um, hey genius? Most of the time if you run your business above board and follow the rules, the government is happy to leave you alone and collect its share of your profits (i.e. taxes). However if you skirt the rules and have a big mouth and piss off your neighbors and televise for all to see, well then the only one "screwing" you is you. And if you really cared about the farm and your home, you wouldn't be trying to paralyze yourself by jumping into your farm-buggy and bouncing your spinal column right thru that soft lump on your shoulders. Amy supposedly is a great cook, right? Has she never used a blender? Hasn't she ever seen a smoothie made before? Four bananas and every fruit known to man crammed in there! And then she adds half a cup of fake maple syrup to it to kick off "Healthy Amy" time? Smoothies have been around for decades! And she personally knows two of the hippest, hippie-est hipsters in Oregon. Don't tell me Jerk and Oddery haven't insisted on handcrafted organic honey and chia seed pomegranate mango soy whippy -dips when they stay at the farm. It's great that Amy is trying to stretch her social circle and get into the dating scene. I just wish one of her girlfriends would tell her she looks like a big mouth bass when she eats. <shudder> I could never sit next to or across from her for a meal.
  11. Man, I wish just once a reality show could include a Bostonian that people actually liked. Did they edit out part of TC? I have no idea what brought out the animosity in Brett snapping or Zeke turning into a 3rd grade Mean Boy with his "Are ya gonna cry David?" Hannah, don't ever, EVER play poker.
  12. It's just so...off. I get that there is dark comedy like "Veep", and there is "dramedy" like "Parenthood" or "This is Us". This show isn't funny enough or dramatic enough to be anything. It's in bad premise TV limbo. Robert is written too goof-ball sit-com-y a character, yet isn't allowed to really bring the funny. SJP is trying too hard for pathos and gravitas in her character. It doesn't work. There is zero chemistry between anyone on this show! I don't sympathize or like either of the main characters. There is no apparent reason for Robert & Frances to have ever been in love or even liked each other enough to get married. Was Frances in a coma for 15 years and suddenly woke up to see she married an irresponsible, socially awkward doofus? Or did Robert just have a midlife crisis a few years back & turn into a jerk? The show runners & the 82 "Executive Producers" probably should have had a few more meetings to match up their visions for what this show was supposed to be.
  13. I hope Elizabeth is not preggers with a RossBaby. But since this is a melodrama, I guess I shouldn't be surprised if/when it is revealed. Is George moving into Tremworth just to further spite Ross? Or the Aunt? I was kinda hoping with the new wealth discovered in the mine that Ross would stroll over and plop down a stack o' bills to buy the place. I know he & Demelza would take care of Old Aunty just fine. If George is moving in, I don't expect Aunty to be around long. If he was willing to instruct his weasel Tankard to attack and rape Demelza, I can't imagine he would ask him to off the old lady. Thank goodness the soldier dude backed down and left Demelza alone. So frightening for her to overhear Tankard & Sir Hugh fighting over who gets to sexually assault her. Good thing her room had windows big enough to accommodate that big red dress as she escaped. I know the 18th century was a different time with different ideas on women's rights (i.e.- NONE), but were there really no consequences if a "gentleman" assaulted a married "gentlewoman"? Demelza started off a scullery maid, but she married up and has a well respected name. Caroline's uncle Hugh is a big shot and probably could get out of any wrong doing, but what if Tankard or Malcolm did rape her? Plus, even though their relationship is rocky, if Ross found out Demelza's "honor" was insulted, I think he'd go on the attack and mow down the offender.
  14. I also missed the first 15 minutes, so I missed the assignment. Then I only half-assed watched during the first round of construction and Tim's critique, so I was trying to figure out what the hell the theme was. When I saw Erin's sheet of pink craft foam, my first thoughts were; 1) OMG! NOT ANOTHER goddamn cocoon shape! 2) is it an ironic outfit for a bris celebration? 3) a new mascot costume for Oscar Mayer bologna? Nathalia and Dexter were the right choices, but honestly I wasn't impressed by anything up there. Granted, I don't know what the hell "editorial" means (but then again, I'd challenge Nina & Heidi to define it... "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.")
  15. So, as with their "competitions", this "concert" was so staged. Filmed in a bar in the middle of the day and the seats filled with children and their moms. Not exactly the same "rock star" vibe as if Nia & Kendall were making their debut at the Stone Pony, but props to them for getting up in front of the crowd. I really wanted to hear those two sing without benefit of a track or auto tune, but I couldn't really hear their voices. I suppose it doesn't matter if you can truly sing anymore since most pop/rock songs are over-produced in the studio. I think Nia definitely has more stage presence than Kendall. She looked more comfortable. Kendall still had that deer in the headlights mile long stare going. Of course Abby was going to show up! The show runners wouldn't miss a chance to a) make Abby look like a pathetic soul crushing bitch b) give the moms an opportunity to whine about anything. Face it, if Abby didn't show up, Jill would have been running her mouth as usual. Yolanda's cross eyes and inability to look straight into the camera are too distracting so I FF through her TH's. I know make up application is not a strong suit of any of these moms, but I wish someone would help Yolanda pick out a better shade of foundation. She looks so chalky and like she's wearing a white mask with whatever shade of Maybelline's Vampire makeup she's got in her purse. I am looking forward to seeing the new choreography next week. It will be interesting to see more age appropriate dances and to see if the girls can handle advanced moves after being with Abby for so long. Gotta say, I am still not missing Jess or JoJo.
  16. Other than the Black Friday stampeding, my retail experience was pretty close to Cloud 9's. I worked retail from the age of 15 to 30. I think I could count on one hand the Saturdays or holidays I had off in 15 years. I never minded working Christmas Eve since my family never got their party going til 7 or 8pm, so I was typically out of work in time. I do remember always having to corral and follow stragglers out the door at 6pm when we closed. Despite several announcements and floor personnel asking customers to head to the registers, there was always one asshole who needed "Just one more minute". One guy (approx 30 years old) came into our store at 5:45pm on Christmas Eve and needed to buy a Christmas gift... for his mom. He said "I don't care what it is, I need something in a box!" We made some 'mom' appropriate suggestions but nothing was "right". He finally grabbed a broken decorative birdhouse and said "Wrap that!". I said gee, that is broken & we don't have any others in stock. He said he didn't care, just get it wrapped. I discounted the dumb gift by 50% & said we didn't have any more boxes, but I'd give him a gift bag from our stationary dpt, no charge and put some tissue paper in it. He spent the next 10 minutes screaming at us for running out of boxes on the "most important holiday". It was now 6:45 and I was over being jolly. I said "You're right, Christmas IS very important and that's why most people put time and thought into their shopping and wrapping in advance. I put a gift receipt it the bag so your mom will know just how much effort you put in this year."
  17. Never read the books, never saw the original 70's series, so forgive my ignorance. We are supposed to like Ross, right? He's the protagonist and the hero? Ross is turning into the biggest ball of suck this season. Every decision he makes is horrible. He is an egomaniac and only looks out for his interests or what makes him feel good (rescuing that simpering idiot Elizabeth). I don't want to be spoiled for the rest of the season (or span of the series), but please give me some hope that Demelza's sock to the jaw rattles Ross into reason! If he's going to end up with Elizabeth and keep killing villagers with his dumb ass mining & smuggling schemes, I don't want to watch!
  18. Wow...Todd is not only a monster, but Todd's mom is a monster maker. Todd did something crazy and has off the charts violent reactions to life's slings and arrows? Gotta be everyone's else's fault for provoking him! He was upset at mom? Of course he had to claw hammer all his bedroom furniture! I shouldn't have bought pine when he likes maple better! A teenage girl walked by him when he was 15? Of course he had to kidnap and rape her! The little hussy probably smiled at him once! He had to gun down those 4 people! Don't you know they laughed at him? Of course Todd had to murder that man for smart mouthing to him! And what was he supposed to do with smart mouth's girlfriend after she saw him killed? Let her go?!? Of course that little tattletale had to be chained up in the dark for 2 months! He made her comfortable. He fed her, brought her food and drink! Just...wow.
  19. Jenni and Nathalia were definitely the worst this week, but I swear...if Erin sketches another goddamn oversized cocoon bathrobe coat, I'd have the Uber driver pick her up at Mood before she gets the chance to bedazzle her signature flippy-flappy pockets. No chance to consult with BFF Dexter. No Tim critique. No fittings. No runway. Just get your one way monkey ass in the car and go home!
  20. Much like my bewilderment over recent political events, I was confused why the Gen-X/Nerd alliance didn't gang up to take out Jay or Taylor. Even if anyone suspected either had an idol, why not split the vote? Maybe they didn't have the numbers to split? But Michelle was a dumb choice. Sunday, Hannah & Jessica surely see the writing on the proverbial men's room wall - "Dicks B4 Chicks!" Taylor is the walking poster child for anyone looking to put a face to the Millennial stereotype...entitled, selfish, clueless yadda yadda yadda. Absolutely no self awareness or ability to read the room. Keep grinning, Bro. The hungry members of the tribe (and jury) will remember your "sweet" surfer douche dude moves, Bro. And can someone fluent in "Millennial" or "Logic For The Perpetually Stoned" explain something Taylor said? When he was oh so not stealthily swiping food from the feast box, his voice over said something to the effect of "So, I thought 'hey! I'm pretty good with mason jars...and canning and stuff! I'm gonna take some food and hide it in this mason jar!" Um, how do his mad skillz re. being "good with mason jars" or knowing how to can preserves (like any good hipster bro should) correlate to knowing how to steal food and hide it from other hungry people?
  21. I'm fairly new to this forum, so maybe this has been addressed, but I have a question about the "big party" the winner's cake goes to. I vaguely remember some episodes ending with a reveal at the themed store or media event or amusement park. Lately, seems like every time I watch Cake Wars all the way until the end, the "celebration" looks like a bunch of randos were called into the conference room to wish Mary from Accounting happy birthday.
  22. Did Mr. David Tanzy think he was auditioning for "Sleezy Pimp #1" in an episode of Baretta or Kojak or the Rockford Files? Or a low rent porno? Who slithers into a courtroom with his shirt unbuttoned to the navel, gold chains a-shimmering amongst his chest hair? What a stereotypical greaseball grifter. I thought Miss Tiara was a model! She looked stunning and very chic with that cape. Then she started talking and twitching. In TWO years of living there, she couldn't explore other living options? I think she thought she could take advantage of the older gentleman and be a 'squattah'.
  23. I don't like Nancy Fuller at all. I think she is the kind of judge who picks her favorites based on personality then can't undo that bias to be an impartial judge. I don't like her personality either. I don't watch her show nor have I ever tried any of her recipes, so I can't speak to her cooking abilities. She just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. She acts very superior and bossy-pants. I also can't stand her 'eyeglasses as a headband' accessorizing. It's so obvious her hair is styled around them & the glasses are ever-so delicately perched/inserted into her coif (like a tiara) vs. how most of us just push them back on top of our heads. Duff is very likeable and a good judge. I also like that he is a buffer between Nancy & Lorraine. No love lost there, am I right? As for the contestants, so far so good. The young lady who just turned 21 is very accomplished and has good instincts. Patti's wreath cake looked most wreath like, but overall, I thought it was a dumb challenge. Some of those bunt pan designs were difficult to translate into something that is supposed to be viewed vertically/hanging up. I like the guy with the dark hair and beard - Matt?? I think it's because he looks a lot like the cute barista at the coffee shop near me.
  24. So we all know FN has a penchant for recycling contestants over and over ad nauseum. Guess that means we'll be subjected to Carla's screechy antics sometime soon. I'm not a fan of Bobby Flay's but I hope he has the restraining order filed before he has to do any media events with that nut job. I think I wore out my remote's mute button on Carla. I don't know how anyone tolerated her for any length of time. I can appreciate someone with an upbeat personality, but Carla is full stop obnoxious. I would have folded up my apron Day 1 and told the producers I'd rather walk out a free woman than be arrested for assault.
  25. Robert was actually funny. And I am definitely interested to see what Dean Winters will bring! Loved him in everything he's done, including the Allstate 'Mayhem' ads. No one does smarmy douche bro better!
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