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Everything posted by Harvey

  1. She is barely in book 2 so she should only appear in 1 episode at most if they want to be faithful to the books.
  2. He's arrogant and vain and self-centered....why hasn't he called me!? Oh if that isn't me. Poor Jill. I feel you.🥺 I love that Christy is still at least somewhat part of the show, she was not discarded like Roscoe and Violet.
  3. Here are the spoilers about season 2 for those interested.
  4. Harry's original idea that "nobody gets away with anything because the universe knows what you've done" is not congruent with him wanting to kill an entire species. Wouldn't he be racking up a lot of negative karma in that case? I really liked the conversation Harry had with Dead Harry. It was so real. Max's parents were just amazing 🤣. What even was that. I didn't expect them to own those government people like that. Overall a really good ending for the season, I am so glad it was already renewed.
  5. The high point of the episode was when Katie agressively pushed Oliver out of the way to go hug Cooper 😄 😄 . Amazing. I knew she was going to be pregnant. People on another forum have been predicting it for months because apparently all through the season, the show has been "hinting at it". Well I didn't catch any of those hints, but it's crazy they turned out to be right.
  6. Of course the show is heading there...but I hate that Kat will have to break up with Oscar to be with Max. Oscar is so handsome and sweet and attentive and he was really trying hard once he recognized he said the wrong thing. If Kat doesn't want him, I'll take him 🥺
  7. They were not even tertiary characters and they never had their own storylines or were a signficiant part of the show in any way. They were just there to deliver a funny one-liner from time to time. Why would anyone even expect their futures to be explored in a finale that has a limited amount of time? 🤔
  8. The part about Harry liking soap and eating it all the time was so funny, probably my favorite moment of the episode 😄 But the duet between Liv and The Sheriff was also really good, it was so touching when he got on his knees in front of her ❤️ .
  9. So much good stuff in this episode. I was impressed by the maturity of Taylor and Tripp's trial breakup, it's nice that they can discuss everything. It was great that they gave Taylor some time to explore herself, and the reunion was so sweet. I liked Tripp's liltte psych-out moment 😄 . I like how they tweaked Lonnie's character, he was quite likeable in this episode and not annoying at all. It was pretty surprising when it turned out he was also there in the massage place and the disguises he gave to Greg were really cool. And the classic lesson with the Anna-Kat Franklin story was touching as well, overall this was a great pre-finale. I can't wait to see what happens next week.
  10. I liked Delia's story about going to camp and being popular for the wrong reasons 😄 I guess this was a kind of an okay ending...basically it ended where it began but with Wade in a much better place mentally / emotionally. However, I am still praying and hoping that somehow it gets renewed.
  11. Glenn's new hair is a winner. 😄 Also, I could watch a full episode of just Sandra’s social media stalking.
  12. I think it will go something like this: 1. Military girl who enjoys killing people goes to the major's house and ends up talking to the kid who can see Harry's true form. She will get a clue about who the Alien is. 2. She will find and capture a still injured and therefore weak Harry and takes him into the military headquarters so season 1 can end on a cliffhanger. 3. The radio/murder weapon thing will be left behind with the nurse lady. In season 2 Harry will be desperate to get out so he can accomplish his mission but by the time he is able to do it he will no longer want to since he has grown fond of humans.
  13. The whole episode I was thinking this is 2021. Everybody has phones on them at all times. Why not just call somebody? Like the sheriff, he is super eager to help everyone anyway. Anyway, the major's wife looked stunning at their anniversary dinner and the moment between Asta and Harry when she told him she won't let him die was really well-acted. Another great episode, I'm so happy it was renewed for season 2.
  14. That's a big relief. I just hope they can convince Anna Faris to come back one last time.
  15. The idea of a bridge / catwalk connecting their houses was really adorable actually.
  16. LoL. I loved it when "finding a bottle of champagne" was a cause for celebration at Bob's household. I felt for Abishola when she found her mom and Olu discussing her wedding. She was so happy when she asked to be included in the conversation and then they just shut her out. It explains a lot about why she became the way she is.
  17. Of course. She alluded to it in the night swimming episode.
  18. There is a long behind the scenes video about the show that is really fascinating in case someone is interested. Alan Tudyk (the actor playing the main character) says that each time he has to put on the alien mask, it takes hours just to put it on him because they glue it on and then paint it.
  19. I have to say the actor's hobbit accent was really good, which surprised me. It wasn't exactly pleasant but it was certainly faithful to the original.
  20. Everything about Harry's dream was awesome. I liked that within his dream he was insulted about his sexual performance which shows an insecurity in the area, and he didn't even defend himself, which makes sense since for a human that would be a huge deal but for him that act is not as natural / more strange.
  21. She will do the lights things that Jonah did for her in episode 1. They get back together. The store closes down. The end.
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