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Everything posted by BoogieBurns

  1. Craig Robinson is a good host. But his energy level did make the show seem dull. He's hosted other things and done better.
  2. Kalliste, if you ever give in and watch the Christmas Party episode from season 2 again, focus on how it affects Angela an Phyllis. Since they planned the party and Michael ruined it, their reactions are where the real story is (according to the DVD commentary).
  3. It seemed like there wasn't a concrete reason. I don't think anything happened between the two, Michael just hated so much about the things that Toby chose to be. Earlier in the series, Michael seems like he hates Toby because he got a divorce. Since having a family was everything Michael ever wanted, he hated that Toby "opted out" of being in his own family. It definitely wasn't explained though.
  4. That's perfect! Amy knows how babies can ruin a sitcom. Good for her.
  5. This topic replaces the old New Girl forum which has been vaulted at the location below: http://forums.previously.tv/forum/99-new-girl-v/
  6. Dundie Award for Best Romantic Pair? (I know my answer, but I would love to hear others first. It's not Jam)
  7. They could have made Toby end up with Nellie. It seemed like he liked her and she was clearly single. That's one of those things I will just pretend actually happened. Didn't Nellie run off to raise Ryan's baby? Let's just agree that Toby and Nellie are raising that baby in the "Scranton of the E.U." (I forget what town she said she lives in) Was anything else left unfinished in the finale for you guys? Maybe Erin and Pete/Plop?
  8. Which reminds me of my favorite line in the entire series: "Mississippi-less-ly?" My favorite moment, is the fight Monica and Rachel get into over Jean Claude Van Damme. Monica takes off Rachel's sock, and I can't explain it, but that was the most realistic girl fight I've ever seen. My sisters and I would have acted the same way. So funny. Starts around 30 seconds into this scene.
  9. The editors are making an obvious effort to familiarize the audience with Rod Man. He is the one I associate with this season. Maybe the only one. A distant second would be Lachlan. Maybe I'm not watching it close enough, but I'd guess that those are the two we will see more of. Maybe the Ross Matthews guy, but I doubt his style is funny to a wide range of people. I do wish they would have tried to have more women in the top 10. It feels like this is the "Last Male Comic Standing" and there will be another season called "Last Female Comic Standing." I know there is one lady left, but the deck is stacked against her. Girls are funny too, ya know.
  10. No issues rewatching. It comes on several channels in syndication and I still watch every time. But it is pretty clear, when you watch the series as a whole, when it became a "thing". Seasons 1-3 were just better. Season four was probably when the most people were watching, and then 5 and 6 are weaker. I think that the writers had a lot of pressure on them to make this show the next "Must See TV" NBC show. Season 4 of Parks is the same time frame that Michael Scott left The Office. There was pressure for Parks to anchor Thursday night comedy once it was clear The Office was on the way out. I went on a tangent as always, but to summarize: I rewatch the first 3 seasons and have never gotten sick of them; later seasons are hit or miss overall (on rewatch).
  11. If I overhear two people laughing at something, I always say "I love inside jokes... Hope to be a part of one someday." - Michael Scott They always think I seriously feel left out and it's hilarious to me.
  12. That's funny because I always feel like Danny is forgotten. Outside of forums, he is never mentioned. Casual fans seem to only remember Travis Wall and Twitch from the first 5 seasons. I thought I was being original when I confessed my love of Danny Tidwell.
  13. I think Mystery Science Theater 3000 was in the "shows ahead of their time" portion of this topic.
  14. I agree. I always use Mean Girls as an example because it is always on my mind. But many movies can be more racially diverse without taking anything away from the story. They shouldn't force it.
  15. I would say 30 Rock was better than expected. When it premiered, people were calling it the poor-man's Studio 60. When it outlasted Studio 60, people finally gave it a chance. Happy Endings was so much better than anyone planned. It came out the same time as Traffic Light, Friends with Benefits, and Perfect Couples. They were all the same show! Somehow, Happy Endings was the only one that got renewed, because it was the best of the four, in my opinion.
  16. I did understand that Guess Who was a remake and they flipped the genders to make it a new "twist" on that topic. That was just the only example that came to mind where people aren't looking past race besides the couple. That's exactly the solution. If movies are made about individuals and individual experiences, we may not end up having so few points of view. I'm sure there is an Asian/Mexican/Greek girl somewhere who wanted to hang out with the popular girls (of varied races), so we should have a Mean Girls that isn't about white-only experiences. It's also unnecessary to make a movie with only one race represented. Black-Only movies like Precious (terrible example since I hate this movie) could have sprinkled in characters of other races. Any of Robert Rodriguez's movies could include some other races too, he makes a point of casting actors with Hispanic (?) heritage.
  17. Has Bunheads been mentioned? They deserved a second season after ending on a cliffhanger. Plus the dancers were played by actual dancers.
  18. Do you mean, "I thought you were Keisha?" She was funny.
  19. During this year's PaleyFest, Amy said she hated that part too. She felt it wasn't like Leslie to be messy.
  20. I think next week is a new episode. They played 2 countdowns in one week. Bad scheduling for sure.
  21. Tim Northern was very funny. Maybe he will be back next season. He made the joke about siamese twins connected at the hand that always win Red Rover. He also said something funny about an eye patch.
  22. House Bunny too! Although that may fit better in the "stupid movies I watch over and over" thread. Anna Faris really commits to her leading roles, but they are rarely expected to do well. We should have more confidence in our little Anna.
  23. I went to see Blended a few weeks ago. The movie had been in theaters for 3 weeks and not one person I knew had seen it. Thought it was going to be terrible, and it was pretty good.
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