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Everything posted by gingerandcloves

  1. Heather is just over it. I wish these folks would realize that marriage takes work and compromise, and twice as much so when you're married to someone you don't know. They need to take the pressure off and focus on getting to know each other and accept that there are going to be bumps in the road.
  2. I couldn't believe she was griping at him for not unpacking his suitcase. Fine if she doesn't want to live out of a suitcase but why was she so insistent he unpack? I'm honestly not liking either of them very much, but I really really dislike Heather. She is very critical and seems very hard to please.
  3. Yes to all of this. SO immature. I posted more over in the media thread about the whole pot-smoking thing because there was an interesting quote in one of the recaps of the show.
  4. Quoting myself here...OK, I just watched the episode and there was no mention of him taking a "mind-altering substance" so I'm not sure where the article got that from but they did have it in quotation marks, like it was something she said. Watching the argument, they are definitely arguing over pot. No way would they be having that upsetting of a discussion over tobacco. These two are doomed. I'm having a hard time figuring out why they were ever matched in the first place. Tom and Lily on the other hand, are so sickly sweet, I want to roll my eyes. I have hope for them, they seem to be hitting it off extremely well so far.
  5. So in this recap: http://www.theknotnews.com/married-at-first-sight-recap-heather-derek-issues-12031 Heather believes Derek is putting himself in an "altered state of mind", which screams pot and not cigarettes. Did she actually say that in the show? I haven't watched the latest episode yet, so I wasn't sure if it's an actual quote.
  6. Sponge Bob - I love it. I think it's a mug of beer.
  7. I think they are both physically attractive, but I agree, they don't seem like a good match at all. You're not the only one who wondered if Derek was related to Dr. Pepper, I did too. I really wonder how some of the contestants get past the screening. If we as viewers can see red flags right off the bat, why don't the experts see them? All I can figure, is that they must think it makes for good TV. I also have to wonder how many people would agree to do this if they weren't being filmed for a show. Do you think many would want to do it just for the experience and possible chance to find a mate if there was no show involved?
  8. Tom's blog on People: http://www.people.com/article/married-first-sight-exclusive-blog-tom-wilson
  9. It's hard for me to picture a married couple living in a bus. When you're young and single, OK fine. Or when you're retired. But two people having to be in each other's faces all day every day - nuh uh. And what happens when you add kids to the mix? Or even pets? How do you ever entertain? If he's really dead set on living in it, I foresee conflict.
  10. Ha, I totally had a feeling that Evan and Carly would couple up! Engagement seems a bit precipitous though. I feel kind of bad for Lace, knowing what we know about Grant. He seems to be a serial proposer. Josh and Amanda I would not have predicted. She is very pretty though, and probably has a lot nicer personality than Andi. Andi really trashed Josh in her book, I hope the things she said about him weren't true or were at least exaggerated. I hope Josh treats Amanda and her kids well.
  11. Unbelievable. The poor girl.
  12. I know I'm a grumpy old cynic, but I just can't with child prodigies (or "prodigies"). Comedian kid can go home any time. Opera girl was OK, but "This is a dream come true...I've been waiting for this for so long!" Really? And you're how old? LOL I like Tape Face, he was really funny. Mentalists were entertaining. CGI bird man's act was nice to look at but, it was all pretty much animation. Lincoln Bridge was decent. I skipped the nose hook guy, and didn't care for anyone else. Welcome back to my screen, Heidi and Nick! And while I have not missed Simon, I don't hate having him back. I was kind of surprised he gave yeses to some of those acts, I hope he toughens up later on.
  13. First ep: Heidi looked really pretty with the side part in her hair. Too bad she didn't keep it through the whole time.
  14. IKR?! He had me in tears, I was laughing so hard.
  15. Those kids look bored out of their skulls.
  16. They don't seem too terrible, even though they mention "blessing" every other word. At least two of the books in their book list at right are by Catholics (Practice of the Presence of God, and The Imitation of Christ), so they can't be super fundie.
  17. Yes, indeed. Take a look at her hashtag: #elarcadenoe = the ark of Noah
  18. It's ironic that Vinny the barber has the absolute worst hair cut of the bunch (except for Evan possibly).
  19. I just can't with Sam. I disliked him a lot on PRAS (never saw Under the Gunn), but I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, and say some of it was due to editing. But nope, he really is a shitty person. I can't believe all the shade he threw at Kini and Ken in that interview. He pretty much throws everybody under the bus, including the viewers..."Most of the Internet wears Kohl's, so..." Yes, Sam, we poor peons who wear Kohl's can't appreciate the brilliant creative artiste that you are. You are obviously God's gift to the fashion design world, and we should bow down to your illimitable superiority.
  20. I think Paige will go very far. She is super fit, used to very difficult training, has dance experience, and she seems to have a decent personality. Plus she is paired with Mark, who is a tried and true pro. There's a lot of nostalgia this season. I kind of feel like it could be anybody's to win.
  21. Oh, hey, she's at the Sacramento airport. I recognize that big red leaping rabbit.
  22. OMG, I just spit out a mouthful of food, I laughed so hard over your last line.
  23. Not to mention crazy Michelle from Jake's season.
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