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Everything posted by BoogieBurns

  1. I'd like to throw 30 Rock into consideration for best. All of the characters got to say goodbye in their own way. (This may be biased because Tracy Morgan is currently in ICU from a car accident. So 30 Rock is on my mind.) I was really going to vote for Parks and Rec, but then I remembered that was just a season finale. The show isn't even done! It felt so complete. Worst: HIMYM It's such a rare occurrence that shows get to end the right way. Usually they are cancelled without any closure, or they are dragged out and unrecognizable by the end. I appreciate the ones who tried to end how they started. Friends, The Office and Gilmore Girls all made an effort to come full circle. But not in the crappy way that HIMYM force-fed their "full-circle" ending. (Eff them.)
  2. She is just so boring. I don't even know if it's Robin or Cobie who bores me to death. I started HIMYM after reading about how similar each character was to a Friends character. Robin is no Rachel. It never even made sense that the HIMYM gang would hang with her. She was not relatable after the first 6 episodes. That show lasted for 9 seasons...
  3. Totally agree. This show is just flat-out good. I have seen such little promotion outside of Lennon and Jessica on twitter. This show isn't even going up against other new shows since it is summer. It could be a sleeper hit if they got more people to try it out.
  4. @dangwoodchucks Do not judge the season by this episode. There were some funny episodes earlier in the season. This was my least favorite episode since Schmidt's 29th birthday, The Story of the 50.
  5. I've learned from Saved by the Bell that there is no hope with dope. I learned from Barbara Walters interviewing Whitney Houston; crack is not only whack, but also cheap. (At the time Whitney made far too much money to smoke crack).
  6. Max and Camille on Parenthood. Max is giving Asberger's a bad name, that is not the way all Aspie people act. But Camille (the grandma) is the one I hate the most, she is supposed to be the matriarch to this close-nit family, but there is nothing warm or comforting about her. On a personal note, she acts like my stepmom, so she sucks. The role feels miscast, but also, the writing makes her seem like an outsider. She is so cold and distant.
  7. I stopped watching after the first 20 minutes. This show is losing my attention so quickly. Bieber makes anything unwatchable. Who threw up? I see you guys talking about it, and I think I heard Nigel ask for a trash can. Was it Uncle Nigel?
  8. I was home sick today, so I re-watched a lot of episodes. Since the show has ended, I have started to find more moments to love. As the saying goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." First episode that was completely under-appreciated is S6 Happy Hour. Really the entire arc with Isabel has basically been forgotten by most. She was out of Dwight's league, but I like her a lot. Angela was barking at Dwight about their sex contract Isabel just smacked her on the head like a whack-a-mole "whack!" Another thing that never got my attention was a line from S3 Beach Games. Dwight says to Angela, "If Michael organizes some sort of a group hug later, I want you to stand next to me." That's the most dysfunctional relationship and the sweetest. Also, Michael Scott is totally the type of person who would organize a group hug! Such great writing. Last thing, S6 New Leads is not a good episode. It gets worse on re-watch. The green screen is such low quality. Just skip it. Just knowing that Dwight and Angela are endgame makes their story so much richer. If she ended up with Andy that would have sucked. What episodes are you guys appreciating more now that you know how the show ends?
  9. I have re-watched the ending but skipped the Penny and Robin parts at the end. I decided to live in denial from here on out. Ted ends up with Tracy... happily ever after. So, I guess I am less upset with the way it ended, because in my head, it ended perfectly.
  10. I wonder if April and Andy will have kids in 2017. I definitely think they got a divorce and we will get to see a big ceremony for them. No, I take that back, their wedding was perfect. Joan Callamezzo is probably in rehab. Perd Hapley is going to be dating someone hotter than Ann Perkins (if that casting requirement is even possible.) I would love for Craig to be post-anger management in 2017, a la Andy Bernard.
  11. CBS did not pick up How I Met Your Dad Carter and Craig (along with Emily Spivey) were not willing to revamp their original pilot to appease CBS ptb. So, the show is trying to find another network to pick it up. Interesting how their egos may have ruined another good show...
  12. prican58, The brother is from The Office, he played Gabe.
  13. The extended episode is on hulu now.
  14. I hate the (un)availability of reruns! They suck. I was trying to watch old episodes on hulu plus, which is the only place that I can find them, and the episodes are so short. They remove all of the content. I understand about music rights and other crap, but 3 episodes played without showing a monologue. That's out of the 5 that I watched. Jamie Pressly hosted and they only included one sketch with her. Hulu is missing 25 seasons. They have 1-5 and 30-38. But nothing in between. Why can't we ever see the episode again? They even edit it OnDemand which is posted the following day. Sometimes I just want to binge on old episodes and they don't exist.
  15. Yup, she is the large woman who yells a lot. But she does actually know a bit about dance, so it will be interesting.
  16. Mike Schur says they will remain 3 years in the future.
  17. Well, this episode left me emotional. But, Keegan Michael Key is such a good choice for Donna's love interest. I like to see more about her life without making her a caricature. Was Tom in this episode at all? Craig kept me distracted enough not to notice. Good as always, but I still want to see how we end this season.
  18. Honey Roast was 100% created in Winston's brain. (Google verified)
  19. Schmidt was so comforted by that awkward greeting from Coach. He hugs back "I needed this". Lets the forehead kiss linger "delightful". And bows towards Coach like they have done this before. "to you too." My other favorite part: Winston (talking about his ideal party): ...I gotta go Honey Roast. Coach: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? DON'T SAY IT LIKE IT'S SOME THING WE KNOW! (Funny because there was a similar line on Mindy Project. Peter says, "Gotta think like a Peter". Mindy Replies "Hey pal, you gonna explain that? Or you just gonna walk away like that's your catchphrase and you're famous?")
  20. It was mentioned in the episode where she decided to be a bartender. Maybe repeated in the following episode as well. Schmidt tried to cheer her up by saying other people never graduated High School. "...Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Anne Frank-- I'm gonna take that last one back." ~ Schmidt
  21. I really like the bits with Fred. My sister comes over about once a week and we watch a clip or two (or three) about Fred's lies. Specifically we are huge fans of the "Confetti bank" and "Crouton Connection". Seth is great at setting up Fred for hilarious improv. The show is Seth's and I would never want Fred hosting a full hour on his own. I love Seth's dog too!
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