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Everything posted by gingerandcloves

  1. And of course Jill has to tell us that David's brother is in a wheelchair. I'm surprised she hasn't gone back and edited the video to mention that Amy was in a SEVERE accident and is in a wheelchair now.
  2. Roberi joins Kelly Dempsey in the Deserved to Win But Lost Out to an Overrated Designer category. Sorry, Roberi, we all know you should've won. Hope to see you back for All-Stars.
  3. I know. We never saw an evening wear challenge, or a menswear, or designing for the red carpet. I thought a lot of the challenges were boring, and 3 unconventional materials ones were two too many. I'm so tired of watching people glue crap onto fabric. I love both of Roberi's looks this last challenge though. His macrame dress was really creative and showed some great design elements, and the tie dress was really cute and wearable, IMO.
  4. Nina totally looks like she's laughing at Heidi's outfit :D
  5. I'm really underwhelmed by most of these. Erin's is a crazy mish-mash of tackiness. I hope hers doesn't win. Cornelius' has the most cohesiveness, but not a lot of creativity or imagination. Roberi's is far and away my favorite.
  6. I guessed Mah-Jing's, Cornelius', Erin's, and Roberi's, but #6 threw me off with all that denim, and I kept looking for black/leather for Laurence's collection and failed to find it. Interesting that she went with cream & earth tones for her collection. I kind of thought those big shoulders on her 5th jacket might be hers though.
  7. Their wedding started an hour late and all their guests had to wait outside in the freezing cold for them? Are you kidding me?
  8. That poor baby :( Honestly, David and Priscilla have not a lick of common sense between them. Who knew that giving your baby a "manly" name was a sure ticket they would grow up hetero? And what about poor Davia? She got stuck with a boyish name, doesn't David worry she might turn out a lesbian? And who thinks it's a brilliant idea for a brand-new mom to be up and dressed and filming on cue right after birth? And who dresses their 2-day old baby in long-sleeve button-down shirt and sweater vest and khakis? The ignorance of these people maddens me.
  9. Ugh, seriously. I was disgusted by the way Tom was acting over dinner, when Lily said she was too busy to write her vows. And after she had given him that very thoughtful gift, too. And he was all, waa-waa-waahh, in the car while she was working. Get over yourself, dude. She throws him a super nice birthday party and gives him a lovely, personal gift and he's all, She doesn't pay attention to meeee! He should be glad he has a sweet, thoughtful, hard-working wife who doesn't mind him spending half his time surfing. The flowers bugged me. I have no patience for people who put absolutely no thought into a gift. It has nothing to do with the monetary value of it. I would rather get no gift at all than one with no thought put into it.
  10. I hate that H.O.L.Y. song with the fire of a thousand suns.
  11. I knew he was an asshole, but he just keeps confirming it.
  12. LOL. Daniel Powter is best known for his song Bad Day, which was a huge hit about 10 years ago. I just decided to randomly watch another video of his and came across Britt. Both the song and video are pretty mediocre.
  13. Am I the only person who didn't know that Britt was in the Daniel Powter music video Cupid? I just watched it for the first time, and I was like, wait, is that Britt? I'll be danged, yes it is. I wonder if she was in anything else. Her IMDb doesn't show any credits other than herself.
  14. So I tweeted to Derek asking him if the smoking was weed or cigarettes and he basically responded with a "no comment" comment, LOL. So I think that settles that question. I guess I can't blame Heather for not wanting to be with him, especially in light of her job. I think there was more to it, that she just didn't like him, and I don't believe she would have stayed even if he agreed not to smoke. I wish the show would have addressed the issues honestly because Heather comes off looking really bad. I still think she's very inflexible and a my-way-or-the-highway type of person but she's not quite as unreasonable as she's being portrayed.
  15. Well, sure, and that's why we don't sign up for shows where the premise is that we will express our emotions, affection, and sexuality on camera.
  16. I was reading an article over on The Knot, and it says in the sneak preview that Lily needs surgery, so yes, I think you're right.
  17. Back to the discussion of whether the contestants get paid - here is what Dr. Cilona said about the first season, in the thread over on Babycenter: "Production paid for: The weddings (I believe each person was allowed to have 25 people present--so 50 total), wedding dresses, wedding rings, and Honeymoons. I don't know the budgets, but I know they had limits. However, I think they were pretty good by most standards. The production really did whatever they could to make the weddings feel as special as possible for the participants (there were wedding planners that worked with each bride and groom to find out their preferences about flowers, colors, music, food, the cake, etc. The show is not a "contest" so there is no cash prize for participants or "winners". I guess you should also consider the value of the assessments, though they weren't given any direct feedback regarding the findings. If I were to perform the same services for someone at my normal rates, the cost would be very substantial. And, of course, if we are successful, I think a lifelong partner is a pretty good prize! :)" =========================================================================== So, according to him, there is no stipend paid, and it sounds like their rentals aren't even covered?! I find it hard to believe they aren't paid at least something nominal for being filmed. But there ya go.
  18. I found a quote over on Fans of Reality TV that confirms what I said - apparently it was an interview Chris Harrison gave at some point, talking about the difficulty they had casting for Byron's season. I'd be pretty surprised if MAFS doesn't test for STDs but then again, maybe I shouldn't be. Oh, I found this post over on a Reddit thread: "Chris Harrison once said in a radio interview that somewhere between 50-60% of candidates are eliminated by the STD panel portion of the application process, when candidates are 30 and younger. Something like 75% of candidates are eliminated when you kick that age range up to 35. It's crazy."
  19. I remember a while back there was an interview with one of the Bachelor producers, who was asked why most of the people appearing on the show were so young. The one exception was when they had Byron as the Bachelor - he said that they had a terrible time casting women for Byron's season because the majority had STDs. You can take what he said with a grain of salt, but I tend to believe him. Anyway, if MAFS tests their applicants too (I hope they do!) that could definitely be weeding out a lot of folks, especially "older" ones.
  20. Jared sucks. He obviously is flattered that Ashley is so gone on him and he keeps her hanging on with little tidbits of encouragement. He doesn't want her for himself but he doesn't want to give up that crazy obsessive adoration. I think if Ashley could find the right guy for her (NOT Jared) she would settle down and be happy and less of a drama queen. She needs to see Jared for what he really is.
  21. After seeing the confessions and the preview, I am really hating Tom. Talk about judgmental. Maybe he'll come around but he seems incredibly committed to his lifestyle. How did he think he was going to find someone who has his same philosophy on a show like this when he can't find someone IRL? I hope Lily has the cojones to stand up to him. I was kind of hopeful for at least one or two of these couples in the beginning but now I wouldn't bet money on any of them staying together.
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