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Everything posted by lasu

  1. God, I loathe him so much. I said when this shit happened that I didn't believe for a second Jenna actually cheated on him, nor do I believe he ever actually believed it. He claimed she was caught "red handed" but he's a fucking liar. He's an emotionally abusive asshole who was gaslighting the hell out of Jenna. I actually thought he was looking down because he was ashamed of his behavior, but no, he doubled down and said he still thought his abuse of his girlfriend was appropriate. GAH, haaaaaaaate. So much hate. #freejenna Blugh, yes! I wanted to fix it so badly! And as much as I love CT (and I do!), I still laughed when Ashley put him in his place. "How's that working out for you?" "Six figures." Yep. Also, Kayleigh's bed wasn't made very well. If I was going to have my room on camera, that particular view of my home would be perfection, even if two feet away was piled with dirty socks and empty dorito's bags. And I don't like Christopher or Bayleigh, but...I still think she could do better. I can't imagine my HUSBAND sitting next to me (and we ALL know he was only there because she made it to the final, those are HER coattails you're riding on) and he sold me out talking about I wish she would have just finished blah, blah, blah. Look, dumbass, she's the only reason you have a shot at getting asked back. No matter what you think in private, you have her fucking back in public. "I know my wife and there is no way she would have quit unless she was truly hurting. I'm so proud of how hard she pushed, and no amount of money would be worth her getting really hurt." IS THAT SO HARD? Again, she's not a great person, but she is far, far, far better reality show cast member, and she is going to have a fun life dealing with his resentment of that. I actually enjoyed quite a bit of the reunion and lol'ed at a few things, but then ended it on that absolute DOUCHEBAG of a human being and his abuse of Jenna, so I walked away mad and it's showing for sure! Leave on a funny note!
  2. Bummer. I would love to have easy, legal access to older seasons. I don't know why they won't release them.
  3. Does Pluto have any of this on demand? I looked, but couldn't find it, but I also couldn't find a search button so I felt like maybe the real problem is me.
  4. Oh, absolutely I'm sure she is better as a real live human being. But unless I'm forgetting someone (entirely possible!), her dad was THE worst bully this show has ever seen. And she wanted it both ways, not to have any of his shit stick to her, but also laughed when she didn't like the target. I remember not liking her on her second season either, but I think that was more because she wasn't going along with the group I was pulling for, versus being a mean girl. I can't fully remember. Her first season stands out WAY more to me.
  5. Part of the reason I don't like her is how she was a complete hypocrite when it came to her dad. She would whine about how awful it was to have him for a dad and how everyone was blaming her for his behavior by association, but she had NO problem winding him up and enjoying him going after people she didn't like.
  6. I'm so disappointed. I had JUST posted about how much I loved "Honestly, what kind of a kitten befriends a giraffe?!?" and how it was the first and only time a show has made an animal death funny to me. Well, this? Was the opposite of that. Cuppy remains the the exception to the rule. #RIPCuppy
  7. I am 45 years old and have loved cats since I can remember and I have never, ever found a pet/animal death funny, especially a cat. However, I started losing it as soon as you could see Moira was like, um, obviously a giraffe is going to step on a kitten, and then when she hit that final line with such disdain for the kitten I lost it. I'm always impressed when someone can make me laugh at something I wouldn't normally find funny, and this took the cake.
  8. These two sentences...it's all I could think about watching the women's hall brawl. What if Melissa had taken that first hit the way Dee did? I...don't think that would have gone well. I know the contestants sign their damn lives away, but I hope MTV is shaking at what a PR disaster causing a miscarriage would have been, and will do pregnancy tests throughout future seasons (which, this would indicate they don't do them even at the start of a season and that just seems stupid). Bayleigh got pregnant during her season of BB too. I'm not someone who thinks pregnant women need to be bubble wrapped, but I don't think they should be hit with mac trucks in the abdomen either. I'm so glad she had a beautiful, healthy daughter. I was already laughing when Kyle screwed up the car challenge. And I completely lost it when he said his dad was a stunt driver. I don't like Kyle, but I also really like Kyle, and it's confusing. So, it seems like everyone is maturing this season. Is it the bunker? They have all said the conditions were insane, and I wonder if they are trauma bonding. I wonder if this cast will end up closer than most because they "went through something" together. This has been the worst environment they have ever been in. Usually, no matter what, at least you are getting a little cash and an all expenses paid tropical vacation. This season they are having to suffer for it. I would murder someone if I had to go outside in that freezing cold to use a port-a-potty.
  9. OK, thank you!! I've been binging, and sometimes I stop in the middle of an episode, so I honestly thought I missed something. I'm halfway through season three now, but as far as I know, apparently that girl is still in the bathroom!
  10. Please help me. I remember the step daughter going into the bathroom, and David trying to be cool about the sheets, but that's all I remember! Did she ever come back out? Did the boss come to get her? Did I fall asleep??
  11. I'm almost done with season two. Hopefully he'll continue to annoy me less and less, because it makes me feel like a jerk not liking someone simply because they play annoying characters on my tv. I can't just be spreading hate and outrage all willy nilly these days- gotta conserve.
  12. OK, I feel terrible, especially after reading how consistently posters felt the same way, but I have disliked Chris Elliot as long as I can remember, from some sitcom in the late 80s/early 90s. But it makes me feel badly, because I literally know NOTHING about him as a human being, just the characters he plays. But I definitely consider him a huge drawback to the show. I know the mayor is an unlikable character, but usually I can enjoy not liking a character, and with the poor Chris Elliot, I just want to fast forward through his scenes. He probably runs into burning buildings to puppies and kittens, quietly works in soup kitchens, fights for equality, donates to social causes, tips a minimum of 20% every time, always gives the Hand Wave of Gratitude when people let him merge in traffic, helps little old ladies cross the road, lets people with fewer items in their cart go in front of him, is two days away from curing COVID in his basement, and smiles sympathetically at tired parents with crying children on airplanes. And I'm just an asshole who hates the characters he plays, probably to get money to take care of his ailing mother who raised him alone and now he just wants to help her in her time of need.
  13. The thing that always stumps me about Abram is the thought he had a serious relationship with Coral. That is a pairing I am a little confused and frightened by, while simultaneously wanting to know much, much more.
  14. I don't know if you are interested in podcasts at all, but that particular prisoner is a co-host of Ear Hustle, about life in prison. It's excellent.
  15. I don't. I haven't rewatched that season, but my memory was that she desperate for Johnny's forgiveness and approval. And also, as mentioned above, she really is super invested in seeing herself as a "nice girl", even though sometimes she truly isn't.
  16. Oh, it's WAY more of a dick move, because Johnny is WAY more of a dick. And I don't disagree that he would have thrown Sarah in before the final, given the opportunity. And I think he would have taken the money even if she hadn't previously done that, though I don't see how they would have been rivals. My point was more that it was interesting she played the game to her benefit previously (and like I said, was pretty much a bully to people who didn't perform well and she perceived as keeping her from money). Johnny played by the rules of the game. He didn't cheat. He didn't steal. He was/is an unadulterated douchebag and it was a total dick to do to someone who literally was your partner in getting the money in the first place. But, Johnny didn't MAKE the rules. He played by them, and Sarah never had a problem with that before. Also, I don't like Sarah, lol.
  17. Ok, true story. Last summer I was watching some old seasons of Big Brother, and at one point, I was admiring someone's french braids and thinking about how ahead of her time she was to be rocking those braids before they were in fashion again. Then, I realized, oh...wait...this is the *current* season and braids are *currently* in style. I don't even have the excuse of it being the same cast member over different seasons. I don't disagree. Technically, I was on Bayleigh's side, but she is just so over the top and dramatic. Her eye rolling is an art though, it's like her whole face is having a seizure. And she wasn't wrong exactly about Nany. Kaycee absolutely voted the way she did because of Nany. The trust thing was bullshit and camouflage, and Bayleigh was right that Nany was the real reason. But Nany only did exactly what Bayleigh did: try to leverage her relationship to get a vote. Everyone does that, so where Bayleigh was wrong was to act like Nany did something wrong, like she was out of line to ask Kaycee to do something. She wasn't out of line and Kaycee made the choice she did. So Bayleigh Bayleighed herself out of being right. But after Kaycee came at her and called her a liar, she said, "I had a crush on Kaycee, I thought Kaycee had a crush on me. I'm finding out right now that wasn't the case." Y'all! I actually said "aw!" out loud. I believe that sentence was 100% truth. I also think Bayleigh had herself worked up to a completely disproportionate degree and "I feel betrayed because I thought we were loyal because we might have hooked up once if I hadn't hooked up with someone else instead" isn't the most compelling argument ever. But that one sentence? I think that was pure truth. Also, I enjoyed Aneesa as the Wise Lesbian Elder dispensing solid advice to Kaycee. It's a good look for her.
  18. I mean...but Nene is still the only cast member to assault production, right?
  19. They were always friends until Battle of the Exes. There were four teams left, and Sarah and Jordan won whatever it is you have to win to throw someone into elimination, and Johnny was practically already celebrating being in the finals, but Sarah (and it was her, not Jordan) threw Johnny and Nany in. Johnny was shook, lol, that she would betray him, and it led to him and Nany going home, missing the finals and the money. So...one could argue she "stole" money from him before he returned the favor. Rewatching seasons that led to Johnny taking the money from her, Sarah really kind of sees herself in a different light than she sometimes acts. She was pretty much a bully to some of the contestants who didn't perform well, and she absolutely felt it was justified as just "part of the game" when she threw Johnny and Nany in, so I think her reaction was a bit hypocritical, tbh.
  20. I don't remember him saying the n-word either (although the aping did ring a faint bell) but apparently it did air, as did Jordan calling his dad the next day and talking about how upset he was he lost his temper to the point he used the word back at Nia*, and his dad apparently gave him advice that no matter what, he can't use that word. They also apparently aired Marlon talking to Jordan the next day about the racial connotations of his behavior, which Nia now says even then she didn't think it was racial, but she was still pissed at Jordan so she didn't want to come to his defense. Neither Jordan or Nia are disputing this is how it happened, but I am getting all of this from the article I linked above, not my first hand memory.
  21. I both love and hate the Dee edit. On one hand, I'd rather they just play it out with the storylines intact so it makes more sense. I would have enjoyed seeing the fall out after Dee came back from elimination. She did them the favor of going for the villain edit anyway, so it's not like they are propping her up or making her look good. On the other hand, it's HILARIOUS to see someone so thoroughly edited out. And if they are going to go this hard, just call it a day and blur her face when she absolutely has to be on screen. I would HOWL if they did that.
  22. This is probably what she heard about Jordan. I remembered that they got into an awful fight, but I had managed to forget how bad it was on both sides. I had a vague recollection that she was more in the wrong (probably because my vague recollection is that she started shit with numerous cast members that season), but I definitely didn't remember him using the n-word and mimicking a monkey. Nia has come out publicly and said she didn't think it was racial when it happened and she doesn't now. How the n-word was described as being used, with her saying it first, and him responding tit for tat, I can almost understand. I don't feel like watching the clip again, but it sounds more like insult for insult being traded back and forth. Obviously, it's not ok, but like I said, I can almost understand. Except when you add in the monkey business...mmmm, it starts to look pretty bad. However, I'm certainly not going to tell Nia how she should feel about it, but it looks pretty racial to me.
  23. I want to thank whoever suggested You're Wrong About, because I have listened to this series non-stop. I've found almost every episode fascinating, and I'm bummed I'm almost current. Does anyone have similar suggestions? What I like about this show is the hosts are funny and I usually agree with them, it seems VERY well researched, and each episode is on a random topic, so I've listened to episodes on Anna Nicole Smith, Enron, the American Taliban, you name it. If there are similar series, I'd love to know about them! To offer up my own suggestion, I really enjoyed Running from COPS, referring to the TV show and its live version, LivePD. Both shows have now been cancelled with everything going on, and this podcast is a limited series deep dive that will clearly explain why these cancellations are such a good thing.
  24. Yes. It seemed crazy obvious to me Issa would pick up the check, when the main accusation lobbed against her is that she uses people. So even to your point, I think she was trying to show Molly, "Hey, look, not only do I know you've done a lot for me, I don't want you to think I'm using you to get free things I can't afford, so I want to show you I'm not going to take that position anymore and I'm going to be your equal. Which is what you would THINK someone who accuses you of being a user would want. All that said, I actually still really like Molly, but I think it's because I have a soft spot for people who ruin their own happiness. I just root for them to get better and be happy.
  25. I don't know if I'm over thinking this since no one else has mentioned it, but I wonder if anything would have changed if Issa hadn't picked up the check at brunch. And not only did she pay for both, she acknowledged she owed Molly for tons of meals, with the implication not only would she be digging further in that hole, she would be sitting down to future tables as an equal. I don't think Molly is sitting around thinking, "Fuck Issa for having enough money to pay for brunch, I'm moving on!" But dynamics changing in relationships can be TOUGH, even for well adjusted people. But a lot of people like to be around someone worse than themselves, because it makes their own level of messy seem not as bad. So before, Molly may have been thinking, "Hmmh, I'm messy, but I'm not Issa messy." But if Issa starts getting it together, it becomes, "Wait, I'm AS messy as Issa!" and then if you don't watch it, "Wait, is Issa thinking she's messy but at least she's not as messy as ME?" Sometimes people are extremely resistant to other people's positive changes, even when it's positive for them too! It seems super counter-intuitive, for example, for the spouse of an alcoholic to be threatened by her husband getting sober. But it can be scary! If your primary role in your life is taking care of your husband's messes, it can be super disorienting to no longer be needed in that way. And if there is insecurity, it can start to feel like, "If they don't NEED me, will they still WANT me?" So, to answer my own original point, yes, I'm overthinking it.
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