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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Me too!! As soon as I heard it at the beginning, I said out loud, “OK, pretty sad ass attempt to establish a timeline.” Most of my vm’s to my spouse is more like, “Hey, it’s me, I’m just checking in to see when you think you’ll be home. If you get there before me, please start dinner/empty the dishwasher/get the kids started on homework. See you at the house, bye!” . No one would sound so stilted and quasi-rehearsed like Roslyn did. She rambled too long, giving useless details...”oh maybe you went to a bar to watch the NCAA’s like you said you wanted to do”. If it were a legit message, it would’ve been more like, “if you decided to go watch the game, just let me know.” That dentist was way too nice to give Roslyn a chance to payback all the money she stole, and not tell her husband. The woman stole over $100k!!! If it were only a thousand, I may have said OK, you have 2 months to pay it back. But anything over that? I’m dialing the cops! It was satisfying to see the Pilmers get a guilty verdict for both Roslyn and her brother.
  2. There are several ads for “The Good Feet Store”. Most of them go unnoticed by me, and if the orthotics help folks, then I’m glad they exist. However...there is one version with a young woman who is obsessed with shoes, especially expensive ones that cause pain (and one assumes, deformities of the feet and toes). After her rhapsodic ode to how the shoes just “call out” to her, and how much pain they cause, she tells the audience about how The Good Feet Store have helped her. I guess she’s grateful she can spend more money on devices to straighten her gnarly feet AND continue her masochistic relationship with stupid high heels. Maybe I am too old, or not enough of a fashionista, but I don’t care how fucking “queeeewt” a pair of shoes is. If I can’t stand in them comfortably or walk across a room without looking like a new born giraffe, I do not buy the shoes!
  3. "It's kinda like homework, so win/win!" I love Chidi in his full on nerd mode. Does Vaporized Vicky mean we never have to see her again? It takes several thousand (hundred) years for the goo to re-demonize, right? Please let our time with Vicky be over. I hated Derrick when he first showed up, but I am warming up to him. Too bad we probably won't see a fully formed, intellectual Derrick before the end of this show's run.
  4. WTF?? Thanks to this icky weird episode, I don’t know if I can watch “Ozark” or reruns of “Boardwalk Empire” ever again. Two very good actors and two very great shows potentially ruined. And that coat was hideous. I guess she was supposed to look like Little Red Riding Hood to his Big Bad Wolf? Her character was sooooo stupid!
  5. Exactly! Such a poseur! He always sounded like he was so overly scripted, like he went home from the competition and wrote his lines in the hotel, then practiced in front of the mirror for hours. The Guy Fieri comparison is right on....OTT pronouncements, “dude-bro speak”, mugging for the camera. FN already has one (too many) Guy’s on air, but I think Tator thinks he’s the next FN star and deserving of his own show. My daughter and I high-fives and cheered when Tator-Snot was eliminated. Froggy is definitely talented, and I am sorry he was saddled with that overgrown leprechaun. I hope he can return to another one of these holiday shows. But I never want to see Tator again.
  6. I liked this one, but maybe because I love Tina Fey & John Slattery so much. I can also kinda relate to this couple's relationship. I worry sometimes that our daughter is one of the few things my husband & I still have in common. It was a good peek at (warning?) what a long term marriage could look like if the spouses don't keep looking for ways to stay connected to each other, beyond the kids. I've only watched 4 episodes, but I'm 'meh' over this series. It's something to watch when I have the TV to myself late at night. But it certainly isn't something I NEED to watch. Most of the people featured are unrelatable IMO. They are all wealthy, urbane and... smug? entitled? self absorbed? I don't know what "it" is exactly, but the air of NYC superiority is a turnoff in general.
  7. I'm with you. I was so annoyed by the first scenes in the grocery store, I almost shut it off. I said out loud, "If Anne Hathaway is going to be this manic for the whole episode, I just can't." I did stick with it, and even though I didn't love (or even like) the "love" story overall, I did appreciate the acting by the not-boyfriend & coworker characters. I also appreciated the look into bipolar disorder. I don't know how accurate it was, but I never really understood how deep the depressive valleys could get for some people. I could feel the weight of her suffering...the inability to move, to function, etc. was informative. I guess the ultra bright, giddy, musical interstitials juxtaposed with the dark vignettes of the character's "coping timeline" made artistic sense.
  8. My cable shorted out for a few minutes, so I missed something...I saw Ross, likethe damn fool he is, taking out a mortgage on his entire estate (REALLY??? WTF) to buy the mine for George. Then I saw George start to calm the crowd saying he was reopening the mine. Then the cable died. Did George sell the mine to Ross?? I’m guessing no? Ross and Demelza’s chat sounded like they dodged (another) Ross-driven financial crisis. I hope so. I don’t want the season to end with Demelza and her kids struggling thanks to Ross’s “Everyone BUT my own wife and children first!” philosophy. Caroline needs a hobby. Isn’t there some kind of charity she could start or get involved with? She can’t socialize with the other high society in the neighborhood; her choices are very slim! George & his perpetually constipated, not-any-Funcle Cary....or....Morwenna’s ex old bat mother-in-law. If Dr. Enys wants to stay in Cornwall vs. London, he needs to make sure Caroline has something to do and keep her happy there! Horace ain’t gonna be around forever! Too bad George didn’t emerge from his madness with a “Do Over!” attitude, like Ebenezer Scrooge. I was hoping he’d be at least be a little grateful for a second chance at life, but nope. He’s still the same petty little man, holding the same middle school grudges against Ross.
  9. I missed some of the beginning...did Aria have the bar with the stupid name before or after she married Adam? Either way, if I were Adam, once I heard “Pink Skirt” as her business’s name, would’ve know I wasn’t dealing with a very bright woman. Her “Pink Skirt” would’ve been signal to cut bait and get the fuck outta that situation. It’s too bad Adam’s family and friends weren’t able to influence him away from that cold hearted sociopath. How many lives she made worse by being on the planet! Adam’s, his family, his friends and coworkers... Not to mention her 3 children! It’s a shame her mother is raising the youngest one. I hope the Italian father of the twins erases all traces of Aria from their memories.
  10. I hate the dumb twists they insist on doing on all these completion shows! By now, the bakers must know some stupid half-assed, cobbled together twist will be shoehorned into the theme. And maybe they get a little advance notice or options of wackadoodle ingredients to select, but it’s all needless. Just let them bake and create some sugary magic FFS! I don’t get why there’s always one judge who bitches about the twist either. Someone always complains that he/she: 1) can ONLY taste the surprise element; “I just wish the the jellied eel we forced you to use didn’t overpower your amazing Italian merengue! All I taste is something ‘fishy’!” 2) can’t taste ENOUGH of the add-on item; “I know you said you melted the popcorn flavored gummy worms into your brown butter caramel, but I’m not getting the gummy, just the butter!” 3) bemoans that the unexpected taste treat looks like “an afterthought” OR their main baked good/display looks “rushed” because the baker ran out of time.
  11. I know nothing has made sense on this show for years, but the pool party bugged me for a few reasons. Cam and Mitch have never had a great relationship IMO. They don’t appear to enjoy anything about each other, and they under mind and belittle each other constantly. However, they are supposedly in a loving marriage. Why do they want to frolic with younger men at the party? And why, once they knew the party was a young men/old men ‘flirt and possibly hook up’ party, why would they keep Lily there? Bring her home and come back to get their jam on if that’s what their goal is! My feeling has nothing to do with the party being full of gay men. I just don’t think it’s appropriate for a tween to see her/his parents getting their sexy on in front of them. Especially if they want to get extra friendly with someone other than their spouse. And, why wouldn’t Cam or Mitch have some inkling of who the other guests would be and which of them have “young people” aka Lily’s contemporaries. They have been friends and socializing with the party host and other guys for years! They know who has kids and who doesn’t! Did they even ask if it was OK to bring Lily? If the host said, sure bring Lily,then wouldn’t they follow it up by asking if there would be other kids there, or would it be ok for Lily to bring a friend so she won’t be the only tween? I know, I know... this is a “comedy”, and farcical misunderstandings are integral in order for “hilarity to ensue”. Claire’s porn voice for the closets was so stupid. Really? Customers actually paid for that feature? Alex was shown as the only book smart person in a family of dolts for 10+ years. She worked hard (to the point of stress related disorders, because...hahaha, ‘comedy’) to get good grades, get a college degree, and earn distinction from professors. Now she is a lost soul who can’t make up her mind or stay committed to a career. Hahaha....so funny??
  12. Boston Rob has forever sealed my undying admiration with his character summation of Noura. “She’s the LAST person who should be Caller! She can’t coherently explain anything! She’s living in Nouraland!” All the Boston Rob haters can keep on hating, but they’d have to admit; the guy can see through & read people as if he were looking at their xrays.
  13. I'm out. Good individual actors, but the story (and accents) are just not selling me.
  14. Maybe "Perfect Harmony" will be close behind. Neither show is worthy of "Must See" NBC Thursday lineup IMO. Some individual bright spots in "Sunnyside", but not enough to keep me watching beyond Ep. 3. I gave up on "Perfect Harmony" after Ep 2.
  15. Soooo...in order to defeat a traditional Japanese body snatching ghost, one needs knowledge of traditional Mexican religious voodoo? That would make as much sense as anything else in this show. i was really shedding heartfelt tears watching the last 10 minutes. The convo between Henry and Chester, the family reunion, and especially the credits showing the connection between the actors/creative staff, and their families who were imprisoned in the various camps. I need to find more documentaries or books about this subject. I guess if AMC and The Terror, season 2 helped to inspire viewers to learn more about it, then they did something right.
  16. I hope Wendi and her family are all indicted and found guilty of murder in the future. They all had some level of involvement in the murder for hire plot. What a horrible bunch of people! How entitled and arrogant they all are! There were red flags from the start of Danny & Wendi’s relationship...her family wouldn’t have the wedding catered kosher per the groom’s wish. Not that he should get his way because he “put his foot down”, but it sounded like it was discussed as a kosher event, then her odious family ignored the plan. I’m sure there were plenty of other signs of incompatibility before the kids came along. Wendi was resentful of his religion, his career and the (downwards)move to Tallahassee as a result of his success. What one’s spouse’s faith is and what he/she does for a living are pretty fundamental factoids/ways of life. Danny didn’t just decide to become Jewish or practice law after he met Wendi....those were both part of who he was when they started dating. I feel so awful for Danny’s parents. Their ex-DIL and her trash heap of relatives erased all evidence of those kids’ father and grandparents. I hope when the kids get older, they find out what evil, criminal, vapid, selfish, inhuman assholes their mother & her family are.
  17. OMG! YES! Please tell me how a Senior getting communications from Harvard is running to be Senior Class President! Even if he applied to Harvard "early decision", he'd hear no earlier than December. And he states in a future episode: Other than this egregious error, I am loving this show so far. Sadly, I will probably binge and be out of episodes before the weekend is over.
  18. I missed Karishma actually cutting her hand, but heard "I can see bone", and I saw the rest of her tribe just lounging around while she tried to not faint. I don't doubt she thought the cut was deep and pretty bad, and her team should have mustered up an ounce of compassion between them to at least yell over, "Hey, you OK?". But...if her cut were that deep, and bone was showing, wouldn't that mean she cut through muscle & tendon too?? Wouldn't the camera man or PA or someone behind the scene call in medical help? Wouldn't stitches be in order? And if she did that much damage, would she be "healed" in time to got TC? If it were down to the bone, won't it affect her ability to swim, grasp, gather wood, carry water....? I'm befuddled by her injury! It obviously was a serious cut with all the blood, but we saw no intervention from medical! I still like Boston Rob & Sandra. They don't irk me the way they do so many other Survivor fans. Gotta say, I'm impressed none of the visitors to the Island have spilled the tea about it. With as much down time these folks have, I'd be driven to distraction trying to keep it secret! I know it would probably blow up me game, and I'd be booted ASAP. Which is just one of many reasons why I have never applied to be on this show. I got no game!
  19. I love these gingerbread competitions! I love the details these artists include in their works of art! I love the inventive use of techniques and edible materials! But, Lawdy, honey chile! I HATE Colonel Cornpone Jason as a judge. Slap mah biscuits and cover me in sorghum syrup! He makes mah blood boil hotter than a wet calico cat, a-tap dancin’ on a rusted tin roof on the Fourth of Ju-LY! (See Jason? Even a born and bred Yankee can spew made up “Southern Fried Sayin’s”). I know Jason won one of those Best Baker shows, and he was the only ‘home cook’, and he was pretty amazing on that show. However, ever since, he’s been honing his down-home country bumpkin shtick to the nth degree. And FN keeps encouraging it! Maybe he has done more culinary training since his win, but he doesn’t have the resume, or the same level of expertise as many of the people he is judging. So happy Jorg won! I’ve seen some of his creations at some fundraisers in Boston. His detail work is beyond amazing.
  20. The Mia Farrow segment bugged me a bit. I don’t care about her political leanings, but her reaction to finding out about her paternal grandmother’s story was ridiculous. It bordered on an uninformed toddler tantrum. She was mad and pouty about her grandfather putting his wife in asylum without taking in to consideration the time, the medical practices, the lack of psychiatric knowledge and the patriarchal laws that ruled most of the world in the 19th (20th, 21st...)century. While it is very sad that the poor woman was committed and no doubt suffered, why did Ms. Farrow jump to the conclusion that the GF was some evil misogynistic abuser? Maybe his wife was so despondent that she tried to hurt herself, or the baby? Maybe despite whatever medical treatment available, she was getting worse, and he had no choice? He still needed to work, and maybe he couldn’t afford a caretaker to watch her and the son? Then as soon as she heard how her GF raised her father alone, and joined to fight WW I, she was all, “OK, he was a good guy!” She isn’t the first guest to do this...it just annoys me that people living today project today’s norms, laws, morality, etc on what happened centuries or even decades ago. It is ignorant to look at history from a distance, and through privileged and/or entitled lenses. Loved Isabella Rossellini though! She always seems full of joy!
  21. This is the only question I think I can answer. I think it's because neither parent told him that he was adopted out of the orphanage until this late date. Thanks, that makes as much sense as any of this! However, I know up until the 80's or 90's, it was very common for families to keep adoption a secret. My 70 year old cousin just found out he was adopted after his 98 year old adoptive mother discussed it on her deathbed, then passed away. No one in the family knew about it until they found the papers in her safe deposit box!
  22. Like others here, I'm in this til the end, but I'm not happy about it. The story got so lost and murky and jumbled that I don't think even the writer(s) could competently explain WTF this is. The whole reason I was intrigued to watch this was b/c it was based around the Internment Camps. That is a part of WW2 history I knew little about, and I was interested in learning more. Plus, I really likes the first season. However, this was less about what the Japanese Issei and Nisei and their inhumane treatment. It turned into a 44 min session of "Wait...what??? Why? How?" every Monday night. By the 10th episode it will end up as "Monday night Meh". How is Yuko so fluid with her body jumping? How does she escape the ghost underground so easily? If it's so simple to move between the realms, then are all the yurei doing it? When she is busy hunting down Chester (and his various family/friends/ tertial characters), who's watching poor little Jirou to make sure he doesn't slip into the Quicksand of Doom? Why did she need a 3rd party transport to bring her rotted corpse to Guadalcanal, but never any other time? Why did Yuko start her crazy body snatching- revenge-kidnapping plot when Chester was grown? She committed suicide before the families were rounded up and imprisoned, right? Or was SHE imprisoned by HER mother underground all the time in between jumping off the bridge, and crawling out of the ground? Why does her face look stitched together sometimes, and smooth others? How does she go from fresh young Yuko to rotting zombie? How the fuck did she embody the priest, the baby, Abuela and Luz so quickly? When the priest first came to the house, he knew the secret passcode song...he said the yurei could "only speak one tongue". One, how the fuck would a Mexican Catholic priest know about the language abilities of yurei? Did he double major in "Japanese Folklore" at the Seminary? Two, that's obviously BS b/c she can speak Japanese and English, and apparently Spanish. Was the priest possessed by Yuko on that first visit? Why is Chester so hostile to his dad? Did they always have a contentious relationship? Why is he pissed at his (adopted) mom for taking him out of an orphanage and raising him in a good home? How does one randomly wander into a nuclear test site and not draw attention (or gunfire)? How did Chester know about the underground facility? And perhaps the most puzzling of all questions, why do I care enough to ask? Pretty obvious the writers and editors don't care one damn bit.
  23. I watched the college special. It's been a long time since I've tuned into Khate .Wow, the kids have grown up! I am so sad for for all of them, especially Colin. But when did they all switch to calling her "Mother" vs. Mommy? I guess Mother is more appropriate since it sounds cold, detached and isolating IMO. Somethings never change - Khate is still self absorbed and all about herself. They've lived in that house for 10 years, and the younger kids have 'never' eten in there? WTF? Who has been allowed to dine in there? Khate plus who? She has shunned friends. She has disgusted & disowned family members. Who is she serving her grownups only Thanksgiving meals to? The camera crew? My eye muscles are still recovering from all the eye rolling during Khate's "tearful" complaint that "family members keep leaving". Um, YOU drove them all away, you stupid cow! You even went as far as imprisoning & abandoning your own son in an institution. And when will everyone stop referring to the sextuptlets as "the little kids". Aren't they all 16 now? Loved that Khate's 'family fun time' was a flop. One kid out of 6 jumped. I know she doesn't pay for any of these "fun" activities, but can you imagine Khate's outrage and irritation if she did pay for them all and 5 wanted to back out? She would have climbed that tower faster than Kong scrambling up the Empire State Building, and pushed each kid off. Honestly, there's no reason all 4 of the younger kids had to go on a college scouting trip other than to be filmed (paid). Wherever the 2 oldest ended up for school, I hope they do well and keep the weekend trips home to a minimum. Cut those chains and RUUUUNNNN!!
  24. How do you say “crickets” in Japanese?
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