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Everything posted by gingerandcloves

  1. I think it's supposed to be HOT'N HERE ("hot in here").
  2. And why does Jim Boob have his ugly mug in the picture? Can't Justin even have a birthday pic by himself?
  3. I keep thinking after a few days I will have gotten used to it and it won't seem such a terrible name after all. Nope. Still just as terrible as when I heard it the first time.
  4. I'm relatively new to watching PR (this is only my 2nd season, plus last season's PRAS), so I don't have a lot to compare it to, but I thought the treatment of Swapnil was BS. Granted, I do think he was not giving it his all, but I do not understand why Tim was so ragey at him. As long as the designer is still putting out a look on the runway, and up until this week, all of Swapnil's looks were quite good, why should it matter? Plus, how embarrassing to be called out like that in front of the "client" and the other designers! I was also totally on his side this week because that Jen woman seemed like she would drive anyone insane. I get that bombshell is not her style, but would it have killed her to show her arms and legs for one stinking runway? She really did not seem to want to be there, and she didn't seem to give any direction of what she liked, only what she didn't like. Why couldn't she just suck it up a bit and have fun with it? Poor Swapnil. Ashley's and Candice's looks were both heinous this week. Candice - talk about a one-trick pony, why didn't they send her home?
  5. I believe this is C9 Lisa. I know she's modeled for Red Heart yarn before. She's got longer hair here.
  6. So, Sharleen's column in Flare this week gives some interesting tidbits - mainly how she thinks it all went down with Kaitlyn visiting Shawn on the sly, and the change up in the fantasy dates and hometown dates. Nothing spoilery, Sharleen doesn't KNOW anything for certain, just what she think happened and how TPTB are not happy with Kaitlyn.
  7. One thing I found interesting about Davina & Sean through the course of the show - in the early interview part of the process Davina came across as very self-confident, almost arrogant, and with kind of a hard edge. Then, interestingly, at the wedding & reception, when she actually met Sean and they had instant sparks, she turned into this giggly, mushy, "I've found my prince" girl. I was quite surprised, and thought, wow, with the right man, she actually has a softer side, and she seems like she could be a caring partner, and a warm person. Sean came across at first as masterful and confident, a "take-charge" personality, and Davina seemed very drawn to that. Then it seemed to all fall apart on the honeymoon - Sean turned out to be this wimpy crybaby full of anxiety issues, and Davina immediately withdrew and put up walls, and went back to her hard-edge persona. I think it could have worked out, if Sean had only been who he initially presented himself as. I really think that type of personality - someone secure and self-confident would have been a very good match for Davina. And as I posted a while back in the Davina & Sean thread, she has some issues of her own, but I think she was genuine about wanting a relationship and Sean never was.
  8. I would like to see them do this: How to Fall in Love with Anyone Still do the matching, but based on more real-life commonalities and not "tests". Make sure the couple is geographically compatible (I would like to see them both be willing to compromise on living arrangements). Follow the experiment in the article. Give them 3 months before they make their ultimate decision.
  9. Let's hope he'll show up on Bachelor in Paradise. I'm calling it now - he meets his soul mate in Ashley S.
  10. Who knows what "south of the Mason-Dixon line" means to Sean? Could be her chin for all we know ;) Sean kills me. He says he's "Christian Grey sexual" but he's grossed out by toe-sucking. He thinks a romantic date is looking at glow-in-the-dark stars and eating Moon Pies. Considering that his and Davina's relations seem to consist of Legos, jigsaw puzzles, and bowling, I think it's safe to say that Sean never developed past 12 years old. I have no love for Davina, but Sean is utterly hopeless. I'd be frustrated/furious if I was stuck with this man-child too. Davina has her own set of issues, for sure, but I think she was at least sincere about wanting a relationship, in the beginning anyway. I don't think Sean ever was.
  11. I would pick Tristan since I can't imagine any of the other male pros having the patience to try to teach me, other than maybe Tony. If I truly had talent, I would pick Maks, because he is my favorite dancer to watch and I would looove to dance with him. If I were picking a female pro, my first choice would be Anna and second would have to be either Kym or Sharna.
  12. I totally agree. Even though I am not a fan of Derek's, Nastia was an excellent dancer, and I think having multiple partners hurt her. They had some great choreography, and Nastia is so talented, I'm sure any other season she would have made the finals and perhaps won, but all the switching around damaged her chances. It really is a shame.
  13. Jessica is starting to bug me. I understand in a way where she's coming from, because I hate confrontation myself and I will avoid arguments like the plague. But she just holds it in until she explodes and that sets off a shouting match. She's so quick to complain on camera about every little thing Ryan does but will she actually say it to his face? No. Come on! Either say it to him or get over it. She just cannot continue to seethe over things and rack up things in her head and expect that this relationship is going to work. Jess needs to learn to not take offense over every little thing - don't always put the worst interpretation on it. Ryan probably feels like he can't say anything without her taking it the wrong way. Ryan on the other hand needs to lay off the joking and teasing some and realize that he can't boss her around. I do think he's trying harder and is less irritating (to me, at least) than he was on the honeymoon. Jess is getting on my nerves - she needs to grow up and put on her big girl panties and stop blaming him for all their issues.
  14. Yes, Amsterdam is SO confusing to navigate around! The way it is all laid out in circles, you can't take a straight path to get anywhere. Very easy to get lost. Hayley is beyond awful. I think the editors are having an awesome time with her. I was cracking up watching this episode. "Blair, faster, come on, Blair, go, go, go, come on, come on!...What, I was being encouraging!?!" "Blair, you have to slow down, you're too far ahead, wait for meee!!...Blair, hurry up, Mike and Rochelle are right behind us!" How Blair has not smothered her, I don't know. The man seriously has the patience of a saint.
  15. It's hard to understand exactly what Ryan is saying there...I think he said "my" but it's hard to tell with his accent. Anyway, I am only watching this season for these two. They are totally adorable. Add me to the "Davina is completely annoying" train.
  16. I agree. As much as I am over Derek, and wasn't sure I would like yet another "Hough" on DWTS, I am totally enjoying Riker. I think I am a little in love with him :D Hope he makes it to the finals.
  17. Davina threw out red flags when her friends were giving her a hard time pre-wedding, saying that they didn't think she would be able to handle being married, she couldn't even get past a second date. I thought, wow, if your friends know that about you, that doesn't bode well. And we see it now, the way she is hypersensitive and looking for the littlest flaws. Somehow Sean should know that everything that comes out of her mouth is so significant and crucial to his understanding of her, even when it's tiny details about her life. Agreeing with all of you who think Sean is into himself. It's as if he thinks he is the most perfect, romantic guy in the world and he has to make sure everyone knows it. The whole lock-and-key shtick made me want to gag. I'm getting some creepy vibes from him. I think it's kind of gross that he was talking about sex like that when a) he barely knows Davina and b) in front of the massage therapists (to say nothing of on camera). I wonder if he's one of those guys that goes into details of their sex lives with their bros.
  18. Having watched the episode finally, my favorite performances of the night were Kimberly, Brian, Joshua, and (surprisingly) Deanna. I'm glad all four of them made it through. Rob was good as well. The others were just meh to me.
  19. Especially if you go read Jaclyn's Facebook or Twitter, I think you get a better sense of who she is. She is one of those over-the-top honest/blunt people, who can hurt people's feelings, but at least you know where you stand with her. And I get that she is a genuinely nice person, as well. I think some of what we are shown is definitely editing. She said that at the dinner, Ryan decided what he wanted to eat, and she just did the ordering. I will say, that made me feel a lot better about her, that she isn't quite so take-charge as she came across. Obviously the editors are trying to make her seem abrasive (maybe so their love story will come as a bigger surprise). Jinx, passthepopcorn! :D
  20. After watching this episode, some more thoughts: so far Jessica & Ryan D = Monet & Vaughn; Jaclyn & Ryan R = Jamie & Doug; Davina & Sean = Cortney & Jason - will it end the same way as Season 1? I agree with a lot of you, I can't figure out why the "experts" didn't match up Jessica with Ryan R, when they seem like such a better fit with each other. I cannot see Jessica and Ryan D lasting. He seems very immature, and tone-deaf when it comes to reading cues. Any guy that dumped me in the water like that would have got an earful, and I am not even especially scared of the water. For a guy who supposedly idolizes his grandparents' relationship, he doesn't seem to have a clue how to respect and treat a woman. Maybe he is a jokester, but that kind of person often is very mean-spirited behind the joking. I feel badly for Jessica because she seems like a sweet person and deserves better. Jaclyn and Ryan R - first off, I'm not getting her disdain for his looks, I actually think he is quite nice looking, and he has a great body...but I know it's an individual preference sort of thing. I do think there is a possibility they will work out as a couple - she has to let down her walls and start seeing herself as part of a couple. She can't always be the one in charge. He needs to speak up and let her know what makes him uncomfortable. As far as physicality, if he is patient like Doug was with Jamie, I think Jaclyn will come around. She doesn't seem completely repulsed by him, and she does seem to appreciate his personality, and she seems fairly convinced that the experts matched them up for a reason, so I think she has a chance of coming around. Davina and Sean - Davina seems fairly self-aware, and willing to step out her comfort zone, and I like that she's willing to hold back on getting physical right away. I would like to know more about her relationship with her mother...I'm wondering how much Davina needs her mother's approval, and how she will feel if she doesn't get it. Sean - using my non-existent psychological skills here - I feel like he has some unresolved anger issues still (maybe?). I dunno. On the surface he seems kind and patient, so far anyway. These two obviously had instant chemistry, but is that going to be enough? Things are really good now, but they may have trouble meshing their lives together once they get back from the honeymoon.
  21. I have many thoughts, but I just want to say I think Jaclyn is SO much more attractive without makeup. It was astonishing how pretty she was the morning after the wedding, and I also noticed her widow's peak for the first time.
  22. Reality Steve mentioned in his first recap that the producers are the ones who edited that "bleep" INTO her speech. She never said it - here's a link to an early promo of Kaitlyn saying, "You can plow my field any day" - no bleep, the editors just wanted you to think she said that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqOssdpajzg Also, I'm pretty sure she's not a dance instructor now and hasn't been one for some time. Another instance of creative labeling by TPTB.
  23. Hey, nobody's family is perfect ;) You can't blame Kirk for his nutty taxidermy-obsessed father. Anyway, it didn't seem to rub off on him.
  24. I hated Ali on Jake's season, but I actually liked her a lot as the Bachelorette. And she did have a great bunch of guys. I was in love with Roberto and Kirk myself :)
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